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Surra, E, Bernardo M, Lapa N, Esteves IAAC, Fonseca I, Mota JP.  2018.  Enhanced Biogas Production through Anaerobic co-Digestion of OFMSW with Maize Cob Waste Pre-Treated with Hydrogen Peroxide. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 65:121-126.
Surra, E, Bernardo M, Lapa N, Esteves IAAC, Fonseca I, Mota JPB.  2019.  Biomethane production through anaerobic co-digestion with Maize Cob Waste based on a biorefinery concept: A review. Journal of Environmental Management. 249:109351. AbstractWebsite

Maize Cob Waste (MCW) is available worldwide in high amounts, as maize is the most produced cereal in the world. MCW is generally left in the crop fields, but due to its low biodegradability it has a negligible impact in soil fertility. Moreover, MCW can be used as substrate to balance the C/N ratio during the Anaerobic co-Digestion (AcoD) with other biodegradable substrates, and is an excellent precursor for the production of Activated Carbons (ACs). In this context, a biorefinery is theoretically discussed in the present review, based on the idea that MCW, after proper pre-treatment is valorised as precursor of ACs and as co-substrate in AcoD for biomethane generation. This paper provides an overview on different scientific and technological aspects that can be involved in the development of the proposed biorefinery; the major topics considered in this work are the following ones: (i) the most suitable pre-treatments of MCW prior to AcoD; (ii) AcoD process with regard to the critical parameters resulting from MCW pre-treatments; (iii) production of ACs using MCW as precursor, with the aim to use these ACs in biogas conditioning (H2S removal) and upgrading (biomethane production), and (iv) an overview on biogas upgrading technologies.

Surra, E, Bernardo M, Lapa N, Esteves I, Fonseca I, Mota JP.  2018.  Maize cob waste pre-treatments to enhance biogas production through co-anaerobic digestion with OFMSW. Waste Management. 72:193-205. AbstractWebsite

In the present work, the enhancement of biogas and methane yields through anaerobic co-digestion of the pre-hydrolised Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes (hOFMSW) and Maize Cob Wastes (MCW) in a lab-scale thermophilic anaerobic reactor was tested. In order to increase its biodegradability, MCW were submitted to an initial pre-treatment screening phase as follows: (i) microwave (MW) irradiation catalysed by NaOH, (ii) MW catalysed by glycerol in water and alkaline water solutions, (iii) MW catalysed by H2O2 with pH of 9.8 and (iv) chemical pre-treatment at room temperature catalysed by H2O2 with 4 h reaction time. The pre-treatments cataysed by H2O2 were performed with 2% MCW (wMCW/v alkaline water) at ratios of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 (wH2O2/wMCW). The pre-treatment that presented the most favourable balance between sugars, lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose solubilisations, as well as low production of phenolic compound and furfural (inhibitors), was the chemical pre-treatment catalysed by H2O2, at room temperature, with a ratio of 0.5 wH2O2/wMCW (Pre1). This Pre1 was then optimised testing reaction times of 1, 2 and 3 days at a different pH (11.5) and MCW percentage (10% w/v). The optimised pre-treatment that presented the best results, considering the same criteria defined above, was the one carried out during 3 days, at pH 9.8 and 10% MCW w/v (Pre2). The anaerobic reactor was initially fed with the hOFMSW obtained from the hydrolysis tank of an industrial AD plant. The hOFMSW was than co-digested with MCW submitted to the pre-treatment Pre1. In another assay, hOFMSW was co-digested with MCW submitted pre-treatment Pre 2. The co-digestion of hOFMSW + Pre1 increased the biogas yield by 38.9% and methane yield by 29.7%, when compared to the results obtained with hOFMSW alone. The co-digestion of hOFMSW + Pre2 increased biogas yield by 46.0% and CH4 yield by 36.3%. In both cases, the methane content obtained in the biogas streams was above 66% v/v. These results show that pre-treatment with H2O2, at room temperature, is a promising low cost way to valorize MCW through co-digestion with hOFMSW.

Surra, E, Nogueira MC, Bernardo M, Lapa N, Esteves I, Fonseca I.  2019.  New adsorbents from maize cob wastes and anaerobic digestate for H2S removal from biogas. Waste Management. 94:136-145. AbstractWebsite

Two activated carbons (ACs) were prepared by physical activation of Maize Cob Waste (MCW) with CO2, during 2 and 3 h (MCW(PA)2h and MCW(PA)3h, respectively). Two other ACs were prepared by chemical activation: a) MCW(LD) – MCW was impregnated with anaerobic liquid digestate (LD) and carbonized under N2 atmosphere; and b) CAR-MCW(LD) – previously carbonized MCW was impregnated with LD and carbonized under N2 atmosphere. All ACs were fully characterized for textural and chemical properties, and then used in dynamic H2S removal assays from real biogas samples. Regarding H2S removal, the ACs that were physically activated behaved much better than the impregnated ones: MCW(PA)3h and MCW(PA)2h showed H2S uptake capacities of 15.5 and 0.65 mg g−1, respectively, while MCW(LD) and CAR-MCW(LD) showed values of 0.47 and 0.25 mg g−1, respectively. This may indicate that textural properties (surface area and microporosity) are more important than mineral content in H2S removal. Effectively, both surface area and micropore volume were much higher for the samples of MCW(PA)3h (SBET = 820 m2 g−1 and Vmicro = 0.32 cm3 g−1) and MCW(PA)2h (SBET = 630 m2 g−1 and Vmicro = 0.21 cm3 g−1) than for the ACs that were chemically activated (SBET = 38.0 m2 g−1 and Vmicro = 0.01 cm3 g−1 for MCW(LD); SBET = 8.0 m2 g−1 and Vmicro = 0.01 cm3 g−1 for CAR-MCW(LD)). High oxygen content in MCW(PA)3h favoured the catalytic oxidation reaction of H2S, promoting its removal. The use of MCW as precursor and LD as activating agent of the ACs may contribute for the integrated management of maize wastes and to diversify the applications of anaerobic digestate.

Silva, CAC, Figueiredo FCA, Rodrigues R, Sairre MI, Gonçalves M, Matos I, Fonseca IM, Mandelli D, Carvalho WA.  2016.  Enhancing the biodiesel manufacturing process by use of glycerin to produce hyacinth fragrance, Jun. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 18:1551–1563., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

Oxidized and sulfonated-activated carbons (AC) were tested in the catalytic conversion of glycerol by acetalization reactions. The solids were treated with concentrated nitric acid and/or fuming sulfuric acid (AC, AC-N, AC-S, and AC-NS). The presence of sulfur and an increase in the acidity of the solids demonstrate the suitability of the oxidation as well as the sulfonation process, especially in the sample treated with concentrated nitric acid and fuming sulfuric acid (AC-NS). The best catalyst for the reaction of glycerol acetalization with phenylacetaldehyde was AC-NS, with a phenylacetaldehyde conversion of 95 {%} after 90 min at 383 K and selectivity of 88 and 12 {%}, respectively, to dioxolane and dioxane. These products can be used as hyacinth fragrance flavoring compounds. Furthermore, a contribution of homogeneous catalysis in these systems was not identified. Thus, we identified a possibility of glycerol conversion, a biodiesel by-product, into value-added products by suitable catalysts produced from activated carbons.

Sharipova, AA, Aidarova SB, Bekturganova NE, Tleuova A, Schenderlein M, Lygina O, Lyubchik S, Miller R.  2016.  Triclosan as model system for the adsorption on recycled adsorbent materials. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 505:193-196. AbstractWebsite

The adsorption of triclosan as model system was studied to qualify activated carbon sorbents recycled from gas masks (civilian gas mask GP5). The triclosan equilibrium concentration was measured spectrophotometrically, the morphology of the activated carbon characterized by scanning electron microscopy, and the amount of the adsorbed triclosan on the activated carbon quantified by a mass balance method. Experimental isotherms were fitted by Langmuir, Freundlich and Sips adsorption models. It was obtained that the contact time is a crucial sorption parameter that provides information on the optimum adsorption efficiency. It was shown that the maximum efficiency of GP5 (88%) is obtained after 10days of adsorption at a maximal concentration of triclosan and carbon loading 1mg/l. No significant adsorption efficiency differences were measured after 5 and 10days of adsorption. The non-linear Sips isotherm, a combined Freundlich–Langmuir model, provides suitable fitting results. The observed remarkable adsorption capacity of activated carbon (GP5) towards triclosan adsorption (∼85mg/g) makes it a viable solution for wastewater treatment.

Sharipova, AA, Aidarova SB, Bekturganova NY, Tleuova A, Kerimkulova M, Yessimova O, Kairaliyeva T, Lygina O, Lyubchik S, Miller R.  2017.  Triclosan adsorption from model system by mineral sorbent diatomite. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 532:97-101. AbstractWebsite

Adsorption of model systems of triclosan by mineral sorbent diatomite is studied. The triclosan equilibrium concentration was measured spectrophotometrically, the morphology of the diatomite characterized using scanning electron microscopy and the amount of the adsorbed triclosan on the diatomite quantified by a mass balance. Adsorption isotherms were analyzed according to the linear/nonlinear form of Langmuir, Freundlich, Sips and Toth isotherm models isotherms, using AMPL software. It is shown that nonlinear Langmuir and Sips isotherm model provided suitable fitting results and no pronounced difference in adsorption efficiency between isotherms measured after 1, 2 and 3days adsorption was observed. Determined maximum adsorption capacity of diatomite towards triclosan qs is 140mg/g. Averaged calculated values of ΔG are −9.9 and −9.6kJ/mol for Langmuir and Sips models respectively. The negative sign of such values indicates spontaneous, physical in nature adsorption.

Rodrigues, ARF, Maia MRG, Cabrita ARJ, Oliveira HM, Bernardo M, Lapa N, Fonseca I, Trindade H, Pereira JL, Fonseca AJM.  2020.  Assessment of potato peel and agro-forestry biochars supplementation on in vitro ruminal fermentation. PeerJ. 8:e9488. AbstractWebsite

Background The awareness of environmental and socio-economic impacts caused by greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock sector leverages the adoption of strategies to counteract it. Feed supplements can play an important role in the reduction of the main greenhouse gas produced by ruminants—methane (CH\textsubscript{4}). In this context, this study aims to assess the effect of two biochar sources and inclusion levels on rumen fermentation parameters \textit{in vitro}. Methods Two sources of biochar (agro-forestry residues, AFB, and potato peel, PPB) were added at two levels (5 and 10%, dry matter (DM) basis) to two basal substrates (haylage and corn silage) and incubated 24-h with rumen inocula to assess the effects on CH\textsubscript{4} production and main rumen fermentation parameters \textit{in vitro}. Results AFB and PPB were obtained at different carbonization conditions resulting in different apparent surface areas, ash content, pH at the point of zero charge (pHpzc), and elemental analysis. Relative to control (0% biochar), biochar supplementation kept unaffected total gas production and yield (mL and mL/g DM, \textit{p} = 0.140 and \textit{p} = 0.240, respectively) and fermentation pH (\textit{p} = 0.666), increased CH\textsubscript{4}production and yield (mL and mL/g DM, respectively, \textit{p} = 0.001) and ammonia-N (NH\textsubscript{3}-N, \textit{p} = 0.040), and decreased total volatile fatty acids (VFA) production (\textit{p} < 0.001) and H\textsubscript{2} generated and consumed (\textit{p} ≤ 0.001). Biochar sources and inclusion levels had no negative effect on most of the fermentation parameters and efficiency. Acetic:propionic acid ratio (\textit{p} = 0.048) and H\textsubscript{2} consumed (\textit{p} = 0.019) were lower with AFB inclusion when compared to PPB. Biochar inclusion at 10% reduced H\textsubscript{2} consumed (\textit{p} < 0.001) and tended to reduce total gas production (\textit{p} = 0.055). Total VFA production (\textit{p} = 0.019), acetic acid proportion (\textit{p} = 0.011) and H\textsubscript{2} generated (\textit{p} = 0.048) were the lowest with AFB supplemented at 10%, no differences being observed among the other treatments. The basal substrate affected most fermentation parameters independently of biochar source and level used. Discussion Biochar supplementation increased NH\textsubscript{3}-N content, \textit{iso}-butyric, \textit{iso}-valeric and valeric acid proportions, and decreased VFA production suggesting a reduced energy supply for microbial growth, higher proteolysis and deamination of substrate N, and a decrease of NH\textsubscript{3}-N incorporation into microbial protein. No interaction was found between substrate and biochar source or level on any of the parameters measured. Although AFB and PPB had different textural and compositional characteristics, their effects on the rumen fermentation parameters were similar, the only observed effects being due to AFB included at 10%. Biochar supplementation promoted CH\textsubscript{4} production regardless of the source and inclusion level, suggesting that there may be other effects beyond biomass and temperature of production of biochar, highlighting the need to consider other characteristics to better identify the mechanism by which biochar may influence CH\textsubscript{4} production.

Risso, R, Ferraz P, Meireles S, Fonseca I, Vital J.  2018.  Highly active Cao catalysts from waste shells of egg, oyster and clam for biodiesel production. Applied Catalysis A: General. 567:56-64. AbstractWebsite

Calcium oxide (CaO) catalysts derived from waste shells of egg, oyster and clam were prepared and used in the methanolysis of soybean oil. Eggshells were subjected to ultrasound irradiation and mollusc shells were subjected to calcination-hydration-calcination cycles to increase the surface area of CaO and improve its catalytic activity. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, TPD-CO2, TG-DSC, DLS and N2 adsorption, while the catalytic activity for the methanolysis of soybean oil was evaluated. Five hours of sonication reduced the CaO particle size by 34%, which resulted in a 56% increase in the activity. Two cycles of hydration-dehydration applied to the material obtained by calcination of oyster shells provided CaO with 27 m2 g−1. The transesterification rate was 2.5 times higher than that obtained with the untreated sample. After treatments, highly active CaO was obtained which indicates its enormous potential for biodiesel production. A kinetic model assuming the adsorption of methoxide anions on the surface of CaO particles was proposed.

Rijo, B, Lemos F, Fonseca I, Vilelas A.  2020.  Development of a model for an industrial acetylene hydrogenation reactor using plant data – Part I. Chemical Engineering Journal. 379:122390. AbstractWebsite

In this work, a dynamic model of an industrial acetylene hydrogenation reactor with a front-end configuration was developed, based on plant operation data. This type of reactor operates in transient state, not only due to the natural fluctuations in operating conditions but also due to the effects caused by the deactivation of the catalyst. To develop the dynamic model of the acetylene hydrogenation reactor a thorough study of the effect of operating conditions was performed; the influence of variables such as the inlet temperature of the 1st reactor, the flowrate, carbon monoxide concentration, on the activity, selectivity and stability of the catalyst was examined by choosing adequate periods of the operation of the reactor. To understand the reaction mechanism of this system, several published kinetics were tested but only one was finally fitted to the industrial data, to interpret the operation of the acetylene hydrogenation reactor. A set of operation periods was used to develop the model which was then validated by applying the model to a different set of operation periods. As a conclusion, the dynamic model that was developed and validated, using actual plant operation data, was able to adequately describe the outlet temperatures of the three reactors in the system as well as the outlet acetylene concentration of the 3rd reactor.

Pérez-Mayoral, E, Matos I, Bernardo M, Fonseca IM.  2019.  New and Advanced Porous Carbon Materials in Fine Chemical Synthesis. Emerging Precursors of Porous Carbons. Catalysts. 9, Number 2 AbstractWebsite

The efficiency of porous carbons in fine chemical synthesis, among other application fields, has been demonstrated since both the porous structure and chemical surface provide the appropriated chemical environment favoring a great variety of relevant chemical transformations. In recent years, metal organic frameworks (MOFs) and covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have emerged as interesting opportunities in the preparation of porous carbons with improved physico-chemical properties. Direct calcination of MOFs or COFs, in the presence or not of others carbon or heteroatom sources, could be considered an easy and practical approach for the synthesis of highly dispersed heteroatom-doped porous carbons but also new porous carbons in which single atoms of metallic species are present, showing a great development of the porosity; both characteristics of supreme importance for catalytic applications. The goal of this review is to provide an overview of the traditional methodologies for the synthesis of new porous carbon structures together with emerging ones that use MOFs or COFs as carbon precursors. As mentioned below, the catalytic application in fine chemical synthesis of these kinds of materials is at present barely explored, but probably will expand in the near future.

Nogueira, M, Matos I, Bernardo M, Pinto F, Lapa N, Surra E, Fonseca I.  2019.  Char from Spent Tire Rubber: A Potential Adsorbent of Remazol Yellow Dye. C—Journal of Carbon Research. 5, Number 4 AbstractWebsite

A char produced from spent tire rubber showed very promising results as an adsorbent of Remazol Yellow (RY) from aqueous solutions. Spent tire rubber was submitted to a pyrolysis process optimized for char production. The obtained char was submitted to chemical, physical, and textural characterizations and, subsequently, applied as a low-cost adsorbent for dye (RY) removal in batch adsorption assays. The obtained char was characterized by relatively high ash content (12.9% wt), high fixed-carbon content (69.7% wt), a surface area of 69 m2/g, and total pore volume of 0.14 cm3/g. Remazol Yellow kinetic assays and modelling of the experimental data using the pseudo-first and pseudo-second order kinetic models demonstrated a better adjustment to the pseudo-first order model with a calculated uptake capacity of 14.2 mg RY/g char. From the equilibrium assays, the adsorption isotherm was fitted to both Langmuir and Freundlich models; it was found a better fit for the Langmuir model to the experimental data, indicating a monolayer adsorption process with a monolayer uptake capacity of 11.9 mg RY/g char. Under the experimental conditions of the adsorption assays, the char presented positive charges at its surface, able to attract the deprotonated sulfonate groups (SO3−) of RY; therefore, electrostatic attraction was considered the most plausible mechanism for dye removal.

Mestre, AS, Nabiço A, Figueiredo PL, Pinto ML, Santos SMCS, Fonseca IM.  2016.  Enhanced clofibric acid removal by activated carbons: Water hardness as a key parameter. Chemical Engineering Journal. 286:538-548. AbstractWebsite

Clofibric acid is the metabolite and active principle of blood lipid regulators, it represents the class of acidic pharmaceuticals, and is one of the most persistent drug residues detected in the aquatic environment worldwide. This interdisciplinary work evaluates the effect of solution pH and water hardness in clofibric acid adsorption onto commercial activated carbons. Kinetic and equilibrium assays revealed that the highest clofibric acid removal efficiencies (>70%) were attained at pH 3, and that at pH 8 water hardness degree plays a fundamental role in the adsorption process. In hard water at pH 8 the removal efficiency values increased by 22 or 46% points depending on the carbon sample. Adsorbents’ textural properties also affect the adsorption process since for the microporous sample (CP) the increase of water hardness has a great influence in kinetic and equilibrium data, while for the micro+mesoporous carbon (VP) the variation of the water hardness promoted less significant changes. At pH 3 the increase of water hardness leads to changes in the adsorption mechanism of clofibric acid onto CP carbon signaled by a transition from an S-type to an L-type curve. At pH 8 the change from deionized water to hard water doubles the maximum adsorption capacity of sample CP (101.7mgg−1 vs 211.9mgg−1, respectively). The adsorption enhancement, with water hardness under alkaline conditions, was reasoned in terms of calcium complexation with clofibrate anion exposed by molecular modeling and conductivity studies. Ca2+ complexation by other acidic organic compounds may also occur, and should be considered, since it can play a fundamental role in improved design of water treatment processes employing activated carbons.

Matos, I, Bernardo M, Fonseca I.  2017.  Porous carbon: A versatile material for catalysis. Catalysis Today. 285:194-203. AbstractWebsite

Heterogeneous catalysis is an exciting field in constant development. New and improved catalysts that can both be effective and economical are always on demand. Activated carbons may well play an important role in this field, as they are a cheaper alternative while more environmentally benign. In this paper, a brief overview of the effort developed in the application of activated carbon as heterogeneous catalysts in various reactions is presented. Functionalised activated carbon has been used as catalyst for fine chemical reactions. Gas-phase reactions for NO, N2O and CO2 conversions were thoroughly studied using activated carbon as catalyst support. In situ characterization techniques proved to be valuable tools to understand carbon gasification mechanism.

Madureira, J, Melo R, Verde SC, Matos I, Bernardo M, Noronha JP, Marga{\c c}a FMA, Fonseca IM.  2018.  Recovery of phenolic compounds from multi-component solution by a synthesized activated carbon using resorcinol and formaldehyde. Water Science and Technology. 77:456–466., Number 2: IWA Publishing AbstractWebsite

The adsorption of four phenolic compounds (gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, vanillic acid and syringic acid) is investigated using a synthesized mesoporous carbon on both single and multi-component synthetic solutions. Some correlation of the adsorption capacity of the carbon and the nature of adsorbate could be made, except for gallic acid whose concentration decrease seems to be not exclusively due to adsorption but also to polymerization reaction. In the multi-component mixture, negative effects in the adsorption capacity are observed probably due to competition for the active centers of the adsorbent surface. In desorption studies, ethanol presents better performance than water and acetonitrile. Vanillic acid is the compound with the higher adsorption and interestingly it is then possible to desorb a relatively high amount of it from the adsorbent, which may represent a possibility for a selective recovery of vanillic acid. These results present a potential way to treat the wastewater from the cork industry.

Lyubchik, S, Lygina E, Lyubchyk A, Lyubchik S, Loureiro JM, Fonseca IM, Ribeiro AB, Pinto MM, Figueiredo AMSá.  2016.  The Kinetic Parameters Evaluation for the Adsorption Processes at ``Liquid–Solid'' Interface. Electrokinetics Across Disciplines and Continents: New Strategies for Sustainable Development. (Ribeiro, Alexandra B., Mateus, Eduardo P., Couto, Nazaré, Eds.).:81–109., Cham: Springer International Publishing Abstract

The kinetic parameters of the adsorption process at ``liquid–solid'' interface have been evaluated through the sets of time-based experiments of the Cr(III) adsorption under varying temperature, initial metal concentration, and carbon loading for two sets of the commercially available activated carbons and their post-oxidized forms with different texture and surface functionality.

Lourenço, SC, Torres CAV, Nunes D, Duarte P, Freitas F, Reis MAM, Fortunato E, Moldão-Martins M, da Costa LB, Alves VD.  2017.  Using a bacterial fucose-rich polysaccharide as encapsulation material of bioactive compounds. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 104:1099-1106. AbstractWebsite

The potential of a bacterial exopolysaccharide named FucoPol, produced by the bacterium Enterobacter A47, as encapsulation matrix was explored. Spherical capsules with a smooth surface were produced by spray drying. The obtained microcapsules had average diameters ranging from 0.5 to 26.7μm and presented thin walls (thickness from 222 to 1094nm). The capsules were loaded with two bioactive compounds: gallic acid (GA) and oregano essential oil (OEO). Both bioactive materials were encapsulated in FucoPol particles, retaining their antioxidant activity after the drying process. Release studies showed that GA release in simulated gastric and intestinal fluids was faster than that of OEO, envisaging that the latter had established stronger interactions with the polymer matrix. These results suggest that FucoPol has a good potential for use as encapsulating material of bioactive compounds for application in several areas, including food, cosmetic or pharmaceutical products.

Inocêncio, S, Cordeiro T, Matos I, Florence Danède, Sotomayor JC, Fonseca IM, Correia NT, Corvo MC, Dionísio M.  2021.  Ibuprofen incorporated into unmodified and modified mesoporous silica: From matrix synthesis to drug release. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 310:110541. AbstractWebsite

Aiming to rationalize the release profile of an incorporated pharmaceutical drug in terms of its mobility, driven by guest-host interactions, the poorly water-soluble ibuprofen drug was loaded in a mesoporous inorganic silica matrix with unmodified (MCM-41) and modified surface (MCM-41sil) by post-synthesis silylation, both having pore sizes   3 nm. The single calorimetric detection of a broad glass transition step for both ibuprofen composites indicates full drug amorphization, confirmed by the only appearance of an amorphous halo in the powder XRD patterns. Moreover, a gradient profile is disclosed by the heat flux derivative plot in the glass transition, in coherence with the thermogravimetric profile that shows a multi-step decomposition trace for confined ibuprofen in these matrixes. While identical guest dynamics, as probed by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy, were found in both dehydrated composites, a significant molecular population with faster relaxation exists in the hydrated state for the drug inside the unmodified matrix. This was rationalized as the concurrence of true confinement effects, which manifest under nanometer dimensions, and greater water affinity of the unmodified matrix, forcing the drug molecules to be placed mostly in the pore core. Finite size effects are also felt in both dehydrated composites, however guest-host interactions give origin to a dominant population with slowed down mobility that governs the overall guest dynamics. In spite of an inferior number of active sites for drug adsorption in the silylated matrix, a faster ibuprofen delivery in phosphate buffer (pH = 6.8) was observed when the drug is released from unmodified MCM-41 in the hydrated state. Therefore, our results suggest that a relevant role is played by water molecules, which impair a strong guest adsorption in the host surface more efficiently than the limited surface modification, influence the higher ratio of a faster population in the pore core and facilitate the diffusion of the aqueous releasing media inside pores.

Godino-Ojer, M, Milla-Diez L, Matos I, Durán-Valle CJ, Bernardo M, Fonseca IM, Pérez Mayoral E.  2018.  Enhanced Catalytic Properties of Carbon supported Zirconia and Sulfated Zirconia for the Green Synthesis of Benzodiazepines. ChemCatChem. 10:5215-5223., Number 22 AbstractWebsite

Abstract This work reports for the first time a new series of promising porous catalytic carbon materials, functionalized with Lewis and Brønsted acid sites useful in the green synthesis of 2,3-dihydro-1H-1,5-benzodiazepine – nitrogen heterocyclic compounds. Benzodiazepines and derivatives are fine chemicals exhibiting interesting therapeutic properties. Carbon materials have been barely investigated in the synthesis of this type of compounds. Two commercial carbon materials were selected exhibiting different textural properties: i) Norit RX3 (N) as microporous sample and ii) mesoporous xerogel (X), both used as supports of ZrO2 (Zr) and ZrO2/SO42− (SZr). The supported SZr led to higher conversion values and selectivities to the target benzodiazepine. Both chemical and textural properties influenced significantly the catalytic performance. Particularly relevant are the results concerning the non-sulfated samples, NZr and XZr, that were able to catalyze the reaction leading to the target benzodiazepine with high selectivity (up to 80 %; 2 h). These results indicated an important role of the carbon own surface functional groups, avoiding the use of H2SO4. Even very low amounts of SZr supported on carbon reveal high activity and selectivity. Therefore, the carbon materials herein reported can be considered an efficient and sustainable alternative bifunctional catalysts for the benzodiazepine synthesis.

Godino-Ojer, M, Blazquez-García R, Matos I, Bernardo M, Fonseca IM, Pérez Mayoral E.  2020.  Porous carbons-derived from vegetal biomass in the synthesis of quinoxalines. Mechanistic insights. Catalysis Today. 354:90-99. AbstractWebsite

We report herein for the first-time acid biomass-derived carbons from vegetal biomass, with high developed porosity, prepared through integrating method comprising pyrolysis and surface phosphonation, able to efficiently catalyze the synthesis of quinoxalines from 1,2-diamines and α-hydroxi ketones, under aerobic conditions. The obtained results indicate that the reaction is mainly driven by a combination of acid function strength and textural properties in terms of conversion and selectivity. Furthermore, our experimental and theoretical observations suggest that the preferred reaction pathway for this transformation, in the presence of the investigated acid carbon catalysts, involves cascade reactions including imination reaction between reactants, successive imine-enamine and keto-enol tautomerisms, heterocyclization followed by dehydration, and aromatization. While the acid sites seem to be a relevant role in each reaction step, the system formed by activated carbon and molecular oxygen could be behind the last oxidative reaction to give the corresponding nitrogen heterocycles.

Godino-Ojer, M, Matos I, Bernardo M, Carvalho R, G.P. Soares OS, Durán-Valle C, Fonseca IM, Mayoral PE.  2020.  Acidic porous carbons involved in the green and selective synthesis of benzodiazepines. Catalysis Today. 357:64-73. AbstractWebsite

Eco-sustainable and recyclable porous carbons are reported as metal-free catalysts for the synthesis of benzodiazepines for the first time. The porous carbons were able to efficiently catalyse the synthesis of benzodiazepine 1 from o-phenylendiamine 2 and acetone 3 under mild conditions. Both acidic functions and the porosity of the catalysts were determinant features. High conversion values were obtained when using HNO3 oxidized carbons. The highest selectivity to benzodiazepine 1 was obtained in the presence of the most microporous catalyst N-N, which is indicative of the great influence of porous properties. Stronger acid sites and high microporosity of the carbon treated with H2SO4 yield benzodiazepine 1 with total selectivity.

Godino-Ojer, M, Blazquez-García R, Matos I, Bernardo M, Fonseca IM, Mayoral PE.  2019.  Porous carbons-derived from vegetal biomass in the synthesis of quinoxalines. Mechanistic insights. Catalysis Today. AbstractWebsite

We report herein for the first-time acid biomass-derived carbons from vegetal biomass, with high developed porosity, prepared through integrating method comprising pyrolysis and surface phosphonation, able to efficiently catalyze the synthesis of quinoxalines from 1,2-diamines and α-hydroxi ketones, under aerobic conditions. The obtained results indicate that the reaction is mainly driven by a combination of acid function strength and textural properties in terms of conversion and selectivity. Furthermore, our experimental and theoretical observations suggest that the preferred reaction pathway for this transformation, in the presence of the investigated acid carbon catalysts, involves cascade reactions including imination reaction between reactants, successive imine-enamine and keto-enol tautomerisms, heterocyclization followed by dehydration, and aromatization. While the acid sites seem to be a relevant role in each reaction step, the system formed by activated carbon and molecular oxygen could be behind the last oxidative reaction to give the corresponding nitrogen heterocycles.

Godinho, D, Dias D, Bernardo M, Lapa N, Fonseca I, Lopes H, Pinto F.  2017.  Adding value to gasification and co-pyrolysis chars as removal agents of Cr3+. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 321:173-182. AbstractWebsite

The present work aims to assess the efficiency of chars, obtained from the gasification and co-pyrolysis of rice wastes, as adsorbents of Cr3+ from aqueous solution. GC and PC chars, produced in the gasification and co-pyrolysis, respectively, of rice husk and polyethylene were studied. Cr3+ removal assays were optimised for the initial pH value, adsorbent mass, contact time and Cr3+ initial concentration. GC showed a better performance than PC with about 100% Cr3+ removal, due to the pH increase that caused Cr precipitation. Under pH conditions in which the adsorption prevailed (pH<5.5), GC presented the highest uptake capacity (21.1mg Cr3+ g−1 char) for the following initial conditions: 50mg Cr3+ L−1; pH 5; contact time: 24h;L/S ratio: 1000mLg−1. The pseudo-second order kinetic model showed the best adjustment to GC experimental data. Both the first and second order kinetic models fitted well to PC experimental data. The ion exchange was the dominant phenomenon on the Cr3+ adsorption by GC sample. Also, this char significantly reduced the ecotoxicity of Cr3+ solutions for the bacterium Vibrio fischeri. GC char proved to be an efficient material to remove Cr3+ from aqueous solution, without the need for further activation.

Godinho, D, Nogueira M, Bernardo M, Dias D, Lapa N, Fonseca I, Pinto F.  2019.  Recovery of Cr(III) by using chars from the co-gasification of agriculture and forestry wastes, Aug. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 26:22723–22735., Number 22 AbstractWebsite

The aim of the present work was to assess the efficiency of biochars obtained from the co-gasification of blends of rice huskþinspace}+þinspace}corn cob (biochar 50CC) and rice huskþinspace}+þinspace}eucalyptus stumps (biochar 50ES), as potential renewable low-cost adsorbents for Cr(III) recovery from wastewaters. The two gasification biochars presented a weak porous structure (ABETþinspace}=þinspace}63–144 m2 g−1), but a strong alkaline character, promoted by a high content of mineral matter (59.8{%} w/w of ashes for 50CC biochar and 81.9{%} w/w for 50ES biochar). The biochars were used for Cr(III) recovery from synthetic solutions by varying the initial pH value (3, 4, and 5), liquid/solid (L/S) ratio (100–500 mL g−1), contact time (1–120 h), and initial Cr(III) concentration (10–150 mg L−1). High Cr(III) removal percentages (around 100{%}) were obtained for both biochars, due to Cr precipitation, at low L/S ratios (100 and 200 mL g−1), for the initial pH 5 and initial Cr concentration of 50 mg L−1. Under the experimental conditions in which other removal mechanisms rather than precipitation occurred, a higher removal percentage (49.9{%}) and the highest uptake capacity (6.87 mg g−1) were registered for 50CC biochar. In the equilibrium, 50ES biochar presented a Cr(III) removal percentage of 27{%} with a maximum uptake capacity of 2.58 mg g−1. The better performance on Cr(III) recovery for the biochar 50CC was attributed to its better textural properties, as well as its higher cation exchange capacity.