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Possoz*, C, Filipe* SR, Grainge I, Sherratt DJ.  2006.  Tracking of controlled Escherichia coli replication fork stalling and restart at repressor-bound DNA in vivo. EMBO J. 25:2596-2604.
Portugal, CAM, Crespo JG, Lima JC.  2006.  Anomalous "unquenching" of the fluorescence decay times of beta-lactoglobulin induced by the known quencher acrylamide. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology. 82:117-126., Number 2 Abstract
Bazzicalupi, C, Bencini A, Bianchi A, Borsari L, Danesi A, Giorgi C, Lodeiro C, Mariani P, Pina F, Santarelli S, Tamayo A, Valtancoli B.  2006.  Basicity and coordination properties of a new phenanthroline-based bis- macrocyclic receptor. Dalton Transactions. :4000-4010., Number 33 AbstractWebsite
Braga, SS, Gago S, Seixas JD, Valente AA, Pillinger M, Santos TM, Goncalves IS, Romao CC.  2006.  beta-cyclodextrin and permethylated beta-cyclodextrin inclusion compounds of a cyclopentadienyl molybdenum tricarbonyl complex and their use as cyclooctene epoxidation catalyst precursors. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 359:4757-4764., Number 15 AbstractWebsite
Ortigueira, M.  2006.  A coherent approach to non-integer order derivatives. Signal Processing. 86:2505–2515., Number 10: Elsevier AbstractWebsite

The relation showing that the Grunwald-Letnikov and generalised Cauchy derivatives are equal is presented. This establishes a bridge between two different formulations and simultaneously between the classic integer order derivatives and the fractional ones. Starting from the generalised Cauchy derivative formula, new relations are obtained, namely a regularised version that makes the concept of pseudo-function appear naturally without the need for a rejection of any infinite part. From the regularised derivative, new formulations are deduced and specialised first for the real functions and afterwards for functions with Laplace transforms obtaining the definitions proposed by Lionville. With these tools suitable definitions of fractional linear systems are obtained.

Bazzicalupi, C, Bencini A, Bianchi A, Borsari L, Danesi A, Giorgi C, Mariani P, Pina F, Santarelli S, Valtancoli B.  2006.  Coordination features of a terpyridine-containing polyamine receptor. Effect of protonation on the photophysical properties of the complexes. Dalton Transactions. :5743-5752., Number 48 AbstractWebsite
Vilela, M, Ferreira LM, Vieira J.  2006.  Discolouration of architectural photoreproductions - Causes and prevention. RESTAURATOR-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIBRARY AND ARCHIVAL MATERIAL. 27:1-8., Number 1 Abstract
Fortunato, R, Branco LC, Afonso CAM, Benavente J, Crespo JG.  2006.  Electrical impedance spectroscopy characterisation of supported ionic liquid membranes. Journal of Membrane Science. 270:42-49., Number 1-2 AbstractWebsite
Laia, CAT, Costa SMB, Ferreira VLF.  2006.  Electron-transfer mechanism of the triplet state quenching of aluminium tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine by cytochrome c. Biophysical Chemistry. 122:143-155., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Santos-Silva, T, Trincao J, Carvalho AL, Bonifacio C, Auchere F, Raleiras P, Moura I, Moura JJG, Romao MJ.  2006.  The first crystal structure of class III superoxide reductase from Treponema pallidum. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 11:548-558., Number 5 AbstractWebsite
Portugal, CAM, Lima JC, Crespo JG.  2006.  Fluorescence probing of structural and functional changes of proteins induced by ultrafiltration. Desalination. 199:547-549., Number 1-3 Abstract
Moniz, A.  2006.  Foresight methodologies to understand changes in the labour process: Experience from Portugal. , Number 5686: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The foresight and scenario building methods can be an interesting reference for social sciences, especially in terms of innovative methods for labour process analysis. A scenario – as a central concept for the prospective analysis – can be considered as a rich and detailed portrait of a plausible future world. It can be a useful tool for policy-makers to grasp problems clearly and comprehensively, and to better pinpoint challenges as well as opportunities in an overall framework. The features of the foresight methods are being used in some labour policy making experiences. Case studies developed in Portugal will be presented, and some conclusions will be drawn in order to organise a set of principles for foresight analysis applied to the European project WORKS on the work organisation re-structuring in the knowledge society, and on the work design methods for new management structures of virtual organisations.

Raaijmakers, HCA, Romao MJ.  2006.  Formate-reduced E-coli formate dehydrogenase H: the reinterpretation of the crystal structure suggests a new reaction mechanism. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 11:849-854., Number 7 AbstractWebsite
Ortigueira, M.D., Machado, J.A.T. (Eds.).  2006.  Fractional calculus applications in signals and systems. Signal Processing. 86:2503–2504., Number 10: Elsevier Abstract
Ortigueira, M.  2006.  Fractional Centred Differences and Derivatives. Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications. Abstract
Gago, S, Fernandes JA, Abrantes M, Kuhn FE, Ribeiro-Claro P, Pillinger M, Santos TM, Goncalves IS.  2006.  Immobilisation of methyltrioxorhenium on functionalised MCM-41. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 89:284-290., Number 1-3 AbstractWebsite
Angurell, I, Lima JC, Rodriguez L-I, Rodriguez L, Rossell O, Seco M.  2006.  Metallodendrimers containing both ruthenium (internal layer) and rhenium (external layer). New Journal of Chemistry. 30:1004-1008., Number 7 Abstract
Brondino, CD, Romao MJ, Moura I, Moura JJG.  2006.  Molybdenum and tungsten enzymes: the xanthine oxidase family. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology. 10:109-114., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Ortigueira, MD, Batista AG.  2006.  On the fractional derivative of stationary stochastic processes. CST2006 & ECT2006 Conferences. Abstract
de Melo, SJ, Rondao R, Burrows HD, Melo MJ, Navaratnam S, Edge R, Voss G.  2006.  Photophysics of an indigo derivative (keto and leuco structures) with singular properties. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 110:13653-13661., Number 51 AbstractWebsite
Portugal, CAM, Lima JC, Crespo JG.  2006.  Probing the change of enzymatic activity of horseradish peroxidase induced by membrane permeation using tryptophan fluorescence. Journal of Membrane Science. 284:180-192., Number 1-2 Abstract
Trincao, J, Silva MS, Barata L, Bonifacio C, Carvalho S, Tomas AM, Ferreira AEN, Cordeiro C, Freire AP, Romao MJ.  2006.  Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the glyoxalase II from Leishmania infantum. Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 62:805-807. AbstractWebsite
Romao, MJ.  2006.  The role of molybdenum in biology. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol 9. 9(Alpoim, M.C., Morais, P.V., Eds.).:507-510. Abstract