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Bursakov, SA, Brondino C, Dias JM, Carneiro C, Caldeira J, Duarte RO, Romao MJ, Moura I, Moura JJG.  1999.  Cross immunological reactions and spectroscopy study within nitrate reductase and other mononuclear Mo containing enzymes of the sulfate reducing bacteria. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 74:86-86., Number 1-4 AbstractWebsite
Dias, JM, Than ME, Humm A, Huber R, Bourenkov GP, Bartunik HD, Bursakov S, Calvete J, Caldeira J, Carneiro C, Moura JJG, Moura I, Romao MJ.  1999.  Crystal structure of the first dissimilatory nitrate reductase at 1.9 angstrom solved by MAD methods. Structure with Folding & Design. 7:65-79., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Dias, JM, Bursakov S, Carneiro C, Moura JJG, Moura I, Romao MJ.  1999.  Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a nitrate reductase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774. Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography. 55:877-879. AbstractWebsite
Dias, JM, Than ME, Huber R, Bourenkov GP, Bartunik HD, Bursakov S, Moura JJG, Moura I, Romao MJ.  1999.  Crystallographic studies of a dissimilatory nitrate reductase and mechanistic implications. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 74:113-113., Number 1-4 AbstractWebsite
Teixeira, S, Dias JM, Carvalho AL, Bourenkov G, Bartunik H, Almendra MJ, Moura I, Moura JJG, Romao MJ.  1999.  Crystallographic studies on a tungsten-containning formate dehydrogenase from Desulfovibrio gigas. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 74:89-89., Number 1-4 AbstractWebsite
Bazzicalupi, C, Bencini A, Bianchi A, Giorgi C, Fusi V, Valtancoli B, Bernardo MA, Pina F.  1999.  Effect of protonation and Zn(II) coordination on the fluorescence emission of a phenanthroline-containing macrocycle. An unusual case of "nonemissive'' Zn(II) complex. Inorganic Chemistry. 38:3806-3813., Number 17 AbstractWebsite
Cunha, CA, Romao MJ, Sadeghi SJ, Valetti F, Gilardi G, Soares CM.  1999.  Effects of protein-protein interactions on electron transfer: docking and electron transfer calculations for complexes between flavodoxin and c-type cytochromes. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 4:360-374., Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Correia dos Santos, MM, Paes de Sousa PM, Simões Gonçalves ML, Lopes H, Moura I, Moura JJG.  1999.  Electrochemical studies on c-type cytochromes at microelectrodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 464:76-84., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Bencini, A, Bernardo MA, Bianchi A, Fusi V, Giorgi C, Pina F, Valtancoli B.  1999.  Macrocyclic polyamines containing phenanthroline moieties - Fluorescent chemosensors for H+ and Zn2+ ions. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. :1911-1918., Number 11 AbstractWebsite
Roque, A, Pina F, Alves S, Ballardini R, Maestri M, Balzani V.  1999.  Micelle effect on the 'write-lock-read-unlock-erase' cycle of 4 '-hydroxyflavylium ion. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 9:2265-2269., Number 9 AbstractWebsite
Pina, F, Melo MJ, Maestri M, Passaniti P, Camaioni N, Balzani V.  1999.  Photo- and pH-Induced transformations of flavylium cation: "Write-lock-read-unlock-erase" cycles. European Journal of Organic Chemistry. :3199-3207., Number 11 AbstractWebsite
Pina, F, Maestri M, Balzani V.  1999.  Photochromic flavylium compounds as multistate/multifunction molecular-level systems. Chemical Communications. :107-114., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Melo, MJ, Bracci S, Camaiti M, Chiantore O, Piacenti F.  1999.  Photodegradation of acrylic resins used in the conservation of stone. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 66:23-30., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Osuka, A, Kume T, Haggquist GW, Javorfi T, Lima JC, Melo E, Naqvi KR.  1999.  Photophysical characteristics of two model antenna systems: a fucoxanthin-pyropheoporbide dyad and its peridinin analogue. Chemical Physics Letters. 313:499-504., Number 3-4 Abstract
Romao, MJ, Carvalho AL, Dias JM, Teixeira S, Bourenkov G, Bartunik H, Huber R, Maia L, Mira L.  1999.  Preliminary crystallographic studies of xanthine oxidase purified from rat liver. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 74:281-281., Number 1-4 AbstractWebsite
Laia, CAT, Costa SMB.  1999.  Probing the interface polarity of AOT reversed micelles using centro-symmetrical squaraine molecules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 1:4409-4416., Number 18 AbstractWebsite
Chiarelli, MP, Wu HP, Antunes AM, Branco PS.  1999.  Product ion studies of some novel arylamine adducts of deoxyguanosine by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and post-source decay. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY. 13:2004-2010., Number 20 Abstract
Almendra, MJ, Brondino CD, Gavel O, Pereira AS, Tavares P, Bursakov S, Duarte R, Caldeira J, Moura JJG, Moura I.  1999.  Purification and characterization of a tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase from Desulfovibrio gigas. Biochemistry. {38}:{16366-16372}., Number {49} Abstract

An air-stable formate dehydrogenase (FDH), an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of formate to carbon dioxide, was purified from the sulfate reducing organism Desulfovibrio gigas (D. gigas) NCIB 9332. D. gigas FDH is a heterodimeric protein [alpha (92 kDa) and beta (29 kDa) subunits] and contains 7 +/- 1 Fe/protein and 0.9 +/- 0.1 W/protein, Selenium was not detected. The UV/visible absorption spectrum of D, gigas FDH is typical of an iron-sulfur protein. Analysis of pterin nucleotides yielded a content of 1.3 +/- 0.1 guanine monophosphate/mol of enzyme, which suggests a tungsten coordination with two molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide cofactors. Both Mossbauer spectroscopy performed on D. gigas FDH grown in a medium enriched with Fe-57 and EPR studies performed in the native and fully reduced state of the protein confirmed the presence of two [4Fe-4S] clusters. Variable-temperature EPR studies showed the presence of two signals compatible with an atom in a d(1) configuration albeit with an unusual relaxation behavior as compared to the one generally observed for W(V) ions.

Coufal, DE, Tavares P, Pereira AS, Hyunh BH, Lippard SJ.  1999.  Reactions of nitric oxide with the reduced non-heme diiron center of the soluble methane monooxygenase hydroxylase. Biochemistry. {38}:{4504-4513}., Number {14} Abstract

The soluble methane monooxygenase system from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) catalyzes the oxidation of methane to methanol and water utilizing dioxygen at a non-heme, carboxylate-bridged diiron center housed in the hydroxylase (H) component. To probe the nature of the reductive activation of dioxygen in this system, reactions of an analogous molecule, nitric oxide, with the diiron(II) form of the enzyme (H-red) Were investigated by both continuous and discontinuous kinetics methodologies using optical, EPR, and Mossbauer spectroscopy. Reaction of NO with H-red affords a dinitrosyl species, designated H-dinitrosyl, with optical spectra (lambda(max) = 450 and 620 nm) and Mossbauer parameters (delta = 0.72 mm/s, Delta E-Q = 1.55 mm/s) similar to those of synthetic dinitrosyl analogues and of the dinitrosyl adduct of the reduced ribonucleotide reductase R2 (RNR-R2) protein. The H-dinitrosyl species models features of the H-peroxo intermediate formed in the analogous dioxygen reaction. In the presence of protein B, H-dinitrosyl builds up with approximately the same rate constant as H-peroxo (similar to 26 s(-1)) at 4 degrees C. In the absence of protein B, the kinetics of H-dinitrosyl formation were best fit with a biphasic A --> B --> C model, indicating the presence of an intermediate species between H-red and H-dinitrosyl. This result contrasts with the reaction of H-red with dioxygen, in which the H-peroxo intermediate forms in measurable quantities only in the presence of protein B. These findings suggest that protein B may alter the positioning but not the availability of coordination sites on iron for exogenous ligand binding and reactivity.

Wengenack, N, Lopes H, Kennedy M, Tavares P, Pereira AS, Moura I, Moura JJG, Rusnak F.  1999.  Redox potential of the heme protein KatG from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Journal Of Inorganic Biochemistry. {74}:{336}., Number {1-4} Abstract
Ciampolini, M, Formica M, Fusi V, Saint-Mauricec A, Micheloni M, Nardi N, Pontellini R, Pina F, Romani P, Sabatini AM, Valtancoli B.  1999.  Selective lithium complexation by photoactive aza-cages bearing the anthracene function. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. :2261-2268., Number 12 AbstractWebsite
Moura, I, Pereira AS, Tavares P, Moura JJG.  1999.  Simple and Complex Iron-Sulfur Proteins in Sulfate Reducing Bacteria. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry. Volume 47(Sykes, A. G., Ed.).:361-419.: Academic Press Abstract
Moura, I, Pereira AS, Tavares P, Moura JJG.  1999.  Simple and complex iron-sulfur proteins in sulfate reducing bacteria. {47}:{361-419}. Abstract
Franco, R, Ma JG, Lu Y, Pereira A, Tavares P, Moura I, Shelnutt JA, Ferreira GC.  1999.  Spectroscopic characterization of porphyrin binding to ferrochelatase, the last enzyme in the heme biosynthetic pathway. Journal Of Inorganic Biochemistry. {74}:{130}., Number {1-4} Abstract
Archer, M, Carvalho AL, Teixeira S, Moura I, Moura JJG, Rusnak F, Romao MJ.  1999.  Structural studies by X-ray diffraction on metal substituted desulforedoxin, a rubredoxin-type protein. Protein Science. 8:1536-1545., Number 7 AbstractWebsite