Photochemistry of supramolecular species involving anionic coordination compounds and polyammonium macrocyclic receptors

Pina, F, Parola AJ.  1999.  Photochemistry of supramolecular species involving anionic coordination compounds and polyammonium macrocyclic receptors, 1999. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 185-6:149-165.


Polyammonium macrocyclic receptors can bind anionic coordination compounds, namely those containing cyanide ligands. The;driving force to maintain the adduct is essentially the coulombic attraction, but the possibility of formation of hydrogen bonds is also important to define the geometry of the structure. The second coordination sphere that results from the binding of the polyammonium macrocycle can change several physicochemical properties of the metal coordination-compound, such as spectroscopic, redox and photophysical properties as well as the photochemical reactivity. These. changes permit:to infer, in some favourable cases, details of the supramolecular structure in solution. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


ISI Document Delivery No.: 203GXTimes Cited: 22
Cited Reference Count: 33
Pina, F Parola, AJ
XXXIII International Conference on Coordination Chemistry
Aug 30-sep 04, 1998
Florence, italy
Pina, Fernando/C-8161-2011; Parola, A. Jorge/F-4048-2010
Parola, A. Jorge/0000-0002-1333-9076
Elsevier science sa

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