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Gomes, AS, Ramos H, Gomes S, Loureiro JB, Soares J, Barcherini V, Monti P, Fronza G, Oliveira C, Domingues L, Bastos M, Dourado DFAR, Carvalho AL, Romão MJ, Pinheiro B, Marcelo F, Carvalho A, Santos MMM, Saraiva L.  2020.  SLMP53-1 interacts with wild-type and mutant p53 DNA-binding domain and reactivates multiple hotspot mutations, 2020. 1864(1):129440. AbstractWebsite

BackgroundHalf of human cancers harbour TP53 mutations that render p53 inactive as a tumor suppressor. As such, reactivation of mutant (mut)p53 through restoration of wild-type (wt)-like function represents one of the most promising therapeutic strategies in cancer treatment. Recently, we have reported the (S)-tryptophanol-derived oxazoloisoindolinone SLMP53-1 as a new reactivator of wt and mutp53 R280K with in vitro and in vivo p53-dependent antitumor activity. The present work aimed a mechanistic elucidation of mutp53 reactivation by SLMP53-1.
Methods and results
By cellular thermal shift assay (CETSA), it is shown that SLMP53-1 induces wt and mutp53 R280K thermal stabilization, which is indicative of intermolecular interactions with these proteins. Accordingly, in silico studies of wt and mutp53 R280K DNA-binding domain with SLMP53-1 unveiled that the compound binds at the interface of the p53 homodimer with the DNA minor groove. Additionally, using yeast and p53-null tumor cells ectopically expressing distinct highly prevalent mutp53, the ability of SLMP53-1 to reactivate multiple mutp53 is evidenced.
SLMP53-1 is a p53-activating agent with the ability to directly target wt and a set of hotspot mutp53.
General Significance
This work reinforces the encouraging application of SLMP53-1 in the personalized treatment of cancer patients harboring distinct p53 status.

Goncalves, LML, Cunha C, Almeida G, Macieira S, Costa C, Lampreia J, Romao MJ, Moura JJG, Moura I.  2001.  Structural studies on Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 multiheme nitrite reductase - characterization of the subunits. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 86:316-316., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Gonçalves, AM, Sousa Â, Pedro AQ, Romão MJ, Queiroz JA, Gallardo E, Passarinha LA.  2022.  Advances in Membrane-Bound Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Stability Achieved Using a New Ionic Liquid-Based Storage Formulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23, Number 13 AbstractWebsite

Membrane-bound catechol-O-methyltransferase (MBCOMT), present in the brain and involved in the main pathway of the catechol neurotransmitter deactivation, is linked to several types of human dementia, which are relevant pharmacological targets for new potent and nontoxic inhibitors that have been developed, particularly for Parkinson’s disease treatment. However, the inexistence of an MBCOMT 3D-structure presents a blockage in new drugs’ design and clinical studies due to its instability. The enzyme has a clear tendency to lose its biological activity in a short period of time. To avoid the enzyme sequestering into a non-native state during the downstream processing, a multi-component buffer plays a major role, with the addition of additives such as cysteine, glycerol, and trehalose showing promising results towards minimizing hMBCOMT damage and enhancing its stability. In addition, ionic liquids, due to their virtually unlimited choices for cation/anion paring, are potential protein stabilizers for the process and storage buffers. Screening experiments were designed to evaluate the effect of distinct cation/anion ILs interaction in hMBCOMT enzymatic activity. The ionic liquids: choline glutamate [Ch][Glu], choline dihydrogen phosphate ([Ch][DHP]), choline chloride ([Ch]Cl), 1- dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([C12mim]Cl), and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([C4mim]Cl) were supplemented to hMBCOMT lysates in a concentration from 5 to 500 mM. A major potential stabilizing effect was obtained using [Ch][DHP] (10 and 50 mM). From the DoE 146% of hMBCOMT activity recovery was obtained with [Ch][DHP] optimal conditions (7.5 mM) at −80 °C during 32.4 h. These results are of crucial importance for further drug development once the enzyme can be stabilized for longer periods of time.

Goodfellow, BJ, Freire F, Carvalho AL, Aveiro SS, Charbonnier P, Moulis J-M, Delgado L, Ferreira GC, Rodrigues JE, Poussin-Courmontagne P, Birck C, McEwen A, Macedo AL.  2021.  The SOUL family of heme-binding proteins: Structure and function 15 years later, 2021. 448:214189. AbstractWebsite

The SOUL, or heme-binding protein HBP/SOUL, family represents a group of evolutionary conserved putative heme-binding proteins that contains a number of members in animal, plant andbacterial species. The structures of the murine form of HEBP1, or p22HBP, and the human form of HEBP2, or SOUL, have been determined in 2006 and 2011 respectively. In this work we discuss the structures of HEBP1 and HEBP2 in light of new X-ray data for heme bound murine HEBP1. The interaction between tetrapyrroles and HEBP1, initially proven to be hydrophobic in nature, was thought to also involve electrostatic interactions between heme propionate groups and positively charged amino acid side chains. However, the new X-ray structure, and results from murine HEBP1 variants and human HEBP1, confirm the hydrophobic nature of the heme-HEBP1 interaction, resulting in Kd values in the low nanomolar range, and rules out any electrostatic stabilization. Results from NMR relaxation time measurements for human HEBP1 describe a rigid globular protein with no change in motional regime upon heme binding. X-ray structures deposited in the PDB for human HEBP2 are very similar to each other and to the new heme-bound murine HEBP1 X-ray structure (backbone rmsd ca. 1 Å). Results from a HSQC spectrum centred on the histidine side chain Nδ-proton region for HEBP2 confirm that HEBP2 does not bind heme via H42 as no chemical shift differences were observed upon heme addition for backbone NH and Nδ protons. A survey of the functions attributed to HEBP1 and HEBP2 over the last 20 years span a wide range of cellular pathways. Interestingly, many of them are specific to higher eukaryotes, particularly mammals and a potential link between heme release under oxidative stress and human HEBP1 is also examined using recent data. However, at the present moment, trying to relate function to the involvement of heme or tetrapyrrole binding, specifically, makes little sense with our current biological knowledge and can only be applied to HEBP1, as HEBP2 does not interact with heme. We suggest that it may not be justified to call this very small family of proteins, heme-binding proteins. The family may be more correctly called “the SOUL family of proteins related to cellular fate” as, even though only HEBP1 binds heme tightly, both proteins may be involved in cell survival and/or proliferation.

Goodfellow, BJ, Tavares P, Romao MJ, Czaja C, Rusnak F, Legall J, Moura I, Moura JJG.  1996.  The solution structure of desulforedoxin, a simple iron-sulfur protein - An NMR study of the zinc derivative. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 1:341-354., Number 4 AbstractWebsite
Hettmann, T, Siddiqui RA, Frey C, Santos-Silva T, Romao MJ, Diekmann S.  2004.  Mutagenesis study on amino acids around the molybdenum centre of the periplasmic nitrate reductase from Ralstonia eutropha. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 320:1211-1219., Number 4 AbstractWebsite
Hettmann, T, Siddiqui RA, van Langen J, Frey C, Romao MJ, Diekmann S.  2003.  Mutagenesis study on the role of a lysine residue highly conserved in formate dehydrogenases and periplasmic nitrate reductases. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 310:40-47., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Honzicek, J, Mukhopadhyay A, Santos-Silva T, Romao MJ, Romao CC.  2009.  Ring-Functionalized Molybdenocene Complexes. Organometallics. 28:2871-2879., Number 9 AbstractWebsite
Huber, R, Hof P, Duarte RO, Moura JJG, Moura I, Liu MY, Legall J, Hille R, Archer M, Romao MJ.  1996.  A structure-based catalytic mechanism for the xanthine oxidase family of molybdenum enzymes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93:8846-8851., Number 17 AbstractWebsite
Hussain, A, Semeano ATS, Palma SICJ, Pina AS, Almeida J, Medrado BF, Pádua ACCS, Carvalho AL, Dionísio M, Li RWC, Gamboa H, Ulijn RV, Gruber J, Roque ACA.  2017.  Tunable Gas Sensing Gels by Cooperative Assembly. Advanced Functional Materials. 27:1700803–n/a., Number 27 AbstractWebsite

The cooperative assembly of biopolymers and small molecules can yield functional materials with precisely tunable properties. Here, the fabrication, characterization, and use of multicomponent hybrid gels as selective gas sensors are reported. The gels are composed of liquid crystal droplets self-assembled in the presence of ionic liquids, which further coassemble with biopolymers to form stable matrices. Each individual component can be varied and acts cooperatively to tune gels' structure and function. The unique molecular environment in hybrid gels is explored for supramolecular recognition of volatile compounds. Gels with distinct compositions are used as optical and electrical gas sensors, yielding a combinatorial response conceptually mimicking olfactory biological systems, and tested to distinguish volatile organic compounds and to quantify ethanol in automotive fuel. The gel response is rapid, reversible, and reproducible. These robust, versatile, modular, pliant electro-optical soft materials possess new possibilities in sensing triggered by chemical and physical stimuli.

Kiefersauer, R, Stetefeld J, GomisRuth FX, Romao MJ, Lottspeich F, Huber R.  1996.  Protein-crystal density by volume measurement and amino-acid analysis. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 29:311-317. AbstractWebsite
Kladova, AV, Gavel YO, Mukhopaadhyay A, Boer DR, Teixeira S, Shnyrov VL, Moura I, Moura JJG, Romao MJ, Trincao J, Bursakov SA.  2009.  Cobalt-, zinc- and iron-bound forms of adenylate kinase (AK) from the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas: purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis. Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65:926-929. AbstractWebsite
Kowacz, M, Mukhopadhyay A, Carvalho AL, Esperanca J, Romao MJ, Rebelo LPN.  2012.  Hofmeister effects of ionic liquids in protein crystallization: Direct and water-mediated interactions. Crystengcomm. 14:4912-4921., Number 15 AbstractWebsite

We have performed experiments on the crystallization of two low molecular weight, positively charged proteins, lysozyme and ribonuclease A, using ionic liquids as either crystallization additives or, in particular cases, as precipitating agents. The ionic liquids (ILs) have been ordered according to their salting-in/out ability and the relative position of these ionic liquids in this ranking has been rationalized by considering their hydration properties (positive-negative, hydrophobic-hydrophilic). The ability to screen the effective charge of cationic proteins and aid protein nucleation (salting-out) has been shown to be superior for large polarizable anions with low charge density, negatively hydrated-Cl-, Br-, [SCN](-), methane-[C1SO3](-) and ethanesulfonates [C2SO3](-), than for anions with a relatively stable hydration shell, positively hydrated-lactate [Lac](-), butylsulfonate [C4SO3](-) and acetate [Ac](-). Upon increasing the background salt concentration, where electrostatic interactions are already effectively screened, the ability of the IL ions to stabilize proteins in solution (salting-in) has been shown to increase as the ions are likely to migrate to the non-polar protein surface and lower protein-water interfacial tension. This tendency is enhanced as the focus moves from those ions with positively hydrated hydrophilic compartments (e. g. [Ac](-)) to those with negatively hydrated groups (e. g. [C1SO3](-)) and the prevailing hydrophobic hydration (e. g. [C4SO3](-)). The observed inversion in the relative effect of ILs on protein crystallization with increasing ionic strength of the aqueous media has been interpreted as the differing effects of ion adsorption: charge screening and interfacial tension modification. Moreover, this work can further help in our understanding of the influence of ionic liquids on conformational changes of biomacromolecules in solution. Identification of the specific incorporation sites for choline and acetate ions, localized in two lysozyme crystals grown in pure IL solutions without any buffer or inorganic precipitant, can give us some insight into the role of the ionic liquid ions in protein structure development.

Kowacz, M, Marchel M, Juknaité L, Esperança JMSS, Romão MJ, Carvalho AL, Rebelo LPN.  2017.  Infrared light-induced protein crystallization. Structuring of protein interfacial water and periodic self-assembly. Journal of Crystal Growth. 457:362-368. AbstractWebsite

Abstract We show that a physical trigger, a non-ionizing infrared (IR) radiation at wavelengths strongly absorbed by liquid water, can be used to induce and kinetically control protein (periodic) self-assembly in solution. This phenomenon is explained by considering the effect of İR\} light on the structuring of protein interfacial water. Our results indicate that the İR\} radiation can promote enhanced mutual correlations of water molecules in the protein hydration shell. We report on the radiation-induced increase in both the strength and cooperativeness of H-bonds. The presence of a structured dipolar hydration layer can lead to attractive interactions between like-charged biomacromolecules in solution (and crystal nucleation events). Furthermore, our study suggests that enveloping the protein within a layer of structured solvent (an effect enhanced by İR\} light) can prevent the protein non-specific aggregation favoring periodic self-assembly. Recognizing the ability to affect protein-water interactions by means of İR\} radiation may have important implications for biological and bio-inspired systems.

Kowacz, M, Marchel M, Juknaite L, Esperanca J, Romao MJ, Carvalho AL, Rebelo LPN.  2015.  Ionic-Liquid-Functionalized Mineral Particles for Protein Crystallization. Crystal Growth & Design. 15:2994-3003., Number 6 AbstractWebsite

Nucleation is a critical step determining the outcome of the entire crystallization process. Finding an effective nucleant for protein crystallization is of utmost importance for structural biology. The latter relies on good-quality crystals to solve the three-dimensional structures of macromolecules. In this study we show that crystalline barium sulfate (BaSO4) with an etched and/or ionic liquid (IL)-functionalized surface (1) can induce protein nucleation at concentrations well below the concentration needed to promote crystal growth under control conditions, (2) can shorten the nucleation time, (3) can increase the growth rate, and finally (4) may help to improve the protein crystal morphology. These effects were shown for lysozyme, RNase A, trypsin, proteinase K, myoglobin, and hemoglobin. Therefore, the use of BaSO4 particles enables us to reduce the amount of protein in crystallization trials and increases the chance of obtaining protein crystals of the desired quality. In the context of the underlying mechanism, it is shown that the protein-solid contact formation is governed by the interaction of the polar compartments of the biomacromolecule with the support. The tendency of a protein to concentrate near the solid surface is enhanced by both the hydrophobicity of the protein and that of the surface (tuned by the functionalizing IL). These mechanisms of interaction of biomacromolecules with inorganic hydrophilic solids correspond to the principles of amphiphilic IL-mineral interactions.

Kryshtafovych, A, Albrecht R, Baslé A, Bule P, Caputo AT, Carvalho AL, Chao KL, Diskin R, Fidelis K, Fontes CMGA, Fredslund F, Gilbert HJ, Goulding CW, Hartmann MD, Hayes CS, Herzberg O, Hill JC, Joachimiak A, Kohring G-W, Koning RI, {Lo Leggio} L, Mangiagalli M, Michalska K, Moult J, Najmudin S, Nardini M, Nardone V, Ndeh D, Nguyen TH, Pintacuda G, Postel S, van Raaij MJ, Roversi P, Shimon A, Singh AK, Sundberg EJ, Tars K, Zitzmann N, Schwede T.  2017.  Target highlights from the first post-PSI CASP experiment (CASP12, May-August 2016), oct. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. AbstractWebsite

The functional and biological significance of the selected CASP12 targets are described by the authors of the structures. The crystallographers discuss the most interesting structural features of the target proteins and assess whether these features were correctly reproduced in the predictions submitted to the CASP12 experiment. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Kumar, K, Correia M, Pires VR, Dhillon A, Sharma K, Rajulapati V, Fontes CMGA, Carvalho AL, Goyal A.  2018.  Novel insights into the degradation of β-1,3-glucans by the cellulosome of Clostridium thermocellum revealed by structure and function studies of a family 81 glycoside hydrolase. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. :-. AbstractWebsite

Abstract The family 81 glycoside hydrolase (GH81) from Clostridium thermocellum is a β-1,3-glucanase belonging to cellulosomal complex. The gene encoding \{GH81\} from Clostridium thermocellum (CtLam81A) was cloned and expressed displaying a molecular mass of  82 kDa. CtLam81A showed maximum activity against laminarin (100 U/mg), followed by curdlan (65 U/mg), at pH 7.0 and 75 °C. CtLam81A displayed Km, 2.1 ± 0.12 mg/ml and Vmax, 109 ± 1.8 U/mg, against laminarin under optimized conditions. CtLam81A activity was significantly enhanced by Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions. Melting curve analysis of CtLam81A showed an increase in melting temperature from 91 °C to 96 °C by Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions and decreased to 82 °C by EDTA, indicating that Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions may be involved in catalysis and in maintaining structural integrity. \{TLC\} and MALDI-TOF analysis of β-1,3-glucan hydrolysed products released initially, showed β-1,3-glucan-oligosaccharides degree of polymerization (DP) from \{DP2\} to DP7, confirming an endo-mode of action. The catalytically inactive mutant CtLam81A-E515A generated by site-directed mutagenesis was co-crystallized and tetragonal crystals diffracting up to 1.4 Å resolution were obtained. CtLam81A-E515A contained 15 α-helices and 38 β-strands forming a four-domain structure viz. a β-sandwich domain I at N-terminal, an α/β-domain II, an (α/α)6 barrel domain III, and a small 5-stranded β-sandwich domain IV.

Leisico, F, V. Vieira D, Figueiredo TA, Silva M, Cabrita EJ, Sobral RG, Ludovice AM, Trincão J, Romão MJ, de Lencastre H, Santos-Silva T.  2018.  First insights of peptidoglycan amidation in Gram-positive bacteria - the high-resolution crystal structure of Staphylococcus aureus glutamine amidotransferase GatD, 2018. Scientific Reports. 8(1):5313. AbstractWebsite

Gram-positive bacteria homeostasis and antibiotic resistance mechanisms are dependent on the intricate architecture of the cell wall, where amidated peptidoglycan plays an important role. The amidation reaction is carried out by the bi-enzymatic complex MurT-GatD, for which biochemical and structural information is very scarce. In this work, we report the first crystal structure of the glutamine amidotransferase member of this complex, GatD from Staphylococcus aureus, at 1.85 Å resolution. A glutamine molecule is found close to the active site funnel, hydrogen-bonded to the conserved R128. In vitro functional studies using 1H-NMR spectroscopy showed that S. aureus MurT-GatD complex has glutaminase activity even in the absence of lipid II, the MurT substrate. In addition, we produced R128A, C94A and H189A mutants, which were totally inactive for glutamine deamidation, revealing their essential role in substrate sequestration and catalytic reaction. GatD from S. aureus and other pathogenic bacteria share high identity to enzymes involved in cobalamin biosynthesis, which can be grouped in a new sub-family of glutamine amidotransferases. Given the ubiquitous presence of GatD, these results provide significant insights into the molecular basis of the so far undisclosed amidation mechanism, contributing to the development of alternative therapeutics to fight infections.

Leisico, F, Godinho LM, Gonçalves IC, Silva SP, Carneiro B, Romão MJ, Santos-Silva T, de Sá-Nogueira I.  2020.  Multitask ATPases (NBDs) of bacterial ABC importers type I and their interspecies exchangeability, 2020. 10(1):19564. AbstractWebsite

ATP-binding cassette (ABC) type I importers are widespread in bacteria and play a crucial role in its survival and pathogenesis. They share the same modular architecture comprising two intracellular nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs), two transmembrane domains (TMDs) and a substrate-binding protein. The NBDs bind and hydrolyze ATP, thereby generating conformational changes that are coupled to the TMDs and lead to substrate translocation. A group of multitask NBDs that are able to serve as the cellular motor for multiple sugar importers was recently discovered. To understand why some ABC importers share energy-coupling components, we used the MsmX ATPase from Bacillus subtilis as a model for biological and structural studies. Here we report the first examples of functional hybrid interspecies ABC type I importers in which the NBDs could be exchanged. Furthermore, the first crystal structure of an assigned multitask NBD provides a framework to understand the molecular basis of the broader specificity of interaction with the TMDs.

Lima, CDL, Coelho H, Gimeno A, Trovão F, Diniz A, Dias JS, Jiménez-Barbero J, Corzana F, Carvalho AL, Cabrita EJ, Marcelo F.  2021.  Structural insights into the molecular recognition mechanism of the cancer and pathogenic epitope, LacdiNAc by immune-related lectins, 2021. Chemistry – A European JournalChemistry – A European Journal. n/a(n/a): John Wiley & Sons, Ltd AbstractWebsite

Interactions of glycan-specific epitopes to human lectin receptors represent novel immune checkpoints for investigating cancer and infection diseases. By employing a multidisciplinary approach that combines isothermal titration calorimetry, NMR spectroscopy, molecular dynamics simulations, and X-ray crystallography, we disclosed the molecular determinants that govern the recognition of the tumour and pathogenic glycobiomarker LacdiNAc (GalNAc?1-4GlcNAc, LDN), including their comparison with the ubiquitous LacNAc epitope (Gal?1-4GlcNAc, LN), by two human immune-related lectins, galectin-3 (hGal-3) and the macrophage galactose C-type lectin (hMGL). A different mechanism of binding and interactions is observed for the hGal-3/LDN and hMGL/LDN complexes, which explains the remarkable difference in the binding specificity of LDN and LN by these two lectins. The new structural clues reported herein are fundamental for the chemical design of mimetics targeting hGal-3/hMGL recognition process.

Lopes, R, Raya-Barón Á, Robalo PM, Vinagreiro C, Barroso S, Romão MJ, Fernández I, Pereira MM, Royo B.  2021.  Donor Functionalized Iron(II) N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes in Transfer Hydrogenation Reactions. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2021:22-29., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

Two piano-stool iron(II) complexes bearing N-heterocyclic carbene ligands outfitted with acetamide- and amine-pendant arms [Cp*Fe(NHCR)(CO)I] {Cp* = η5-tetramethylcyclopentadienyl; R = CH2CONEt2 (3), (CH2)2NEt2 (4)}, have been prepared and fully characterized. Their catalytic activity in transfer hydrogenation (TH) of ketones using iPrOH as a hydrogen source and catalytic amounts of base (LiOtBu) has been explored, along with that of previously reported [CpFe(NHCR)(CO)I] {R = nBu (5), (CH2)2OH (6), Et (7), and (CH2)3OH (8)} complexes containing hydroxyl and nonfunctionalized alkyl arms. Complex 3 displayed the highest catalytic activity of the whole series 3–8, reaching a TOF50 value of 533 h–1. NMR monitoring of the stoichiometric reaction of 3 with LiOtBu, allowed the identification of a new species 3' containing a deprotonated amidate moiety, which has been fully characterized by 1H, 13C, and 15N NMR. Finally, a green protocol for the reduction of ketones through TH using glycerol as a hydrogen source, under microwave irradiation in the presence of catalytic amounts of 3 and base has been developed.

Luis, AS, Alves VD, Romao MJ, Prates JAM, Fontes CMGA, Najmudin S.  2011.  Overproduction, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of a novel carbohydrate-binding module of endoglucanase Cel5A from Eubacterium cellulosolvens. Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 67:491-493. AbstractWebsite
Luís, MP, Pereira IS, Bugalhão JN, Simões CN, Mota C, Romão MJ, Mota LJ.  2023.  The Chlamydia trachomatis IncM Protein Interferes with Host Cell Cytokinesis, Centrosome Positioning, and Golgi Distribution and Contributes to the Stability of the Pathogen-Containing Vacuole. Infection and Immunity. 91:e00405-22., Number 4 AbstractWebsite

Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular bacterial pathogen that causes ocular and urogenital infections in humans. The ability of C. trachomatis to grow intracellularly in a pathogen-containing vacuole (known as an inclusion) depends on chlamydial effector proteins transported into the host cell by a type III secretion system. Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular bacterial pathogen that causes ocular and urogenital infections in humans. The ability of C. trachomatis to grow intracellularly in a pathogen-containing vacuole (known as an inclusion) depends on chlamydial effector proteins transported into the host cell by a type III secretion system. Among these effectors, several inclusion membrane proteins (Incs) insert in the vacuolar membrane. Here, we show that human cell lines infected by a C. trachomatis strain deficient for Inc CT288/CTL0540 (renamed IncM) displayed less multinucleation than when infected by IncM-producing strains (wild type or complemented). This indicated that IncM is involved in the ability of Chlamydia to inhibit host cell cytokinesis. The capacity of IncM to induce multinucleation in infected cells was shown to be conserved among its chlamydial homologues and appeared to require its two larger regions predicted to be exposed to the host cell cytosol. C. trachomatis-infected cells also displayed IncM-dependent defects in centrosome positioning, Golgi distribution around the inclusion, and morphology and stability of the inclusion. The altered morphology of inclusions containing IncM-deficient C. trachomatis was further affected by depolymerization of host cell microtubules. This was not observed after depolymerization of microfilaments, and inclusions containing wild-type C. trachomatis did not alter their morphology upon depolymerization of microtubules. Overall, these findings suggest that IncM may exert its effector function by acting directly or indirectly on host cell microtubules.

Mahro, M, Coelho C, Trincao J, Rodrigues D, Terao M, Garattini E, Saggu M, Lendzian F, Hildebrandt P, Romao MJ, Leimkuehler S.  2011.  Characterization and Crystallization of Mouse Aldehyde Oxidase 3: From Mouse Liver to Escherichia coli Heterologous Protein Expression. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 39:1939-1945., Number 10 AbstractWebsite