Inês Feliciano


Inês Feliciano is a self-employed conservator specialised in ceramic and glass conservation.  BA in Art history, from NOVA FSCH (2000). Has a master’s degree in conservation and Restoration from NOVA School of Science and Technology (2016), specialized in ceramic materials. Since 2003 has been doing work in conservation and restoration of ceramic, glass, Portuguese tiles, and archaeological ceramic objects in collaboration with public institutions, national and international museums, antique dealers, and private collectors. She is currently undertaking a PhD degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage at NOVA School of Science and Technology, integrated into the The ChromAz project, with the subject” Uma viagem pela cor no Azulejo português entre os séculos XVI e XVIII. A tecnologia e o restauro.” (PTDC/HAR-HIS/1899/2020).