Technology Assessment

Participation on the EPTA Conference 2019, Stockholm

The Portuguese chapter of the EPTA report 2019 is online. It was produced by the integrated CICS.NOVA members Ana P. Gil, António B. Moniz and José de São José, and the collaborator researchers Bettina Krings and Bárbara Bäckström. The complete version of the report is here.

The 2019 EPTA report on "Technologies in care for older people" is now available online.

Project AddTech

The AddTech project is a collaboration between CATIM, CICS.NOVA and FCT NOVA to support the empirical study for the PhD research of Nuno Carvalho Araújo. It is a project on technology assessment of additive manufacturing in the metal sector in Portugal. It runs at the Observatory of Technology Assessment of CICS.NOVA

More info at:

Sessão de lançamento do projeto InovKnow3D

No próximo dia 27 de fevereiro terá lugar nas instalações do CATIM em Lisboa (Estrada do Paço do Lumiar, 22 - Campus do Lumiar, Edifício Q), a Sessão de Lançamento do Projeto InovKnow3D.

O Projeto InovKnow3D visa transferir conhecimento científico e tecnológico associado à tecnologia de Manufatura Aditiva, fomentando a incorporação da mesma no processo produtivo da indústria.

3rd phase of applications for the PhD research on Technology Assessment (2018-2022)

The applications for the PhD programme on TA are already open (3rd phase, 2019-2023). The links to follow are:

Lecture series (2-4 May, 2018)

Prof. António B. Moniz will provide a series of lectures at University NOVA Lisbon for the PhD programme on Technology Assessment about the topic "Work and Technology under the Industry 4.0 debate".

The lectures will take place at Caparica Campus from 2 to 4 May. Registrations can be made at

3rd European Technology Assessment Conference

The 3rd European Technology Assessment Conference will take place in University College Cork (UCC) on May 17th - 19th 2017. The aim of the conference is to discuss how technology assessment and related activities such as science and technology studies, responsible research and innovation (RRI), public engagement, and foresight can strongly contribute to knowledge-based policy-making on science, technology and innovation, to engage policymakers and other stakeholders in this endeavour, and to learn from each other’s perspectives.  

Michael Decker new Head of Division at KIT

ITAS Director and PhD theses supervisor at FCT-UNL took over leading position at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The Professor of Technology Assessment wants to keep close contact with the Institute and the scientific TA community.
