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Pessanha, M, Rothery EL, Miles CS, Reid GA, Chapman SK, Louro RO, Turner DL, Salgueiro CA, Xavier AV.  2009.  Tuning of functional heme reduction potentials in Shewanella fumarate reductases. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics. 1787(2):113-120. AbstractWebsite

The fumarate reductases from S. frigidimarina NCIMB400 and S. oneidensis MR-1 are soluble and monomeric enzymes located in the periplasm of these bacteria. These proteins display two redox active domains, one containing four c-type hemes and another containing FAD at the catalytic site. This arrangement of single-electron redox co-factors leading to multiple-electron active sites is widespread in respiratory enzymes. To investigate the properties that allow a chain of single-electron co-factors to sustain the activity of a multi-electron catalytic site, redox titrations followed by NMR and visible spectroscopies were applied to determine the microscopic thermodynamic parameters of the hemes. The results show that the redox behaviour of these fumarate reductases is similar and dominated by a strong interaction between hemes II and III. This interaction facilitates a sequential transfer of two electrons from the heme domain to FAD via heme IV.

Amado, M, Santos C, Moura E, Pinto J.  2009.  ublic Participation in Sustainable Urban Planning. Electronic Journal WASET. Vol. 56:597-603.
Pereira, P, Fino MH, Coito FV.  2009.  Using discrete-variable optimization for CMOS spiral inductor design. Microelectronics (ICM), 2009 International Conference on. :324–327.: IEEE. Abstract


Pereira, P, Fino H, Coito F, Ventim-Neves M.  2009.  ADISI-An efficient tool for the automatic design of integrated spiral inductors. Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, 2009. ICECS 2009. 16th IEEE International Conference on. :799–802.: IEEE Abstract


Abrantes, M, Paz FAA, Valente AA, Pereira CCL, Gago S, Rodrigues AE, Klinowski J, Pillinger M, Goncalves IS.  2009.  Amino acid-functionalized cyclopentadienyl molybdenum tricarbonyl complex and its use in catalytic olefin epoxidation. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 694:1826-1833., Number 12 AbstractWebsite
Ngolo, M, Palma LB, Coito F, Gomes L, Costa A.  2009.  Architecture for remote laboratories based on REST web services. E-Learning in Industrial Electronics, 2009. ICELIE’09. 3rd IEEE International Conference on. :30–35.: IEEE Abstract


Neves, P, Gago S, Pereira CCL, Figueiredo S, Lemos A, Lopes AD, Goncalves IS, Pillinger M, Silva CM, Valente AA.  2009.  Catalytic Epoxidation and Sulfoxidation Activity of a Dioxomolybdenum(VI) Complex Bearing a Chiral Tetradentate Oxazoline Ligand. Catalysis Letters. 132:94-103., Number 1-2 AbstractWebsite
Meil, P, Stratigaki M, Linardos P, Tengblad P, Docherty P, Bannink D, Moniz A, Paulos M, Krings B, Nierling L.  2009.  Challenges for Europe under value chain restructuring: Contributions to policy debates. , Number http://ideas.repec.org/p/zbw/esrepo/65844.html Abstract


Kladova, AV, Gavel YO, Mukhopaadhyay A, Boer DR, Teixeira S, Shnyrov VL, Moura I, Moura JJG, Romao MJ, Trincao J, Bursakov SA.  2009.  Cobalt-, zinc- and iron-bound forms of adenylate kinase (AK) from the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas: purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis. Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65:926-929. AbstractWebsite
Antunes, R, Coito FV.  2009.  A Cognitive Model for Frequency Signal Classification. International Journal of Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 3:240–245., Number 4: Citeseer Abstract


Figueirinhas, JL, Cruz C, Feio G, Mehl GH.  2009.  Collective Modes and Biaxial Ordering Observed by Deuterium NMR in the Nematic Phases of an Organosiloxane Tetrapode. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 510:158-174. AbstractWebsite

Calculations of deuterium NMR spectra were performed using a model of slow motions based on the collective modes present in liquid crystalline systems and evaluated within the Landau de Gennes free energy expansion on the order parameter tensor. Simulations obtained with this model are applied to the case of deuterium NMR spectra collected in static and rotating samples of organosiloxane tetrapodes exhibiting uniaxial and biaxial nematic phases. The analysis of the slow motions influence on deuterium NMR spectra shows that molecular motions within a time-scale of the order of magnitude of NMR observation times are particularly effective on modulating the NMR line-shape in the case of the liquid crystalline system investigated.

Ortigueira, M.  2009.  Comments on ?Modeling fractional stochastic systems as non-random fractional dynamics driven Brownian motions? Applied Mathematical Modelling. 33:2534–2537., Number 5: Elsevier Inc. AbstractWebsite

Some results presented in the paper ?Modeling fractional stochastic systems as non-random fractional dynamics driven Brownian motions? ?I. Podlubny, Fractional Differential Equations, Academic Press, San Diego, 1999? are discussed in this paper. The slightly modified Grünwald-Letnikov derivative proposed there is used to deduce some interesting results that are in contradiction with those proposed in the referred paper.

Ortigueira, MD.  2009.  Comments on ?Modeling fractional stochastic systems as non-random fractional dynamics driven Brownian motions? Applied Mathematical Modelling. 33:2534–2537., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

Some results presented in the paper ?Modeling fractional stochastic systems as non-random fractional dynamics driven Brownian motions? ?I. Podlubny, Fractional Differential Equations, Academic Press, San Diego, 1999? are discussed in this paper. The slightly modified Grünwald-Letnikov derivative proposed there is used to deduce some interesting results that are in contradiction with those proposed in the referred paper. Keywords: Fractional calculus; Grünwald-Letnikov derivative; Fractional Brownian motion

Monteiro, B, Balula SS, Gago S, Grosso C, Figueiredo S, Lopes AD, Valente AA, Pillinger M, Lourenco JP, Goncalves IS.  2009.  Comparison of liquid-phase olefin epoxidation catalysed by dichlorobis-(dimethylformamide)dioxomolybdenum(VI) in homogeneous phase and grafted onto MCM-41. Journal of Molecular Catalysis a-Chemical. 297:110-117., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Najmudin, S, Bonifacio C, Duarte AG, Pualeta SR, Moura I, Moura JJG, Romao MJ.  2009.  Crystallization and crystallographic analysis of the apo form of the orange protein (ORP) from Desulfovibrio gigas. Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65:730-732. AbstractWebsite
Najmudin, S, Bonifacio C, Duarte AG, Pauleta SR, Moura I, Moura JJG, Romao MJ.  2009.  Crystallization and crystallographic analysis of the apo form of the orange protein (ORP) from Desulfovibrio gigas. (vol F65, pg 730, 2009). Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65:856-856. AbstractWebsite
Feio, G, Figueirinhas JL, Tajbakhsh AR, Terentjev EM.  2009.  Deuterium NMR study of mobility and fluctuations in nematic and isotropic elastomers. J Chem Phys. 131:074903., Number 7 AbstractWebsite

Orientational ordering in polydomain nematic and isotropic elastomers with identical polysiloxane backbone and different deuterium-labeled side groups is studied by D-NMR. In the nematic elastomer the orientational order parameter grows in a critical fashion on crossing the I-N transition implying a continuous phase transition driven by critical fluctuations of local director. The orientational (nematic) ordering occurs on the background of the polymer dynamics exhibited by the backbone, which is similar in the nematic and the analogous isotropic elastomers. The temperature dependence of NMR linewidths is compatible with a Vogel-Fulcher glassy dynamics.

Monteiro, B, Gago S, Neves P, Valente AA, Goncalves IS, Pereira CCL, Silva CM, Pillinger M.  2009.  Effect of an Ionic Liquid on the Catalytic Performance of Thiocyanatodioxomolybdenum(VI) Complexes for the Oxidation of Cyclooctene and Benzyl Alcohol. Catalysis Letters. 129:350-357., Number 3-4 AbstractWebsite
Cerqueira, NMFSA, Gonzalez PJ, Brondino CD, Romao MJ, Romao CC, Moura I, Moura JJG.  2009.  The Effect of the Sixth Sulfur Ligand in the Catalytic Mechanism of Periplasmic Nitrate Reductase. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 30:2466-2484., Number 15 AbstractWebsite
Rodriguez, L, Delgado-Pinar E, Sornosa-Ten A, Alarcon J, Garcia-Espana E, Cano M, Lima JC, Pina F.  2009.  Effect of Water/Carboxymethylcellulose Gel on the Excimer Formation of Polyamine Ligands Functionalized with Naphthalene. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 113:15455-15459., Number 47 Abstract
Rato, R, Ortigueira MD, Batista AG.  2009.  The Empirical Mode Decomposition an Useful Tool for Signal Analysis. New Signal Processing Research. :455–475.: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Abstract
Matos, C, Batista AG, Ortigueira MD.  2009.  FILTERS: Fractional vs Integer order. Symposium on Fractional Signals and Systems, Lisbon?09. Abstract
Ortigueira, MD.  2009.  Fractional Derivatives and Linear Systems. Mobile Computing Research and Applications. :219–269.: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Abstract