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Batista, AG.  2008.  Electrocardiografia de Alta-Resolu{\c c}ão: Evolu{\c c}ão e Estado da Arte. Sessões Temáticas em Cardiopneumologia. : Associa{\c c}ão Portuguesa de Cardiopnemologistas Abstract
Dell'Acqua, S, Pauleta SR, Monzani E, Pereira AS, Casella L, Moura JJG, Moura I.  2008.  Electron transfer complex between nitrous oxide reductase and cytochrome c(552) from Pseudomonas nautica: Kinetic, nuclear magnetic resonance, and docking studies. Biochemistry. {47}:{10852-10862}., Number {41}, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC Abstract

The multicopper enzyme nitrous oxide reductase (N2OR) catalyzes the final step of denitrification, the two-electron reduction of N2O to N-2. This enzyme is a functional homodimer containing two different multicopper sites: CuA and CuZ. CuA is a binuclear copper site that transfers electrons to the tetranuclear copper sulfide CuZ, the catalytic site. In this study, Pseudomonas nautica cytochrome C-552 was identified as the physiological electron donor. The kinetic data show differences when physiological and artificial electron donors are compared [cytochrome vs methylviologen (MV)]. In the presence of cytochrome c(552), the reaction rate is dependent on the ET reaction and independent of the N2O concentration. With MV, electron donation is faster than substrate reduction. From the study of cytochrome c(552) concentration dependence, we estimate the following kinetic parameters: K-mc512 = 50.2 +/- 9.0 mu M and V-maxc551 1.8 +/- 10.6 units/mg. The N2O concentration dependence indicates a K-mN2O of 14.0 +/- 2.9 mu M using MV as the electron donor. The pH effect on the kinetic parameters is different when MV or cytochrome c(552) is used as the electron donor (pK(a) = 6.6 or 8.3, respectively). The kinetic study also revealed the hydrophobic nature of the interaction, and direct electron transfer studies showed that CuA is the center that receives electrons from the physiological electron donor. The formation of the electron transfer complex was observed by H-1 NMR protein-protein titrations and was modeled with a molecular docking program (BiGGER). The proposed docked complexes corroborated the ET studies giving a large number of solutions in which cytochrome c(552) is placed near a hydrophobic patch located around the CuA center.

Rato, RT, Ortigueira M, Batista A.  2008.  The EMD and its use to identify system modes. International Workshop on New Trends in Science and Technology (NTST2008). Abstract
Rato, RT, Ortigueira MD, Batista AG.  2008.  The EMD and its Use to Identify System Modes. Proceedings of the International Workshop on New Trends in Science and Technology. Abstract
Rato, RT, Ortigueira MD, Batista AG.  2008.  The Empirical Mode Decomposition: A Useful Tool for Signal Analysis. New Signal Processing Research. , New York: Nova Science Publishers Abstract
Carrera, GVSM, Branco LC, Aires-de-Sousa J, Afonso CAM.  2008.  Exploration of quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPR) for the design of new guanidinium ionic liquids. Tetrahedron. 64:2216-2224., Number 9 AbstractWebsite
Sousa, MM, Melo MJ, Parola JA, Seixas de Melo SJ, Catarino F, Pina F, Cook FEM, Simmonds MSJ, Lopes JA.  2008.  Flavylium chromophores as species markers for dragon's blood resins from Dracaena and Daemonorops trees. Journal of Chromatography A. 1209:153-161., Number 1-2 AbstractWebsite
Ortigueira, MD.  2008.  Fractional Central Differences and Derivatives. Journal of Vibration and Control. 14:1255–1266., Number 9-10 AbstractWebsite

Fractional central differences and derivatives are studied in this article. These are generalisations to real orders of the ordinary positive (even and odd) integer order differences and derivatives, and also coincide with the well known Riesz potentials. The coherence of these definitions is studied by applying the definitions to functions with Fourier transformable functions. Some properties of these derivatives are presented and particular cases studied.

Coito, F, Ortigueira M.  2008.  Fractional Controller Design Trough Multi-Objective Optimization. 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control ? CONTROLO?2008. Abstract
Ortigueira, M.  2008.  A fractional quantum derivative. 3rd IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications. Abstract
Ortigueira, M.  2008.  The Fractional Quantum Derivative and the Generalised Euler-Cauchy Equation. 2nd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, NSC08. Abstract
Ortigueira, MD, Vale?rio D, da Costa J? S?.  2008.  Identifying a Transfer Function From a Frequency Response. Volume 5: 6th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, Parts A, B, and C. :1405–1414. Abstract
Ortigueira, M, Coito F.  2008.  The Initial Conditions of Riemann-Liouville and Caputo Derivatives. 6th EUROMECH Conference ENOC 2008. Abstract
Ortigueira, M, Coito F.  2008.  Initial Conditions: What Are We Talking About? 3rd IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications. Abstract
Bazzicalupi, C, Bencini A, Bianchi A, Danesi A, Faggi E, Giorgi C, Lodeiro C, Oliveira E, Pina F, Valtancoli B.  2008.  Interaction of polyamine macrocycles with Zn(II) and ATP in aqueous solution. Binary and ternary systems. A potentiometric, NMR and fluorescence emission study. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 361:3410-3419., Number 12-13 AbstractWebsite
Laia, CAT, Costa SMB.  2008.  Interaction of zinc tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine with cytochrome c in water and Triton-X 100 micelles. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 112:4276-4282., Number 14 AbstractWebsite
Ortigueira, MD.  2008.  An introduction to the fractional continuous-time linear systems: the 21st century systems. IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine. 8:19–26., Number 3: IEEE AbstractWebsite

A brief introduction to the fractional continuous-time linear systems is presented. It will be done without needing a deep study of the fractional derivatives. We will show that the computation of the impulse and step responses is very similar to the classic. The main difference lies in the substitution of the exponential by the Mittag-Leffler function. We will present also the main formulae defining the fractional derivatives.

Monteiro, B, Gago S, Paz FAA, Bilsborrow R, Goncalves IS, Pillinger M.  2008.  Investigation of layered double hydroxides intercalated by oxomolybdenum catecholate complexes. Inorganic Chemistry. 47:8674-8686., Number 19 AbstractWebsite
Vidinha, P, Lourenco NMT, Pinheiro C, Bras AR, Carvalho T, Santos-Silva T, Mukhopadhyay A, Romao MJ, Parola J, Dionisio M, Cabral JMS, Afonso CAM, Barreiros S.  2008.  Ion jelly: a tailor-made conducting material for smart electrochemical devices. Chemical Communications. :5842-5844., Number 44 AbstractWebsite
Branco, LC, Crespo JG, Afonso CAM.  2008.  Ionic liquids as an efficient bulk membrane for the selective transport of organic compounds. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 21:718-723., Number 7-8 AbstractWebsite
Pinheiro, AV, Baptista P, Lima JC.  2008.  Light activation of transcription: photocaging of nucleotides for control over RNA polymerization. Nucleic Acids Research. 36, Number 14 Abstract
Viegas, A, Bras NF, Cerqueira NMFSA, Fernandes PA, Prates JAM, Fontes CMGA, Bruix M, Romao MJ, Carvalho AL, Ramos MJ, Macedo AL, Cabrita EJ.  2008.  Molecular determinants of ligand specificity in family 11 carbohydrate binding modules - an NMR, X-ray crystallography and computational chemistry approach. Febs Journal. 275:2524-2535., Number 10 AbstractWebsite