Gold and silver nanoparticles for diagnostics of infection

Pedrosa, Pedro, and Pedro Viana Baptista. "Gold and silver nanoparticles for diagnostics of infection." In Nanotechnology in Diagnosis, Treatment and Prophylaxis of Infectious Diseases, edited by Mahendra Rai and Kateryna Kon, 1-18. Elsevier, 2015.


Nanotechnology in Diagnosis, Treatment and Prophylaxis of Infectious Diseases delivers comprehensive coverage of the application of nanotechnology to pressing problems in infectious disease.
This text equips readers with cutting-edge knowledge of promising developments and future prospects in nanotechnology, paying special attention to microbes that are now resistant to conventional antibiotics, a concerning problem in modern medicine.
Readers will find a thorough discussion of this new approach to infectious disease treatment, including the reasons nanotechnology presents a promising avenue for the diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis of infectious diseases.

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