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Tavares, {JRRF}, Baptista {PMRV}, Dória {GMRPDF}, de Flores {AOL}.  2008.  Método colorimétrico e estojo de detec{\c c}ão de sequências específicas de ácidos nucleicos através de nanopartículas metálicas funcionalizadas com oligonucleótidos modificados, nov. Abstract

O presente invento relaciona-se com um método colorimétrico de detec{\c c}ão de sequências específicas de ácidos nucleicos, incluindo muta{\c c}ões ou polimorfismos de nucleótido único em sequências de ácidos nucleicos, através da agrega{\c c}ão de nanopartículas funcionalizadas com oligonucleótidos modificados induzida por um aumento da for{\c c}a iónica do meio. Outro aspecto do presente invento relaciona-se com o desenvolvimento de um estojo que ao aplicar a metodologia objecto da presente inven{\c c}ão, permite a rápida e fácil detec{\c c}ão de sequências específicas de ácidos nucleicos, incluindo muta{\c c}ões ou polimorfismos de nucleótido único em sequências de ácidos nucleicos.

Gavel, OY, Bursakov SA, Di Rocco G, Trincao J, Pickering IJ, George GN, Calvete JJ, Shnyrov VL, Brondino CD, Pereira AS, Lampreia J, Tavares P, Moura JJ, Moura I.  2008.  A new type of metal-binding site in cobalt- and zinc-containing adenylate kinases isolated from sulfate-reducers Desulfovibrio gigas and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, May-Jun. J Inorg Biochem. 102:1380-95., Number 5-6 AbstractWebsite

Adenylate kinase (AK) mediates the reversible transfer of phosphate groups between the adenylate nucleotides and contributes to the maintenance of their constant cellular level, necessary for energy metabolism and nucleic acid synthesis. The AK were purified from crude extracts of two sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), Desulfovibrio (D.) gigas NCIB 9332 and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, and biochemically and spectroscopically characterised in the native and fully cobalt- or zinc-substituted forms. These are the first reported adenylate kinases that bind either zinc or cobalt and are related to the subgroup of metal-containing AK found, in most cases, in Gram-positive bacteria. The electronic absorption spectrum is consistent with tetrahedral coordinated cobalt, predominantly via sulfur ligands, and is supported by EPR. The involvement of three cysteines in cobalt or zinc coordination was confirmed by chemical methods. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) indicate that cobalt or zinc are bound by three cysteine residues and one histidine in the metal-binding site of the "LID" domain. The sequence 129Cys-X5-His-X15-Cys-X2-Cys of the AK from D. gigas is involved in metal coordination and represents a new type of binding motif that differs from other known zinc-binding sites of AK. Cobalt and zinc play a structural role in stabilizing the LID domain.

Viegas, A, Bras NF, Cerqueira NMFSA, Fernandes PA, Prates JAM, Fontes CMGA, Bruix M, Romao MJ, Carvalho AL, Ramos MJ, Macedo AL, Cabrita EJ.  2008.  Molecular determinants of ligand specificity in family 11 carbohydrate binding modules - an NMR, X-ray crystallography and computational chemistry approach, MAY 2008. Febs Journal. 275:2524-2535., Number 10 Abstract


Moniz, A, Paulos MR.  2008.  Futures of automobile industry and challenges on sustainable development and mobility, May. , Number 9022: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

Portugal had only very few foresight exercises on the automobile sector, and the most recent one was a survey held in a project on work organisation systems in the automobile industry, its recent historical paths and the special strategies of location of companies (the WorTiS project). This involved several teams with different disciplinary backgrounds and from two Portuguese universities. The provisional main results of the first round of a Delphi survey held in Portugal on the automotive sector were already published, but a further analysis was not yet done. This foresight survey was done under the WorTiS project, developed in 2004 by IET – Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Innovation (at FCT-UNL), and financed by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology. Some of this experience on foresight analysis is also been transferred to other projects, namely the WORKS project on work organisation restructuring in the knowledge society that received the support from EC and still is running. The majority of experts considered having an average of less knowledge in almost all the scenario topics presented. This means that information on the automotive industry is not spread enough among academics or experts in related fields (regional scientists, innovation economists, engineers, sociologists). Some have a good knowledge but in very specialised fields. Others have expertise on foresight, or macroeconomics, or management sciences, but feel insecure on issues related with futures of automobile sector. Nevertheless, we considered specially the topics where the experts considered themselves to have some knowledge. There were no “irrelevant” topics considered as such by the expert panel. There are also no topics that are not considered a need for co-operation. The lack of technological infrastructures was not considered as a hindered factor for the accomplishment of any scenario. The experts’ panel considered no other international competence besides US, Jap

Moniz, AB, Paulos M.  2008.  Futures of automobile industry and challenges on sustainable development and mobility, May. , Number hal-00287886: HAL Abstract

Portugal had only very few foresight exercises on the automobile sector, and the most recent one was a survey held in a project on work organisation systems in the automobile industry, its recent historical paths and the special strategies of location of companies (the WorTiS project). This involved several teams with different disciplinary backgrounds and from two Portuguese universities. The provisional main results of the first round of a Delphi survey held in Portugal on the automotive sector were already published, but a further analysis was not yet done. This foresight survey was done under the WorTiS project, developed in 2004 by IET – Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Innovation (at FCT-UNL), and financed by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology. Some of this experience on foresight analysis is also been transferred to other projects, namely the WORKS project on work organisation restructuring in the knowledge society that received the support from EC and still is running. The majority of experts considered having an average of less knowledge in almost all the scenario topics presented. This means that information on the automotive industry is not spread enough among academics or experts in related fields (regional scientists, innovation economists, engineers, sociologists). Some have a good knowledge but in very specialised fields. Others have expertise on foresight, or macroeconomics, or management sciences, but feel insecure on issues related with futures of automobile sector. Nevertheless, we considered specially the topics where the experts considered themselves to have some knowledge. There were no “irrelevant” topics considered as such by the expert panel. There are also no topics that are not considered a need for co-operation. The lack of technological infrastructures was not considered as a hindered factor for the accomplishment of any scenario. The experts’ panel considered no other international competence besides US, Japan

de Martins, {RFP}, Baptista P, Silva {LB}, Raniero L, c}alo Dória G{\c, Franco R, Fortunato E.  2008.  Identification of unamplified genomic DNA sequences using gold nanoparticle probes and a novel thin film photodetector, may. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 354:2580–2584., Number 19-25: Elsevier Abstract

This paper describes a novel colorimetric method for detection of nucleic acid targets in a homogeneous format with improved sensitivity by means of a system based on the combination of a tunable monochromatic light source and an amorphous/nanocrystalline silicon photodetector that detects color and light intensity changes undergone by samples/assays containing tailored gold nanoparticles probes. This new low cost, portable, fast and simple optoelectronic platform, with the possibility to be re-used, permits detection of at least 400 fentomole of specific DNA sequences without target or signal amplification and was applied to the rapid detection of human pathogens in large variety of clinical samples such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Galesio, M, Vieira DV, Rial-Otero R, Lodeiro C, Moura I, Capelo JL.  2008.  Influence of the protein staining in the fast ultrasonic sample treatment for protein identification through peptide mass fingerprint and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry, May. Journal of Proteome Research. 7:2097-2106., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

The influence of the protein staining used to visualize protein bands, after in-gel protein separation, for the correct identification of proteins by peptide mass fingerprint (PMF) after application of the ultrasonic in-gel protein protocol was studied. Coomassie brilliant blue and silver nitrate, both visible stains, and the fluorescent dyes Sypro Red and Sypro Orange were evaluated. Results obtained after comparison with the overnight in-gel protocol showed that good results, in terms of protein sequence coverage and number of peptides matched, can be obtained with anyone of the four stains studied. Two minutes of enzymatic digestion time was enough for proteins stained with coomassie blue, while 4 min was necessary when silver or Sypro stainings were employed in order to reach equivalent results to those obtained for the overnigh in-gel protein protocol. For the silver nitrate stain, the concentration of silver present in the staining solution must be 0.09% (w/v) to minimize background in the MALDI mass spectra.

Moniz, AB, Paulos MR.  2008.  {Futures of automobile industry and challenges on sustainable development and mobility}, May. , Number 9022: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

Portugal had only very few foresight exercises on the automobile sector, and the most recent one was a survey held in a project on work organisation systems in the automobile industry, its recent historical paths and the special strategies of location of companies (the WorTiS project). This involved several teams with different disciplinary backgrounds and from two Portuguese universities. The provisional main results of the first round of a Delphi survey held in Portugal on the automotive sector were already published, but a further analysis was not yet done. This foresight survey was done under the WorTiS project, developed in 2004 by IET – Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Innovation (at FCT-UNL), and financed by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology. Some of this experience on foresight analysis is also been transferred to other projects, namely the WORKS project on work organisation restructuring in the knowledge society that received the support from EC and still is running. The majority of experts considered having an average of less knowledge in almost all the scenario topics presented. This means that information on the automotive industry is not spread enough among academics or experts in related fields (regional scientists, innovation economists, engineers, sociologists). Some have a good knowledge but in very specialised fields. Others have expertise on foresight, or macroeconomics, or management sciences, but feel insecure on issues related with futures of automobile sector. Nevertheless, we considered specially the topics where the experts considered themselves to have some knowledge. There were no “irrelevant” topics considered as such by the expert panel. There are also no topics that are not considered a need for co-operation. The lack of technological infrastructures was not considered as a hindered factor for the accomplishment of any scenario. The experts’ panel considered no other international competence besides US, Japan or Ge

Moniz, AB, Paulos M.  2008.  {Futures of automobile industry and challenges on sustainable development and mobility}, May. , Number hal-00287886: HAL Abstract

Portugal had only very few foresight exercises on the automobile sector, and the most recent one was a survey held in a project on work organisation systems in the automobile industry, its recent historical paths and the special strategies of location of companies (the WorTiS project). This involved several teams with different disciplinary backgrounds and from two Portuguese universities. The provisional main results of the first round of a Delphi survey held in Portugal on the automotive sector were already published, but a further analysis was not yet done. This foresight survey was done under the WorTiS project, developed in 2004 by IET – Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Innovation (at FCT-UNL), and financed by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology. Some of this experience on foresight analysis is also been transferred to other projects, namely the WORKS project on work organisation restructuring in the knowledge society that received the support from EC and still is running. The majority of experts considered having an average of less knowledge in almost all the scenario topics presented. This means that information on the automotive industry is not spread enough among academics or experts in related fields (regional scientists, innovation economists, engineers, sociologists). Some have a good knowledge but in very specialised fields. Others have expertise on foresight, or macroeconomics, or management sciences, but feel insecure on issues related with futures of automobile sector. Nevertheless, we considered specially the topics where the experts considered themselves to have some knowledge. There were no “irrelevant” topics considered as such by the expert panel. There are also no topics that are not considered a need for co-operation. The lack of technological infrastructures was not considered as a hindered factor for the accomplishment of any scenario. The experts' panel considered no other international competence besides US, Japan or Ge

Martins, {RFDP}, Baptista {PMRV}, Fortunato {EMC}.  2008.  Detection and quantification system of biological matter constituted by one or more optical sensors and one or more light sources, associated process and related applications, mar. Abstract

The present invention relates to a system and process for detection and/or qualitative and quantitative identification of the biological material, such as specific sequences of nucleic acids or proteins as antibodies, present in biological samples. The system is composed by one or more light sources (1) combined with one or more integrated optical photo sensors, or not, and various electronic components (4), necessary for obtaining/ processing of the signal emitted by the metal nanoprobes functionalized with a solution of biological composite, as well as also a micro-controller and a microprocessor, fixed or portable. This photosensor structure is able to detect and to quantify the colour variations produced by metal nanoprobes, being this preferentially gold, functionalized by oligonucleotides complementary to specific DNA/RNA sequences, proteins, as for instance antibodies and/or antigens related with certain disease, or other sample or solution of biological composite, that are to be investigated. The detection and quantification process is based on the response of a photosensor, singular or integrated, based on thin film technology of amorphous, nanocrystalline or microcrystalline silicon and their alloys, as well as the new active ceramic semiconductors, amorphous and not amorphous.

Martins, {RFDP}, Pedro {MRVB}, Fortunato {EMC}.  2008.  Sistema de detec{\c c}ão e quantifica{\c c}ão de matéria biológica constituído por um ou mais sensores ópticos e uma ou mais fontes luminosas, processo associado e respectivas utiliza{\c c}ões, mar. Abstract

O presente invento relaciona-se com um novo sistema e processo para detec{\c c}ão e/ou identifica{\c c}ão qualitativa e quantitativa de matéria biológica, tais como sequências específicas de ácidos nucleicos ou proteínas, como anticorpos, presentes em amostras biológicas. O sistema é constituído por uma ou mais fontes luminosas combinadas, com um ou mais fotossensores ópticos integrados, ou não, e componentes electrónicos vários, necessários para obten{\c c}ão/condicionamento do sinal emitido por nanossondas de metal funcionalizadas com a solu{\c c}ão de composto biológico, bem como ainda um micro-controlador e um microprocessador, portável ou fixo. Este fotossensor é capaz de detectar e quantificar as diferen{\c c}as colorimétricas produzidas por nanossondas de metal, sendo este preferencialmente o ouro, funcionalizadas por oligonucleotídeos complementares às sequências específicas de ADN/ARN, proteínas, como por exemplo anticorpos e/ou antigénios relacionados com determinada doen{\c c}a, ou outra amostra ou solu{\c c}ão de composto biológico, que se pretende pesquisar. O processo de detec{\c c}ão e quantifica{\c c}ão baseia-se na resposta de um fotossensor, singular ou integrado, baseado na tecnologia de filmes finos de sílicio amorfo, nanocristalino ou mícrocristalino, e suas ligas, e também nos novos cerâmicos semicondutores activos, amorfos e não morfos. O referido sistema e processo de detec{\c c}ão e/ou identifica{\c c}ão de matéria biológica tem aplica{\c c}ão na biotecnologia, incluindo a biomedicina.

Leitão, DN.  2008.  Análise de Fusos do Sono: decomposição e desmodulação de sinal, June. (Manuel Ortigueira, Ed.).: FCT-UNL Abstract
Paes de Sousa, PM, Pauleta SR, Rodrigues D, Simoes Goncalves ML, Pettigrew GW, Moura I, Moura JJ, Correia dos Santos MM.  2008.  Benefits of membrane electrodes in the electrochemistry of metalloproteins: mediated catalysis of Paracoccus pantotrophus cytochrome c peroxidase by horse cytochrome c: a case study, Jun. J Biol Inorg Chem. 13:779-87., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

A comparative study of direct and mediated electrochemistry of metalloproteins in bulk and membrane-entrapped solutions is presented. This work reports the first electrochemical study of the electron transfer between a bacterial cytochrome c peroxidase and horse heart cytochrome c. The mediated catalysis of the peroxidase was analysed both using the membrane electrode configuration and with all proteins in solution. An apparent Michaelis constant of 66 +/- 4 and 42 +/- 5 microM was determined at pH 7.0 and 0 M NaCl for membrane and bulk solutions, respectively. The data revealed that maximum activity occurs at 50 mM NaCl, pH 7.0, with intermolecular rate constants of (4.4 +/- 0.5) x 10(6) and (1.0 +/- 0.5) x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) for membrane-entrapped and bulk solutions, respectively. The influence of parameters such as pH or ionic strength on the mediated catalytic activity was analysed using this approach, drawing attention to the fact that careful analysis of the results is needed to ensure that no artefacts are introduced by the use of the membrane configuration and/or promoters, and therefore the dependence truly reflects the influence of these parameters on the (mediated) catalysis. From the pH dependence, a pK of 7.5 was estimated for the mediated enzymatic catalysis.

Silva, {LB }, Baptista P, Raniero L, c}alo Doria G{\c, de Martins {RFP}, Fortunato {EMC}.  2008.  Characterization of optoelectronic platform using an amorphous/nanocrystalline silicon biosensor for the specific identification of nucleic acid sequences based on gold nanoparticle probes, jun. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 132:508–511., Number 2: Elsevier Abstract
Moniz, AB, Paulos MR.  2008.  The globalisation in the clothing sector and its implications for work organisation: a view from the Portuguese case, Jun. , Number 05/2008: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET-Research on Enterprise and Work Innovation, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

The clothing sector in Portugal is still seen, in many aspects as a traditional sector with some average characteristics, such as: low level of qualifications, less flexible labour legislation and stronger unionisation, very low salaries and low capability of investment in innovation and new technology. Is, nevertheless, a very important sector in terms of labour market, with increased weight in the exporting structure. Globalisation and delocalisation are having a strong impact in the organisation of work and in occupational careers in the sector. With the pressure of global competitiveness in what concerns time and prices, very few companies are able to keep a position in the market without changes in organisation of work and workers. And those that can perform good responses to such challenges are achieving a better economical stability. The companies have found different ways to face this reality according to size, capital and position. We could find two main paths: one where companies outsource a part or the entire production to another territory (for example, several manufacturing tasks), close and/or dismissal the workers. Other path, where companies up skilled their capacities investing, for example, in design, workers training, conception and introduction of new or original products. This paper will present some results from the European project WORKS – Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society (6th Framework Programme), focusing the Portuguese case studies in several clothing companies in what concern implications of global context for the companies in general and for the workers in particular, in a comparative analysis with some other European countries.

Baptista, P, Pereira E, Eaton P, c}alo Doria G{\c, Miranda A, Gomes I, Quaresma P, Franco R.  2008.  Gold nanoparticles for the development of clinical diagnosis methods, jun. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 391:943–950., Number 3: Springer Abstract

The impact of advances in nanotechnology is particularly relevant in biodiagnostics, where nanoparticle-based assays have been developed for specific detection of bioanalytes of clinical interest. Gold nanoparticles show easily tuned physical properties, including unique optical properties, robustness, and high surface areas, making them ideal candidates for developing biomarker platforms. Modulation of these physicochemical properties can be easily achieved by adequate synthetic strategies and give gold nanoparticles advantages over conventional detection methods currently used in clinical diagnostics. The surface of gold nanoparticles can be tailored by ligand functionalization to selectively bind biomarkers. Thiol-linking of DNA and chemical functionalization of gold nanoparticles for specific protein/antibody binding are the most common approaches. Simple and inexpensive methods based on these bio-nanoprobes were initially applied for detection of specific DNA sequences and are presently being expanded to clinical diagnosis.

Najmudin, S, Gonzalez PJ, Trincao J, Coelho C, Mukhopadhyay A, Cerqueira NM, Romao CC, Moura I, Moura JJ, Brondino CD, Romao MJ.  2008.  Periplasmic nitrate reductase revisited: a sulfur atom completes the sixth coordination of the catalytic molybdenum, Jun. J Biol Inorg Chem. 13:737-53., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

Nitrate reductase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 (DdNapA) is a monomeric protein of 80 kDa harboring a bis(molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide) active site and a [4Fe-4S] cluster. Previous electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies in both catalytic and inhibiting conditions showed that the molybdenum center has high coordination flexibility when reacted with reducing agents, substrates or inhibitors. As-prepared DdNapA samples, as well as those reacted with substrates and inhibitors, were crystallized and the corresponding structures were solved at resolutions ranging from 1.99 to 2.45 A. The good quality of the diffraction data allowed us to perform a detailed structural study of the active site and, on that basis, the sixth molybdenum ligand, originally proposed to be an OH/OH(2) ligand, was assigned as a sulfur atom after refinement and analysis of the B factors of all the structures. This unexpected result was confirmed by a single-wavelength anomalous diffraction experiment below the iron edge (lambda = 1.77 A) of the as-purified enzyme. Furthermore, for six of the seven datasets, the S-S distance between the sulfur ligand and the Sgamma atom of the molybdenum ligand Cys(A140) was substantially shorter than the van der Waals contact distance and varies between 2.2 and 2.85 A, indicating a partial disulfide bond. Preliminary EPR studies under catalytic conditions showed an EPR signal designated as a turnover signal (g values 1.999, 1.990, 1.982) showing hyperfine structure originating from a nucleus of unknown nature. Spectropotentiometric studies show that reduced methyl viologen, the electron donor used in the catalytic reaction, does not interact directly with the redox cofactors. The turnover signal can be obtained only in the presence of the reaction substrates. With use of the optimized conditions determined by spectropotentiometric titration, the turnover signal was developed with (15)N-labeled nitrate and in D(2)O-exchanged DdNapA samples. These studies indicate that this signal is not associated with a Mo(V)-nitrate adduct and that the hyperfine structure originates from two equivalent solvent-exchangeable protons. The new coordination sphere of molybdenum proposed on the basis of our studies led us to revise the currently accepted reaction mechanism for periplasmic nitrate reductases. Proposals for a new mechanism are discussed taking into account a molybdenum and ligand-based redox chemistry, rather than the currently accepted redox chemistry based solely on the molybdenum atom.

Moniz, AB, Paulos MR.  2008.  {The globalisation in the clothing sector and its implications for work organisation: a view from the Portuguese case}, Jun. , Number 05/2008: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

The clothing sector in Portugal is still seen, in many aspects as a traditional sector with some average characteristics, such as: low level of qualifications, less flexible labour legislation and stronger unionisation, very low salaries and low capability of investment in innovation and new technology. Is, nevertheless, a very important sector in terms of labour market, with increased weight in the exporting structure. Globalisation and delocalisation are having a strong impact in the organisation of work and in occupational careers in the sector. With the pressure of global competitiveness in what concerns time and prices, very few companies are able to keep a position in the market without changes in organisation of work and workers. And those that can perform good responses to such challenges are achieving a better economical stability. The companies have found different ways to face this reality according to size, capital and position. We could find two main paths: one where companies outsource a part or the entire production to another territory (for example, several manufacturing tasks), close and/or dismissal the workers. Other path, where companies up skilled their capacities investing, for example, in design, workers training, conception and introduction of new or original products. This paper will present some results from the European project WORKS – Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society (6th Framework Programme), focusing the Portuguese case studies in several clothing companies in what concern implications of global context for the companies in general and for the workers in particular, in a comparative analysis with some other European countries.

Grando, R, Antonio MA, Araujo CEP, Soares C, Medeiros MA, de Carvalho JE, Lourenco AM, Lopes LC.  2008.  Antineoplastic 31-norcycloartanones from Solanum cernuum Vell., JUL-AUG. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION C-A JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES. 63:507-514., Number 7-8 Abstract
Aureliano, M, Henao F, Tiago T, Duarte RO, Moura JJ, Baruah B, Crans DC.  2008.  Sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase is inhibited by organic vanadium coordination compounds: pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylatodioxovanadium(V), BMOV, and an amavadine analogue, Jul 7. Inorg Chem. 47:5677-84., Number 13 AbstractWebsite

The general affinity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca (2+)-ATPase was examined for three different classes of vanadium coordination complexes including a vanadium(V) compound, pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylatodioxovanadium(V) (PDC-V(V)), and two vanadium(IV) compounds, bis(maltolato)oxovanadium(IV) (BMOV), and an analogue of amavadine, bis( N-hydroxylamidoiminodiacetato)vanadium(IV) (HAIDA-V(IV)). The ability of vanadate to act either as a phosphate analogue or as a transition-state analogue with enzymes' catalysis phosphoryl group transfer suggests that vanadium coordination compounds may reveal mechanistic preferences in these classes of enzymes. Two of these compounds investigated, PDC-V(V) and BMOV, were hydrolytically and oxidatively reactive at neutral pH, and one, HAIDA-V(IV), does not hydrolyze, oxidize, or otherwise decompose to a measurable extent during the enzyme assay. The SR Ca (2+)-ATPase was inhibited by all three of these complexes. The relative order of inhibition was PDC-V(V) > BMOV > vanadate > HAIDA-V(IV), and the IC 50 values were 25, 40, 80, and 325 microM, respectively. Because the observed inhibition is more potent for PDC-V(V) and BMOV than that of oxovanadates, the inhibition cannot be explained by oxovanadate formation during enzyme assays. Furthermore, the hydrolytically and redox stable amavadine analogue HAIDA-V(IV) inhibited the Ca (2+)-ATPase less than oxovanadates. To gauge the importance of the lipid environment, studies of oxidized BMOV in microemulsions were performed and showed that this system remained in the aqueous pool even though PDC-V(V) is able to penetrate lipid interfaces. These findings suggest that the hydrolytic properties of these complexes may be important in the inhibition of the calcium pump. Our results show that two simple coordination complexes with known insulin enhancing effects can invoke a response in calcium homeostasis and the regulation of muscle contraction through the SR Ca (2+)-ATPase.

Duarte, FJS, Cabrita EJ, Frenking G, Santos G.  2008.  Mechanistic study of intramolecular aldol reactions of dialdehydes, JUL 2008. European Journal of Organic Chemistry. :3397-3402., Number 19 Abstract


Gavel, OY, Kladova AV, Bursakov SA, Dias JM, Texeira S, Shnyrov VL, Moura JJ, Moura I, Romao MJ, Trincao J.  2008.  Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of adenosine triphosphate sulfurylase (ATPS) from the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, Jul 1. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 64:593-5., Number Pt 7 AbstractWebsite

Native zinc/cobalt-containing ATP sulfurylase (ATPS; EC; MgATP:sulfate adenylyltransferase) from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 was purified to homogeneity and crystallized. The orthorhombic crystals diffracted to beyond 2.5 A resolution and the X-ray data collected should allow the determination of the structure of the zinc-bound form of this ATPS. Although previous biochemical studies of this protein indicated the presence of a homotrimer in solution, a dimer was found in the asymmetric unit. Elucidation of this structure will permit a better understanding of the role of the metal in the activity and stability of this family of enzymes.

Moniz, A, Paulos MR.  2008.  The globalisation in the clothing sector and its implications for work organisation: a view from the Portuguese case, Jul. , Number 10165: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The clothing sector in Portugal is still seen, in many aspects as a traditional sector with some average characteristics, such as: low level of qualifications, less flexible labour legislation and stronger unionisation, very low salaries and low capability of investment in innovation and new technology. Is, nevertheless, a very important sector in terms of labour market, with increased weight in the exporting structure. Globalisation and delocalisation are having a strong impact in the organisation of work and in occupational careers in the sector. With the pressure of global competitiveness in what concerns time and prices, very few companies are able to keep a position in the market without changes in organisation of work and workers. And those that can perform good responses to such challenges are achieving a better economical stability. The companies have found different ways to face this reality according to size, capital and position. We could find two main paths: one where companies outsource a part or the entire production to another territory (for example, several manufacturing tasks), close and/or dismissal the workers. Other path, where companies up skilled their capacities investing, for example, in design, workers training, conception and introduction of new or original products. This paper will present some results from the European project WORKS – Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society (6th Framework Programme), focusing the Portuguese case studies in several clothing companies in what concern implications of global context for the companies in general and for the workers in particular, in a comparative analysis with some other European countries.

Moniz, A, Paulos MR.  2008.  {The globalisation in the clothing sector and its implications for work organisation: a view from the Portuguese case}, Jul. , Number 10165: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The clothing sector in Portugal is still seen, in many aspects as a traditional sector with some average characteristics, such as: low level of qualifications, less flexible labour legislation and stronger unionisation, very low salaries and low capability of investment in innovation and new technology. Is, nevertheless, a very important sector in terms of labour market, with increased weight in the exporting structure. Globalisation and delocalisation are having a strong impact in the organisation of work and in occupational careers in the sector. With the pressure of global competitiveness in what concerns time and prices, very few companies are able to keep a position in the market without changes in organisation of work and workers. And those that can perform good responses to such challenges are achieving a better economical stability. The companies have found different ways to face this reality according to size, capital and position. We could find two main paths: one where companies outsource a part or the entire production to another territory (for example, several manufacturing tasks), close and/or dismissal the workers. Other path, where companies up skilled their capacities investing, for example, in design, workers training, conception and introduction of new or original products. This paper will present some results from the European project WORKS – Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society (6th Framework Programme), focusing the Portuguese case studies in several clothing companies in what concern implications of global context for the companies in general and for the workers in particular, in a comparative analysis with some other European countries.

Samhan-Arias, AK, Duarte RO, Martin-Romero FJ, Moura JJ, Gutierrez-Merino C.  2008.  Reduction of ascorbate free radical by the plasma membrane of synaptic terminals from rat brain, Jan 15. Arch Biochem Biophys. 469:243-54., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

Synaptic plasma membranes (SPMV) decrease the steady state ascorbate free radical (AFR) concentration of 1mM ascorbate in phosphate/EDTA buffer (pH 7), due to AFR recycling by redox coupling between ascorbate and the ubiquinone content of these membranes. In the presence of NADH, but not NADPH, SPMV catalyse a rapid recycling of AFR which further lower the AFR concentration below 0.05 microM. These results correlate with the nearly 10-fold higher NADH oxidase over NADPH oxidase activity of SPMV. SPMV has NADH-dependent coenzyme Q reductase activity. In the presence of ascorbate the stimulation of the NADH oxidase activity of SPMV by coenzyme Q(1) and cytochrome c can be accounted for by the increase of the AFR concentration generated by the redox pairs ascorbate/coenzyme Q(1) and ascorbate/cytochrome c. The NADH:AFR reductase activity makes a major contribution to the NADH oxidase activity of SPMV and decreases the steady-state AFR concentration well below the micromolar concentration range.