Jonas Deuermeier holds a joint doctoral degree in Materials Engineering (Dr.-Ing.) / Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences as a result of a collaborative PhD project between Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal and Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. He is responsible for X-ray and ultravoilet photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS/UPS) at I3N|CENIMAT. His work in this field contributed to expand the possibilities of this powerful analytic tool by developing novel experimental approaches, such as the combination with parallel in situ electrical characterization and the usage of the Auger parameter for the determination of energy band alignments at the nanoscale. The central theme of his research is the correlation of interface properties with electrical device behavior, with a strong emphasis on oxide semiconductors. With this approach, novel self-rectifying resistive switching devices for neuromorphic computation have been developed within the FCT project “NeurOxide” (Ref: PTDC/NAN-MAT/30812/2017). With the aim to make this technology eco-friendlier, he became Principal Investigator of the FCT project “Supreme-IT: Sustainable Printed Memristors by Interface Tuning” (Ref: EXPL/CTM-REF/0978/2021). He is currently supervising a total of three PhD students.