Session organised by
Assessing Technologies: Global Patterns of Trust and Distrust
Session Organizers:
Antonio BRANDAO MONIZ, Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, Germany, and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CICS.NOVA/IET), Portugal
Christina GOETZ, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany,
Nuno BOAVIDA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CICS.NOVA/IET), Portugal and
Constanze SCHERZ, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
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Public Trust in Health Information Sharing and Health Systems in the United States: A National Survey (Oral Presentation)
Jodyn PLATT, University of Michigan, USA; Daniel THIEL, University of Michigan School of Public Health, USA; Tevah PLATT, University of Michigan School of Public Health, USA; Nicole FISHER, University of Michigan School of Public Health, USA; Sharon KARDIA, University of Michigan School of Public Health, USA
The Development of Inter-Firm Trust: Cases from the Animation Game Industry (Distributed Paper)
Zheng LIU, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China; Yongjiang SHI, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom