Sofia Gomes has a degree in Conservation and Restoration, with a specialization in easel paintings, by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology - NOVA University of Lisbon (DCR/FCT-UNL) (2006) and a Master’s degree in Conservation and Painting Techniques, by the Catholic University of Oporto (2009). Since 2006 she has been working as a freelancer conservator. From 2010 until 2016 she worked at the Painting Department of the former Conservation and Museums Institute, in Lisbon. Despite her conservation training and initial professional experience in easel paintings conservator, she has always been interested in contemporary art and by the conservation challenges it poses. To develop skills in this field, she did professional internships at the SMAK, Ghent (2011), and Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid (2016). She is currently a CORES PhD fellow. Her main research interests are related with conservation of installation art, documentation and the contemporary art conservator’s role.