Cancer Nanotechnology: Prospects for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy - An Update on Novel Molecular Players

Cancer Nanotechnology: Prospects for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy - An Update on Novel Molecular Players, de Fernandes, {Maria Alexandra Núncio Carvalho Ramos}, and Baptista {Pedro Miguel Ribeiro Viana} , Current Cancer Therapy Reviews, jan, Volume 9, Number NA, p.1, (2013)


Nanotechnology has emerged as a {"}disruptive technology{"} that may provide researchers with new and innovativeways to diagnose, treat and monitor cancer. In fact, nanomedicine approaches have delivered several strategies, suchas new imaging agents, real-time assessments of therapeutic and surgical efficacy, multifunctional, targeted devices capableof bypassing biological barriers to target and silence specific pathways in tumours. Of particular interest, has been theincreased capability to deliver multiple therapeutic agents directly to bulk cancer cells and cancer stem cells that play acritical role in cancer growth and metastasis. These multifunctional targeted nanoconjugates are also capable of avoidingcancer resistance and monitor predictive molecular changes that open the path for preventive action against pre-cancerouscells, minimizing costs and incidence of relapses. A myriad of nanoconjugates with effective silencing and site-targetingmoieties can be developed by incorporating a diverse selection of targeting, diagnostic, and therapeutic components. Adiscussion of the integrative effort of nanotechnology systems with recent developments of biomolecular interactions incancer progression is clearly required. Here, we will update the state of the art related to the development and applicationsof nanoscale platforms and novel biomolecular players in cancer diagnosis, imaging and treatment.
