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Giestas, L, Petrov V, Baptista PV, Lima JC.  2009.  General FRET-based coding for application in multiplexing methods. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. 8:1130-1138., Number 8 Abstract
Ortigueira, MD, Trujillo JJ.  2009.  Generalized GL Fractional Derivative and its Laplace and Fourier Transform. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC?CIE 2009. Abstract
Goncalves, IS, Lopes AD, Amarante TR, Almeida Paz FA, Silva NJO, Pillinger M, Gago S, Palacio F, Kuehn FE, Romao CC.  2009.  Heterometallic complexes involving iron(II) and rhenium(VII) centers connected by mu-oxido bridges. Dalton Transactions. :10199-10207., Number 46 AbstractWebsite
Branco, LC, Pina F.  2009.  Intrinsically photochromic ionic liquids. Chemical Communications. :6204-6206., Number 41 AbstractWebsite
Santos-Silva, T, Ferroni F, Thapper A, Marangon J, Gonzalez PJ, Rizzi AC, Moura I, Moura JJG, Romao MJ, Brondino CD.  2009.  Kinetic, Structural, and EPR Studies Reveal That Aldehyde Oxidoreductase from Desulfovibrio gigas Does Not Need a Sulfido Ligand for Catalysis and Give Evidence for a Direct Mo-C Interaction in a Biological System. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 131:7990-7998., Number 23 AbstractWebsite
Monteiro, B, Gago S, Balula SS, Valente AA, Goncalves IS, Pillinger M.  2009.  Liquid-phase oxidation catalysed by copper(II) immobilised in a pillared layered double hydroxide. Journal of Molecular Catalysis a-Chemical. 312:23-30., Number 1-2 AbstractWebsite
Lodeiro, C, Pina F.  2009.  Luminescent and chromogenic molecular probes based on polyamines and related compounds. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 253:1353-1383., Number 9-10 AbstractWebsite
Amarante, TR, Almeida Paz FA, Gago S, Goncalves IS, Pillinger M, Rodrigues AE, Abrantes M.  2009.  Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Oxo(diperoxo)(4,4 '-di-tert-butyl-2,2 '-bipyridine)-molybdenum(VI). Molecules. 14:3610-3620., Number 9 AbstractWebsite
Romao, MJ.  2009.  Molybdenum and tungsten enzymes: a crystallographic and mechanistic overview. Dalton Transactions. :4053-4068., Number 21 AbstractWebsite
Rivas, MG, Carepo MSP, Mota CS, Korbas M, Durand M-C, Lopes AT, Brondino CD, Pereira AS, George GN, Dolla A, Moura JJG, Moura I.  2009.  Molybdenum Induces the Expression of a Protein Containing a New Heterometallic Mo-Fe Cluster in Desulfovibrio alaskensis. Biochemistry. {48}:{873-882}., Number {5}, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC Abstract

The characterization of a novel Mo-Fe protein (MorP) associated with a system that responds to Mo in Desulfovibrio alaskensis is reported. Biochemical characterization shows that MorP is a periplasmic homomultimer of high molecular weight (260 +/- 13 kDa) consisting of 16-18 monomers of 15321.1 +/- 0.5 Da. The UV/visible absorption spectrum of the as-isolated protein shows absorption peaks around 280, 320, and 570 nm with extinction coefficients of 18700, 12800, and 5000 M(-1) cm(-1), respectively. Metal content, EXAFS data and DFT calculations support the presence of a Mo-2S-[2Fe-2S]-2S-Mo cluster never reported before. Analysis of the available genomes from Desulfovibrio species shows that the MorP encoding gene is located downstream of a sensor and a regulator gene. This type of gene arrangement, called two component system, is used by the cell to regulate diverse physiological processes in response to changes in environmemtal conditions. Increase of both gene expression and protein production was observed when cells were cultured in the presence of 45 mu M molybdenum. Involvement of this system in Mo tolerance of sulfate reducing bacteria is proposed.

Candeias, NR, Branco LC, Gois PMP, Afonso CAM, Trindade AF.  2009.  More Sustainable Approaches for the Synthesis of N-Based Heterocycles. Chemical Reviews. 109:2703-2802., Number 6 AbstractWebsite
Ortigueira, MD.  2009.  On the Linear Scale Fractional Systems: An Application of the Fractional Quantum Derivative. On the Linear Scale Fractional Systems: An Application of the Fractional Quantum Derivative. Abstract
Gomes, R, Laia CAT, Pina F.  2009.  On the Mechanism of Photochromism of 4 '-N,N-Dimethylamino-7-hydroxyflavylium in Pluronic F127. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 113:11134-11146., Number 32 AbstractWebsite
Costa, SMB, Andrade SM, Togashi DM, Paulo PMR, Laia CAT, Viseu IM, da Silva AGM.  2009.  Optical spectroscopy and photochemistry of porphyrins and phthalocyanines. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 13:509-517., Number 4-5 AbstractWebsite
Petrov, V, Laia CAT, Pina F.  2009.  Photochromism of 7,4 '-Dihydroxyflavylium in an AOT Reversed Micelle System. Langmuir. 25:594-601., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Freire, F, Romao MJ, Macedo AL, Aveiro SS, Goodfellow BJ, Carvalho AL.  2009.  Preliminary structural characterization of human SOUL, a haem-binding protein. Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65:723-726. AbstractWebsite
Viciosa, MT, Correia NT, Salmeron Sanchez M, Carvalho AL, Romao MJ, Gomez Ribelles JL, Dionisio M.  2009.  Real-Time Monitoring of Molecular Dynamics of Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate Glass Former. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 113:14209-14217., Number 43 AbstractWebsite
Honzicek, J, Mukhopadhyay A, Santos-Silva T, Romao MJ, Romao CC.  2009.  Ring-Functionalized Molybdenocene Complexes. Organometallics. 28:2871-2879., Number 9 AbstractWebsite
Rodriguez, L, Ferrer M, Rossell O, Duarte FJS, Santos GA, Lima JC.  2009.  Solvent effects on the absorption and emission of [Re(R(2)bpy)(CO)(3)X] complexes and their sensitivity to CO2 in solution. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry. 204:174-182., Number 2-3 Abstract
Cano, M, Rodriguez L, Lima JC, Pina F, Dalla Cort A, Pasquini C, Schiaffino L.  2009.  Specific Supramolecular Interactions between Zn2+-Salophen Complexes and Biologically Relevant Anions. Inorganic Chemistry. 48:6229-6235., Number 13 Abstract
Cano, M, Rodriguez L, Lima JC, Pina F, Dalla Cort A, Pasquini C, Schiaffino L.  2009.  Specific Supramolecular Interactions between Zn2+-Salophen Complexes and Biologically Relevant Anions. Inorganic Chemistry. 48:6229-6235., Number 13 AbstractWebsite
Freire, F, Macedo AL, Aveiro SS, Romao MJ, Carvalho AL, Goodfellow BJ.  2009.  Structural and dynamic characterization of hSOUL, a heme-binding protein. Febs Journal. 276:139-140. AbstractWebsite
Rosatella, AA, Branco LC, Afonso CAM.  2009.  Studies on dissolution of carbohydrates in ionic liquids and extraction from aqueous phase. Green Chemistry. 11:1406-1413., Number 9 AbstractWebsite
Miguel, C, Claro A, Goncalves AP, Muralha VSF, Melo MJ.  2009.  A study on red lead degradation in a medieval manuscript Lorvao Apocalypse (1189). Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 40:1966-1973., Number 12 AbstractWebsite
Gago, S, Neves P, Monteiro B, Pessego M, Lopes AD, Valente AA, Paz FAA, Pillinger M, Moreira J, Silva CM, Goncalves IS.  2009.  Synthesis and Catalytic Properties in Olefin Epoxidation of Octahedral Dichloridodioxidomolybdenum(VI) Complexes Bearing N,N-Dialkylamide Ligands: Crystal Structure of Mo2O4(mu(2)-O)Cl-2(dmf)(4). European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. :4528-4537., Number 29-30 AbstractWebsite