Information from e.p.r. spectroscopy on the iron-sulphur centres of the iron-molybdenum protein (aldehyde oxidoreductase) of Desulfovibrio gigas

Information from e.p.r. spectroscopy on the iron-sulphur centres of the iron-molybdenum protein (aldehyde oxidoreductase) of Desulfovibrio gigas, Bray, R. C., Turner N. A., Legall J., Barata B. A., and Moura J. J. , Biochem J, Dec 15, Volume 280 ( Pt 3), p.817-20, (1991)


E.p.r. spectra of reduced iron-sulphur centres of the aldehyde oxidoreductase (iron-molybdenum protein) of Desulfovibrio gigas were recorded at X-band and Q-band frequencies and simulated. Results are consistent with the view that only two types of [2Fe-2S] clusters are present, as in eukaryotic molybdenum-containing hydroxylases. The data indicate the Fe/SI centre to be very similar, and the Fe/SII centre somewhat similar, to these centres in the eukaryotic enzymes.


0264-6021 (Print)0264-6021 (Linking)Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

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