Enzymatic properties and effect of ionic strength on periplasmic nitrate reductase (NAP) from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774,
Bursakov, S. A., Carneiro C., Almendra M. J., Duarte R. O., Caldeira J., Moura I., and Moura J. J.
, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, Oct 29, Volume 239, Number 3, p.816-22, (1997)
AbstractSome sulfate reducing bacteria can induce nitrate reductase when grown on nitrate containing media being involved in dissimilatory reduction of nitrate, an important step of the nitrogen cycle. Previously, it was reported the purification of the first soluble nitrate reductase from a sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 (S.A. Bursakov, M.-Y. Liu, W.J. Payne, J. LeGall, I. Moura, and J.J.G. Moura (1995) Anaerobe 1, 55-60). The present work provides further information about this monomeric periplasmic nitrate reductase (Dd NAP). It has a molecular mass of 74 kDa, 18.6 U specific activity, KM (nitrate) = 32 microM and a pHopt in the range 8-9.5. Dd NAP has peculiar properties relatively to ionic strength and cation/anion activity responses. It is shown that monovalent cations (potassium and sodium) stimulate NAP activity and divalent (magnesium and calcium) inhibited it. Sulfate anion also acts as an activator in KPB buffer. NAP native form is protected by phosphate anion from cyanide inactivation. In the presence of phosphate, cyanide even stimulates NAP activity (up to 15 mM). This effect was used in the purification procedure to differentiate between nitrate and nitrite reductase activities, since the later is effectively blocked by cyanide. Ferricyanide has an inhibitory effect at concentrations higher than 1 mM. The N-terminal amino acid sequence has a cysteine motive C-X2-C-X3-C that is most probably involved in the coordination of the [4Fe-4S] center detected by EPR spectroscopy. The active site of the enzyme consists in a molybdopterin, which is capable for the activation of apo-nit-1 nitrate reductase of Neurospora crassa. The oxidized product of the pterin cofactor obtained by acidic hidrolysis of native NAP with sulfuric acid was identified by HPLC chromatography and characterized as a molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide (MGD).
Enzymatic spectrophotometric determination of nitrites in beer,
Girotti, S., Ferri E. N., Fini F., Ruffini F., Budini R., Moura I., Almeida G., Costa C., Moura J. J. G., and Carrea G.
, Analytical Letters, 1999, Volume 32, Number 11, p.2217-2227, (1999)
AbstractA colorimetric assay for nitrite determination in beer based on c-type multiheme enzyme Nitrite reductase (NiR) isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, was developed. Using the enzyme in solution, nitrite assay was linear in the 10(-8) - 10(-2) M range with a detection limit of 10(-8) M. and a recovery ranging from 90 to 107%. The imprecision ranged from 4 to 10% on the entire calibration curve. With NIR immobilised onto a nylon coil, a flow reactor was developed which showed a narrower linear range (10(-5) - 10(-2) M) and a higher detection limit (10(-5) M) than with the enzyme in solution, but made it possible to reuse the enzyme up to 100 times (50% residual activity). Sample preparation was simple and fast: only degassing and beer dilution by buffer was needed. This enzymatic assay was in good agreement with the results obtained using commercial nitrite determination kits.
EPR and redox properties of periplasmic nitrate reductase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774,
Gonzalez, P. J., Rivas M. G., Brondino C. D., Bursakov S. A., Moura I., and Moura J. J.
, J Biol Inorg Chem, Jul, Volume 11, Number 5, p.609-16, (2006)
AbstractNitrate reductases are enzymes that catalyze the conversion of nitrate to nitrite. We report here electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies in the periplasmic nitrate reductase isolated from the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774. This protein, belonging to the dimethyl sulfoxide reductase family of mononuclear Mo-containing enzymes, comprises a single 80-kDa subunit and contains a Mo bis(molybdopterin guanosine dinucleotide) cofactor and a [4Fe-4S] cluster. EPR-monitored redox titrations, carried out with and without nitrate in the potential range from 200 to -500 mV, and EPR studies of the enzyme, in both catalytic and inhibited conditions, reveal distinct types of Mo(V) EPR-active species, which indicates that the Mo site presents high coordination flexibility. These studies show that nitrate modulates the redox properties of the Mo active site, but not those of the [4Fe-4S] center. The possible structures and the role in catalysis of the distinct Mo(V) species detected by EPR are discussed.
EPR characterization of the molybdenum(V) forms of formate dehydrogenase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 upon formate reduction,
Rivas, M. G., Gonzalez P. J., Brondino C. D., Moura J. J., and Moura I.
, J Inorg Biochem, Nov, Volume 101, Number 11-12, p.1617-22, (2007)
AbstractThe EPR characterization of the molybdenum(V) forms obtained on formate reduction of both as-prepared and inhibited formate dehydrogenase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of formate to CO(2), is reported. The Mo(V) EPR signal of the as-prepared formate-reduced enzyme is rhombic (g(max)=2.012, g(mid)=1.996, g(min)=1.985) and shows hyperfine coupling with two nuclear species with I=1/2. One of them gives an anisotropic splitting and is not solvent exchangeable (A(max)=11.7, A(mid)=A(min)=non-detectable, A-values in cm(-1)x10(-4)). The second species is exchangeable with solvent and produces a splitting at the three principal g-values (A(max)=7.7, A(mid)=10.0, A(min)=9.3). The hyperfine couplings of the non-solvent and solvent exchangeable nuclei are assigned to the hydrogen atoms of the beta-methylene carbon of a selenocysteine and to a Mo ligand whose nature, sulfydryl or hydroxyl, is still in debate. The Mo(V) species obtained in the presence of inhibitors (azide or cyanide) yields a nearly axial EPR signal showing only one detectable splitting given by nuclear species with I=1/2 (g(max)=2.092, g(mid)=2.000, g(min)=1.989, A(max)=non-detectable, A(mid)=A(min)=7.0), which is originated from the alpha-proton donated by the formate to a proximal ligand of the molybdenum. The possible structures of both paramagnetic molybdenum species (observed upon formate reduction in presence and absence of inhibitors) are discussed in comparison with the available structural information of this enzyme and the structural and EPR properties of the closely related formate dehydrogenase-H from Escherichia coli.
EPR studies of the Mo-enzyme aldehyde oxidoreductase from Desulfovibrio gigas: an application of the Bloch-Wangsness-Redfield theory to a system containing weakly-coupled paramagnetic redox centers with different relaxation rates,
Gonzalez, P. J., Barrera G. I., Rizzi A. C., Moura J. J., Passeggi M. C., and Brondino C. D.
, J Inorg Biochem, Oct, Volume 103, Number 10, p.1342-6, (2009)
AbstractElectron transfer proteins and redox enzymes containing paramagnetic redox centers with different relaxation rates are widespread in nature. Despite both the long distances and chemical paths connecting these centers, they can present weak magnetic couplings produced by spin-spin interactions such as dipolar and isotropic exchange. We present here a theoretical model based on the Bloch-Wangsness-Redfield theory to analyze the dependence with temperature of EPR spectra of interacting pairs of spin 1/2 centers having different relaxation rates, as is the case of the molybdenum-containing enzyme aldehyde oxidoreductase from Desulfovibrio gigas. We analyze the changes of the EPR spectra of the slow relaxing center (Mo(V)) induced by the faster relaxing center (FeS center). At high temperatures, when the relaxation time T(1) of the fast relaxing center is very short, the magnetic coupling between centers is averaged to zero. Conversely, at low temperatures when T(1) is longer, no modulation of the coupling between metal centers can be detected.
Evaluation of Sweat Sampling Procedures for Human Stress Biomarkers Detection,
Nunes, M. J., Moura J. J. G., Noronha J. P., Branco L. C., Samhan-Arias A., Sousa J. P., Rouco C., and Cordas C.
, Analytica, Volume 3, p.178–194, (2022)
The first crystal structure of class III superoxide reductase from Treponema pallidum,
Santos-Silva, T., Trincao J., Carvalho A. L., Bonifacio C., Auchere F., Raleiras P., Moura I., Moura J. J., and Romao M. J.
, J Biol Inorg Chem, Jul, Volume 11, Number 5, p.548-58, (2006)
AbstractSuperoxide reductase (SOR) is a metalloprotein containing a non-heme iron centre, responsible for the scavenging of superoxide radicals in the cell. The crystal structure of Treponema pallidum (Tp) SOR was determined using soft X-rays and synchrotron radiation. Crystals of the oxidized form were obtained using poly(ethylene glycol) and MgCl2 and diffracted beyond 1.55 A resolution. The overall architecture is very similar to that of other known SORs but TpSOR contains an N-terminal domain in which the desulforedoxin-type Fe centre, found in other SORs, is absent. This domain conserves the beta-barrel topology with an overall arrangement very similar to that of other SOR proteins where the centre is present. The absence of the iron ion and its ligands, however, causes a decrease in the cohesion of the domain and some disorder is observed, particularly in the region where the metal would be harboured. The C-terminal domain exhibits the characteristic immunoglobulin-like fold and harbours the Fe(His)4(Cys) active site. The five ligands of the iron centre are well conserved despite some disorder observed for one of the four molecules in the asymmetric unit. The participation of a glutamate as the sixth ligand of some of the iron centres in Pyrococcus furiosus SOR was not observed in TpSOR. A possible explanation is that either X-ray photoreduction occurred or there was a mixture of redox states at the start of data collection. In agreement with earlier proposals, details in the TpSOR structure also suggest that Lys49 might be involved in attraction of superoxide to the active site.
Flavodoxin and rubredoxin from Desulphovibrio salexigens,
Moura, I., Moura J. J., Bruschi M., and Legall J.
, Biochim Biophys Acta, Jun 10, Volume 591, Number 1, p.1-8, (1980)
AbstractA flavodoxin and a rubredoxin have been isolated from the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulphovibrio salexigens (strain British Guiana, NICB 8403). Their amino acid composition and spectral characteristics did not differ markedly from the homologous proteins presented in other Desulphovibrio spp. Flavodoxin was shown to be active in the electron transport of the sulfite reductase system.
Formation of a stable cyano-bridged dinuclear iron cluster following oxidation of the superoxide reductases from Treponema pallidum and Desulfovibrio vulgaris with K(3)Fe(CN)(6),
Auchere, F., Raleiras P., Benson L., Venyaminov S. Y., Tavares P., Moura J. J., Moura I., and Rusnak F.
, Inorg Chem, Feb 24, Volume 42, Number 4, p.938-40, (2003)
AbstractSuperoxide reductases catalyze the monovalent reduction of superoxide anion to hydrogen peroxide. Spectroscopic evidence for the formation of a dinuclear cyano-bridged adduct after K(3)Fe(CN)(6) oxidation of the superoxide reductases neelaredoxin from Treponema pallidum and desulfoferrodoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris was reported. Oxidation with K(3)Fe(CN)(6) reveals a band in the near-IR with lambda(max) at 1020 nm, coupled with an increase of the iron content by almost 2-fold. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy provided additional evidence with CN-stretching vibrations at 2095, 2025-2030, and 2047 cm(-)(1), assigned to a ferrocyanide adduct of the enzyme. Interestingly, the low-temperature electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of oxidized TpNlr reveal at least three different species indicating structural heterogeneity in the coordination environment of the active site Fe ion. Given the likely 6-coordinate geometry of the active site Fe(3+) ion in the ferrocyanide adduct, we propose that the rhombic EPR species can serve as a model of a hexacoordinate form of the active site.
The fundamental importance of basic science: examples of high-impact discoveries from an international Chemistry Network,
Lopes, L. G. F., Sadler P. J., Bernardes-Génisson V., Moura J. J. G., Chauvin R., Bernhardt P. V., and Sousa E. H. S.
, Quim Nova, Volume 43, p.1176-1189, (2020)
A further investigation of the cytochrome b5-cytochrome c complex,
Banci, L., Bertini I., Felli I. C., Krippahl L., Kubicek K., Moura J. J., and Rosato A.
, J Biol Inorg Chem, Sep, Volume 8, Number 7, p.777-86, (2003)
AbstractThe interaction of reduced rabbit cytochrome b(5) with reduced yeast iso-1 cytochrome c has been studied through the analysis of (1)H-(15)N HSQC spectra, of (15)N longitudinal ( R(1)) and transverse ( R(2)) relaxation rates, and of the solvent exchange rates of protein backbone amides. For the first time, the adduct has been investigated also from the cytochrome c side. The analysis of the NMR data was integrated with docking calculations. The result is that cytochrome b(5) has two negative patches capable of interacting with a single positive surface area of cytochrome c. At low protein concentrations and in equimolar mixture, two different 1:1 adducts are formed. At high concentration and/or with excess cytochrome c, a 2:1 adduct is formed. All the species are in fast exchange on the scale of differences in chemical shift. By comparison with literature data, it appears that the structure of one 1:1 adduct changes with the origin or primary sequence of cytochrome b(5).
Gene sequence and the 1.8 A crystal structure of the tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase from Desulfovibrio gigas,
Raaijmakers, H., Macieira S., Dias J. M., Teixeira S., Bursakov S., Huber R., Moura J. J., Moura I., and Romao M. J.
, Structure, Sep, Volume 10, Number 9, p.1261-72, (2002)
AbstractDesulfovibrio gigas formate dehydrogenase is the first representative of a tungsten-containing enzyme from a mesophile that has been structurally characterized. It is a heterodimer of 110 and 24 kDa subunits. The large subunit, homologous to E. coli FDH-H and to D. desulfuricans nitrate reductase, harbors the W site and one [4Fe-4S] center. No small subunit ortholog containing three [4Fe-4S] clusters has been reported. The structural homology with E. coli FDH-H shows that the essential residues (SeCys158, His159, and Arg407) at the active site are conserved. The active site is accessible via a positively charged tunnel, while product release may be facilitated, for H(+) by buried waters and protonable amino acids and for CO(2) through a hydrophobic channel.
Heteronuclear NMR and soft docking: an experimental approach for a structural model of the cytochrome c553-ferredoxin complex,
Morelli, X., Dolla A., Czjzek M., Palma P. N., Blasco F., Krippahl L., Moura J. J., and Guerlesquin F.
, Biochemistry, Mar 14, Volume 39, Number 10, p.2530-7, (2000)
AbstractThe combination of docking algorithms with NMR data has been developed extensively for the studies of protein-ligand interactions. However, to extend this development for the studies of protein-protein interactions, the intermolecular NOE constraints, which are needed, are more difficult to access. In the present work, we describe a new approach that combines an ab initio docking calculation and the mapping of an interaction site using chemical shift variation analysis. The cytochrome c553-ferredoxin complex is used as a model of numerous electron-transfer complexes. The 15N-labeling of both molecules has been obtained, and the mapping of the interacting site on each partner, respectively, has been done using HSQC experiments. 1H and 15N chemical shift analysis defines the area of both molecules involved in the recognition interface. Models of the complex were generated by an ab initio docking software, the BiGGER program (bimolecular complex generation with global evaluation and ranking). This program generates a population of protein-protein docked geometries ranked by a scoring function, combining relevant stabilization parameters such as geometric complementarity surfaces, electrostatic interactions, desolvation energy, and pairwise affinities of amino acid side chains. We have implemented a new module that includes experimental input (here, NMR mapping of the interacting site) as a filter to select the accurate models. Final structures were energy minimized using the X-PLOR software and then analyzed. The best solution has an interface area (1037.4 A2) falling close to the range of generally observed recognition interfaces, with a distance of 10.0 A between the redox centers.
Hydrogen metabolism in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strain New Jersey (NCIMB 8313)--comparative study with D. vulgaris and D. gigas species,
Carepo, M., Baptista J. F., Pamplona A., Fauque G., Moura J. J., and Reis M. A.
, Anaerobe, Dec, Volume 8, Number 6, p.325-32, (2002)
AbstractThis article aims to study hydrogen production/consumption in Desulfovibrio (D.) desulfuricans strain New Jersey, a sulfate reducer isolated from a medium undergoing active biocorrosion and to compare its hydrogen metabolism with two other Desulfovibrio species, D. gigas and D. vulgaris Hildenborough. Hydrogen production was followed during the growth of these three bacterial species under different growth conditions: no limitation of sulfate and lactate, sulfate limitation, lactate limitation, pyruvate/sulfate medium and in the presence of molybdate. Hydrogen production/consumption by D. desulfuricans shows a behavior similar to that of D. gigas but a different one from that of D. vulgaris, which produces higher quantities of hydrogen on lactate/sulfate medium. The three species are able to increase the hydrogen production when the sulfate became limiting. Moreover, in a pyruvate/sulfate medium hydrogen production was lower than on lactate/sulfate medium. Hydrogen production by D. desulfuricans in presence of molybdate is extremely high. Hydrogenases are key enzymes on production/consumption of hydrogen in sulfate reducing organisms. The specific activity, number and cellular localization of hydrogenases vary within the three Desulfovibrio species used in this work, which could explain the differences observed on hydrogen utilization.
Hydrogen production and deuterium-proton exchange reactions catalyzed by Desulfovibrio nickel(II)-substituted rubredoxins,
Saint-Martin, P., Lespinat P. A., Fauque G., Berlier Y., Legall J., Moura I., Teixeira M., Xavier A. V., and Moura J. J.
, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, Dec, Volume 85, Number 24, p.9378-80, (1988)
AbstractThe nickel tetrahedral sulfur-coordinated core formed upon metal replacement of the native iron in Desulfovibrio sp. rubredoxins is shown to mimic the reactivity pattern of nickel-containing hydrogenases with respect to hydrogen production, deuterium-proton exchange, and inhibition by carbon monoxide.
Imine Ligands Based on Ferrocene: Synthesis, Structural and Mössbauer Characterization and Evaluation as Chromogenic and Electrochemical Sensors for Hg+2,
Rosa, V., Gaspari A., Folgosa F., Cordas C. M., Tavares P., Santos-Silva T., Barroso S., and Avilés T.
, New J Chem, Volume 42, p.3334-3343, (2018)
Incorporation of either molybdenum or tungsten into formate dehydrogenase from Desulfovibrio alaskensis NCIMB 13491; EPR assignment of the proximal iron-sulfur cluster to the pterin cofactor in formate dehydrogenases from sulfate-reducing bacteria,
Brondino, C. D., Passeggi M. C., Caldeira J., Almendra M. J., Feio M. J., Moura J. J., and Moura I.
, J Biol Inorg Chem, Mar, Volume 9, Number 2, p.145-51, (2004)
AbstractWe report the characterization of the molecular properties and EPR studies of a new formate dehydrogenase (FDH) from the sulfate-reducing organism Desulfovibrio alaskensis NCIMB 13491. FDHs are enzymes that catalyze the two-electron oxidation of formate to carbon dioxide in several aerobic and anaerobic organisms. D. alaskensis FDH is a heterodimeric protein with a molecular weight of 126+/-2 kDa composed of two subunits, alpha=93+/-3 kDa and beta=32+/-2 kDa, which contains 6+/-1 Fe/molecule, 0.4+/-0.1 Mo/molecule, 0.3+/-0.1 W/molecule, and 1.3+/-0.1 guanine monophosphate nucleotides. The UV-vis absorption spectrum of D. alaskensis FDH is typical of an iron-sulfur protein with a broad band around 400 nm. Variable-temperature EPR studies performed on reduced samples of D. alaskensis FDH showed the presence of signals associated with the different paramagnetic centers of D. alaskensis FDH. Three rhombic signals having g-values and relaxation behavior characteristic of [4Fe-4S] clusters were observed in the 5-40 K temperature range. Two EPR signals with all the g-values less than two, which accounted for less than 0.1 spin/protein, typical of mononuclear Mo(V) and W(V), respectively, were observed. The signal associated with the W(V) ion has a larger deviation from the free electron g-value, as expected for tungsten in a d(1) configuration, albeit with an unusual relaxation behavior. The EPR parameters of the Mo(V) signal are within the range of values typically found for the slow-type signal observed in several Mo-containing proteins belonging to the xanthine oxidase family of enzymes. Mo(V) resonances are split at temperatures below 50 K by magnetic coupling with one of the Fe/S clusters. The analysis of the inter-center magnetic interaction allowed us to assign the EPR-distinguishable iron-sulfur clusters with those seen in the crystal structure of a homologous enzyme.
Information from e.p.r. spectroscopy on the iron-sulphur centres of the iron-molybdenum protein (aldehyde oxidoreductase) of Desulfovibrio gigas,
Bray, R. C., Turner N. A., Legall J., Barata B. A., and Moura J. J.
, Biochem J, Dec 15, Volume 280 ( Pt 3), p.817-20, (1991)
AbstractE.p.r. spectra of reduced iron-sulphur centres of the aldehyde oxidoreductase (iron-molybdenum protein) of Desulfovibrio gigas were recorded at X-band and Q-band frequencies and simulated. Results are consistent with the view that only two types of [2Fe-2S] clusters are present, as in eukaryotic molybdenum-containing hydroxylases. The data indicate the Fe/SI centre to be very similar, and the Fe/SII centre somewhat similar, to these centres in the eukaryotic enzymes.
Insights into the electrochemical behaviour of composite materials: Monovacant polyoxometalates porous metal-organic framework,
Paes de Sousa, P. M., Grazina R., Barbosa A. D. S., de Castro Baltazar, Moura J. J. G., Cunha-Silva L., and Salete S.
, Electrochim Acta, Volume 87, p.853-859, (2013)
Isolation and characterisation of a novel sulphate-reducing bacterium of the Desulfovibrio genus,
Feio, M. J., Beech I. B., Carepo M., Lopes J. M., Cheung C. W., Franco R., Guezennec J., Smith J. R., Mitchell J. I., Moura J. J., and Lino A. R.
, Anaerobe, Apr, Volume 4, Number 2, p.117-30, (1998)
AbstractA novel sulphate-reducing bacterium (Ind 1) was isolated from a biofilm removed from a severely corroded carbon steel structure in a marine environment. Light microscopy observations revealed that cells were Gram-negative, rod shaped and very motile. Partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing and analysis of the fatty acid profile demonstrated a strong similarity between the new species and members from the Desulfovibrio genus. This was confirmed by the results obtained following purification and characterisation of the key proteins involved in the sulphate-reduction pathway. Several metal-containing proteins, such as two periplasmic proteins: hydrogenase and cytochrome c3, and two cytoplasmic proteins: ferredoxin and sulphite reductase, were isolated and purified. The latter proved to be of the desulfoviridin type which is typical of the Desulfovibrio genus. The study of the remaining proteins revealed a high degree of similarity with the homologous proteins isolated from Desulfovibrio gigas. However, the position of the strain within the phylogenetic tree clearly indicates that the bacterium is closely related to Desulfovibrio gabonensis, and these three strains form a separate cluster in the delta subdivision of the Proteobacteria. On the basis of the results obtained, it is suggested that Ind 1 belongs to a new species of the genus Desulfovibrio, and the name Desulfovibrio indonensis is proposed.
Isolation and characterisation of metallothionein from the clam Ruditapes decussatus,
Simes, D. C., Bebianno M. J., and Moura J. J.
, Aquat Toxicol, May 8, Volume 63, Number 3, p.307-18, (2003)
AbstractMetallothioneins (MT) were obtained after purification from metal-exposed clams (Ruditapes decussatus) using gel-permeation and ion-exchange chromatography. Four cadmium-metallothioneins (CdMTs) were resolved by ion-exchange chromatography and they all had similar molecular weights, high cadmium content and an absorption spectra indicative of the presence of characteristic Cd-S aggregates. The NH(2)-terminal sequence suggests the presence of at least two class I clam MT isoforms. For the other two putative clam CdMTs isolated, the results of the amino acid determination were inconclusive. One was slightly contaminated and the other one had a blocked NH(2)-terminal. These clam metalothioneins contain glycine, which seems to be a common feature of molluscan MT family and exhibited more similarity to oysters than to mussels. Further investigation on the inducibility of these isoforms will be necessary if clams are to be used as biomarkers of metal exposure.
Isolation and characterization of a rubredoxin and an (8Fe-8S) ferredoxin from Desulfuromonas acetoxidans,
Probst, I., Moura J. J., Moura I., Bruschi M., and Legall J.
, Biochim Biophys Acta, Apr 11, Volume 502, Number 1, p.38-44, (1978)
AbstractA two cluster (4Fe-4S) ferredoxin and a rubredoxin have been isolated from the sulfur-reducing bacterium Desulfuromonas acetoxidans. Their amino acid compositions are reported and compared to those of other iron-sulfur proteins. The ferredoxin contains 8 cysteine residues, 8 atoms of iron and 8 atoms of labile sulfur per molecule; its minimum molecular weight is 6163. The protein exhibits an abosrbance ratio of A385/A283 = 0.74. Storage results in a bleaching of the chromophore; the denatured ferredoxin is reconstitutable with iron and sulfide. The instability temperature is 52 degrees C. The rubredoxin does not differ markedly from rubredoxins from other anaerobic bacteria.
Isolation and characterization of desulforedoxin, a new type of non-heme iron protein from Desulfovibrio gigas,
Moura, I., Bruschi M., Legall J., Moura J. J., and Xavier A. V.
, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, Apr 25, Volume 75, Number 4, p.1037-44, (1977)
Isolation and preliminary characterization of a soluble nitrate reductase from the sulfate reducing organism Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774,
Bursakov, S., Liu M. Y., Payne W. J., Legall J., Moura I., and Moura J. J.
, Anaerobe, Feb, Volume 1, Number 1, p.55-60, (1995)
AbstractDesulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 is a sulfate reducer that can adapt to nitrate respiration, inducing the enzymes required to utilize this alternative metabolic pathway. Nitrite reductase from this organism has been previously isolated and characterized, but no information was available on the enzyme involved in the reduction of nitrate. This is the first report of purification to homogeneity of a nitrate reductase from a sulfate reducing organism, thus completing the enzymatic system required to convert nitrate (through nitrite) to ammonia. D. desulfuricans nitrate reductase is a monomeric (circa 70 kDa) periplasmic enzyme with a specific activity of 5.4 K(m) for nitrate was estimated to be 20 microM. EPR signals due to one [4Fe-4S] cluster and Mo(V) were identified in dithionite reduced samples and in the presence of nitrate.
Isolation and spectroscopic characterization of the membrane-bound nitrate reductase from Pseudomonas chlororaphis DSM 50135,
Pinho, D., Besson S., Silva P. J., de Castro B., and Moura I.
, Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, May 25, Volume 1723, Number 1-3, p.151-162, (2005)
AbstractA nitrate reductase was solubilized with Triton X-100 from the membranes of Pseudomonas chlororaphis DSM 50135 grown microaerobically in the presence of nitrate. Like other membrane-bound nitrate reductases, it contains three subunits, of 129, 66 (64) and 24 kDa, referred to in the literature as alpha, beta and gamma, respectively. Electrocatalytic studies revealed that only the membrane-bound, not the solubilized form of the enzyme, can accept electrons from a menaquinone analog, menadione, whereas both forms can accept electrons from methylviologen. The isolated enzyme possesses several iron-sulfur clusters and a molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide active center. The iron-sulfur clusters can be grouped in two classes according to their redox properties, the high-potential and low-potential clusters. In the as-isolated enzyme, two forms of the molybdenum center, high- and low-pH, are detectable by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. The low-pH form shows a hyperfine splitting due to a proton, suggesting the presence of an -OHx ligand. Dithionite reduces the Mo(V) center to Mo(W) and subsequent reoxidization with nitrate originates a new Mo(V) signal, identical to the oxidized low-pH form but lacking its characteristic hyperfine splitting. The isolated preparation also contains heme c (in a sub-stoichiometric amount) with the ability to relay electrons to the molybdenum center, suggesting that this nitrate reductase may contain heme c instead of the heme b usually found in this class of enzymes. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.