Santos, M, Dos Santos MM, Goncalves ML, Costa C, Romao JC, Moura JJ.
Redox chemistry of low-pH forms of tetrahemic cytochrome c3, Dec. J Inorg Biochem. 100:2009-16., Number 12
AbstractDesulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough cytochrome c(3) contains four hemes in a low-spin state with bis-histidinyl coordination. High-spin forms of cytochrome c(3) can be generated by protonation of the axial ligands in order to probe spin equilibrium (low-spin/high-spin). The spin alterations occurring at acid pH, the associated changes in redox potentials, as well as the reactivity towards external ligands were followed by the conjunction of square wave voltammetry and UV-visible, CD, NMR and EPR spectroscopies. These processes may be used for modelling the action of enzymes that use spin equilibrium to promote enzyme activity and reactivity towards small molecules.
Rodrigues, PM, Macedo AL, Goodfellow BJ, Moura I, Moura JJ.
Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin II: redox structural modulation of the [3Fe-4S] cluster, Apr. J Biol Inorg Chem. 11:307-15., Number 3
AbstractDesulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin II (DgFdII) is a small protein with a polypeptide chain composed of 58 amino acids, containing one Fe3S4 cluster per monomer. Upon studying the redox cycle of this protein, we detected a stable intermediate (FdIIint) with four 1H resonances at 24.1, 20.5, 20.8 and 13.7 ppm. The differences between FdIIox and FdIIint were attributed to conformational changes resulting from the breaking/formation of an internal disulfide bridge. The same 1H NMR methodology used to fully assign the three cysteinyl ligands of the [3Fe-4S] core in the oxidized state (DgFdIIox) was used here for the assignment of the same three ligands in the intermediate state (DgFdIIint). The spin-coupling model used for the oxidized form of DgFdII where magnetic exchange coupling constants of around 300 cm-1 and hyperfine coupling constants equal to 1 MHz for all the three iron centres were found, does not explain the isotropic shift temperature dependence for the three cysteinyl cluster ligands in DgFdIIint. This study, together with the spin delocalization mechanism proposed here for DgFdIIint, allows the detection of structural modifications at the [3Fe-4S] cluster in DgFdIIox and DgFdIIint.
Brondino, CD, Romao MJ, Moura I, Moura JJ.
Molybdenum and tungsten enzymes: the xanthine oxidase family, Apr. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 10:109-14., Number 2
AbstractMononuclear molybdenum and tungsten are found in the active site of a diverse group of enzymes that, in general, catalyze oxygen atom transfer reactions. Enzymes of the xanthine oxidase family are the best-characterized mononuclear Mo-containing enzymes. Several 3D structures of diverse members of this family are known. Recently, the structures of substrate-bound and arsenite-inhibited forms of two members of this family have also been reported. In addition, spectroscopic studies have been utilized to elucidate fine details that complement the structural information. Altogether, these studies have provided an important amount of information on the characteristics of the active site and the electron transfer pathways.
Lodeiro, C, Lima JC, Parola AJ, de Melo JSS, Capelo JL, Covelo B, Tamayo A, Pedras B.
Intramolecular excimer formation and sensing behavior of new fluorimetric probes and their interactions with metal cations and barbituric acids, 2006. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical. 115:276-286.
AbstractA new family of compounds able to promote host-guest interactions with specific molecules (e.g., cyanuric and parabanic acids) and to coordinate metal ions, namely Zn(II) and Cu(II), has been synthesized and fully characterized. The new probes derive from the attachment of two methylaminopyrene units to the carbonyl precursor 2,6-bis(2-formylphenoxymethyl)pyridine. Its signalling properties result from the fluorescence emission properties, which reveal the existence of intramolecular excimer formation. The compounds have showed to be highly sensitive to the solvent and hydrogen ion concentration of the medium. Depending on these, different monomer-to-excimer fluorescence ratio is displayed by the two probes. The compound with a single pyrene unit revealed absence of excimer formation and was used as model compound. The overall results are discussed on the basis of the studied probes as potentially revealing molecular movements, off-on-off fluorescent photoinduced electron transfer (PET), host-guest interactions with specific compounds and of sensing metal ions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Gomes, R, Parola AJ, Lima JC, Pina F.
Solvent effects on the thermal and photochemical reactions of 4 '-iodo-8-methoxyflavylium and their consequences on the coloring phenomena caused by anthocyanins in plants, 2006. Chemistry-a European Journal. 12:7906-7912.
AbstractThe chemistry and photochemistry of the compound 4'-iodo-8-methoxyflavylium tetrafluoroborate was studied in solvent mixtures of water and ethanol. The trans-chalcone form (0) is always the most stable species at equilibrium. In particular, for the first time, Ct and not the flavylium cation is reported as the most stable species in mixtures containing water at pH 1.0. The rate of Ct formation as a function of the water content exhibits a bell-shaped dependence, showing a maximum at approximately 50% water. These trends are explained by a slower cis-trans isomerization in ethanol relative to that in water due to the expected stabilization in polar solvents of the zwitterionic intermediate; on the other hand, the decrease in the concentration of cis-chalcone (Cc) in the pseudoequilibrium with increasing water content, gives rise to a decrease in the rate of Ct formation (k(obs)=k(real)[Cc]). The hydration reaction was found to be much more efficient when water is present in low concentrations. This result has important consequences for the interpretation of the coloring phenomena caused by anthocyanins in plants, as well as for applications of flavylium compounds in the field of optical memories.
Clares, MP, Lodeiro C, Fernandez D, Parola AJ, Pina F, Garcia-Espana E, Soriano C, Tejero R.
Specific interaction of citrate with bis(fluorophoric) bibrachial lariat aza-crown in comparison with the other components of the Krebs cycle, 2006. Chemical Communications. :3824-3826.
AbstractAmong the Krebs cycle components, just citrate enhances the fluorescence of a new bi(brachial) lariat aza-crown containing appended naphthalene fluorophores.
Pinheiro, C, Lima JC, Parola AJ.
Using hydrogen bonding-specific interactions to detect water in aprotic solvents at concentrations below 50 ppm, 2006. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical. 114:978-983.
AbstractThe outstanding solvatochromic properties of the complex Ru(bpy)(CN)(4)(2-), deriving from the ability of the nitrile goup to participate in H-bond interactions, were explored to develop a sensor for low concentrations of water on common organic aprotic solvents. In dry solvents, the maximum wavenumber of the low energy transition of Ru(bpy)(CN)(4)(2-) presents linear correlations with the Kamlet-Taft solvent acidity parameter (slope = 0.59 +/- 0.02, r > 0.99) and Gutman acceptor number (slope = (1.7 +/- 0.1) x 10(-2), r > 0.99). The slopes and regression coefficients of the correlations measure the sensitivity of the compound to H-bond donation by the solvent and confirm its high specificity towards the sensing of H-bond donating solvents, such as water. In acetonitrile, tetrahydrofuran, N,N-dimethylformamide, dichloromethane and toluene, the sensor presents spectral changes that respond linearly to water concentrations in the range 5-70 ppm and compete favorably with the widely spread Karl-Fisher method with a detection limit of similar to 50 ppm. The high sensitivity and the much simpler spectrophotometric titration, portends the use of this complex as an optical water sensor for determination of low water contents in organic solvents. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Franco, IS, Mota LJ, Soares CM, de Sá-Nogueira I.
Functional Domains of the Bacillus subtilis Transcription Factor AraR and Identification of Amino Acids Important for Nucleoprotein Complex Assembly and Effector Binding. Journal of Bacteriology. 188:3024-3036.
AbstractThe Bacillus subtilis AraR transcription factor represses at least 13 genes required for the extracellular degradation of arabinose-containing polysaccharides, transport of arabinose, arabinose oligomers, xylose, and galactose, intracellular degradation of arabinose oligomers, and further catabolism of this sugar. AraR exhibits a chimeric organization comprising a small N-terminal DNA-binding domain that contains a winged helix-turn-helix motif similar to that seen with the GntR family and a larger C-terminal domain homologous to that of the LacI/GalR family. Here, a model for AraR was derived based on the known crystal structures of the FadR and PurR regulators from Escherichia coli. We have used random mutagenesis, deletion, and construction of chimeric LexA-AraR fusion proteins to map the functional domains of AraR required for DNA binding, dimerization, and effector binding. Moreover, predictions for the functional role of specific residues were tested by site-directed mutagenesis. In vivo analysis identified particular amino acids required for dimer assembly, formation of the nucleoprotein complex, and composition of the sugar-binding cleft. This work presents a structural framework for the function of AraR and provides insight into the mechanistic mode of action of this modular repressor.
Ortigueira, M.
A coherent approach to non-integer order derivatives. Signal Processing. 86:2505–2515(Number 10: Elsevier)
AbstractThe relation showing that the Grunwald-Letnikov and generalised Cauchy derivatives are equal is presented. This establishes a bridge between two different formulations and simultaneously between the classic integer order derivatives and the fractional ones. Starting from the generalised Cauchy derivative formula, new relations are obtained, namely a regularised version that makes the concept of pseudo-function appear naturally without the need for a rejection of any infinite part. From the regularised derivative, new formulations are deduced and specialised first for the real functions and afterwards for functions with Laplace transforms obtaining the definitions proposed by Lionville. With these tools suitable definitions of fractional linear systems are obtained.
Louro, RO, Salgueiro CA.
Cytochromes of Shewanella respiratory pathways. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine - volume 9. (
Alpoim, M.C., Morais, P.V., Santos, MA, Cristovão, AJ, Centeno, JA, Collery, P, Eds.).:236-241., Paris: John Libbey Eurotext
Prabaharan, M, Borges JP, Godinho MH, Mano JF.
Liquid Crystalline Behaviour of Chitosan in Formic, Acetic, Monochloroacetic Acid Solutions. Materials Science Forum. 514-516:1010-1014.
AbstractThe objective of this work was to prepare polysaccharide-based gels exhibiting liquid crystalline properties. Such systems may be used in some optical or in biomedical applications, where biodegradability is required. Chitosan is a derivative of chitin, widely used in a series of medical applications. Due to its rigid structure, chitosan or its derivatives may show lyotropic mesophases in certain conditions. In this work, chitosan solutions were prepared by mixing completely the polysaccharide with different concentration of formic, acetic and monochloroacetic acids at room temperature. X-ray diffraction patterns of the gels did not show the existence of a crystalline structure. Finger-prints texture observed by polarised optical microscopy was attributed to a cholesteric liquid crystalline phase that usually develops in concentrated solutions. Values of the nematic chiral pitch (P) were determined in function of acid solution concentration. The critical concentrations (C*) to form a lyotropic liquid crystalline phase in formic, acetic and monochloroacetic acids were determined, and the obtained values were confronted with the expected critical concentration based on the Flory formalism. The critical concentration values were found to be dependent upon the acid used.
Pessanha, M, Morgado L, Louro RO, Londer YY, Pokkuluri PR, Schiffer M, Salgueiro CA.
Thermodynamic Characterization of Triheme Cytochrome PpcA from Geobacter sulfurreducens: Evidence for a Role Played in e-/H+ Energy Transduction. Biochemistry. 45(46):13910-13917.
AbstractThe facultative aerobic bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens produces a small periplasmic c-type triheme cytochrome with 71 residues (PpcA) under anaerobic growth conditions, which is involved in the iron respiration. The thermodynamic properties of the PpcA redox centers and of a protonatable center were determined using NMR and visible spectroscopy techniques. The redox centers have negative and different reduction potentials (−162, −143, and −133 mV for heme I, III, and IV, respectively, for the fully reduced and protonated protein), which are modulated by redox interactions among the hemes (covering a range from 10 to 36 mV) and by redox−Bohr interactions (up to −62 mV) between the hemes and a protonatable center located in the proximity of heme IV. All the interactions between the four centers are dominated by electrostatic effects. The microscopic reduction potential of heme III is the one most affected by the oxidation of the other hemes, whereas heme IV is the most affected by the protonation state of the molecule. The thermodynamic properties of PpcA showed that pH strongly modulates the redox behavior of the individual heme groups. A preferred electron transfer pathway at physiologic pH is defined, showing that PpcA has the necessary thermodynamic properties to perform e-/H+ energy transduction, contributing to a H+ electrochemical potential gradient across the periplasmic membrane that drives ATP synthesis. PpcA is 46% identical in sequence to and shares a high degree of structural similarity with a periplasmic triheme cytochrome c7 isolated from Desulfuromonas acetoxidans, a bacterium closely related to the Geobacteracea family. However, the results obtained for PpcA are quite different from those published for D. acetoxidans c7, and the physiological consequences of these differences are discussed.