Sofia Gomes

Research Summary

The aim of the doctoral research project is to examine particular issues related with reinstalling a set of complex artworks by the Portuguese artist Ana Vieira (1940-2016) in the absence of the artist ( While some of the artist’s works belongs to museums, many works are not incorporated in institutional collections. These are managed by the Estate and are currently at short-term risk of disappearing.
Focusing on an oral history approach, this study aims at developing conservation strategies and producing documentation that will form a guiding framework for future preservation of the artist’s oeuvre. Furthermore, this study will bring insights and reflections on the contemporary art conservator’s role as a decision-maker.

PhD Project Title: Ana Vieira, an unknown house. Documentation and rescue of a memory.

Supervisors: Rita Macedo (IHA, DCR FCT NOVA, Portugal), Raquel Henriques da Silva (IHA, FCSH NOVA, Portugal)