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Superoxide reductase activities of neelaredoxin and desulfoferrodoxin metalloproteins, Rusnak, F., Ascenso C., Moura I., and Moura J. J. , Methods Enzymol, Volume 349, p.243-58, (2002) AbstractWebsite

Superoxide reductases have now been well characterized from several organisms. Unique biochemical features include the ability of the reduced enzyme to react with O2- but not dioxygen (reduced SORs are stable in an aerobic atmosphere for hours). Future biochemical assays that measure the reaction of SOR with O2- should take into account the difficulties of assaying O2- directly and the myriad of redox reactions that can take place between components in the assay, for example, direct electron transfer between cytochrome c and Dfx. Future prospects include further delineation of the reaction mechanisms, characterization of the putative (hydro)peroxo intermediate, and studies that uncover the components between reduced pyridine nucleotides and SOR in the metabolic pathway responsible for O2- detoxification.

Imine Ligands Based on Ferrocene: Synthesis, Structural and Mössbauer Characterization and Evaluation as Chromogenic and Electrochemical Sensors for Hg+2, Rosa, V., Gaspari A., Folgosa F., Cordas C. M., Tavares P., Santos-Silva T., Barroso S., and Avilés T. , New J Chem, Volume 42, p.3334-3343, (2018) Website
Crystal structure of flavodoxin from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 in two oxidation states, Romero, A., Caldeira J., Legall J., Moura I., Moura J. J., and Romao M. J. , Eur J Biochem, Jul 1, Volume 239, Number 1, p.190-6, (1996) AbstractWebsite

The crystal structures of the flavodoxin from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 have been determined and refined for both oxidized and semi-reduced forms to final crystallographic R-factors of 17.9% (0.8-0.205-nm resolution) and 19.4% (0.8-0.215-nm resolution) respectively. Native flavodoxin crystals were grown from ammonium sulfate with cell constants a = b = 9.59 nm, c=3.37nm (oxidized crystals) and they belong to space group P3(2)21. Semireduced crystals showed some changes in cell dimensions: a = b = 9.51 nm, c=3.35 nm. The three-dimensional structures are similar to other known flavodoxins and deviations are found essentially in the isoalloxazine ring environment. Conformational changes are observed between both redox states and a flip of the Gly61-Met62 peptide bond occurs upon one-electron reduction of the FMN group. These changes influence the redox potential of the oxidized/semiquinone couple. Modulation of the redox potentials is known to be related to the association constant of the FMN group to the protein. The flavodoxin from D. desulfuricans now studied has a large span between E2 (oxidized --> semiquinone) and E1 (semiquinone --> hydroquinone) redox potentials, both these values being substantially more positive within known flavodoxins. A comparison of their FMN environment was made in both oxidation states in order to correlate functional and structural differences.

Subunit composition, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of the Desulfovibrio gigas aldehyde oxidoreductase containing molybdenum and [2Fe-2S] centers, Romao, M. J., Barata B. A., Archer M., Lobeck K., Moura I., Carrondo M. A., Legall J., Lottspeich F., Huber R., and Moura J. J. , Eur J Biochem, Aug 1, Volume 215, Number 3, p.729-32, (1993) AbstractWebsite

The Desulfovibrio gigas aldehyde oxidoreductase contains molybdenum bound to a pterin cofactor and [2Fe-2S] centers. The enzyme was characterized by SDS/PAGE, gel-filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation experiments. It was crystallized at 4 degrees C, pH 7.2, using isopropanol and MgCl2 as precipitants. The crystals diffract beyond 0.3-nm (3.0-A) resolution and belong to space group P6(1)22 or its enantiomorph, with cell dimensions a = b = 14.45 nm and c = 16.32 nm. There is one subunit/asymmetric unit which gives a packing density of 2.5 x 10(-3) nm3/Da (2.5 A3/Da), consistent with the experimental crystal density, rho = 1.14 g/cm3. One dimer (approximately 2 x 100 kDa) is located on a crystallographic twofold axis.

Crystal structure of the xanthine oxidase-related aldehyde oxido-reductase from D. gigas, Romao, M. J., Archer M., Moura I., Moura J. J., Legall J., Engh R., Schneider M., Hof P., and Huber R. , Science, Nov 17, Volume 270, Number 5239, p.1170-6, (1995) AbstractWebsite

The crystal structure of the aldehyde oxido-reductase (Mop) from the sulfate reducing anaerobic Gram-negative bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas has been determined at 2.25 A resolution by multiple isomorphous replacement and refined. The protein, a homodimer of 907 amino acid residues subunits, is a member of the xanthine oxidase family. The protein contains a molybdopterin cofactor (Mo-co) and two different [2Fe-2S] centers. It is folded into four domains of which the first two bind the iron sulfur centers and the last two are involved in Mo-co binding. Mo-co is a molybdenum molybdopterin cytosine dinucleotide. Molybdopterin forms a tricyclic system with the pterin bicycle annealed to a pyran ring. The molybdopterin dinucleotide is deeply buried in the protein. The cis-dithiolene group of the pyran ring binds the molybdenum, which is coordinated by three more (oxygen) ligands.

Molybdenum enzymes in reactions involving aldehydes and acids, Romao, M. J., Cunha C. A., Brondino C. D., and Moura J. J. , Met Ions Biol Syst, Volume 39, p.539-70, (2002) AbstractWebsite
Structure and function of molybdopterin containing enzymes, Romao, M. J., Knablein J., Huber R., and Moura J. J. , Prog Biophys Mol Biol, Volume 68, Number 2-3, p.121-44, (1997) AbstractWebsite

Molybdopterin containing enzymes are present in a wide range of living systems and have been known for several decades. However, only in the past two years have the first crystal structures been reported for this type of enzyme. This has represented a major breakthrough in this field. The enzymes share common structural features, but reveal different polypeptide folding topologies. In this review we give an account of the related spectroscopic information and the crystallographic results, with emphasis on structure-function studies.

Dissimilatory Nitrate Reductase, Romão, M. J., Dias J. M., and Moura I. , Handbook of Metalloproteins , p.1075-1085, (2001) Abstract
Tauroursodeoxycholic acid prevents Bax-induced membrane perturbation and cytochrome C release in isolated mitochondria, Rodrigues, C. M., Sola S., Sharpe J. C., Moura J. J., and Steer C. J. , Biochemistry, Mar 18, Volume 42, Number 10, p.3070-80, (2003) AbstractWebsite

Bax is a potent pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 protein family that localizes to the mitochondrial membrane during apoptosis. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) modulates the apoptotic threshold, in part, by preventing Bax translocation both in vitro and in vivo. The mechanisms by which Bax induces and TUDCA inhibits release of cytochrome c are unclear. We show here that recombinant Bax protein induced cytochrome c release in isolated mitochondria without detectable swelling. Co-incubation with TUDCA prevented efflux of mitochondrial factors and proteolytic processing of caspases in cytosolic extracts. Spectroscopic analyses of mitochondria exposed to Bax revealed increased polarity and fluidity of the membrane lipid core as well as altered protein order, indicative of Bax binding, together with loss of spin-label paramagnetism, characteristic of oxidative damage. TUDCA markedly abrogated the Bax-induced membrane perturbation. In conclusion, our results indicate that Bax protein directly induces cytochrome c release from mitochondria through a mechanism that does not require the permeability transition. Rather, it is accompanied by changes in the organization of membrane lipids and proteins. TUDCA is a potent inhibitor of Bax association with mitochondria. Thus, TUDCA modulates apoptosis by suppressing mitochondrial membrane perturbation through pathways that are also independent of the mitochondrial permeability transition.

Characterization of recombinant Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin, Rodrigues, P., Graca F., Macedo A. L., Moura I., and Moura J. J. , Biochem Biophys Res Commun, Nov 30, Volume 289, Number 2, p.630-3, (2001) AbstractWebsite

Dg ferredoxin gene was cloned using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), inserted into vector pT7-7, and overexpressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli) grown in aerobic media. The recombinant protein is a dimer and contains a [3Fe-4S] cluster per monomer. EPR and (1)H NMR data of recombinant and wild-type protein are compared.

Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin II: redox structural modulation of the [3Fe-4S] cluster, Rodrigues, P. M., Macedo A. L., Goodfellow B. J., Moura I., and Moura J. J. , J Biol Inorg Chem, Apr, Volume 11, Number 3, p.307-15, (2006) AbstractWebsite

Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin II (DgFdII) is a small protein with a polypeptide chain composed of 58 amino acids, containing one Fe3S4 cluster per monomer. Upon studying the redox cycle of this protein, we detected a stable intermediate (FdIIint) with four 1H resonances at 24.1, 20.5, 20.8 and 13.7 ppm. The differences between FdIIox and FdIIint were attributed to conformational changes resulting from the breaking/formation of an internal disulfide bridge. The same 1H NMR methodology used to fully assign the three cysteinyl ligands of the [3Fe-4S] core in the oxidized state (DgFdIIox) was used here for the assignment of the same three ligands in the intermediate state (DgFdIIint). The spin-coupling model used for the oxidized form of DgFdII where magnetic exchange coupling constants of around 300 cm-1 and hyperfine coupling constants equal to 1 MHz for all the three iron centres were found, does not explain the isotropic shift temperature dependence for the three cysteinyl cluster ligands in DgFdIIint. This study, together with the spin delocalization mechanism proposed here for DgFdIIint, allows the detection of structural modifications at the [3Fe-4S] cluster in DgFdIIox and DgFdIIint.

Bilirubin directly disrupts membrane lipid polarity and fluidity, protein order, and redox status in rat mitochondria, Rodrigues, C. M., Sola S., Brito M. A., Brites D., and Moura J. J. , J Hepatol, Mar, Volume 36, Number 3, p.335-41, (2002) AbstractWebsite

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) impairs crucial aspects of cell function and induces apoptosis in primary cultured neurones. While mechanisms of cytotoxicity begin to unfold, mitochondria appear as potential primary targets. METHODS: We used electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of isolated rat mitochondria to test the hypothesis that UCB physically interacts with mitochondria to induce structural membrane perturbation, leading to increased permeability, and subsequent release of apoptotic factors. RESULTS: Our data demonstrate profound changes on mitochondrial membrane properties during incubation with UCB, including modified membrane lipid polarity and fluidity (P<0.01), as well as disrupted protein mobility (P<0.001). Consistent with increased permeability, cytochrome c was released from the intermembrane space (P<0.01), perhaps uncoupling the respiratory chain and further increasing oxidative stress (P<0.01). Both ursodeoxycholate, a mitochondrial-membrane stabilising agent, and cyclosporine A, an inhibitor of the permeability transition, almost completely abrogated UCB-induced perturbation. CONCLUSIONS: UCB directly interacts with mitochondria influencing membrane lipid and protein properties, redox status, and cytochrome c content. Thus, apoptosis induced by UCB may be mediated, at least in part, by physical perturbation of the mitochondrial membrane. These novel findings should ultimately prove useful to our evolving understanding of UCB cytotoxicity.

Amyloid beta-peptide disrupts mitochondrial membrane lipid and protein structure: protective role of tauroursodeoxycholate, Rodrigues, C. M., Sola S., Brito M. A., Brondino C. D., Brites D., and Moura J. J. , Biochem Biophys Res Commun, Feb 23, Volume 281, Number 2, p.468-74, (2001) AbstractWebsite

Mitochondria have been implicated in the cytotoxicity of amyloid beta-peptide (A beta), which accumulates as senile plaques in the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients. Tauroursodeoxycholate (TUDC) modulates cell death, in part, by preventing mitochondrial membrane perturbation. Using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of isolated mitochondria, we tested the hypothesis that A beta acts locally in mitochondrial membranes to induce oxidative injury, leading to increased membrane permeability and subsequent release of caspase-activating factors. Further, we intended to determine the role of TUDC at preventing A beta-induced mitochondrial membrane dysfunction. The results demonstrate oxidative injury of mitochondrial membranes during exposure to A beta and reveal profound structural changes, including modified membrane lipid polarity and disrupted protein mobility. Cytochrome c is released from the intermembrane space of mitochondria as a consequence of increased membrane permeability. TUDC, but not cyclosporine A, almost completely abrogated A beta-induced perturbation of mitochondrial membrane structure. We conclude that A beta directly induces cytochrome c release from mitochondria through a mechanism that is accompanied by profound effects on mitochondrial membrane redox status, lipid polarity, and protein order. TUDC can directly suppress A beta-induced disruption of the mitochondrial membrane structure, suggesting a neuroprotective role for this bile salt.

Spectroscopic characterization of a novel 2 x 4Fe-4S ferredoxin isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, Rodrigues, P. M., Moura I., Macedo A. L., and Moura J. J. G. , Inorganica Chimica Acta, Dec 3, Volume 356, p.215-221, (2003) AbstractWebsite

A novel iron-sulfur containing protein, a ferredoxin (Fd), was purified to homogeneity from the extract of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans American type culture collection (ATCC) 27774. The purified protein is a 13.4 kDa homodimer with a polypeptide chain of 60 amino acids residues, containing eight cysteines that coordinate two [4Fe-4S] clusters. The protein is shown to be air sensitive and cluster conversions take place. We structurally characterize a redox state that contains two [4Fe-4S] cores. 1D and 2D H-1 NMR studies are reported on form containing the clusters in the oxidized state. Based on the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE), relaxation measurements and comparison of the present data with the available spectra of the analogous 8Fe Fds, the cluster ligands were specifically assigned to the eight-cysteinyl residues. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Perturbation of membrane dynamics in nerve cells as an early event during bilirubin-induced apoptosis, Rodrigues, C. M., Sola S., Castro R. E., Laires P. A., Brites D., and Moura J. J. , J Lipid Res, Jun, Volume 43, Number 6, p.885-94, (2002) AbstractWebsite

Increased levels of unconjugated bilirubin, the end product of heme catabolism, impair crucial aspects of nerve cell function. In previous studies, we demonstrated that bilirubin toxicity may be due to cell death by apoptosis. To characterize the sequence of events leading to neurotoxicity, we exposed developing rat brain astrocytes and neurons to unconjugated bilirubin and investigated whether changes in membrane dynamic properties can mediate apoptosis. Bilirubin induced a rapid, dose-dependent increase in apoptosis, which was nevertheless preceded by impaired mitochondrial metabolism. Using spin labels and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of whole cell and isolated mitochondrial membranes exposed to bilirubin, we detected major membrane perturbation. By physically interacting with cell membranes, bilirubin induced an almost immediate increase in lipid polarity sensed at a superficial level. The enhanced membrane permeability coincided with an increase in lipid fluidity and protein mobility and was associated with significant oxidative injury to membrane lipids. In conclusion, apoptosis of nerve cells induced by bilirubin is mediated by its primary effect at physically perturbing the cell membrane. Bilirubin directly interacts with membranes influencing lipid polarity and fluidity, protein order, and redox status. These data suggest that nerve cell membranes are primary targets of bilirubin toxicity.

Molybdenum induces the expression of a protein containing a new heterometallic Mo-Fe cluster in Desulfovibrio alaskensis, Rivas, M. G., Carepo M. S., Mota C. S., Korbas M., Durand M. C., Lopes A. T., Brondino C. D., Pereira A. S., George G. N., Dolla A., Moura J. J., and Moura I. , Biochemistry, Feb 10, Volume 48, Number 5, p.873-82, (2009) AbstractWebsite

The characterization of a novel Mo-Fe protein (MorP) associated with a system that responds to Mo in Desulfovibrio alaskensis is reported. Biochemical characterization shows that MorP is a periplasmic homomultimer of high molecular weight (260 +/- 13 kDa) consisting of 16-18 monomers of 15321.1 +/- 0.5 Da. The UV/visible absorption spectrum of the as-isolated protein shows absorption peaks around 280, 320, and 570 nm with extinction coefficients of 18700, 12800, and 5000 M(-1) cm(-1), respectively. Metal content, EXAFS data and DFT calculations support the presence of a Mo-2S-[2Fe-2S]-2S-Mo cluster never reported before. Analysis of the available genomes from Desulfovibrio species shows that the MorP encoding gene is located downstream of a sensor and a regulator gene. This type of gene arrangement, called two component system, is used by the cell to regulate diverse physiological processes in response to changes in environmental conditions. Increase of both gene expression and protein production was observed when cells were cultured in the presence of 45 microM molybdenum. Involvement of this system in Mo tolerance of sulfate reducing bacteria is proposed.

EPR characterization of the molybdenum(V) forms of formate dehydrogenase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 upon formate reduction, Rivas, M. G., Gonzalez P. J., Brondino C. D., Moura J. J., and Moura I. , J Inorg Biochem, Nov, Volume 101, Number 11-12, p.1617-22, (2007) AbstractWebsite

The EPR characterization of the molybdenum(V) forms obtained on formate reduction of both as-prepared and inhibited formate dehydrogenase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of formate to CO(2), is reported. The Mo(V) EPR signal of the as-prepared formate-reduced enzyme is rhombic (g(max)=2.012, g(mid)=1.996, g(min)=1.985) and shows hyperfine coupling with two nuclear species with I=1/2. One of them gives an anisotropic splitting and is not solvent exchangeable (A(max)=11.7, A(mid)=A(min)=non-detectable, A-values in cm(-1)x10(-4)). The second species is exchangeable with solvent and produces a splitting at the three principal g-values (A(max)=7.7, A(mid)=10.0, A(min)=9.3). The hyperfine couplings of the non-solvent and solvent exchangeable nuclei are assigned to the hydrogen atoms of the beta-methylene carbon of a selenocysteine and to a Mo ligand whose nature, sulfydryl or hydroxyl, is still in debate. The Mo(V) species obtained in the presence of inhibitors (azide or cyanide) yields a nearly axial EPR signal showing only one detectable splitting given by nuclear species with I=1/2 (g(max)=2.092, g(mid)=2.000, g(min)=1.989, A(max)=non-detectable, A(mid)=A(min)=7.0), which is originated from the alpha-proton donated by the formate to a proximal ligand of the molybdenum. The possible structures of both paramagnetic molybdenum species (observed upon formate reduction in presence and absence of inhibitors) are discussed in comparison with the available structural information of this enzyme and the structural and EPR properties of the closely related formate dehydrogenase-H from Escherichia coli.

Isolation and characterization of a new Cu-Fe protein from Desulfovibrio aminophilus DSM12254, Rivas, M. G., Mota C. S., Pauleta S. R., Carepo M. S., Folgosa F., Andrade S. L., Fauque G., Pereira A. S., Tavares P., Calvete J. J., Moura I., and Moura J. J. , J Inorg Biochem, Oct, Volume 103, Number 10, p.1314-22, (2009) AbstractWebsite

The isolation and characterization of a new metalloprotein containing Cu and Fe atoms is reported. The as-isolated Cu-Fe protein shows an UV-visible spectrum with absorption bands at 320 nm, 409 nm and 615 nm. Molecular mass of the native protein along with denaturating electrophoresis and mass spectrometry data show that this protein is a multimer consisting of 14+/-1 subunits of 15254.3+/-7.6 Da. Mossbauer spectroscopy data of the as-isolated Cu-Fe protein is consistent with the presence of [2Fe-2S](2+) centers. Data interpretation of the dithionite reduced protein suggest that the metallic cluster could be constituted by two ferromagnetically coupled [2Fe-2S](+) spin delocalized pairs. The biochemical properties of the Cu-Fe protein are similar to the recently reported molybdenum resistance associated protein from Desulfovibrio, D. alaskensis. Furthermore, a BLAST search from the DNA deduced amino acid sequence shows that the Cu-Fe protein has homology with proteins annotated as zinc resistance associated proteins from Desulfovibrio, D. alaskensis, D. vulgaris Hildenborough, D. piger ATCC 29098. These facts suggest a possible role of the Cu-Fe protein in metal tolerance.

Chromatographic-based methods for pesticide determination in honey: An overview, Rial-Otero, R., Gaspar E. M., Moura I., and Capelo J. L. , Talanta, Feb 15, Volume 71, Number 2, p.503-514, (2007) AbstractWebsite

Nowadays the control of pesticides in honey is an issue of primary health importance as consequence of the increasing content of these chemicals in the aforementioned matrix. This poisoning has led to the worldwide increasing loss of bees since 1995. From Europe to Canada, scientist, beekeepers and chemical companies disagree about the reasons that have led to colony losses higher than 50% in some areas. This problem has become a public health issue due to the high honey worldwide consumption. The presence of pesticides in honey has been directly related to bees' mortality by some researchers through pesticide presence in (1) pollen, (2) honeycomb walls, (3) own bees and (4) honey. In this work we describe the actual state-of-the-art for pesticides determination in honey along with a review in this subject focused on sample treatments and instrumentation. Finally, future trends are also commented. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Ultrasonic assisted protein enzymatic digestion for fast protein identification by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry Sonoreactor versus ultrasonic probe, Rial-Otero, R., Carreira R. J., Cordeiro F. M., Moro A. J., Santos H. M., Vale G., Moura I., and Capelo J. L. , Journal of Chromatography A, Sep 28, Volume 1166, Number 1-2, p.101-107, (2007) AbstractWebsite

Two different ultrasonic energy sources, the sonoreactor and the ultrasonic probe, are compared for enzymatic digestion of proteins for protein identification by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDl-TOF-MS) using the peptide mass fingerprint (PMF) procedure. Variables such as (i) trypsin/protein ratio; (ii) sonication time; (iii) ultrasound amplitude; and (iv) protein concentration are studied and compared. As a general rule, the trypsin/protein ratio and the minimum protein concentration successfully digested are similar with both ultrasonic energy sources. Results showed that the time needed to digest proteins was shorter with the ultrasonic probe, 60 s versus 120 s, for the same amplitude of sonication, 50%. However, lower standard deviations and cleaner MALDI-TOF-MS spectra were obtained with the sonoreactor. In addition, the sonoreactor device provided higher sample throughput (6 samples for the sonoreactor versus 1 sample for the ultrasonic probe) and easier sample handling for lower sample volumes (25 mu l). Finally, a comparison of both methodologies for the specific identification of the adenylylsulphate reductase alfa subunit from a complex protein mixture from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 was done as a proof of the procedure. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Sonoreactor-based technology for fast high-throughput proteolytic digestion of proteins, Rial-Otero, R., Carreira R. J., Cordeiro F. M., Moro A. J., Fernandes L., Moura I., and Capelo J. L. , Journal of Proteome Research, Feb, Volume 6, Number 2, p.909-912, (2007) AbstractWebsite

Fast (120 s) and high-throughput (more than six samples at once) in-gel trypsin digestion of proteins using sonoreactor technology has been achieved. Successful protein identification was done by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, MALDI-TOF-MS. Specific identification of the adenylylsulphate reductase alfa subunit from a complex protein mixture from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 was done as a proof of the methodology. The new sample treatment is of easy implementation, saves time and money, and can be adapted to online procedures and robotic platforms.

Gas chromatography mass spectrometry determination of acaricides from honey after a new fast ultrasonic-based solid phase micro-extraction sample treatment, Rial-Otero, R., Gaspar E. M., Moura I., and Capelo J. L. , Talanta, Mar 30, Volume 71, Number 5, p.1906-1914, (2007) AbstractWebsite

A method is reported for the determination of acaricides (amitraz, bromopropylate, coumaphos and fluvalinate) from honey by gas chromatography mass spectrometry after a new fast solid phase micro-extraction, SPME, procedure. Six different fibers were assessed for micro-extraction purpose studying the following variables: (i) SPME coating, (ii) extraction temperature, (iii) extraction time, (iv) desorption conditions and (v) agitation conditions. The new ultrasonic bath technology providing different sonication frequencies (35 and 130 kHz) and different working modes (Sweep, Standard and Degas) was studied and optimized for speeding up the acaricide micro-extraction. The best extraction results were achieved with the polyacrylate fiber. The extraction process was done in 30 min using the ultrasonic bath at 130 kHz in the Standard mode. Quality parameters of the proposed method show a good precision (<11%) and detection and quantitation limits lower than 6 and 15 ng/g, respectively, except for fluvalinate. Eleven Portuguese commercial honey samples were analyzed with the developed method in order to assess the performance of the method with real samples and to determine whether the concentration of acaricides in honey exceed their maximum residue levels (MRLs). Acaricide residues detected were lower than those established by the legislation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Ferromagnetic resonance of Fe(111) thin films and Fe(111)/Cu(111) multilayers, Rezende, S. M., Moura J. A., de Aguiar F. M., and Schreiner W. H. , Phys Rev B Condens Matter, Jun 1, Volume 49, Number 21, p.15105-15109, (1994) AbstractWebsite
Development of a ferrocenyl-based MIP in supercritical carbon dioxide: Towards an electrochemical sensor for bisphenol A, Rebocho, S., Cordas C. M., Viveiros R., and Casimiro T. , J Supercrit Fluids, Volume 135, p.98-104, (2018) Website
Gene sequence and crystal structure of the aldehyde oxidoreductase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, Rebelo, J., Macieira S., Dias J. M., Huber R., Ascenso C. S., Rusnak F., Moura J. J., Moura I., and Romao M. J. , J Mol Biol, Mar 17, Volume 297, Number 1, p.135-46, (2000) AbstractWebsite

The aldehyde oxidoreductase (MOD) isolated from the sulfate reducer Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (ATCC 27774) is a member of the xanthine oxidase family of molybdenum-containing enzymes. It has substrate specificity similar to that of the homologous enzyme from Desulfovibrio gigas (MOP) and the primary sequences from both enzymes show 68 % identity. The enzyme was crystallized in space group P6(1)22, with unit cell dimensions of a=b=156.4 A and c=177.1 A, and diffraction data were obtained to beyond 2.8 A. The crystal structure was solved by Patterson search techniques using the coordinates of the D. gigas enzyme. The overall fold of the D. desulfuricans enzyme is very similar to MOP and the few differences are mapped to exposed regions of the molecule. This is reflected in the electrostatic potential surfaces of both homologous enzymes, one exception being the surface potential in a region identifiable as the putative docking site of the physiological electron acceptor. Other essential features of the MOP structure, such as residues of the active-site cavity, are basically conserved in MOD. Two mutations are located in the pocket bearing a chain of catalytically relevant water molecules. As deduced from this work, both these enzymes are very closely related in terms of their sequences as well as 3D structures. The comparison allowed confirmation and establishment of features that are essential for their function; namely, conserved residues in the active-site, catalytically relevant water molecules and recognition of the physiological electron acceptor docking site.