Membrane-localized magnetic hyperthermia promotes intracellular delivery of cell-impermeant probes

Membrane-localized magnetic hyperthermia promotes intracellular delivery of cell-impermeant probes, Idiago-López, Javier, Ferreira Daniela, Asín Laura, Moros María, Armenia Ilaria, Grazú Valeria, Fernandes {Alexandra R. }, {de la Fuente} {Jesús M. }, Baptista {Pedro V. }, and Fratila {Raluca M. } , Nanoscale, aug, Volume 16, Number 32, p.15176–15195, (2024)


In this work, we report the disruptive use of membrane-localized magnetic hyperthermia to promote the internalization of cell-impermeant probes. Under an alternating magnetic field, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) immobilized on the cell membrane via bioorthogonal click chemistry act as nanoheaters and lead to the thermal disruption of the plasma membrane, which can be used for internalization of different types of molecules, such as small fluorescent probes and nucleic acids. Noteworthily, no cell death, oxidative stress and alterations of the cell cycle are detected after the thermal stimulus, although cells are able to sense and respond to the thermal stimulus through the expression of different types of heat shock proteins (HSPs). Finally, we demonstrate the utility of this approach for the transfection of cells with a small interference RNA (siRNA), revealing a similar efficacy to a standard transfection method based on the use of cationic lipid-based reagents (such as Lipofectamine), but with lower cell toxicity. These results open the possibility of developing new procedures for “opening and closing” cellular membranes with minimal disturbance of cellular integrity. This on-demand modification of cell membrane permeability could allow the direct intracellular delivery of biologically relevant (bio)molecules, drugs and nanomaterials, thus overcoming traditional endocytosis pathways and avoiding endosomal entrapment.


info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/Concurso de avalia{\c c}ão no âmbito do Programa Plurianual de Financiamento de Unidades de I&D (2017%2F2018) - Financiamento Programático/UIDP%2F04378%2F2020/PT# info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/6817 - DCRRNI ID/UIDB%2F04378%2F2020/PT# info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/Concurso para Atribui{\c c}ão do Estatuto e Financiamento de Laboratórios Associados (LA)/LA%2FP%2F0140%2F2020/PT# info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT//2020.06599.BD/PT# Funding Information: This work was supported by the following grants: AEI, Grant PCIN-2017-060 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and co-funded by the European Union (M-ERA.NET COFUND call 2016), grants PGC2018-096016-B-I00 to R. M. F and BIO 2017-84246-C2-1R to V. G. and J. M. F. funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by \u201CERDF A way of making Europe\u201D, grant RYC2015-17640 to R. M. F. and RYC2019-026860-I to M. M. funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by \u201CESF Investing in your future\u201D, and grant CNS2023-144436 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by \u201CEuropean Union Next Generation EU/PRTR\u201D. This work was also financed by national funds from FCT \u2013 Funda\u00E7\u00E3o para a Ci\u00EAncia e a Tecnologia, I. P., in the scope of the project project M-ERA.NET2/0008/2016. J. I. L. acknowledges financial support for his predoctoral fellowships from Gobierno de Arag\u00F3n (DGA 2017-2021 call, co-funded by the Programa Operativo Fondo Social Europeo de Arag\u00F3n 2014\u20132020). L. A. acknowledges support from the Jos\u00E9 Castillejo program (CAS18/00233). The authors also acknowledge support from Gobierno de Arag\u00F3n and Fondos Feder for funding the Bionanosurf (E15_23R) research group. The authors would like to acknowledge the use of Servicios Cientif\u00EDcos T\u00E9cnicos del CIBA (IACS-Universidad de Zaragoza), the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (Universidad de Zaragoza), for access to their instrumentation and expertise and for the use of Servicio General de Apoyo a la Investigaci\u00F3n-SAI, Universidad de Zaragoza, BIOLAB@UCIBIO, NOVA School of Science and Technology for flow cytometry experiments. We also thank Eduardo Moreno-Antol\u00EDn (Bionanosurf group, INMA, UNIZAR-CSIC) for insightful discussions and help with the preparation of the MNPs. Publisher Copyright: © 2024 The Royal Society of Chemistry.