João Carmo


CENIMAT/I3N, Departamento de Ciência dos Materiais, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT/UNL), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus da Caparica, Portugal

Integrated Master´s Degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering / NOVA School for Science and Technology, Caparica
Master thesis: “Solid electrolyte on paper with aluminum ions”

Working experience: 
01/2022- PRESENT
Research Fellow / CENIMAT/I3N, Caparica
Research Fellow at project ALL FIBRE
During this project, the main goal was producing flexible solid state electrolytes for coating on functionalized carbon fiber yarn with the intent to create a supercapacitor, with solar cells coated with nanoparticles, for flexible textiles/wearables,

07/2021 – 12/2021
Research Fellow / UCIBIO, Caparica
Research Fellow at project SMASUS
During this project, in the Biomolecular Engineering Lab from UCIBIO (FCT/NOVA), I accomplished the development of a humidity biosensor for the pharmaceutical industry, using proteins such as reflectins, and guanine nucleation composites as Bragg reflectors, and biomaterials like monosaccharides  and food grade color powders.

11/2019 – 12/2020
Research Fellow / CENIMAT/I3N, Caparica
Research Fellow at project Capsel
In the scope of this project, the goal was the development of high ionic for replacing lithium conductivity electrolytes based on aluminum. Synthesis of graphene, graphene oxide and expanded graphite with increased surface area, by electrochemical and physical chemical methods, with physical characterization for applications such as electrodes in batteries, capacitors, and supercapacitors. Electrical analysis and characterization (e.g., cyclic voltammetry - CV, cyclic continuous charge and discharge - CCD, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy - EIS

03/2015 – 10/2019
Bachelor Research Internship / UniNOVA, Caparica
Initiation to Research Internship at project TransFlexTeg
I engaged in TransFlexTeg project at the time of pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, which solidified the knowledge acquire during classesI achieved the synthesis of nanoparticles for thermoelectric applications, and synthesis of metal oxides for thermal evaporation. In parallel I also worked with a project CapTherPV. in the same research group, with the aim of development of membranes composed of mesoporous copolymers for applications in solar cells, development, and optimization of pastes for 3D printing, integration of polymeric dielectric with nanoparticles in transparent conductive oxides, for capturing photovoltaic energy and storage in the form of a semitransparent capacitor.
In all the projects I have participated in, I have been part of a multidisciplinary team, which gives a lot of knowledge in other areas, such as thermoelectric and solar cells, nanotechnology, biotechnology, CAD, 3D Printing and Bioprinting.
I also have interest in Python, AI, Data Analysis and Machine Learning.

Electrochemical exfoliation of graphene oxide from graphite rods, Guilherme Costa, João Carmo, Ana Gaspar, Ana Marques, Isabel Ferreira, CENIMAT/I3N, Departamento de Ciência dos Materiais, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica, Portugal Materials 2019

Bachelor project thesis for materials engineer:
Theme of thesis: Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Candidate: Lourenço Martinho Serra,
Adviser: Professor Isabel Ferreira
Co-adviser: João Carmo