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Branco, LC, Gois PMP, Lourenco NMT, Kurteva VB, Afonso CAM.  2006.  Simple transformation of crystalline chiral natural anions to liquid medium and their use to induce chirality. Chemical Communications. :2371-2372., Number 22 AbstractWebsite
de Melo, SSJ, Rondao R, Burrows HD, Melo MJ, Navaratnam S, Edge R, Voss G.  2006.  Spectral and photophysical studies of substituted indigo derivatives in their keto forms. Chemphyschem. 7:2303-2311., Number 11 AbstractWebsite
Brondino, CD, Rivas MG, Romao MJ, Moura JJG, Moura I.  2006.  Structural and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies of mononuclear molybdenum enzymes from sulfate-reducing bacteria. Accounts of Chemical Research. 39:788-796., Number 10 AbstractWebsite
Duarte, ARC, Casimiro T, Aguiar-Ricardo A, Simplício AL, Duarte CMM.  2006.  Supercritical fluid polymerisation and impregnation of molecularly imprinted polymers for drug delivery. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 39:102-106., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

Herein the preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) using supercritical fluid technology is evaluated. Poly(diethylene glycol dimethacrylate), polyDEGDMA, was synthesised in supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) using a carboxylic acid end-capped perfluoropolyether oil as stabiliser. Polymerisations were carried out in the presence of different concentrations of two different template drug molecules, salicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid. Results suggest that molecular imprinted polymers were successfully prepared by supercritical polymerisation and then impregnated with the template in order to prepare controlled release systems.

Gago, S, Dias AS, Monteiro B, Pillinger M, Valente AA, Santos TM, Goncalves IS.  2006.  Synthesis and characterization of layered double hydroxides intercalated by an oxomolybdenum complex. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 67:1011-1015., Number 5-6 AbstractWebsite
Brand, T, Cabrita EJ, Berger S.  2006.  Theory and Application of NMR Diffusion Studies. Modern Magnetic Resonanc. (Graham A. Webb, Ed.).:131-139.: Springer Abstract
Najmudin, S, Guerreiro C, Carvalho AL, Prates JAM, Correia MAS, Alves VD, Ferreira LMA, Romao MJ, Gilbert HJ, Bolam DN, Fontes C.  2006.  Xyloglucan is recognized by carbohydrate-binding modules that interact with beta-glucan chains. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281:8815-8828., Number 13 AbstractWebsite
Meil, P, Trommel W, Bannink D, Hoogenboom M, Moniz A, Woll T, Makó C, Csizmadia P, Illessy M, Balkmar D, Linardos P.  2006.  {Comparative report - WORKS WP5 Policy pillar}. , Number 67056: ZBW - German National Library of Economics Abstract

This report begins with some general information and analysis of policy and regulation that were the subjects of discussion and exchange in the policy pillar in the first phase of WORKS. The second section is a synthesis of country information on general principles and trends of policy and policy enforcement. This is followed by a summary of sector information for the sectors chosen by the qualitative pillar to be the objects of empirical analysis. The last summarises research questions and dimensions to be guidelines for carrying out case studies and capturing the relevance and effects of policy and institutions at the workplace.

Moniz, A.  2006.  {Foresight methodologies to understand changes in the labour process: Experience from Portugal}. , Number 5686: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The foresight and scenario building methods can be an interesting reference for social sciences, especially in terms of innovative methods for labour process analysis. A scenario – as a central concept for the prospective analysis – can be considered as a rich and detailed portrait of a plausible future world. It can be a useful tool for policy-makers to grasp problems clearly and comprehensively, and to better pinpoint challenges as well as opportunities in an overall framework. The features of the foresight methods are being used in some labour policy making experiences. Case studies developed in Portugal will be presented, and some conclusions will be drawn in order to organise a set of principles for foresight analysis applied to the European project WORKS on the work organisation re-structuring in the knowledge society, and on the work design methods for new management structures of virtual organisations.

Fiedeler, U, Krings B.  2006.  {Naturalness and Neuronal Implants – Changes in the perception of human beings}. , Number 8501: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

With our contribution we would like to refer to the debate on nanotechnology (NT) and its implications for the public discourse on the relationship of human beings and technologies. Within NT the convergence of some technologies has been considered as a crucial step towards the long term objective of “enhancing human performance”. The discussion was initiated with an US-American workshop in the year 2002, where the innovative character of converging technology (CT) was strongly underlined (Roco 2002). In the final document of the workshop futuristic and far reaching scenarios on technical development based on NT and on CT were presented. First we address the implications of the mentioned document for research policy in general and especially of NT. Based on the example of neural implants we second qualify the normative expectations within the debate without however denying the helpfulness of these innovations especially in the field of medicine. But we third agree on a critical discussion, which consider a new quality of technological penetration into social and human processes.

Krings, B.  2006.  {The sociological perspective on the knowledge-based society: assumptions, facts and visions}. , Number 7110: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The paper will present the central discourse of the knowledge-based society. Already in the 1960s the debate of the industrial society already raised the question whether there can be considered a paradigm shift towards a knowledge-based society. Some prominent authors already foreseen ‘knowledge’ as the main indicator in order to displace ‘labour’ and ‘capital’ as the main driving forces of the capitalistic development. Today on the political level and also in many scientific disciplines the assumption that we are already living in a knowledge-based society seems obvious. Although we still do not have a theory of the knowledge-based society and there still exist a methodological gap about the empirical indicators, the vision of a knowledge-based society determines at least the perception of the Western societies. In a first step the author will pinpoint the assumptions about the knowledge-based society on three levels: on the societal, on the organisational and on the individual level. These assumptions are relied on the following topics: a) The role of the information and communication technologies; b) The dynamic development of globalisation as an ‘evolutionary’ process; c) The increasing importance of knowledge management within organisations; d) The changing role of the state within the economic processes. Not only the differentiation between the levels but also the revision of the assumptions of a knowledge-based society will show that the ‘topics raised in the debates’ cannot be considered as the results of a profound societal paradigm shift. However what seems very impressive is the normative and virtual shift towards a concept of modernity, which strongly focuses on the role of technology as a driving force as well as on the global economic markets, which has to be accepted. Therefore – according to the official debate - the successful adaptation of these processes seems the only way to meet the knowledge-based society. Analysing the societal changes on the

Ortigueira, M.  2005.  Processamento Digital de Sinais, September. Edição do Serviço de Educação e Bolsas da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian AbstractWebsite
Brand, T, Cabrita EJ, Berger S.  2005.  Intermolecular interaction as investigated by NOE and diffusion studies, SEP 1 2005. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. 46:159-196., Number 4 Abstract


Moniz, A.  2005.  Methods for Scenario-building: it’s importance for policy analysis, Sep. , Number 7893: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

A scenario is a policy analysis tool that describes a possible set of future conditions. The most useful scenarios (for corporations, for policy decision makers) are those that display the conditions of important variables over time. In this approach, the quantitative underpinning enriches the narrative evolution of conditions or evolution of the variables; narratives describe the important events and developments that shape the variables. In terms of innovative methods for policy analysis, the foresight and scenario building methods can be an interesting reference for social sciences. Some examples of these exercises will be present in this paper, either related to vision in science and technology developments, social and technological futures, or related to aggregated indicators on human development. Two cases (Japan and Germany) are held on behalf the ministries of science and education (respectively, MEXT and BMBF), and another with the support of United Nations.

Moniz, A.  2005.  {Methods for Scenario-building: it’s importance for policy analysis}, Sep. , Number 7893: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

A scenario is a policy analysis tool that describes a possible set of future conditions. The most useful scenarios (for corporations, for policy decision makers) are those that display the conditions of important variables over time. In this approach, the quantitative underpinning enriches the narrative evolution of conditions or evolution of the variables; narratives describe the important events and developments that shape the variables. In terms of innovative methods for policy analysis, the foresight and scenario building methods can be an interesting reference for social sciences. Some examples of these exercises will be present in this paper, either related to vision in science and technology developments, social and technological futures, or related to aggregated indicators on human development. Two cases (Japan and Germany) are held on behalf the ministries of science and education (respectively, MEXT and BMBF), and another with the support of United Nations.

Moniz, A.  2005.  Redesigning work organizations and technologies: experiences from European projects, Oct. , Number 6170: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

Currently distributed business process (re) design (resulting in components of business networks) basically relies on technical criteria. And that are the main purposes of most research projects supported by EC. Through the process of building a European Research Area, this means a strong influence in the national research programmes. However it is generally accepted that it should also take into account social criteria and aspects such as the quality of working life, or participation in decision processes. Those were some of the objectives of projects in de 80s decade, and framed some of the main concepts and scientific approaches to work organisation. The democratic participation of network and organisations members in the design process is a critical success factor. This is not accepted by everyone, but is based in sufficient case studies. Nevertheless, in order to achieve an optimization that can satisfying the requirements of agility of a network of enterprises, more complex design methods must be developed. Thus, the support to the collaborative design of distributed work in a network of enterprises, through a concurrent approaching business processes, work organisation and task content is a key factor to achieve such purposes. Increasing needs in terms of amounts of information, agility, and support for collaboration without time and space constrains, imposes the use of a computer-based model.

Moniz, A.  2005.  {Redesigning work organizations and technologies: experiences from European projects}, Oct. , Number 6170: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

Currently distributed business process (re) design (resulting in components of business networks) basically relies on technical criteria. And that are the main purposes of most research projects supported by EC. Through the process of building a European Research Area, this means a strong influence in the national research programmes. However it is generally accepted that it should also take into account social criteria and aspects such as the quality of working life, or participation in decision processes. Those were some of the objectives of projects in de 80s decade, and framed some of the main concepts and scientific approaches to work organisation. The democratic participation of network and organisations members in the design process is a critical success factor. This is not accepted by everyone, but is based in sufficient case studies. Nevertheless, in order to achieve an optimization that can satisfying the requirements of agility of a network of enterprises, more complex design methods must be developed. Thus, the support to the collaborative design of distributed work in a network of enterprises, through a concurrent approaching business processes, work organisation and task content is a key factor to achieve such purposes. Increasing needs in terms of amounts of information, agility, and support for collaboration without time and space constrains, imposes the use of a computer-based model.

Moniz, A, Leal RP.  2005.  Editorial Note, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 1:7., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

No abstract is available for this item.

Urze, P, Barroso S, Moniz AB.  2005.  Practices and trends of telework in the Portuguese industry: the results of surveys in the textile, metal and software sectors, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 1:93-108., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

The aim of the TeleRisk Project on labour relations and professional risks within the context of teleworking in Portugal – supported by IDICT – Institute for Development and Inspection of Working Conditions (Ministry of Labour), is to study the practices and forms of teleworking in the manufacturing sectors in Portugal. The project chose also the software industry as a reference sector, even though it does not intend to exclude from the study any other sector of activity or the so-called “hybrid” forms of work. However, the latter must have some of the characteristics of telework. The project thus takes into account the so-called “traditional” sectors of activity, namely textile and machinery and metal engineering (machinery and equipment), not usually associated to this type of work. However, telework could include, in the so-called “traditional” sectors, other variations that are not found in technologically based sectors. One of the evaluation methods for the dynamics associated to telework consisted in carrying out surveys by means of questionnaires, aimed at employers in the sectors analysed. This paper presents some of the results of those surveys. It is important to mention that, being a preliminary analysis, it means that it does not pretend to have exhausted all the issues in the survey, but has meant that it shows the bigger tendencies, in terms of teleworking practices, of the Portuguese industry.

Moniz, A, Leal RP.  2005.  {Editorial Note}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 1:7., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

No abstract is available for this item.

Urze, P, Barroso S, Moniz AB.  2005.  {Practices and trends of telework in the Portuguese industry: the results of surveys in the textile, metal and software sectors}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 1:93-108., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

The aim of the TeleRisk Project on labour relations and professional risks within the context of teleworking in Portugal – supported by IDICT – Institute for Development and Inspection of Working Conditions (Ministry of Labour), is to study the practices and forms of teleworking in the manufacturing sectors in Portugal. The project chose also the software industry as a reference sector, even though it does not intend to exclude from the study any other sector of activity or the so-called “hybrid” forms of work. However, the latter must have some of the characteristics of telework. The project thus takes into account the so-called “traditional” sectors of activity, namely textile and machinery and metal engineering (machinery and equipment), not usually associated to this type of work. However, telework could include, in the so-called “traditional” sectors, other variations that are not found in technologically based sectors. One of the evaluation methods for the dynamics associated to telework consisted in carrying out surveys by means of questionnaires, aimed at employers in the sectors analysed. This paper presents some of the results of those surveys. It is important to mention that, being a preliminary analysis, it means that it does not pretend to have exhausted all the issues in the survey, but has meant that it shows the bigger tendencies, in terms of teleworking practices, of the Portuguese industry.

Woll, T.  2005.  {The Gap Between Knowledge and Action: Obstacles, Restraints and Deficits During the Execution of Refurbishments}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 1:117-121., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

This article outlines the initial draft of a PhD project which investigates refurbishment or rehabilitation projects in two German cities. The study focuses on obstacles, restraints and deficits as well as factors of success, which can be identified during the execution of the refurbishments. Moreover the study examines the process of the refurbishment itself, the general conditions under which the refurbishments are being executed as well as the implementation of sustainability criteria. First the article gives a short summary of the theoretical considerations of the study. In this respect it shortly outlines the global conditions of urban development and conducting challenges for cities in the 21st century, guiding principles of a sustainable urban development as well as goals of sustainable refurbishments. Finally the article shortly describes the case studies and presents the initial results of the empirical work.

Santos-Silva, T, Trincao J, Carvalho AL, Bonifacio C, Auchere F, Moura I, Moura JJ, Romao MJ.  2005.  Superoxide reductase from the syphilis spirochete Treponema pallidum: crystallization and structure determination using soft X-rays, Nov 1. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 61:967-70., Number Pt 11 AbstractWebsite

Superoxide reductase is a 14 kDa metalloprotein containing a catalytic non-haem iron centre [Fe(His)4Cys]. It is involved in defence mechanisms against oxygen toxicity, scavenging superoxide radicals from the cell. The oxidized form of Treponema pallidum superoxide reductase was crystallized in the presence of polyethylene glycol and magnesium chloride. Two crystal forms were obtained depending on the oxidizing agents used after purification: crystals grown in the presence of K3Fe(CN)6 belonged to space group P2(1) (unit-cell parameters a = 60.3, b = 59.9, c = 64.8 A, beta = 106.9 degrees) and diffracted beyond 1.60 A resolution, while crystals grown in the presence of Na2IrCl6 belonged to space group C2 (a = 119.4, b = 60.1, c = 65.6 A, beta = 104.9 degrees) and diffracted beyond 1.55 A. A highly redundant X-ray diffraction data set from the C2 crystal form collected on a copper rotating-anode generator (lambda = 1.542 A) clearly defined the positions of the four Fe atoms present in the asymmetric unit by SAD methods. A MAD experiment at the iron absorption edge confirmed the positions of the previously determined iron sites and provided better phases for model building and refinement. Molecular replacement using the P2(1) data set was successful using a preliminary trace as a search model. A similar arrangement of the four protein molecules could be observed.

Sampaio, J, Moniz A.  2005.  Mapeamento De Indicadores de Qualifica{\c c}ão e de Competência Profissional Num Sistema Complexo De Trabalho. O Caso Dos Servi{\c c}os De Controlo De Tráfego Aéreo[Mapping of Qualification and Profes, Nov. , Number 6415: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

Flexibilisation and complexification of working places, due to the information technologies, requires an holistic approach to the labour reality, in an integrative and wide perspective of different scenarios and operational contexts. Such new changes implies the development of new personal and professional features that are beyond the restrict frame of the autonomous, discrete and specialised work. The knowledge needed for the work in organisations can be searched in the working processes modelling. And that can be a constructive basis of a “knowledge map”. Thus, are described the activities of different working processes, and that induces the emergence of a group of informations (indicators) necessary to the construction of each competence that supports the execution of those processes. This action even allows the existence of possible gaps in the strategies of long-life education and training. They assume more and more a critical support to the need of updating and maintenance of professional competences. How to identify and operationalise the professional competences in a working complex system is one of the main issues in this paper. The case study presented in this paper is refered to the air traffic control and it presents the methodology used for the identification and validation of a group of structuring professional competencies that are evident in a complex working system.