
Diogo  Sousa

Diogo Sousa

MSc Student @ FCT-UNL / CITI

MSc dissertation: Thread-Safe Library Analysis Based on Contracts
September 2012 — September 2013
Papers in Journals: ComSIS 8(2) 2011 (DOI).
Papers in International Conferences and Workshops: PADTAD'12 (DOI), PADTAD 2010 (DOI), PADTAD 2009 (DOI)
Papers in national conferences: INForum'12 (link), INForum'10 (link)
Work context: Synergy-VM project (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. João Lourenço)

Helder  Martins

Helder Martins

MSc Student @ FCT-UNL / CITI

MSc dissertation: Distributed Replicated Macro-Components
September 2012 — September 2013
Papers: Poster @ INForum 2012
Work context: RepComp project (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. Nuno Preguiça)

Joana  Roque

Joana Roque

MSc Student @ FCT-UNL / CITI

MSc dissertation: A Transactional Memory-based Caching System for Hybernate
September 2012 — September 2013
Work context: Synergy-VM project (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. João Lourenço

João  Lourenço

João Lourenço

Assistant Professor @ FCT-UNL / CITI — Principal Investigator

Dep. Informática — FCT/UNL Quinta da Torre P-28029-516 CAPARICA Portugal

João Lourenço has received his doctoral degree from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, in 2004, where he holds a position as Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department.  He is in a member of the steering committee of the PADTAD Workshop Series, a member of the advisory board of the Euro-Par Conference Series, and a member of the Management Committee of the Euro-TM COST action. His primary research interests are in in-memory data management, and static and dynamic program analysis for anomaly detection in concurrent programs.  Recentrly he spent 3 months of his sabbatical leave at the IBM Research Laboratories in Haifa, Israel.

João Eduardo Luís

João Eduardo Luís

MSc Student @ FCT-UNL / CITI

João Luís worked in Synergy-VM during his MSc thesis, form September 2010 to October 2011. João modified the Btrfs Linux kernel module to add a transactional API to this filesystem while maintaining the original POSIX compatibility.

Period: March 2011 — October 2011

João Pedro Marques Silva

MSc Student @ IST-UTL / INESC-ID Lisboa

João  Silva

João Silva

MSc Student @ FCT-UNL / CITI

José  Simão

José Simão

PhD Student @ IST-UTL / INESC-ID Lisboa

Luís  Veiga

Luís Veiga

Assistant Professor @ IST-UTL / INESC - Local Research Coordinator@IST

Luís Veiga is the local coordinator of Synergy-VM at Inesc-ID.

Navaneeth Rameshan

MSc Student @ IST-UTL / INESC-ID Lisboa

Nuno  Preguiça

Nuno Preguiça

Assistant Professor @ FCT-UNL / CITI

Pedro Sampaio

PhD Student @ IST-UTL / INESC-ID Lisboa

Ricardo  Dias

Ricardo Dias

PhD Student @ FCT-UNL / CITI

Ricardo Dias is a PhD student and a major contributor for Synergy-VM, playing the role of technical officer in the project.  He has developed StarTM, a shape analysis tool for modeling the heap in managed memory programs (e.g., Java bytecode) and extracting abstract read and write sets, which can be used for multiple run-time optimizations.

Period: Since March 2011

Tiago  Vale

Tiago Vale

MSc Student @ FCT-UNL / CITI

Vasco  Pessanha

Vasco Pessanha

MSc Student @ FCT-UNL / CITI

Vasco worked in the Synergy-VM project from September 2010 until October 2011, while developing his MSc thesis.

Vasco was the main developer of MoTH, a practical verification tool for detecting atomicity violations in transactional memory programs. A preliminary version of his work was presented at PATAD 2011 (see publications) and a paper describing the final system was submitted and is under evaluation.

Period: March 2011 — October 2011