To promote research on the theoretical and historical aspects of the conservation and restoration practice and theory. Emerging trends in conservation decision making and in conservation and restoration theories are fields of research encouraged and supported by an interdisciplinary team.
A great emphasis is given to the profession progress, goals and current practice. Conservation principles and concepts, which were central to the development of codes of ethics and professional guidelines, are also topics related with this area of study. This means an interdisciplinary approach to issues.
In correlation with these goals full documentation of contemporary art and oral memory records for current conservation and conservation history are, sometimes overlapped, team projects developed in two fronts: conducting interviews with relevant persons in our profession or revealing historic protagonists, documenting conservation procedures and events and revising and systematizing past errors, in a historic perspective; conducting interviews with important artists, documenting their practices and investigate different materials and technics used, as well as studying their archives and the works of art condition, in a current approach, mainly for the study and conservation of contemporary art.