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BRITO PALMA, L, Coito FV, NEVES DA SILVA R.  2005.   Diagnosis of parametric faults based on identification and statistical methods. Decision and Control, 2005 and 2005 European Control Conference. CDC-ECC’05. 44th IEEE Conference on. :3838–3843.: IEEE. Abstract


Ortigueira, M.  2005.   Processamento Digital de Sinais. , September. Edição do Serviço de Educação e Bolsas da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian AbstractWebsite


Coito, F, Lemos J.  2005.  Adaptive Optimization with Constraints: Convergence and oscillatory behaviour. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. (Springer Berlin/Heidelberg):335–366. Abstract


Ricardo, CN, Gerald JA, Ortigueira M.  2005.  Analysis of New Quasi-Orthogonal BCH-Derived Sequences for CDMA Applications. XX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS'05). Abstract


Salgueiro, CA, Morgado L, Fonseca B, Lamosa P, Catarino T, Turner DL, Louro RO.  2005.  Binding of ligands originates small perturbations on the microscopic thermodynamic properties of a multicentre redox protein. FEBS Journal. 272(9):2251-2260. AbstractWebsite

NMR and visible spectroscopy coupled to redox measurements were used to determine the equilibrium thermodynamic properties of the four haems in cytochrome c3 under conditions in which the protein was bound to ligands, the small anion phosphate and the protein rubredoxin with the iron in the active site replaced by zinc. Comparison of these results with data for the isolated cytochrome shows that binding of ligands causes only small changes in the reduction potentials of the haems and their pairwise interactions, and also that the redox-sensitive acid–base centre responsible for the redox–Bohr effect is essentially unaffected. Although neither of the ligands tested is a physiological partner of cytochrome c3, the small changes observed for the thermodynamic properties of cytochrome c3 bound to these ligands vs. the unbound state, indicate that the thermodynamic properties measured for the isolated protein are relevant for a physiological interpretation of the role of this cytochrome in the bioenergetic metabolism of Desulfovibrio.

Palma, LB, Coito FV, da Silva RN.  2005.  Combined approach to fault diagnosis based on principal components and influence matrix. Intelligent Signal Processing, 2005 IEEE International Workshop on. :171–176.: IEEE. Abstract


Pinto, I, Alves LB, Ortigueira MD, B AG.  2005.  ECG Wave Detection and Delineation with Wavelets. Computational Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare Conference. : Biopattern. Abstract


Pessanha, M, Rothery EL, Louro RO, Turner DL, Miles CS, Reid GA, Chapman SK, Xavier AV, Salgueiro CA.  2005.  Elucidation of the Functional Redox Behavior of Fumarate Reductase from Shewanella frigidimarina by NMR. Annals Magnetic Resonance. 4(1/2):24-28. AbstractWebsite

NMR spectroscopy has been applied with great success to study electron transfer proteins
with multiple redox centers. This study aimed to elucidate the redox behavior the enzyme fumarate
reductase from Shewanella frigidimarina and particularly to reveal the electron transfer mechanism
from the N-terminal domain to the active center. We developed a new strategy encompassing the
acquisition of 1H-EXSY bidimensional spectra for observation of chemical exchange connectivities in
partially oxidized samples of fcc3, estimation of the paramagnetic chemical shifts expected for the
heme substituents and their comparison with NMR spectra obtained in the fully oxidized protein. This
study allowed obtaining the order of oxidation of the different groups (II-I-III, IV) and gave insights of
the functional mechanisms that allow fcc3 to efficiently transfer electrons from the N-terminal domain
to the active center.

Gonçalves, LL, Almeida MG, Lampreia J, Moura JJG, Moura I.  2005.  Prediction of Signal Peptides and Signal Anchors of Cytocrome c Nitrite Reductase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 Using Bioinformatic Tools. Essays in Bioinformatics. Vol. 368(D.S. Moss, S. Jelaska, S. Pongor, Ed.).:203-208.: IOS Press (Amsterdam) Abstract


Palma, LB, Coito FV, da Silva RN.  2005.  Process fault diagnosis approach based on neural observers. Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2005. ETFA 2005. 10th IEEE Conference on. 1:4–pp.: IEEE. Abstract


Filipe, SR, Tomasz A, Ligoxygakis P.  2005.  Requirements of peptidoglycan structure allowing detection by the Drosophila Toll pathway. EMBO Reports. 6:327-333.
Coito, F, Almeida P, Palma LB.  2005.  SMCRVI-a Labview/Matlab based tool for remote monitoring and control. Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2005. ETFA 2005. 10th IEEE Conference on. 2:6–pp.: IEEE. Abstract


Coito, F, Lemos JM, Alves SS.  2005.  Stochastic Extremum Seeking in the Presence of Constraints. World Congress. 16:266–266., Number 1. Abstract


Coito, F, Lemos J.  2005.  Adaptive Optimization with Constraints: Convergence and oscillatory behaviour. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. :335–366.: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg Abstract


Ricardo, CN, Gerald JA, Ortigueira M.  2005.  Analysis of New Quasi-Orthogonal BCH-Derived Sequences for CDMA Applications. XX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS'05). Abstract
Giestas, L, Folgosa F, Lima JC, Parola AJ, Pina F.  2005.  Bio-inspired multistate networks responsive to light, pH and thermal inputs - An example of a multistate system operating through different algorithms. European Journal of Organic Chemistry. :4187-4200., Number 19 Abstract
Kuhn, FE, Zhao J, Abrantes M, Sun W, Afonso CAM, Branco LC, Goncalves IS, Pillinger M, Romao CC.  2005.  Catalytic olefin epoxidation with cyclopentadienyl-molybdenum complexes in room temperature ionic liquids. Tetrahedron Letters. 46:47-52., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
da Silva, PF, Lima JC, Freitas AA, Shimizu K, Macanita AL, Quina FH.  2005.  Charge-transfer complexation as a general phenomenon in the copigmentation of anthocyanins. Journal of Physical Chemistry a. 109:7329-7338., Number 32 Abstract
Branco, LC, Serbanovic A, da Ponte MN, Afonso CAM.  2005.  Clean osmium-catalyzed asymmetric dihydroxylation of olefins in ionic liquids and supercritical CO2 product recovery. Chemical Communications. :107-109., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Palma, LB, Coito FV, da Silva RN.  2005.  Combined approach to fault diagnosis based on principal components and influence matrix. Intelligent Signal Processing, 2005 IEEE International Workshop on. :171–176.: IEEE Abstract


Figueirinhas, JL, Cruz C, Filip D, Feio G, Ribeiro AC, Frere Y, Meyer T, Mehl GH.  2005.  Deuterium NMR investigation of the biaxial nematic phase in an organosiloxane tetrapode. Phys Rev Lett. 94:107802., Number 10 AbstractWebsite

Deuterium NMR is used to examine the molecular order exhibited by an organosiloxane tetrapode giving the first experimental evidence, using a bulk sample, for the existence of a biaxial nematic phase in this type of compounds. The temperature dependence of the averaged quadrupolar coupling constant and asymmetry parameter was determined in the compound's nematic phase. Two distinct regimes could be identified, one with a vanishing asymmetry parameter corresponding to a uniaxial nematic phase and another with a significant temperature dependent asymmetry parameter, corresponding to a biaxial nematic phase. The high values obtained for the asymmetry parameter at the lower end of the nematic range are well above experimental error and constitute a definite proof of the biaxial nature of the nematic phase exhibited by the studied compound for those temperatures.

BRITO PALMA, L, Coito FV, NEVES DA SILVA R.  2005.  Diagnosis of parametric faults based on identification and statistical methods. Decision and Control, 2005 and 2005 European Control Conference. CDC-ECC’05. 44th IEEE Conference on. :3838–3843.: IEEE Abstract


Noronha, MC, Lima JC, Santos H, Macanita AL.  2005.  The discrimination of tyrosine residues in ribonuclease A by picosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Febs Journal. 272:382. Abstract
Pinto, I, Alves LB, Ortigueira MD, A.G. B.  2005.  ECG Wave Detection and Delineation with Wavelets. Computational Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare Conference. : Biopattern Abstract
Gago, S, Fernandes JA, Rainho JP, Ferreira RAS, Pillinger M, Valente AA, Santos TM, Carlos LD, Ribeiro-Claro PJA, Goncalves IS.  2005.  Highly luminescent tris(beta-diketonate)europium(III) complexes immobilized in a functionalized mesoporous silica. Chemistry of Materials. 17:5077-5084., Number 20 AbstractWebsite