On April 8th, Viviana Correia was awarded the Prize for Best Poster entitled “Implementation of the Microarray Technology for studying molecular interactions of the bacterial Cellulosome”, in the 3rd ENURS & ESRF Day, that took place in Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (http://xtal.dq.fct.unl.pt/ENURS_book_page28.pdf).
The awarded work focuses on the implementation of the microarray technology for studying molecular interactions of the Cellulossome and is under the supervision of Dr. Angelina Palma and Benedita Pinheiro. The Cellulosome is a bacterial multi-enzymatic complex, highly efficient in plant cell wall polysaccharide biodegradation. The microarrays will allow studying, in sensitive and high-throughput manner the specificity of molecular interactions (protein-protein and protein-carbohydrate) important for Cellulosome function. The newly identified complexes will be further characterized at an atomic level by X-Ray Crystallography. More information about the 3rd ENURS & ESRF Day meeting available athttp://issuu.com/enurs/docs/final_enurs_book/1.
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