Conferences and other events

- 2nd Chem2Nature Workshop, Porto, Portugal (November 2017)

- TERMSTEM, Porto, Portugal (November 2017)

- Multidisciplinary Seminar Series, Unversitat Rovira I Vrigili, Tarragona, Spain (February 2018)

- ECO-BIO 2018, Dublin, Ireland (March 2018)

- 8th LAQV/UCBIO Conference Cycle, Caparica, Portugal (March 2018)

- VI Nacional Meeting of Chemical Engineering students, Caparica, Portugal (March 2018)

- 6PYChem, Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting, Setúbal, Portugal (May 2018)

- 3rd Green & Sustainable Chemistry, Berlin, Germany (May 2018)

- FLUCOMP 2018, Madrid, Spain (June 2018)

- IUPAC Postgraduate Summer School on Green Chemistry, Venice, Italy (July 2018)

- 7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Liverpool, United Kingdom (August 2018)

- 10th EuCheMS Organic Division Young Investigators Workshop, Oxford, UK (August 2018)

- Biobarriers 2018, Saarbrücken, Germany (August 2018)

- Workshop "Valorising field wastes - the next steps?", Nottingham, UK (November 2018)

10 th International Conference on Skin Aging and Challenges, Porto, Portugal (February 2019)

17th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF 2019), Ciudad Real, Spain (April 2019)

PPEPPD 2019 (International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design), Vancouver, Canada (May 2019)

 ISGC 2019 (International Symposium of Green Chemistry), La Rochelle, France (May 2019)

- 1st International Meeting on Deep Eutectic Systems, Lisboa, Portugal (June 2019)

23rd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference/9th International Conference on Green & Sustainable Chemistry, Reston, VA, USA (June 2019)

- IC2AR 2019 (3rd International Caparica Conference in Antibiotic Resistance 2019), Caparica, Portugal (June 2019)

- Natural Products in Drug Discovery and Human Health, Lisboa, Portugal (July 2019)

4th International Conference on Ionic Liquids in Separation & Purification Technology 2019, Sitges, Spain (September 2019)

- 2nd Food Chemistry Conference, Seville, Spain (September 2019)

I Bioactive Natural Products Research Meeting 2019, Lisbon, Portugal (September 2019)

- 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Materials for Healthcare Applications, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (October 2019)

- Society for Slow Temperature Biology Meeting 2019, Seville Spain (October 2019)

TERM STEM 2019, Braga, Portugal (November 2019)

- IC3TC 2019 (3rd International Caparica Christmas Conference on Translational Chemistry), Caparica, Portugal (December 2019)

- EIFS 2020 - 1º Iberian Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (February 2020)

- 1st GREENERING International Conference (February 2021)
