Diogo Sousa

MSc Student @ FCT-UNL / CITI

MSc dissertation: Thread-Safe Library Analysis Based on Contracts
September 2012 — September 2013
Papers in Journals: ComSIS 8(2) 2011 (DOI).
Papers in International Conferences and Workshops: PADTAD'12 (DOI), PADTAD 2010 (DOI), PADTAD 2009 (DOI)
Papers in national conferences: INForum'12 (link), INForum'10 (link)
Work context: Synergy-VM project (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. João Lourenço)

Diogo Sousa is currently working in his MSc thesis entitled "Thread-Safe Library Analysis Based on Contracts".  Additionally, he is adapting MoTH, our static analysis tool for detecting of high-level data races, to use a Single Static Assignment internal data representation and then will inroduce points-to and happens-before analysis to the tool.

Diogo is working with me since he was a bachelor student (November 2008). He has undertake multiple small tasks and also conducted some research of his own related to the Detection of Anomalies in Transactional Memory Programs.