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Gilmour, R, Prazeres S, McGinnity DF, Goodhew CF, Moura JJ, Moura I, Pettigrew GW.  1995.  The affinity and specificity of Ca(2+)-binding sites of cytochrome-c peroxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans, Dec 15. Eur J Biochem. 234:878-86., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

The binding of Ca2+ to the dihaem cytochrome-c peroxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans was analysed by following perturbations in the visible and 1H-NMR spectra of both haem groups. The enzyme contains at least two types of Ca(2+)-binding site. Site I is occupied in the isolated enzyme, binds Ca2+ with a redox-state-independent Kd of 1.2 microM and accommodates neither Mg2+ nor Mn2+. Site II is unoccupied in dilute solutions of the isolated oxidised enzyme and binds Ca2+ cooperatively with a Kd of 0.52 mM. In the mixed valence form, the binding affinity increases to resemble that of site I. The cooperativity was shown by -Ca2+ binding to site II, the titration of haem methyl 1H-NMR resonances, and a half-of-sites effect observed for modification of an essential histidine with diethylpyrocarbonate. These are all consistent with site II being situated at the interface between two monomers of a dimeric enzyme. Thus the equilibrium of binding to site II is a reflection of the equilibrium for dimerisation and conditions which shift that equilibrium towards the dimer, such as increased ionic strength or high protein concentration, also increase Ca2+ affinity. Binding of Ca2+ to site II is required for formation of the active high spin state at the peroxidatic haem.

Besson, S, Carneiro C, Moura JJ, Moura I, Fauque G.  1995.  A cytochrome cd1-type nitrite reductase isolated from the marine denitrifier Pseudomonas nautica 617: purification and characterization, Aug. Anaerobe. 1:219-26., Number 4 AbstractWebsite

Nitrite reductase (cytochrome cd1) was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from the soluble extract of the marine denitrifying bacterium Pseudomonas nautica strain 617. Cells were anaerobically grown with 10 mM nitrate as final electron acceptor. The soluble fraction was purified by four successive chromatographic steps and the purest cytochrome cd1 exhibited an A280 nm(oxidized)/A410nm(oxidized) coefficient of 0.90. In the course of purification, cytochrome cd1 specific activity presented a maximum value of 0.048 units/mg of protein. This periplasmic enzyme is a homodimer and each 60 kDa subunit contains one heme c and one heme d1 as prosthetic moieties, both in a low spin state. Redox potentials of hemes c and d1 were determined at three different pH values (6.6, 7.6 and 8.6) and did not show any pH dependence. The first 20 amino acids of the NH2-terminal region of the protein were identified and the sequence showed 45% identity with the corresponding region of Pseudomonas aeruginosa nitrite reductase but no homology to Pseudomonas stutzeri and Paracoccus denitrificans enzymes. Spectroscopic properties of Pseudomonas nautica 617 cytochrome cd1 in the ultraviolet-visible range and in electron paramagnetic resonance are described. The formation of a heme d1 -nitric-oxide complex as an intermediate of nitrite reduction was demonstrated by electron paramagnetic resonance experiments.

Scharf, M, Moreno C, Costa C, Van Dijk C, Payne WJ, Legall J, Moura I, Moura JJ.  1995.  Electrochemical studies on nitrite reductase towards a biosensor, Apr 26. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 209:1018-25., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

A c-type hexaheme nitrite reductase (NiR) isolated from nitrate-grown cells of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (Dd) ATCC 27774 catalyses the six-electron reduction of nitrite to ammonia. Previous electrochemical studies demonstrated that a simple electrocatalytic mechanism can be applied to this system (Moreno, C., Costa, C., Moura, I., LeGall, J., Liu, M. Y., Payne, W. J., Van Dijk, C. and Moura, J. J. G. (1992) Eur.J.Biochem. 212, 79-86). Its substrate specificity, availability and stability under ambient conditions makes this enzymatic system a promising candidate for use in a biosensor device. An electrochemical study of gel-immobilized Dd NiR on a glassy carbon electrode revealed both enzymatic activity and amperometric response to nitrite. In this study it was observed that the catalytic current density is a function of the nitrite concentration in solution and follows a characteristic Michaelis-Menten-type substrate dependence. Such a biosensor device (NiR-electrode) bears the option to be used for analytical determination of nitrite in complex media.

Ferreira, GC, Franco R, Lloyd SG, Moura I, Moura JJ, Huynh BH.  1995.  Structure and function of ferrochelatase, Apr. J Bioenerg Biomembr. 27:221-9., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

Ferrochelatase is the terminal enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway in all cells. It catalyzes the insertion of ferrous iron into protoporphyrin IX, yielding heme. In eukaryotic cells, ferrochelatase is a mitochondrial inner membrane-associated protein with the active site facing the matrix. Decreased values of ferrochelatase activity in all tissues are a characteristic of patients with protoporphyria. Point-mutations in the ferrochelatase gene have been recently found to be associated with certain cases of erythropoietic protoporphyria. During the past four years, there have been considerable advances in different aspects related to structure and function of ferrochelatase. Genomic and cDNA clones for bacteria, yeast, barley, mouse, and human ferrochelatase have been isolated and sequenced. Functional expression of yeast ferrochelatase in yeast strains deficient in this enzyme, and expression in Escherichia coli and in baculovirus-infected insect cells of different ferrochelatase cDNAs have been accomplished. A recently identified (2Fe-2S) cluster appears to be a structural feature shared among mammalian ferrochelatases. Finally, functional studies of ferrochelatase site-directed mutants, in which key amino acids were replaced with residues identified in some cases of protoporphyria, will be summarized in the context of protein structure.

Sotomayor, J, Parola AJ, Pina F, Zinato E, Riccieri P, Manfrin MF, Moggi L.  1995.  Control of the thermal and photochemical aquation of the hexacyanochromate(III) and aquapentacyanochromate(III) ions by formation of a supramolecular structure with 32 ane-N-8, 1995. Inorganic Chemistry. 34:6532-6537. AbstractWebsite

The thermal aquation rate constant and the photoaquation quantum yield of [Cr(CN)(6)](3-) are reduced by a factor of 40 and 3, respectively, when the complex forms a 1:1 adduct with the protonated form of the polyaza macrocycle [32]ane-N-8. On the other hand, the same macrocycle has practically no effect on the photoaquation of [Cr(CN)(5)(H2O)](2-) and a very small effect on the thermal reaction of this complex. These results are discussed in relation to the thermal and photochemical reaction mechanisms and to the steric configuration of the adducts between complexes and macrocycle.

Bernardo, MA, Parola AJ, Pina F, Garciaespana E, Marcelino V, Luis SV, Miravet JF.  1995.  STEADY-STATE FLUORESCENCE EMISSION STUDIES ON POLYAZACYCLOPHANE MACROCYCLIC RECEPTORS AND ON THEIR ADDUCTS WITH HEXACYANOCOBALTATE(III), 1995. Journal of the Chemical Society-Dalton Transactions. :993-997. AbstractWebsite

The steady-state fluorescence emission spectra of the azacyclophanes 2,5,8,11-tetraaza[12] paracyclophane (L(1)), 2,6,9,13-tetraaza[14]paracyclophane (L(2)), 14,15,17,18-tetramethyl-2,5,8,11-tetraaza-[12]paracyclophane (L(3)) and 16,17,19,20-tetramethyl-2,6,9,13-tetraaza[14]paracyclophane (L(4)) as a function of pH have been measured. The fully protonated species of each cyclophane gives the highest fluorescence-emission quantum yield. The shapes of the titration curves have been explained by the existence of an electron-transfer quenching effect from a non-protonated amine to the benzene chromophore. This effect is greater for macrocycles in which the first deprotonated amine group is closer to the benzene. The association constants for the interaction of the four fully protonated macrocycles with K-3[Co(CN)(6)] have been measured either by potentiometry or from fluorescence-emission measurements, and increase in the order L(3) approximate to L(4) < L(1) approximate to L(2). The photoaquation quantum yields of K-3[Co(CN)(6)] have been measured in the presence of the macrocycles L(1) and L(2). and indicate that three of the CN nitrogens of the complex are involved in adduct formation with the fully protonated macrocycles, as supported by molecular modelling.

Pina, F, Parola AJ, Ferreira E, Maestri M, Armaroli N, Ballardini R, Balzani V.  1995.  SUPRAMOLECULAR PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOPHYSICS - BIACETYL IMPRISONED IN A HEMICARCERAND, 1995. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 99:12701-12703. AbstractWebsite

When biacetyl is imprisoned into Cram's hemicarcerand 1, its absorption, fluorescence, and phosphorescence maxima are red shifted compared to the values obtained for solutions of free biacetyl in any solvent. Furthermore, the lifetime of the T-1 excited state of imprisoned biacetyl is unaffected by solvent nature and presence of dioxygen. These results show that inclusion into the hemicarcerand (i) shields biacetyl from interaction with the solvent molecules and (ii) prevents deactivation of its long-lived T-1 excited state by energy transfer to dioxygen. The perturbation provided by the cavity on the spectroscopic properties of biacetyl is much smaller than that provided by even the most ''innocent'' solvent. The consequent picture is that of a biacetyl molecule which is contained in a not-too-tight cavity where no specific host-guest interaction takes place. The peculiar spectroscopic and excited-state behavior of biacetyl imprisoned in hemicarcerand 1 supports Cram's view that the inner phase of carcerands and hemicarcerands is to be considered as a new phase of matter.

Turner, DL, Salgueiro CA, Schenkels P, Legall J, Xavier AV.  1995.  Carbon-13 NMR studies of the influence of axial ligand orientation on haem electronic structure. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology. 1246(1):24-28. AbstractWebsite

Three-quarters of the carbon-13 resonances of nuclei attached to the four haems of Desulfovibrio vulgaris ferricytochrome c3 are assigned. Preliminary analysis of their Fermi contact interactions shows that the shifts are directly related to the orientation of both of the axial histidine ligands in each case and the approach can therefore be used to obtain structural information in other cytochromes with bis-histidinyl coordination. The implications for the control of redox potential in cytochromes are discussed.

FIGUEIREDO, P, Pina F.  1995.  Co-pigmentation of anthocyanins through the formation of ion-pairs. Polyphenols 94. 69(Brouillard, R, Jay, M., Scalbert, A., Eds.).:205-206. Abstract

The crystal structure of desulforedoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas, a new homo-dimeric (2x36 amino acids) non-heme iron protein, has been solved by the SIRAS method using the indium-substituted protein as the single derivative. The structure was refined to a crystallographic X-factor of 16.9% at 1.8 Angstrom resolution. Native desulforedoxin crystals were grown from either PEG 4K or lithium sulfate, with cell constants a = b = 42.18 Angstrom, = 72.22 Angstrom (for crystals grown from PEG 4K), and they belong to space group P3(2)21. The indium-substituted protein crystallized isomorphously under the same conditions. The 2-fold symmetric dimer is firmly hydrogen bonded and folds as an incomplete beta-barrel with the two iron centers placed on opposite poles of the molecule. Each iron atom is coordinated to four cysteinyl residues in a distorted tetrahedral arrangement. Both iron atoms are 16 Angstrom apart but connected across the 2-fold axis by 14 covalent bonds along the polypeptide chain plus two hydrogen bonds. Desulforedoxin and rubredoxin share some structural features but show significant differences in terms of metal environment and water structure, which account for the known spectroscopic differences between rubredoxin and desulforedoxin. (C) 1995 Academic Press Limited

Archer, M, Huber R, Tavares P, Moura I, Moura JJG, Carrondo MA, Sieker LC, Legall J, Romao MJ.  1995.  CRYSTAL-STRUCTURE OF DESULFOREDOXIN FROM DESULFOVIBRIO-GIGAS DETERMINED AT 1.8 ANGSTROM RESOLUTION - A NOVEL NONHEME IRON PROTEIN-STRUCTURE. Journal of Molecular Biology. 251:690-702., Number 5 AbstractWebsite
Romao, MJ, Archer M, Moura I, Moura JJG, Legall J, Engh R, Schneider M, Hof P, Huber R.  1995.  CRYSTAL-STRUCTURE OF THE XANTHINE OXIDASE-RELATED ALDEHYDE OXIDOREDUCTASE FROM D-GIGAS. Science. 270:1170-1176., Number 5239 AbstractWebsite
Frazao, C, Dias JM, Matias PM, Romao MJ, Carrondo MA, Hervas M, Navarro JA, Delarosa M, Sheldrick GM.  1995.  CYTOCHROME-C(6) FROM THE GREEN-ALGA MONORAPHIDIUM-BRAUNII - CRYSTALLIZATION AND PRELIMINARY DIFFRACTION STUDIES. Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography. 51:232-234. AbstractWebsite
Czaja, C, Litwiller R, Tomlinson AJ, Naylor S, Tavares P, Legall J, Moura JJG, Moura I, Rusnak F.  1995.  EXPRESSION OF DESULFOVIBRIO-GIGAS DESULFOREDOXIN IN ESCHERICHIA-COLI - PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MIXED-METAL ISOFORMS. Journal Of Biological Chemistry. {270}:{20273-20277}., Number {35} Abstract

The dsr gene from Desulfovibrio gigas encoding the nonheme iron protein desulforedoxin was cloned using the polymerase chain reaction, expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified to homogeneity. The physical and spectroscopic properties of the recombinant protein resemble those observed for the native protein isolated from D. gigas. These include an alpha(2) tertiary structure, the presence of bound iron, and absorbance maxima at 370 and 506 nm in the UV/visible spectrum due to ligand-to-iron charge transfer bands. Low temperature electron paramagnetic resonance studies confirm the presence of a high spin ferric ion with g values of 7.7, 5.7, 4.1, and 1.8. Interestingly, E. coli produced two forms of desulforedoxin containing iron. One form was identified as a dimer with the metal-binding sites of both subunits occupied by iron while the second form contained equivalent amounts of iron and zinc and represents a dimer with one subunit occupied by iron and the second with zinc.

Saraiva, LM, Besson S, Moura I, Fauque G.  1995.  Purification and Preliminary Characterization of Three C-Type Cytochromes from Pseudomonas Nautica Strain 617. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 212:1088-1097., Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Prazeres, S, Moura I, Gilmour R, Pettigrew G, Ravi N, Huynh BH.  1995.  REDOX AND SPIN-STATE CONTROL OF THE ACTIVITY OF A DIHEME CYTOCHROME-C PEROXIDASE - SPECTROSCOPIC STUDIES. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Paramagnetic Macromolecules. 457(LaMar, G. N., Ed.).:141-163. Abstract
Besson, S, Carneiro C, Moura JJG, Moura I, Fauque G.  1995.  Spectroscopic properties of the cytochrome CD1 from the marine denitrifier Pseudomonas nautica. Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules. (Merlin, J. C. Turrell S. Huvenne J. P., Ed.).:263-264. AbstractWebsite
Tavares, P, Wunderlich JK, Lloyd SG, Legall J, Moura JJG, Moura I.  1995.  TOTAL SYNTHESIS OF A SIMPLE METALLOPROTEIN - DESULFOREDOXIN. Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications. {208}:{680-687}., Number {2} Abstract

Desulforedoxin is a protein purified from cellular extracts of Desulfovibrio gigas. It is a small (7.9 kDa) dimeric protein that contains a distorted rubredoxin like center (one single iron coordinated by four cysteinyl residues). Due to the simplicity of the polypeptide chain and of the iron center, an attempt was made to chemically produce this protein. A 36 amino acid polypeptide chain was synthesized based on the known sequence of native Desulforedoxin. The iron center was then reconstituted and the biochemical and spectroscopic characteristics of this synthetic protein were investigated. The final product has an equal sequence to the protein purified from D. gigas. The synthetic and natural Dr are very similar, in terms of redox potential and spectroscopic properties (UV-Visible, EPR, Mossbauer). (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.

Chen, B, Menon NK, Dervertarnian L, Moura JJ, Przybyla AE.  1994.  Cloning, sequencing and overexpression of the Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin gene in E. coli, Sep 12. FEBS Lett. 351:401-4., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

We have cloned the gene encoding Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin using a photodigoxigenin-labelled probe synthesized with the polymerase chain reaction. The DNA sequence of the gene predicts a polypeptide of 58 residues after removal of the initial formyl methionine (polypeptide M(r) = 6,276). The ferredoxin gene was expressed in aerobically grown E. coli behind the lac promoter of pUC18 resulting in a high level of ferredoxin expression which comprises about 10% of the total cell protein. EPR analysis of recombinant ferredoxin revealed the presence of a [3Fe-4S] cluster which is characteristic of native D. gigas ferredoxin II.

Pereira, Z, Moniz A, Kovács I.  1994.  Quality and work organisation in Portuguese industry, Sep. , Number 7412: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The present communication analyses the relationships between work organisation and quality systems. The analysis is based on results from a study funded by the "Specific Programme for the Development of Portuguese Industry" (PEDIP). The main issues which have been currently associated with work organisation and quality control in the Portuguese industry are characterized. Critical features related to the implementation of quality systems and new methods of work organisation for industrial development are also discussed. A few recommendations are given in order to promote appropriate methods of work organisation for quality improvement within Portuguese industry.

Pereira, Z, Moniz A, Kovács I.  1994.  {Quality and work organisation in Portuguese industry}, Sep. , Number 7412: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The present communication analyses the relationships between work organisation and quality systems. The analysis is based on results from a study funded by the "Specific Programme for the Development of Portuguese Industry" (PEDIP). The main issues which have been currently associated with work organisation and quality control in the Portuguese industry are characterized. Critical features related to the implementation of quality systems and new methods of work organisation for industrial development are also discussed. A few recommendations are given in order to promote appropriate methods of work organisation for quality improvement within Portuguese industry.