
New article just accepted!

Ana and Carla lead an article that has just been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports which is due for publication next week. Thw work, appended to our project GreenTech, results from a collaboration between UCIBIO and LAQV and deals on the distribution and chemical characterisation of porphyrinoids from the marine Polychaeta Eulalia

More information will be added as soon as the paper is made public.

New funded research in prospect

Project WormALL, led by the SeaTox Lab, has just been proposed for funding via FCT. This important deavour, which will allow continuing and expanding the work of GreenTech, is also dedidicate to Marine Biology, Bioprospecting and  Marine Biotechnology. As we just received the news, starting date is pending.

New publication in Scientific Reports

We just published a new article on Eulalia and its toxins, our case study in project GreenTech, in Scientific Reports. May be accessed here

Project GreenTech in Science Impact

GreenTech in science diffusion media! See the publication about our project here