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Moniz, A.  1994.  Hipóteses para uma hibrida{\c c}ão de um sistema flex{\'ıvel de produ{\c c}ão[Hipothesis for a flexible production system hybridation], Nov. , Number 7192: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

In this paper one presents and discuss the hybridation concept using some aspect that integrate it, as the physical architecture of automated systems (hardware), the information system that integrates that architecture and the working places design. Analyzed are also the inter-dependences of those aspects, and we have as a reference the flexible production and assembly system existent at UNINOVA-CRI. The focus is made on possible problems that can occur with the use of possible development of those systems, namely: a) full automation with centralized human control, b) non-automated process of shop-floor work with a system “one man, one machine”, c) hybrid system of automated cells with “elastic” human jobs.

Moniz, A.  1994.  {Hipóteses para uma hibridação de um sistema flexível de produção[Hipothesis for a flexible production system hybridation]}, Nov. , Number 7192: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

In this paper one presents and discuss the hybridation concept using some aspect that integrate it, as the physical architecture of automated systems (hardware), the information system that integrates that architecture and the working places design. Analyzed are also the inter-dependences of those aspects, and we have as a reference the flexible production and assembly system existent at UNINOVA-CRI. The focus is made on possible problems that can occur with the use of possible development of those systems, namely: a) full automation with centralized human control, b) non-automated process of shop-floor work with a system “one man, one machine”, c) hybrid system of automated cells with “elastic” human jobs.

Palma, PN, Moura I, Legall J, Van Beeumen J, Wampler JE, Moura JJ.  1994.  Evidence for a ternary complex formed between flavodoxin and cytochrome c3: 1H-NMR and molecular modeling studies, May 31. Biochemistry. 33:6394-407., Number 21 AbstractWebsite

Small electron-transfer proteins such as flavodoxin (16 kDa) and the tetraheme cytochrome c3 (13 kDa) have been used to mimic, in vitro, part of the complex electron-transfer chain operating between substrate electron donors and respiratory electron acceptors, in sulfate-reducing bacteria (Desulfovibrio species). The nature and properties of the complex formed between these proteins are revealed by 1H-NMR and molecular modeling approaches. Our previous study with the Desulfovibrio vulgaris proteins [Moura, I., Moura, J.J. G., Santos, M.H., & Xavier, A. V. (1980) Cienc. Biol. (Portugal) 5, 195-197; Stewart, D.E. LeGall, J., Moura, I., Moura, J. J. G., Peck, H.D. Jr., Xavier, A. V., Weiner, P. K., & Wampler, J.E. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 2444-2450] indicated that the complex between cytochrome c3 and flavodoxin could be monitored by changes in the NMR signals of the heme methyl groups of the cytochrome and that the electrostatic surface charge (Coulomb's law) on the two proteins favored interaction between one unique heme of the cytochrome with flavodoxin. If the interaction is indeed driven by the electrostatic complementarity between the acidic flavodoxin and a unique positive region of the cytochrome c3, other homologous proteins from these two families of proteins might be expected to interact similarly. In this study, three homologous Desulfovibrio cytochromes c3 were used, which show a remarkable variation in their individual isoelectric points (ranging from 5.5 to 9.5). On the basis of data obtained from protein-protein titrations followed at specific proton NMR signals (i.e., heme methyl resonances), a binding model for this complex has been developed with evaluation of stoichiometry and binding constants. This binding model involves one site on the cytochromes c3 and two sites on the flavodoxin, with formation of a ternary complex at saturation. In order to understand the potential chemical form of the binding model, a structural model for the hypothetical ternary complex, formed between one molecule of Desulfovibrio salexigens flavodoxin and two molecules of cytochrome c3, is proposed. These molecular models of the complexes were constructed on the basis of complementarity of Coulombic electrostatic surface potentials, using the available X-ray structures of the isolated proteins and, when required, model structures (D. salexigens flavodoxin and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 cytochrome c3) predicted by homology modeling.

Macedo, AL, Moura I, Surerus KK, Papaefthymiou V, Liu MY, Legall J, Munck E, Moura JJ.  1994.  Thiol/disulfide formation associated with the redox activity of the [Fe3S4] cluster of Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin II. 1H NMR and Mossbauer spectroscopic study, Mar 18. J Biol Chem. 269:8052-8., Number 11 AbstractWebsite

Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin II (FdII) is a small protein (alpha 4 subunit structure as isolated; M(r) approximately 6400 per subunit; 6 cysteine residues) containing one Fe3S4 cluster per alpha-subunit. The x-ray structure of FdII has revealed a disulfide bridge formed by Cys-18 and Cys-42 approximately 13 A away from the center of the cluster; moreover, the x-ray structure indicates that Cys-11 forms a disulfide bridge with a methanethiol. In the oxidized state, FdIIoxm the 1H NMR spectra, exhibit four low-field contact-shifted resonances at 29, 24, 18, and 15.5 ppm whereas the reduced state, FdIIR (S = 2), yields two features at +18.5 and -11 ppm. In the course of studying the redox behavior of FdII, we have discovered a stable intermediate, FdIIint, that yields 1H resonances at 24, 21.5, 21, and 14 ppm. This intermediate appears in the potential range where the cluster (E'0 approximately -130 mV) is reduced from the [Fe3S4]1+ to the [Fe3S4]0 state. FdIIint is observed during reductive titrations with dithionite or hydrogen/hydrogenase or after partial oxidation of FdIIR by 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol or air. Our studies show that a total of three electrons per alpha-subunit are transferred to FdII. Our experiments demonstrate the absence of a methanethiol-Cys-11 linkage in our preparations, and we propose that two of the three electrons are used for the reduction of the disulfide bridge. Mossbauer (and EPR) studies show that the Fe3S4 cluster of FdIIint is at the same oxidation level as FdIIox, but indicate some changes in the exchange couplings among the three ferric sites. Our data suggest that the differences in the NMR and Mossbauer spectra of FdIIox and FdIIint result from conformational changes attending the breaking or formation of the disulfide bridge. The present study suggests that experiments be undertaken to explore an in vivo redox function for the disulfide bridge.

Thoenes, U, Flores OL, Neves A, Devreese B, Van Beeumen JJ, Huber R, Romao MJ, Legall J, Moura JJ, Rodrigues-Pousada C.  1994.  Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the gene of the molybdenum-containing aldehyde oxido-reductase of Desulfovibrio gigas. The deduced amino acid sequence shows similarity to xanthine dehydrogenase, Mar 15. Eur J Biochem. 220:901-10., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

In this report, we describe the isolation of a 4020-bp genomic PstI fragment of Desulfovibrio gigas harboring the aldehyde oxido-reductase gene. The aldehyde oxido-reductase gene spans 2718 bp of genomic DNA and codes for a protein with 906 residues. The protein sequence shows an average 52% (+/- 1.5%) similarity to xanthine dehydrogenase from different organisms. The codon usage of the aldehyde oxidoreductase is almost identical to a calculated codon usage of the Desulfovibrio bacteria.

Caldeira, J, Palma PN, Regalla M, Lampreia J, Calvete J, Schafer W, Legall J, Moura I, Moura JJ.  1994.  Primary sequence, oxidation-reduction potentials and tertiary-structure prediction of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 flavodoxin, Mar 15. Eur J Biochem. 220:987-95., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

Flavodoxin was isolated and purified from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, a sulfate-reducing organism that can also utilize nitrate as an alternative electron acceptor. Mid-point oxidation-reduction potentials of this flavodoxin were determined by ultraviolet/visible and EPR methods coupled to potentiometric measurements and their pH dependence studied in detail. The redox potential E2, for the couple oxidized/semiquinone forms at pH 6.7 and 25 degrees C is -40 mV, while the value for the semiquinone/hydroquinone forms (E1), at the same pH, -387 mV. E2 varies linearly with pH, while E1 is independent of pH at high values. However, at low pH (< 7.0), this value is less negative, compatible with a redox-linked protonation of the flavodoxin hydroquinone. A comparative study is presented for Desulfovibrio salexigens NCIB 8403 flavodoxin [Moura, I., Moura, J.J.G., Bruschi, M. & LeGall, J. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 591, 1-8]. The complete primary amino acid sequence was obtained by automated Edman degradation from peptides obtained by chemical and enzymic procedures. The amino acid sequence was confirmed by FAB/MS. Using the previously determined tridimensional structure of Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin as a model [similarity, 48.6%; Watenpaugh, K.D., Sieker, L.C., Jensen, L.H., LeGall, J. & Dubourdieu M. (1972) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 69, 3185-3188], the tridimensional structure of D. desulfuricans ATCC 27774 flavodoxin was predicted using AMBER force-field calculations.

Ferreira, GC, Franco R, Lloyd SG, Pereira AS, Moura I, Moura JJ, Huynh BH.  1994.  Mammalian ferrochelatase, a new addition to the metalloenzyme family, Mar 11. J Biol Chem. 269:7062-5., Number 10 AbstractWebsite

A [2Fe-2S] cluster has been detected in mammalian ferrochelatase, the terminal enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway. Natural ferrochelatase, purified from mouse livers, and recombinant ferrochelatase, purified from an overproducing strain of Escherichia coli, were investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and Mossbauer spectroscopy. In their reduced forms, both the natural and recombinant ferrochelatases exhibited an identical EPR signal with g values (g = 2.00, 1.93, and 1.90) and relaxation properties typical of [2Fe-2S]+ cluster. Mossbauer spectra of the recombinant ferrochelatase, purified from a strain of E. coli cells transformed with a plasmid encoding murine liver ferrochelatase and grown in 57Fe-enriched medium, demonstrated unambiguously that the cluster is a [2Fe-2S] cluster. No change in the cluster oxidation state was observed during catalysis. The putative protein binding site for the Fe-S cluster in mammalian ferrochelatases is absent from the sequences of the bacterial and yeast enzymes, suggesting a possible role of the [2Fe-2S] center in regulation of mammalian ferrochelatases.

Gilmour, R, Goodhew CF, Pettigrew GW, Prazeres S, Moura JJ, Moura I.  1994.  The kinetics of the oxidation of cytochrome c by Paracoccus cytochrome c peroxidase, Jun 15. Biochem J. 300 ( Pt 3):907-14. AbstractWebsite

In work that is complementary to our investigation of the spectroscopic features of the cytochrome c peroxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans [Gilmour, Goodhew, Pettigrew, Prazeres, Moura and Moura (1993) Biochem. J. 294, 745-752], we have studied the kinetics of oxidation of cytochrome c by this enzyme. The enzyme, as isolated, is in the fully oxidized form and is relatively inactive. Reduction of the high-potential haem at pH 6 with ascorbate results in partial activation of the enzyme. Full activation is achieved by addition of 1 mM CaCl2. Enzyme activation is associated with formation of a high-spin state at the oxidized low-potential haem. EGTA treatment of the oxidized enzyme prevents activation after reduction with ascorbate, while treatment with EGTA of the reduced, partially activated, form abolishes the activity. We conclude that the active enzyme is a mixed-valence form with the low-potential haem in a high-spin state that is stabilized by Ca2+. Dilution of the enzyme results in a progressive loss of activity, the extent of which depends on the degree of dilution. Most of the activity lost upon dilution can be recovered after reconcentration. The M(r) of the enzyme on molecular-exclusion chromatography is concentration-dependent, with a shift to lower values at lower concentrations. Values of M(r) obtained are intermediate between those of a monomer (39,565) and a dimer. We propose that the active form of the enzyme is a dimer which dissociates at high dilution to give inactive monomers. From the activity of the enzyme at different dilutions, a KD of 0.8 microM can be calculated for the monomerdimer equilibrium. The cytochrome c peroxidase oxidizes horse ferrocytochrome c with first-order kinetics, even at high ferrocytochrome c concentrations. The maximal catalytic-centre activity ('turnover number') under the assay conditions used is 62,000 min-1, with a half-saturating ferrocytochrome c concentration of 3.3 microM. The corresponding values for the Paracoccus cytochrome c-550 (presumed to be the physiological substrate) are 85,000 min-1 and 13 microM. However, in this case, the kinetics deviate from first-order progress curves at all ferrocytochrome c concentrations. Consideration of the periplasmic environment in Paracoccus denitrificans leads us to propose that the enzyme will be present as the fully active dimer supplied with saturating ferrocytochrome c-550.

Rezende, SM, Moura JA, de Aguiar FM, Schreiner WH.  1994.  Ferromagnetic resonance of Fe(111) thin films and Fe(111)/Cu(111) multilayers, Jun 1. Phys Rev B Condens Matter. 49:15105-15109., Number 21 AbstractWebsite
Moniz, A.  1994.  The automobile sector and the organisation of the industrial space: the case of Setúbal Region (Portugal), Jul. , Number 7503: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

This paper is based on a study about the Setúbal region, included in the internacional project “The Future of Industry in Europe” for the programme FAST-MONITOR of the European Community (1992-94). There were some information on the project VW/Ford for this region and those that are connected with research networks on industrial sectors (specially, on the automobile industry), and the network on the spatial and regional factors of regional development. Those studies allowed the scenario development on evolution trends of European industry and, specifically, on the automobile sector, and on the Setúbal region that was studied by the Portuguese team.

Pereira, Z, Kovács I, Moniz A.  1994.  Quality and work organization with advanced automation in Portugal, Jul. , Number 7567: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

In this paper it is analysed the relationships between work organisation and quality systems in firms that uses some forms of advanced automation. Are characterised the existing quality control structures in the Portuguese industry, and the main factors that hidden or fosters the development of sociotechnical methods of quality control organisation strategies. Are analysed some industrial cases that explains more clearly the critical issues of the implementation of quality systems and work organisation systems. A few recommendations are given about the possibilities for the development of new forms of work organisation and the quality systems associated to automated manufacturing systems.

Kovács, I, Moniz A.  1994.  Trends for the development of anthropocentric production systems in small less industrialised countries: The case of Portugal, Jul. , Number 6551: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

This paper analyses the problems and trends of the introduction of anthropocentric production systems (APS) in small less industrialized member states of the European Union, specifically the case of Portugal, based on the report for the FAST-Anthropocentric Technology Assessment Project (Monitor Programme) on “Prospects and conditions for APS in Europe by the 21st century”. Research teams from all countries of the European Community, as well as researchers from USA, Japan and Australia were participating in this project. The aim of this paper is to characterize APS and to present some special considerations related to the socioeconomic factors affecting the prospects and conditions for APS in Portugal. APS is defined as a system based on the utilization of skilled human resources and flexible technology adapted to the needs of flexible and participative organization. Among socioeconomic factors, some critical aspects for the development of APS will be focused, namely technological infrastructure, management strategies, perceived impact of introduction of automated systems on the division of labor and organizational structure, educational and vocational training and social actors strategies towards industrial automation. This analysis is based on a sample of industrial firms, built up for qualitative analysis, and on case studies analysis that can be reference examples for further development of APS, and not just for economic policy purposes alone. We have also analyzed the type of existing industrial relations, the union and employer strategies and some aspects of public policies towards the introduction of new technologies in the order to understand the extent to which there exist obstacles to and favorable conditions for the diffusion of anthropocentric systems. Finally some recommendations are presented to stress the trends for the implementation and development of anthropocentric production systems in Portugal.

Pereira, Z, Kovács I, Moniz A.  1994.  {Quality and work organization with advanced automation in Portugal}, Jul. , Number 7567: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

In this paper it is analysed the relationships between work organisation and quality systems in firms that uses some forms of advanced automation. Are characterised the existing quality control structures in the Portuguese industry, and the main factors that hidden or fosters the development of sociotechnical methods of quality control organisation strategies. Are analysed some industrial cases that explains more clearly the critical issues of the implementation of quality systems and work organisation systems. A few recommendations are given about the possibilities for the development of new forms of work organisation and the quality systems associated to automated manufacturing systems.

Moniz, A.  1994.  {The automobile sector and the organisation of the industrial space: the case of Setúbal Region (Portugal)}, Jul. , Number 7503: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

This paper is based on a study about the Setúbal region, included in the internacional project “The Future of Industry in Europe” for the programme FAST-MONITOR of the European Community (1992-94). There were some information on the project VW/Ford for this region and those that are connected with research networks on industrial sectors (specially, on the automobile industry), and the network on the spatial and regional factors of regional development. Those studies allowed the scenario development on evolution trends of European industry and, specifically, on the automobile sector, and on the Setúbal region that was studied by the Portuguese team.

Kovács, I, Moniz A.  1994.  {Trends for the development of anthropocentric production systems in small less industrialised countries: The case of Portugal}, Jul. , Number 6551: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

This paper analyses the problems and trends of the introduction of anthropocentric production systems (APS) in small less industrialized member states of the European Union, specifically the case of Portugal, based on the report for the FAST-Anthropocentric Technology Assessment Project (Monitor Programme) on “Prospects and conditions for APS in Europe by the 21st century”. Research teams from all countries of the European Community, as well as researchers from USA, Japan and Australia were participating in this project. The aim of this paper is to characterize APS and to present some special considerations related to the socioeconomic factors affecting the prospects and conditions for APS in Portugal. APS is defined as a system based on the utilization of skilled human resources and flexible technology adapted to the needs of flexible and participative organization. Among socioeconomic factors, some critical aspects for the development of APS will be focused, namely technological infrastructure, management strategies, perceived impact of introduction of automated systems on the division of labor and organizational structure, educational and vocational training and social actors strategies towards industrial automation. This analysis is based on a sample of industrial firms, built up for qualitative analysis, and on case studies analysis that can be reference examples for further development of APS, and not just for economic policy purposes alone. We have also analyzed the type of existing industrial relations, the union and employer strategies and some aspects of public policies towards the introduction of new technologies in the order to understand the extent to which there exist obstacles to and favorable conditions for the diffusion of anthropocentric systems. Finally some recommendations are presented to stress the trends for the implementation and development of anthropocentric production systems in Portugal.

Moreno, C, Macedo AL, Moura I, Legall J, Moura JJ.  1994.  Redox properties of Desulfovibrio gigas [Fe3S4] and [Fe4S4] ferredoxins and heterometal cubane-type clusters formed within the [Fe3S4] core. Square wave voltammetric studies, Feb 15. J Inorg Biochem. 53:219-34., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

The same polypeptide chain (58 amino acids, 6 cysteines) is used to build up two ferredoxins in Desulfovibrio gigas a sulfate reducing organism. Ferredoxin II (FdII) contains a single [Fe3S4] core and ferredoxin I (FdI) mainly a [Fe4S4] core. The [Fe3S4] core can readily be interconverted into a [Fe4S4] complex (J.J.G. Moura, I. Moura, T.A. Kent, J.D. Lipscomb, B.H. Huynh, J. LeGall, A.V. Xavier, and E. Munck, J. Biol. Chem. 257, 6259 (1982)). This interconversion process suggested that the [Fe3S4] core could be used as a synthetic precursor for the formation of heterometal clusters. Co, Zn, Cd, and Ni derivatives were produced (I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura, E. Munck, V. Papaephthymiou, and J. LeGall, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108, 349 (1986), K. Sureurs, E. Munck, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura, and J. LeGall, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 109, 3805 (1986), and A.L. Macedo, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura, K. Surerus, and E. Munck, unpublished results). The redox properties of a series of heterometal clusters (MFe3S4] are assessed using direct electrochemistry (square wave voltammetry--SWV) promoted by Mg(II) at a glassy carbon electrode (derivatives: Cd (-495 mV), Fe (-420 mV), Ni (-360 mV), and Co (-245 mV) vs normal hydrogen electrode (NHE)). In parallel, the electrochemical behavior (cyclic voltammetry--CV, differential pulse voltammetry--DPV and SWV) of FdI and FdII were investigated as well as the cluster interconversion process. In addition to the +1/0 (3Fe cluster) and +2/+1 (4Fe cluster) redox transitions, a very negative redox step, at -690 mV, was detected for the 3Fe core, reminiscent of a postulated further 2e- reduction step, as proposed for D. africanus ferredoxin III by F.A. Armstrong, S.J. George, R. Cammack, E.C. Hatchikian, and A.J. Thomson, Biochem. J. 264, 265 (1989). The electrochemical redox potential values are compared with those determined by independent methods (namely by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and visible spectroscopy).

De Francesco, R, Edmondson DE, Moura I, Moura JJ, Legall J.  1994.  Kinetic studies on the electron-transfer reaction between cytochrome c3 and flavodoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris strain Hildenborough, Aug 30. Biochemistry. 33:10386-92., Number 34 AbstractWebsite

The kinetic properties of the electron-transfer process between reduced Desulfovibrio vulgaris cytochrome c3 and D. vulgaris flavodoxin have been studied by anaerobic stopped-flow techniques. Anaerobic titrations of reduced cytochrome c3 with oxidized flavodoxin show a stoichiometry of 4 mol of flavodoxin required to oxidize the tetraheme cytochrome. Flavodoxin neutral semiquinone and oxidized cytochrome c3 are the only observable products of the reaction. At pH 7.5, the four-electron-transfer reaction is biphasic. Both the rapid and the slow phases exhibit limiting rates as the flavodoxin concentration is increased with respective rates of 73.4 and 18.5 s-1 and respective Kd values of 65.9 +/- 9.4 microM and 54.5 +/- 13 microM. A biphasic electron-transfer rate is observed when the ionic strength is increased to 100 mM KCl; however, the observed rate is no longer saturable, and relative second-order rate constants of 5.3 x 10(5) and 8.5 x 10(4) M-1 s-1 are calculated. The magnitude of the rapid phase of electron transfer diminishes with the level of heme reduction when varying reduced levels of the cytochrome are mixed with oxidized flavodoxin. No rapid phase is observed when 0.66e(-)-reduced cytochrome c3 reacts with an approximately 25-fold molar excess of flavodoxin. At pH 6.0, the electron-transfer reaction is monophasic with a limiting rate of 42 +/- 1.4 s-1 and a Kd value of approximately 8 microM. Increasing the ionic strength of the pH 6.0 solution to 100 microM KCl results in a biphasic reaction with relative second-order rate constants of 5.3 x 10(5) and 1.1 x 10(4) M-1 s-1. Azotobacter vinelandii flavodoxin reacts with reduced D. vulgaris cytochrome c3 in a slow, monophasic manner with limiting rate of electron transfer of 1.2 +/- 0.06 s-1 and a Kd value of 80.9 +/- 10.7 microM. These results are discussed in terms of two equilibrium conformational states for the cytochrome which are dependent on the pH of the medium and the level of heme reduction [Catarino et al. (1991) Eur. J. Biochem. 207, 1107-1113].

De Francesco, R, Edmondson DE, Moura I, Moura JJG, Legall J.  1994.  Kinetic-Studies On The Electron-Transfer Reaction Between Cytochrome-C(3) And Flavodoxin From Desulfovibrio-vulgaris Strain Hildenborough, Aug 30. Biochemistry. 33:10386-10392., Number 34 AbstractWebsite

The kinetic properties of the electron-transfer process between reduced Desulfovibrio vulgaris cytochrome c(3) and D. vulgaris flavodoxin have been studied by anaerobic stopped-flow techniques. Anaerobic titrations of reduced cytochrome c(3) with oxidized flavodoxin show a stoichiometry of 4 mol of flavodoxin required to oxidize the tetraheme cytochrome. Flavodoxin neutral semiquinone and oxidized cytochrome c(3) are the only observable products of the reaction. At pH 7.5, the four-electron-transfer reaction is biphasic. Both the rapid and the slow phases exhibit limiting rates as the flavodoxin concentration is increased with respective rates of 73.4 and 18.5 s(-1) and respective K-d values of 65.9 +/- 9.4 mu M and 54.5 +/- 13 CIM. A biphasic electron-transfer rate is observed when the ionic strength is increased to 100 mM KCl; however, the observed rate is no longer saturable, and relative second-order rate constants of 5.3 X 10(5) and 8.5 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) are calculated. The magnitude of the rapid phase of electron transfer diminishes with the level of heme reduction when varying reduced levels of the cytochrome are mixed with oxidized flavodoxin. No rapid phase is observed when 0.66e(-)-reduced cytochrome c(3) reacts with an similar to 25-fold molar excess of flavodoxin. At pH 6.0, the electron-transfer reaction is monophasic with a limiting rate of 42 +/- 1.4 s(-1) and a Kd value of similar to 8 mu M. Increasing the ionic strength of the pH 6.0 solution to 100 mu M KCl results in a biphasic reaction with relative second-order rate constants of 5.3 x 10(5) and 1.1 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) Azotobacter vinelandii flavodoxin reacts with reduced D. vulgaris cytochrome cs in a slow, monophasic manner with limiting rate of electron transfer of 1.2 +/- 0.06 s(-1) and a K-d value of 80.9 +/- 10.7 mu M. These results are discussed in terms of two equilibrium conformational states for the cytochrome which are dependent on the pH of the medium and the level of heme reduction [Catarino et al. (1991) Eur. J. Biochem. 207, 1107-1113].

Tavares, P, Ravi N, Moura JJ, Legall J, Huang YH, Crouse BR, Johnson MK, Huynh BH, Moura I.  1994.  Spectroscopic properties of desulfoferrodoxin from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (ATCC 27774), Apr 8. J Biol Chem. 269:10504-10., Number 14 AbstractWebsite

Desulfoferrodoxin, a non-heme iron protein, was purified previously from extracts of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (ATCC 27774) (Moura, I., Tavares, P., Moura, J. J. G., Ravi, N., Huynh, B. H., Liu, M.-Y., and LeGall, J. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 21596-21602). The as-isolated protein displays a pink color (pink form) and contains two mononuclear iron sites in different oxidation states: a ferric site (center I) with a distorted tetrahedral sulfur coordination similar to that found in desulforedoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas and a ferrous site (center II) octahedrally coordinated with predominantly nitrogen/oxygen-containing ligands. A new form of desulfoferrodoxin which displays a gray color (gray form) has now been purified. Optical, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and Mossbauer data of the gray desulfoferrodoxin indicate that both iron centers are in the high-spin ferric states. In addition to the EPR signals originating from center I at g = 7.7, 5.7, 4.1, and 1.8, the gray form of desulfoferrodoxin exhibits a signal at g = 4.3 and a shoulder at g = 9.6, indicating a high-spin ferric state with E/D approximately 1/3 for the oxidized center II. Redox titrations of the gray form of the protein monitored by optical spectroscopy indicate midpoint potentials of +4 +/- 10 and +240 +/- 10 mV for centers I and II, respectively. Mossbauer spectra of the gray form of the protein are consistent with the EPR finding that both centers are high-spin ferric and can be analyzed in terms of the EPR-determined spin Hamiltonian parameters. The Mossbauer parameters for both the ferric and ferrous forms of center II are indicative of a mononuclear high spin iron site with octahedral coordination and predominantly nitrogen/oxygen-containing ligands. Resonance Raman studies confirm the structural similarity of center I and the distorted tetrahedral FeS4 center in desulforedoxin and provide evidence for one or two cysteinyl-S ligands for center II. On the basis of the resonance Raman results, the 635 nm absorption band that is responsible for the gray color of the oxidized protein is assigned to a cysteinyl-S-->Fe(III) charge transfer transition localized on center II. The novel properties and possible function of center II are discussed in relation to those of mononuclear iron centers in other enzymes.

Parola, AJ, Pina F, Maestri M, Armaroli N, Balzani V.  1994.  SUPRAMOLECULAR PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOPHYSICS - 9-CYANOANTHRACENE IMPRISONED IN A HEMICARCERAND, 1994. New Journal of Chemistry. 18:659-661. AbstractWebsite

The absorption and excited state properties of 9-cyanoanthracene are strongly modified upon inclusion into an octaimine hemicarcerand; the walls of the host do not transfer excitation to the guest and quench its fluorescent excited state.

Dionísio, M, Ramos MJJ, Williams G.  1994.  Dielectric relaxation in poly(n-alkyl methacrylate)s and their mixtures with p-nitroaniline. polymer. 38(8):1705-1713.Website
Turner, DL, Salgueiro CA, Catarino T, Legall J, Xavier AV.  1994.  Homotropic and heterotropic cooperativity in the tetrahaem cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics. 1187(2):232-235. AbstractWebsite

The thermodynamic parameters which govern the homotropic (e−/e−) and heterotropic (e−/H+) cooperativity in the tetrahaem cytochrome c3 isolated from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) were determined, using the paramagnetic shifts of haem methyl groups in the NMR spectra of intermediate oxidized states at different pH levels. A model is put forward to explain how the network of positive and negative cooperativities between the four haems and acid/base group(s) enables the protein to achieve a proton-assisted 2e− step.

Lampreia, J, Pereira AS, Moura JJG.  1994.  ADENYLYLSULFATE REDUCTASES FROM SULFATE-REDUCING BACTERIA. {243}:{241-260}., 525 B STREET, SUITE 1900, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-4495: ACADEMIC PRESS INC Abstract
Moura, JJ, Barata BA.  1994.  Aldehyde oxidoreductases and other molybdenum containing enzymes. Methods Enzymol. 243:24-42. AbstractWebsite