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Abdelouas, A, Gong WL, Lutze W, Shelnutt JA, Franco R, Moura I.  2000.  Using cytochrome c(3) to make selenium nanowires, Jun. Chemistry of Materials. 12:1510-+., Number 6 AbstractWebsite

We report on a new method to make nanostructures in aqueous solution at room temperature. We used the protein cytochrome c(3) to catalyze reduction of selenate (SeO42-) to selenium Se-0 by dithionite. Reduction was instantaneous. After a week spherical nanoparticles of red Se-0 (about 50 nm diameter) precipitated, followed by self-assembling into crystalline nanowires, typically 1 mu m long. The nanowires were composed of one strand of spherical particles; thicker strands contained several nanoparticles in parallel.

Maximo, P, Lourenco A, Feio SS, Roseiro JC.  2000.  Flavonoids from Ulex species, JUL-AUG. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION C-A JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES. 55:506-510., Number 7-8 Abstract
Morelli, X, Czjzek M, Hatchikian CE, Bornet O, Fontecilla-Camps JC, Palma NP, Moura JJ, Guerlesquin F.  2000.  Structural model of the Fe-hydrogenase/cytochrome c553 complex combining transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy experiments and soft docking calculations, Jul 28. J Biol Chem. 275:23204-10., Number 30 AbstractWebsite

Fe-hydrogenase is a 54-kDa iron-sulfur enzyme essential for hydrogen cycling in sulfate-reducing bacteria. The x-ray structure of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Fe-hydrogenase has recently been solved, but structural information on the recognition of its redox partners is essential to understand the structure-function relationships of the enzyme. In the present work, we have obtained a structural model of the complex of Fe-hydrogenase with its redox partner, the cytochrome c(553), combining docking calculations and NMR experiments. The putative models of the complex demonstrate that the small subunit of the hydrogenase has an important role in the complex formation with the redox partner; 50% of the interacting site on the hydrogenase involves the small subunit. The closest contact between the redox centers is observed between Cys-38, a ligand of the distal cluster of the hydrogenase and Cys-10, a ligand of the heme in the cytochrome. The electron pathway from the distal cluster of the Fe-hydrogenase to the heme of cytochrome c(553) was investigated using the software Greenpath and indicates that the observed cysteine/cysteine contact has an essential role. The spatial arrangement of the residues on the interface of the complex is very similar to that already described in the ferredoxin-cytochrome c(553) complex, which therefore, is a very good model for the interacting domain of the Fe-hydrogenase-cytochrome c(553).

Duarte, RO, Archer M, Dias JM, Bursakov S, Huber R, Moura I, Romao MJ, Moura JJ.  2000.  Biochemical/spectroscopic characterization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a new aldehyde oxidoreductase isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, Feb 24. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 268:745-9., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

Aldehyde oxidoreductase (AOR) activity has been found in different sulfate reducing organisms (Moura, J. J. G., and Barata, B. A. S. (1994) in Methods in Enzymology (Peck, H. D., Jr., and LeGall, J., Eds.), Vol. 243, Chap. 4. Academic Press; Romao, M. J., Knablein, J., Huber, R., and Moura, J. J. G. (1997) Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 68, 121-144). The enzyme was purified to homogeneity from extracts of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (Dd) ATCC 27774, a sulfate reducer that can use sulfate or nitrate as terminal respiratory substrates. The protein (AORDd) is described as a homodimer (monomer, circa 100 kDa), contains a Mo-MCD pterin, 2 x [2Fe-2S] clusters, and lacks a flavin group. Visible and EPR spectroscopies indicate a close similarity with the AOR purified from Desulfovibrio gigas (Dg) (Barata, B. A. S., LeGall, J., and Moura, J. J. G. (1993) Biochemistry 32, 11559-11568). Activity and substrate specificity for different aldehydes were determined. EPR studies were performed in native and reduced states of the enzyme and after treatment with ethylene glycol and dithiothreitol. The AORDd was crystallized using ammonium sulfate as precipitant and the crystals belong to the space group P6(1)22, with unit cell dimensions a = b = 156.4 and c = 177.1 A. These crystals diffract to beyond 2.5 A resolution and a full data set was measured on a rotating anode generator. The data were used to solve the structure by Patterson Search methods, using the model of AORDg.

Dias, JM, Cunha CA, Teixeira S, Almeida G, Costa C, Lampreia J, Moura JJ, Moura I, Romao MJ.  2000.  Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a membrane-bound nitrite reductase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, Feb. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 56:215-7., Number Pt 2 AbstractWebsite

Nitrite reductase from the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 is a multihaem (type c) membrane-bound enzyme that catalyzes the dissimilatory conversion of nitrite to ammonia. Crystals of the oxidized form of this enzyme were obtained using PEG and CaCl(2) as precipitants in the presence of 3--(decylmethylammonium)propane-1-sulfonate and belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 78.94, b = 104.59, c = 143.18 A. A complete data set to 2.30 A resolution was collected using synchrotron radiation at the ESRF. However, the crystals may diffract to beyond 1.7 A and high-resolution data will be collected in the near future.

Moniz, A, Kovács I, Vicente D, Ramos AR.  2000.  Fisheries Development and Fisheries Dependent Communities in Portugal: Socio-Economic Change and Strategic Planning, Feb. , Number 7154: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The socio-economic subsystem encompassing fisheries may be defined as including not only the harvesting sector but also several related activities occurring both upstream (shipbuilding, gear manufacture) and downstream (processing, distribution and trade). But these closely interrelated economic activities can also be set within a much broader system which would include the ecological, institutional and political influences which frame economic behaviour. The value of this broader conceptualisation is that it treats fisheries not as an isolated and independent economic activity but as part of a more holistic and complex system. This broader perspective is of particular significance when attempting to examine the concept of regional dependence. The socio-economic subsystem for fisheries is dominated by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). And Peniche emerges as one of Portugal’s most important fishing ports whether measured in terms of the volume of landings or the total numbers of fishermen. It also has one of the highest levels of fisheries dependence of all coastal municipalities in Portugal with over 20% of its workforce currently engaged in fisheries related employment, faces a daunting and uncertain future. The social fabric of fisheries dependent communities also suffers serious damage; once again, the technocratic approach to management has no solutions to offer. It is essential, therefore, to turn away from the existing approach and to develop instead new forms of intervention; in short, to provide a new vision. This implies change not only to the policy process but also in the attitudes of the social actors and in the preoccupations of fisheries related research. An integrated approach is required based on participative action and the development of an integrated information network.

Maximo, P, Lourenco A.  2000.  New quinolizidine alkaloids from Ulex jussiaei, FEB. JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS. 63:201-204., Number 2 Abstract
Moniz, A.  2000.  Trabalho, forma{\c c}ão e inova{\c c}ão: Novos problemas para a Sociedade da Informa{\c c}ão[Work, training and innovation: new problems for the information society], Feb. , Number 8624: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

In this paper for a public debate promoted by the Portuguese President of Republic in 2000, we start from the basic definitions of information society and discuss the main measures proposed as targets in the firld of work and employment. Structural changes are analysed related with the economical and social dimensions of the information society, especially those related to the work organisation, education and training, and the labour markets. Finally recommendations are made on the topics of innovation, employment and development of information society.

Moniz, A, Kovács I, Vicente D, Ramos AR.  2000.  {Fisheries Development and Fisheries Dependent Communities in Portugal: Socio-Economic Change and Strategic Planning}, Feb. , Number 7154: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The socio-economic subsystem encompassing fisheries may be defined as including not only the harvesting sector but also several related activities occurring both upstream (shipbuilding, gear manufacture) and downstream (processing, distribution and trade). But these closely interrelated economic activities can also be set within a much broader system which would include the ecological, institutional and political influences which frame economic behaviour. The value of this broader conceptualisation is that it treats fisheries not as an isolated and independent economic activity but as part of a more holistic and complex system. This broader perspective is of particular significance when attempting to examine the concept of regional dependence. The socio-economic subsystem for fisheries is dominated by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). And Peniche emerges as one of Portugal’s most important fishing ports whether measured in terms of the volume of landings or the total numbers of fishermen. It also has one of the highest levels of fisheries dependence of all coastal municipalities in Portugal with over 20% of its workforce currently engaged in fisheries related employment, faces a daunting and uncertain future. The social fabric of fisheries dependent communities also suffers serious damage; once again, the technocratic approach to management has no solutions to offer. It is essential, therefore, to turn away from the existing approach and to develop instead new forms of intervention; in short, to provide a new vision. This implies change not only to the policy process but also in the attitudes of the social actors and in the preoccupations of fisheries related research. An integrated approach is required based on participative action and the development of an integrated information network.

Moniz, A.  2000.  {Trabalho, formação e inovação: Novos problemas para a Sociedade da Informação[Work, training and innovation: new problems for the information society]}, Feb. , Number 8624: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

In this paper for a public debate promoted by the Portuguese President of Republic in 2000, we start from the basic definitions of information society and discuss the main measures proposed as targets in the firld of work and employment. Structural changes are analysed related with the economical and social dimensions of the information society, especially those related to the work organisation, education and training, and the labour markets. Finally recommendations are made on the topics of innovation, employment and development of information society.

Sanakis, Y, Macedo AL, Moura I, Moura JJG, Papaefthymiou V, Munck E.  2000.  Evidence for antisymmetric exchange in cuboidal 3Fe-4S (+) clusters, Dec 6. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 122:11855-11863., Number 48 AbstractWebsite

Iron-sulfur clusters with [3Fe-4S] cores are widely distributed in biological systems. In the oxidized state, designated [3Fe-4S](+), these electron-transfer agents have an electronic ground state with S = 1/2, and; they exhibit EPR signals centered at g = 2.01. It has been established by Mossbauer spectroscopy that the three iron sites of the cluster are high-spin Fe3+; and the general properties of the S = 1/2 ground state have been described with the exchange Hamiltonian H-exch = J(12)S(1).S-2 + J(23)S(2).S-3 + J(13)S(1).S-3 Some [3Fe-4S](+) clusters (type 1) have their g-values confined to the range between g = 2.03 and 2.00 while others (type 2) exhibit a continuous distribution of g-values down to g approximate to 1.85. Despite considerable efforts in various laboratories no model has emerged that explains the g-values of type 2 clusters. The 4.2 K spectra of all [3Fe-4S](+) clusters have broad features,which have been simulated in the past by using Fe-57 magnetic hyperfine tensors with anisotropies that are unusually large for high-spin feme sites. It is proposed here that antisymmetric exchange, H-AS = d.(S-1 x S-2 + S-2 x S-3 + S-3 x S-1), is the cause of the g-value shifts in type 2 clusters. We have been able to fit the EPR and Mossbauer spectra of the 3Fe clusters of beef heart aconitase and Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin II by using antisymmetric exchange in combination with distributed exchange coupling constants J(12), J(13), and J(23) (J-strain). While antisymmetric exchange is negligible for aconitase (which has a type 1 cluster), fits of the ferredoxin II spectra require \d\ approximate to 0.4 cm(-1). Our studies show that the data of both proteins can lie fit using the same isotropic Fe-57 magnetic hyperfine coupling constant for th three cluster sites, namely a -18.0 MHz for aconitase and a = -18.5 MHz for the D. gigas ferredoxin. The effects of antisymmetric exchange and J-strain on the Mossbauer and EPR spectra are discussed.

Brown, K, Djinovic-Carugo K, Haltia T, Cabrito I, Saraste M, Moura JJ, Moura I, Tegoni M, Cambillau C.  2000.  Revisiting the catalytic CuZ cluster of nitrous oxide (N2O) reductase. Evidence of a bridging inorganic sulfur, Dec 29. J Biol Chem. 275:41133-6., Number 52 AbstractWebsite

Nitrous-oxide reductases (N2OR) catalyze the two-electron reduction of N(2)O to N(2). The crystal structure of N2ORs from Pseudomonas nautica (Pn) and Paracoccus denitrificans (Pd) were solved at resolutions of 2.4 and 1.6 A, respectively. The Pn N2OR structure revealed that the catalytic CuZ center belongs to a new type of metal cluster in which four copper ions are liganded by seven histidine residues. A bridging oxygen moiety and two other hydroxide ligands were proposed to complete the ligation scheme (Brown, K., Tegoni, M., Prudencio, M., Pereira, A. S., Besson, S., Moura, J. J. G., Moura, I., and Cambillau, C. (2000) Nat. Struct. Biol. 7, 191-195). However, in the CuZ cluster, inorganic sulfur chemical determination and the high resolution structure of Pd N2OR identified a bridging inorganic sulfur instead of an oxygen. This result reconciles the novel CuZ cluster with the hitherto puzzling spectroscopic data.

Ascenso, C, Rusnak F, Cabrito I, Lima MJ, Naylor S, Moura I, Moura JJ.  2000.  Desulfoferrodoxin: a modular protein, Dec. J Biol Inorg Chem. 5:720-9., Number 6 AbstractWebsite

The gene encoding the non-heme iron-containing desulfoferrodoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris was cloned in two fragments in order to obtain polypeptides corresponding to the N- and C-terminal domains observed in the tertiary structure. These fragments were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity and biochemically and spectroscopically characterized. Both recombinant fragments behaved as independent metal-binding domains. The N-terminal fragment exhibited properties similar to desulforedoxin, as expected by the presence of a Fe(S-Cys)4 metal binding motif. The C-terminal fragment, which accommodates a Fe(Nepsilon-His)3(Ndelta-His)(S-Cys) center, was shown to have properties similar to neelaredoxin, except for the reaction with superoxide. The activities of desulfoferrodoxin and of the expressed C-terminal fragment were tested with superoxide in the presence and absence of cytochrome c. The results are consistent with superoxide reductase activity and a possible explanation for the low superoxide consumption in the superoxide dismutase activity assays is proposed.

Battistuzzi, G, D'Onofrio M, Borsari M, Sola M, Macedo AL, Moura JJ, Rodrigues P.  2000.  Redox thermodynamics of low-potential iron-sulfur proteins, Dec. J Biol Inorg Chem. 5:748-60., Number 6 AbstractWebsite

The enthalpy and entropy changes associated with protein reduction (deltaHdegrees,(rc), deltaSdegrees,(rc)) were determined for a number of low-potential iron-sulfur proteins through variable temperature direct electrochemical experiments. These data add to previous estimates making available, overall, the reduction thermodynamics for twenty species from various sources containing all the different types of metal centers. These parameters are discussed with reference to structural data and calculated electrostatic metal-environment interaction energies, and redox properties of model complexes. This work, which is the first systematic investigation on the reduction thermodynamics of Fe-S proteins, contributes to the comprehension of the determinants of the differences in reduction potential among different protein families within a novel perspective. Moreover, comparison with analogous data obtained previously for electron transport (ET) metalloproteins with positive reduction potentials, i.e., cytochromes c, blue copper proteins, and HiPIPs, helps our understanding of the factors controlling the reduction potential in ET species containing different metal cofactors. The main results of this work can be summarized as follows.

George, GN, Pickering IJ, Yu EY, Prince RC, Bursakov SA, Gavel OY, Moura I, Moura JJG.  2000.  A novel protein-bound copper - Molybdenum cluster, Aug 30. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 122:8321-8322., Number 34 AbstractWebsite
Prudencio, M, Pereira AS, Tavares P, Besson S, Cabrito I, Brown K, Samyn B, Devreese B, Van Beeumen J, Rusnak F, Fauque G, Moura JJ, Tegoni M, Cambillau C, Moura I.  2000.  Purification, characterization, and preliminary crystallographic study of copper-containing nitrous oxide reductase from Pseudomonas nautica 617, Apr 11. Biochemistry. 39:3899-907., Number 14 AbstractWebsite

The aerobic purification of Pseudomonas nautica 617 nitrous oxide reductase yielded two forms of the enzyme exhibiting different chromatographic behaviors. The protein contains six copper atoms per monomer, arranged in two centers named Cu(A) and Cu(Z). Cu(Z) could be neither oxidized nor further reduced under our experimental conditions, and exhibits a 4-line EPR spectrum (g(x)=2.015, A(x)=1.5 mT, g(y)=2.071, A(y)=2 mT, g(z)=2.138, A(z)=7 mT) and a strong absorption at approximately 640 nm. Cu(A) can be stabilized in a reduced EPR-silent state and in an oxidized state with a typical 7-line EPR spectrum (g(x)=g(y)= 2.021, A(x) = A(y)=0 mT, g(z) = 2.178, A(z)= 4 mT) and absorption bands at 480, 540, and approximately 800 nm. The difference between the two purified forms of nitrous oxide reductase is interpreted as a difference in the oxidation state of the Cu(A) center. In form A, Cu(A) is predominantly oxidized (S = (1)/(2), Cu(1.5+)-Cu(1.5+)), while in form B it is mostly in the one-electron reduced state (S = 0, Cu(1+)-Cu(1+)). In both forms, Cu(Z) remains reduced (S = 1/2). Complete crystallographic data at 2.4 A indicate that Cu(A) is a binuclear site (similar to the site found in cytochrome c oxidase) and Cu(Z) is a novel tetracopper cluster [Brown, K., et al. (2000) Nat. Struct. Biol. (in press)]. The complete amino acid sequence of the enzyme was determined and comparisons made with sequences of other nitrous oxide reductases, emphasizing the coordination of the centers. A 10.3 kDa peptide copurified with both forms of nitrous oxide reductase shows strong homology with proteins of the heat-shock GroES chaperonin family.

Andrade, SL, Brondino CD, Feio MJ, Moura I, Moura JJ.  2000.  Aldehyde oxidoreductase activity in Desulfovibrio alaskensis NCIMB 13491 EPR assignment of the proximal [2Fe-2S] cluster to the Mo site, Apr. Eur J Biochem. 267:2054-61., Number 7 AbstractWebsite

A novel molybdenum iron-sulfur-containing aldehyde oxidoreductase (AOR) belonging to the xanthine oxidase family was isolated and characterized from the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio alaskensis NCIMB 13491, a strain isolated from a soured oil reservoir in Purdu Bay, Alaska. D. alaskensis AOR is closely related to other AORs isolated from the Desulfovibrio genus. The protein is a 97-kDa homodimer, with 0.6 +/- 0.1 Mo, 3.6 +/- 0.1 Fe and 0.9 +/- 0.1 pterin cytosine dinucleotides per monomer. The enzyme catalyses the oxidation of aldehydes to their carboxylic acid form, following simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with the following parameters (for benzaldehyde): K(app/m)= 6.65 microM; V app = 13.12 microM.min(-1); k(app/cat) = 0.96 s(-1). Three different EPR signals were recorded upon long reduction of the protein with excess dithionite: an almost axial signal split by hyperfine interaction with one proton associated with Mo(V) species and two rhombic signals with EPR parameters and relaxation behavior typical of [2Fe-2S] clusters termed Fe/S I and Fe/S II, respectively. EPR results reveal the existence of magnetic interactions between Mo(V) and one of the Fe/S clusters, as well as between the two Fe/S clusters. Redox titration monitored by EPR yielded midpoint redox potentials of -275 and -325 mV for the Fe/S I and Fe/S II, respectively. The redox potential gap between the two clusters is large enough to obtain differentiated populations of these paramagnetic centers. This fact, together with the observed interactions among paramagnetic centers, was used to assign the EPR-distinguishable Fe/S I and Fe/S II to those seen in the reported crystal structures of homologous enzymes.

Moniz, A, Godinho MM.  2000.  New Methodological Approaches for Change in Traditional Sectors: The Case of the Portuguese Fisheries Socio-Economic System, Apr. , Number 6444: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

This paper summarises the methodological approach and main results of the MARHE project (Employment and Human Resources in the Fisheries Socio-Economic System). This project had as its main aim the search for alternative futures for the fisheries sector in Portugal, with particular attention being paid to the human resources situation and the working and living conditions of the fisheries-dependent populations in the coastal areas. This is a particularly interesting case, since fisheries were once an important activity and they are now in deep recession, even though it is generally recognised that the future utilisation of maritime resources offer an immense potential. As part of the research, a Delphi exercise was implemented involving in two successive stages some of the leading actors and experts dealing with the sector in Portugal. Other initiatives were held in the context of the MARHE project providing direct and indirect inputs to the scenarios and recommendations that were put forward in the sequence of the Delphi exercise. Overall the activities described in the paper contributed to the mobilisation of major actors and to discussions that may have practical implication for the future of the sector, if certain conditions are now met in the follow up to the project.

Brown, K, Tegoni M, Prudencio M, Pereira AS, Besson S, Moura JJ, Moura I, Cambillau C.  2000.  A novel type of catalytic copper cluster in nitrous oxide reductase, Apr. Nature Structural Biology. {7}:{191-195}., Number {3}, 75 VARICK ST, 9TH FLR, NEW YORK, NY 10013-1917 USA: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP Abstract

Nitrous oxide (N(2)O) is a greenhouse gas, the third most significant contributor to global warming. As a key process for N(2)O elimination from the biosphere, N(2)O reductases catalyze the two-electron reduction of N(2)O to N(2). These 2 x 65 kDa copper enzymes are thought to contain a CuA electron entry site, similar to that of cytochrome c oxidase, and a CuZ catalytic center. The copper anomalous signal was used to solve the crystal structure of N(2)O reductase from Pseudomonas nautica by multiwavelength anomalous dispersion, to a resolution of 2.4 Angstrom. The structure reveals that the CuZ center belongs to a new type of metal cluster, in which four copper ions are liganded by seven histidine residues. N(2)O binds to this center via a single copper ion. The remaining copper ions might act as an electron reservoir, assuring a fast electron transfer and avoiding the formation of dead-end products.

Moniz, A, Godinho MM.  2000.  {New Methodological Approaches for Change in Traditional Sectors: The Case of the Portuguese Fisheries Socio-Economic System}, Apr. , Number 6444: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

This paper summarises the methodological approach and main results of the MARHE project (Employment and Human Resources in the Fisheries Socio-Economic System). This project had as its main aim the search for alternative futures for the fisheries sector in Portugal, with particular attention being paid to the human resources situation and the working and living conditions of the fisheries-dependent populations in the coastal areas. This is a particularly interesting case, since fisheries were once an important activity and they are now in deep recession, even though it is generally recognised that the future utilisation of maritime resources offer an immense potential. As part of the research, a Delphi exercise was implemented involving in two successive stages some of the leading actors and experts dealing with the sector in Portugal. Other initiatives were held in the context of the MARHE project providing direct and indirect inputs to the scenarios and recommendations that were put forward in the sequence of the Delphi exercise. Overall the activities described in the paper contributed to the mobilisation of major actors and to discussions that may have practical implication for the future of the sector, if certain conditions are now met in the follow up to the project.

Bencini, A, Bianchi A, Lodeiro C, Masotti A, Parola AJ, Pina F, de Melo JS, Valtancoli B.  2000.  A novel fluorescent chemosensor exhibiting exciplex emission. An example of an elementary molecular machine driven by pH and by light, 2000. Chemical Communications. :1639-1640. AbstractWebsite

Coordination/detachment of a pendent functionality in the Zn(ii) complex with a macrocyclic ligand L gives rise to on/off switching of exciplex emission, defining an elementary molecular machine whose movements are driven by both pH and light.

Santos, TO, Caetano RB, Lemos JM, Coito FJ.  2000.  Adaptive Regulation of Arc Welding Temperature with Parallel Integral Action.
Filipe, SR, Severina E, Tomasz A.  2000.  Distribution of the mosaic structured murM genes among natural populations of Streptococcus pneumoniae. J. Bacteriol. 182:6798-6805.