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Dionísio, M, Fernandes AC, Mano JF, Correia NT, Sousa RC.  2000.  Relaxation Studies in PEO/PMMA Blends. Macromolecules. 33:1002-1011.Website
Dionísio, M, Sotomayor J.  2000.  A Surface Chemistry Experiment Using an Inexpensive W Contact Angle Goniometer. Journal of Chemical Education. 77(1):59-62.Website
Santos, TO, Caetano RB, Lemos JM, Coito FJ.  2000.  Adaptive Regulation of Arc Welding Temperature with Parallel Integral Action. Abstract


Dias, FB, Lima JC, Macanita AL, Clarson SJ, Horta A, Pierola IF.  2000.  Anomalous fluorescence of linear poly(methylphenylsiloxane) in dilute solution at temperatures below-50 degrees C. Macromolecules. 33:4772-4779., Number 13 Abstract
Pina, F, Melo MJ, Maestri M, Passaniti P, Balzani V.  2000.  Artificial chemical systems capable of mimicking some elementary properties of neurons. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 122:4496-4498., Number 18 AbstractWebsite
Duarte, RO, Archer M, Dias JM, Bursakov S, Huber R, Moura I, Romao MJ, Moura JJG.  2000.  Biochemical/spectroscopic characterization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a new aldehyde oxidoreductase isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 268:745-749., Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Moniz, A, Kovács I.  2000.  Conditions Of Inter-Firm Co-Operation In A Virtual Enterprise Concept : The Case Of Automotive Sector In Portugal. , Number 5658: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

One can assist to significant changes in the organisation of manufacturing systems during the last years. Lean production, network enterprise or the virtual enterprises are reference concepts of the re-organisation of manufacturing systems. Some authors mention a new enterprise paradigm, of generalisation of intelligent manufacture, organised in networks and assisted by information and communication technologies. The first part of the paper develops a critical approach to the illusion connected to these concepts, calling the attention to the diversity of the type of relationships among firms. If virtual enterprises (VE) are networks of firms with intensive usage of ICT, one can verify a predominance of a technicist perspective. This one considers that the development of VEs is a technological problem, of development and management of information systems, and of entrepreneurial share of different databases. Sociology can be useful, even fundamental in an anthropocentric approach. The last part of the paper is on the Portuguese situation in the automobile sector, approaching the types of entrepreneurial organisation.

Dias, JM, Cunha CA, Teixeira S, Almeida G, Costa C, Lampreia J, Moura JJG, Moura I, Romao MJ.  2000.  Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a membrane-bound nitrite reductase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774. Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography. 56:215-217. AbstractWebsite
Dias, FB, Lima JC, Macanita AL, Horta A, Pierola IF.  2000.  Dynamics of cyclic methylphenyltrisiloxane in the picosecond to nanosecond time range. Journal of Physical Chemistry a. 104:17-24., Number 1 Abstract
Pina, F, Bernardo MA, Garcia-Espana E.  2000.  Fluorescent chemosensors containing polyamine receptors. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. :2143-2157., Number 10 AbstractWebsite
Rebelo, J, Macieira S, Dias JM, Huber R, Ascenso CS, Rusnak F, Moura JJG, Moura I, Romao MJ.  2000.  Gene sequence and crystal structure of the aldehyde oxidoreductase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774. Journal of Molecular Biology. 297:135-146., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Sadeghi, SJ, Valetti F, Cunha CA, Romao MJ, Soares CM, Gilardi G.  2000.  Ionic strength dependence of the non-physiological electron transfer between flavodoxin and cytochrome c(553) from D-vulgaris. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 5:730-737., Number 6 AbstractWebsite
Maestri, M, Pina F, Roque A, Passaniti P.  2000.  Light and pH switching between the various forms of the 4 '-methylflavylium cation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry. 137:21-28., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Laia, CAT, Brown W, Almgren M, Costa SMB.  2000.  Light scattering study of water-in-oil AOT microemulsions with poly(oxy)ethylene. Langmuir. 16:465-470., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Santos, TO, Caetano RB, Lemos JM, Coito FJ.  2000.  Multipredictive adaptive control of arc welding trailing centerline temperature. Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 8:159–169., Number 1: IEEE Abstract


Melo, MJ, Moncada MC, Pina F.  2000.  On the red colour of raspberry (Rubus idaeus). Tetrahedron Letters. 41:1987-1991., Number 12 AbstractWebsite
Bazzicalupi, C, Bencini A, Bianchi A, Giorgi C, Fusi V, Masotti A, Valtancoli B, Roque A, Pina F.  2000.  pH modulation of the luminescence emission of a new europium cryptate complex. Chemical Communications. :561-562., Number 7 AbstractWebsite
Melo, MJ, Moura S, Roque A, Maestri M, Pina F.  2000.  Photochemistry of luteolinidin - "Write-lock-read-unlock-erase'' with a natural compound. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry. 135:33-39., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Elisei, F, Lima JC, Ortica F, Aloisi GG, Costa M, Leitao E, Abreu I, Dias A, Bonifacio V, Medeiros J, Macanita AL, Becker RS.  2000.  Photophysical properties of hydroxy-substituted flavothiones. Journal of Physical Chemistry a. 104:6095-6102., Number 25 Abstract
Prudencio, M, Pereira AS, Tavares P, Besson S, Cabrito I, Brown K, Samyn B, Devreese B, Van Beeumen J, Rusnak F, Fauque G, Moura JJG, Tegoni M, Cambillau C, Moura I.  2000.  Purification, characterization, and preliminary crystallographic study of copper-containing nitrous oxide reductase from Pseudomonas nautica 617. Biochemistry. {39}:{3899-3907}., Number {14} Abstract

The aerobic purification of Pseudomonas nautica 617 nitrous oxide reductase yielded two forms of the enzyme exhibiting different chromatographic behaviors. The protein contains six copper atoms per monomer, arranged in two centers named CUA and Cut. Cut could be neither oxidized nor further reduced under our experimental conditions, and exhibits a 4-line EPR spectrum (g(x)= 2.015, A(x) = 1.5 mT, g(y) = 2.071, A(y) = 2 mT, g(z) = 2.138, A(z) = 7 mT) and a strong absorption at similar to 640 nm. Cu-A can be stabilized in a reduced EPR-silent state and in an oxidized state with a typical 7-line EPR spectrum (g(x) g(y) = 2.021, A(x) = A(y) = 0 T, g(z) =0.178, A(z) = 4 mT) and absorption bands at 480, 540, and similar to 800 nm. The difference between the two purified forms of nitrous oxide reductase is interpreted as a difference in the oxidation state of the CuA center. In form A, CUA is predominantly oxidized (S = 1/2, Cu1.5+-Cu1.5+), while in form B it is mostly in the one-electron reduced state (S = 0, Cu1+-Cu1+). In both forms, Cu-Z remains reduced (S = 1/2). Complete crystallographic data at 2.4 Angstrom indicate that Cu-A is a binuclear site (similar to the site found in cytochrome c oxidase) and Cu-Z is a novel tetracopper cluster [Brown, K., et ai. (2000) Nat. Struct. Biol. (in press)]. The complete amino acid sequence of the enzyme was determined and comparisons made with sequences of other nitrous oxide reductases, emphasizing the coordination of the centers. A 10.3 kDa peptide copurified with both forms of nitrous oxide reductase shows strong homology with proteins of the heat-shock GroES chaperonin family.

Wengenack, NL, Lopes H, Kennedy MJ, Tavares P, Pereira AS, Moura I, Moura JJG, Rusnak F.  2000.  Redox potential measurements of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis heme protein KatG and the isoniazid-resistant enzyme KatG(S315T): Insights into isoniazid activation. Biochemistry. {39}:{11508-11513}., Number {37} Abstract

Mycobacterium tuberculosis KatG is a multifunctional heme enzyme responsible for activation of the antibiotic isoniazid. A KatG(S315T) point mutation is found in >50% of isoniazid-resistant clinical isolates. Since isoniazid activation is thought to involve an oxidation reaction, the redox potential of KatG was determined using cyclic voltammetry, square wave voltammetry, and spectroelectrochemical titrations. Isoniazid activation may proceed via a cytochrome P450-like mechanism. Therefore, the possibility that substrate binding by KatG leads to an increase in the heme redox potential and the possibility that KatG(S315T) confers isoniazid resistance by altering the redox potential were examined. Effects of the heme spin state on the reduction potentials of KatG and KatG(S315T) were also determined. Assessment of the Fe3+/Fe2+ couple gave a midpoint potential of ca. -50 mV for both KatG and KatG(S315T). In contrast to cytochrome P450s, addition of substrate had no significant effect on either the KatG or KatG(S315T) redox potential. Conversion of the heme to a low-spin configuration resulted in a -150 to -200 mV shift of the KatG and KatG(S315T) redox potentials. These results suggest that isoniazid resistance conferred by KatG(S315T) is not mediated through changes in the heme redox potential. The redox potentials of isoniazid were also determined using cyclic and square wave voltammetry, and the results provide evidence that the ferric KatG and KatG(S315T) midpoint potentials are too low to promote isoniazid oxidation without formation of a high-valent enzyme intermediate such as compounds I and IT or oxyferrous KatG.

Moniz, A, Kovács I.  2000.  {Conditions Of Inter-Firm Co-Operation In A Virtual Enterprise Concept : The Case Of Automotive Sector In Portugal}. , Number 5658: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

One can assist to significant changes in the organisation of manufacturing systems during the last years. Lean production, network enterprise or the virtual enterprises are reference concepts of the re-organisation of manufacturing systems. Some authors mention a new enterprise paradigm, of generalisation of intelligent manufacture, organised in networks and assisted by information and communication technologies. The first part of the paper develops a critical approach to the illusion connected to these concepts, calling the attention to the diversity of the type of relationships among firms. If virtual enterprises (VE) are networks of firms with intensive usage of ICT, one can verify a predominance of a technicist perspective. This one considers that the development of VEs is a technological problem, of development and management of information systems, and of entrepreneurial share of different databases. Sociology can be useful, even fundamental in an anthropocentric approach. The last part of the paper is on the Portuguese situation in the automobile sector, approaching the types of entrepreneurial organisation.

Alves, T, Besson S, Duarte LC, Pettigrew GW, Girio FMF, Devreese B, Vandenberghe I, Van Beeumen J, Fauque G, Moura I.  1999.  A cytochrome c peroxidase from Pseudomonas nautica 617 active at high ionic strength: expression, purification and characterization, Oct 12. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology. 1434:248-259., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

Cytochrome c peroxidase was expressed in cells of Pseudomonas nautica strain 617 grown under microaerophilic conditions. The 36.5 kDa dihaemic enzyme was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity in three chromatographic steps. N-terminal sequence comparison showed that the Ps. nautica enzyme exhibits a high similarity with the corresponding proteins from Paracoccus denitrificans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. UV-visible spectra confirm calcium activation of the enzyme through spin state transition of the peroxidatic haem. Monohaemic cytochrome c(552) from Ps. nautica was identified as the physiological electron donor, with a half-saturating concentration of 122 mu M and allowing a maximal catalytic centre activity of 116 000 min(-1). Using this cytochrome the enzyme retained the same activity even at high ionic strength. There are indications that the interactions between the two redox partners are mainly hydrophobic in nature. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Marques, MMB, Lobo AM, Prabhakar S, Branco PS.  1999.  A Diels-Alder, retro-Diels-Alder approach to arcyriaflavin-A, MAY 7. TETRAHEDRON LETTERS. 40:3795-3796., Number 19 Abstract