Lénia Fernandes


Oliveira Fernandes, Lénia. "Interpreting 35mm chromogenic slide film: the Ed van der Elsken case-study". In Barbara Cattaneo, Marcello Picollo, Filippo Cherubini & Veronica Marchiafava (eds.), Colour Photography and Film: Sharing knowledge of analysis, preservation, conservation, migration of analogue and digital materials - 2021: Conference Proceedings, 14-21, August 2021. Milan: Gruppo del Colore – Associazione Italiana Colore: DOI: 10.23738/RCASB.001 

Fernandes, Lénia. “Conserving slides and negatives at the Nederlands Fotomuseum”. In The Institute of Conservation Photographic Materials Group blog, May 2021. https://iconphmgblog.wordpress.com/2021/05/18/conserving-slides-and-negatives-at-the-nederlands-fotomuseum/

Díaz, Diana; Fernandes, L. & Clark, Susie (eds.). ICOM-CC Photographic Materials Working Group Newsletter, June 2020. Paris: International Council of Museums - Conservation Committee. https:// www. icom-cc.org/dlfile.aspx?file=https://www.icom-cc.org/docs/content/Photographic_Materials_Working_Group_

Pietsch, Katrin & Oliveira Fernandes, Lénia. "Mouldy Matters: Conserving Ed van der Elsken’s 42.000 colour slides". In Beauchamp, Marie-Lou (comp.), Topics in Photographic Preservation 18, 167-180, 2019. Washington D.C.: American Institute for Conservation. https://faic.wpenginepowered.com/pmg-topics/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2022/11/T18-167-180-Pietsch-Formatted.pdf 

Pietsch, Katrin & Oliveira Fernandes, Lénia. "The Slides of Ed van der Elsken at the Nederlands Fotomuseum = Die Dias von Ed van der Elsken am Niederländischen Fotomuseum". In Sommermeyer, Barbara & Haaften, Claartje van (eds.), Back to the Future: Riding the Slide Carousel = Back to the Future: Im Karussell der Diakonservierung, 68-87, October 2019. Hamburg: Kerber Verlag / Hamburger Kunsthalle. https:// www. researchgate.net/ publication/ 336220764_The_Slides_of_Ed_van_der_Elsken_at_the_Nederlands_

Jürgens, Martin; Vasallos, Ioannis & Fernandes, Lénia. "Joseph Berres’s Phototyp: Printing Photography in the Service of Science". In The Rijksmuseum Bulletin 66:2, 144-169, June 2018. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum. DOI: 10.52476/trb.9752

Fernandes, Lénia. “A certain kind of light: a short history of exhibiting 19th century paper negatives with a transmitted light source". In XV Reunió Tècnica de Conservació i Restauració. Sistemes i materials per al muntatge, exhibició i emmagatzematge dels béns patrimonials. Barcelona: CRAC Conservadors- Restauradors Associats de Catalunya. November 2017. https://reuniotecnicacrac.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/XV-REUNIO-TECNICA_compressed.pdf 

Fernandes, Lénia. “44th Annual AIC Meeting - Photographic Materials and Research and Technical Studies Session, May 15, ‘Colour Photographic Prints Brand by Spectral and Statistical Analysis’, by Christine Andraud”. May 2016. In Conservators Converse: AIC´s Blog Archive 2008-2018. https://resources.culturalheritage.org/conservators-converse/2016/05/31/44th-annual-aic-meeting-photographic-materials-and-research-and-technical-studies-session-may-15-colour-photographic-prints-brand-by-spectral-and-statistical-analysis-by-christine-andraud/

Fernandes, Lénia. “44th Annual AIC Meeting, Pre-Conference Session, May 14: Florence: Days of Destruction by Franco Zeffirelli”. May 2016. In Conservators Converse: AIC´s Blog Archive 2008-2018. https://resources.culturalheritage.org/conservators-converse/2016/05/25/44th-annual-aic-meeting-pre-conference-session-may-14-florence-days-of-destruction-by-franco-zeffirelli/

Fernandes, Lénia. "Sheer practicality: a multi-purpose conservation mount for paper negatives". AIC & CAC-ACCR Joint Annual Meeting and Conference, May 2016. https://www.culturalheritage.org/docs/default-source/annualmeeting/88-sheer-practicality---a-multi-purpose-conservation-mount-for-paper-negatives.pdf 

Oliveira Fernandes, Lénia & Arquivo Regional e Biblioteca Pública da Madeira. “Conservação Preventiva de Negativos de Vidro. Execução de acondicionamento sink mat”. 2010. https://abm.madeira.gov.pt/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Artigo2-v3-negativos-de-vidro.pdf  

Fernandes, Lénia; Arquivo Regional da Madeira. Conservação Preventiva da Colecção Fotográfica do ARM (COLFOT). 2010. https://www.calameo.com/read/0018383587194a157d68b 

Fernandes, Lénia Janete Oliveira. "Characterization and identification of printed objects". Master’s dissertation, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/1763