beta-cyclodextrin and permethylated beta-cyclodextrin inclusion compounds of a cyclopentadienyl molybdenum tricarbonyl complex and their use as cyclooctene epoxidation catalyst precursors

Braga, SS, Gago S, Seixas JD, Valente AA, Pillinger M, Santos TM, Goncalves IS, Romao CC.  2006.  beta-cyclodextrin and permethylated beta-cyclodextrin inclusion compounds of a cyclopentadienyl molybdenum tricarbonyl complex and their use as cyclooctene epoxidation catalyst precursors. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 359:4757-4764., Number 15




Times Cited: 26 Santos Braga, Susana/G-2383-2010; Romao, Carlos /D-1162-2010; Pillinger, Martyn/H-2639-2013; Goncalves, Isabel/H-3742-2013; Valente, Anabela/H-5922-2013; Santos, Teresa/K-7178-2013; REQUIMTE, PHOTO/M-4229-2013; Gago, Sandra/H-5413-2012; REQUIMTE, LAQV/N-9835-2013 Santos Braga, Susana/0000-0003-4460-970X; Romao, Carlos /0000-0001-5061-3743; Pillinger, Martyn/0000-0002-6243-7692; Goncalves, Isabel/0000-0002-2836-7715; Gago, Sandra/0000-0003-0221-8508; 29

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