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Ivanova, G, Simeonova M, Cabrita EJ, Rangel M.  2011.  NMR Insight into the Supramolecular Structure of Daunorubicin Loaded Polymer Nanoparticles, FEB 10 2011. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 115:902-909., Number 5 Abstract


Gomes da Silva, MDR, Pereira MMA.  2011.  New chiral imidazolium ionic liquids from isomannide, FEB 1. CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH. 346:197-202., Number 2 Abstract
Paes de Sousa, PM, Pauleta SR, Simoes Goncalves ML, Pettigrew GW, Moura I, Moura JJ, Correia dos Santos MM.  2011.  Artefacts induced on c-type haem proteins by electrode surfaces, Feb. J Biol Inorg Chem. 16:209-15., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

In this work it is demonstrated that the characterization of c-type haem containing proteins by electrochemical techniques needs to be cautiously performed when using pyrolytic graphite electrodes. An altered form of the cytochromes, which has a redox potential 300 mV lower than that of the native state and displays peroxidatic activity, can be induced by interaction with the pyrolytic graphite electrode. Proper control experiments need to be performed, as altered conformations of the enzymes containing c-type haems can show activity towards the enzyme substrate. The work was focused on the study of the activation mechanism and catalytic activity of cytochrome c peroxidase from Paracoccus pantotrophus. The results could only be interpreted with the assignment of the observed non-turnover and catalytic signals to a non-native conformation state of the electron-transferring haem. The same phenomenon was detected for Met-His monohaem cytochromes (mitochondrial cytochrome c and Desulfovibrio vulgaris cytochrome c-553), as well as for the bis-His multihaem cytochrome c(3) from Desulfovibrio gigas, showing that this effect is independent of the axial coordination of the c-type haem protein. Thus, the interpretation of electrochemical signals of c-type (multi)haem proteins at pyrolytic graphite electrodes must be carefully performed, to avoid misassignment of the signals and incorrect interpretation of catalytic intermediates.

Maia, MJ, Moniz AB.  2011.  Competências para a Tomada de Decisão na Radiologia: Uma abordagem de Avalia{\c c}ão de Tecnologia [Competences for decision taking in Radiology: A Technology Assessment approach], Feb. , Number 02/2011: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET-Research on Enterprise and Work Innovation, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

We are facing an era, where pressures on health costs are extremely high, and the reforms in health system are almost constant. But over time, one factor remains unchanged – Technology continues being the sustenance of health care. Manufacturers, clinicians, patients, diagnostic and therapeutic technicians, hospital managers, government leaders, among others, either in public or private sector, are increasingly demanding in the sustained seek for information that support its decisions. Those decisions are about different types of issues: if, or how the technology can be developed, whether a technology should or should not enter the market, whether to acquire and use certain technology, and so forth. Such demand is well implied in the growth and development of Health Technology Assessment (HTA). This specialised field is commonly understood according to the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA, 2003) as an multidisciplinary analysis and decisional field, which studies the implications of clinical, social, ethical and economic development, dissemination and use of health technologies, without neglecting its political analysis (Goodman, 2004). The political decisions made based on HTA reports should be based on scientific evidence, linking efforts between the technical, economic and political dimensions, resourcing to a participatory vision, so that we can translate the best possible decision (Novaes 2006). On the other hand, the success of these decisions depends critically on the skills of the researcher to convey wisdom and confidence in applying rules of argumentation (Grunwald, 2007). In this paper we analyse the technical and methodological aspects of HTA, seen as a tool for evaluating health procedures and techniques. And we analyse the needs for skills and qualifications development of the actors involved in this process.

Dell'Acqua, S, Pauleta SR, Moura I, Moura JJ.  2011.  The tetranuclear copper active site of nitrous oxide reductase: the CuZ center, Feb. J Biol Inorg Chem. 16:183-94., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

This review focuses on the novel CuZ center of nitrous oxide reductase, an important enzyme owing to the environmental significance of the reaction it catalyzes, reduction of nitrous oxide, and the unusual nature of its catalytic center, named CuZ. The structure of the CuZ center, the unique tetranuclear copper center found in this enzyme, opened a novel area of research in metallobiochemistry. In the last decade, there has been progress in defining the structure of the CuZ center, characterizing the mechanism of nitrous oxide reduction, and identifying intermediates of this reaction. In addition, the determination of the structure of the CuZ center allowed a structural interpretation of the spectroscopic data, which was supported by theoretical calculations. The current knowledge of the structure, function, and spectroscopic characterization of the CuZ center is described here. We would like to stress that although many questions have been answered, the CuZ center remains a scientific challenge, with many hypotheses still being formed.

Maia, MJ, Moniz AB.  2011.  {Competências para a Tomada de Decisão na Radiologia: Uma abordagem de Avaliação de Tecnologia [Competences for decision taking in Radiology: A Technology Assessment approach]}, Feb. , Number 02/2011: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

We are facing an era, where pressures on health costs are extremely high, and the reforms in health system are almost constant. But over time, one factor remains unchanged – Technology continues being the sustenance of health care. Manufacturers, clinicians, patients, diagnostic and therapeutic technicians, hospital managers, government leaders, among others, either in public or private sector, are increasingly demanding in the sustained seek for information that support its decisions. Those decisions are about different types of issues: if, or how the technology can be developed, whether a technology should or should not enter the market, whether to acquire and use certain technology, and so forth. Such demand is well implied in the growth and development of Health Technology Assessment (HTA). This specialised field is commonly understood according to the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA, 2003) as an multidisciplinary analysis and decisional field, which studies the implications of clinical, social, ethical and economic development, dissemination and use of health technologies, without neglecting its political analysis (Goodman, 2004). The political decisions made based on HTA reports should be based on scientific evidence, linking efforts between the technical, economic and political dimensions, resourcing to a participatory vision, so that we can translate the best possible decision (Novaes 2006). On the other hand, the success of these decisions depends critically on the skills of the researcher to convey wisdom and confidence in applying rules of argumentation (Grunwald, 2007). In this paper we analyse the technical and methodological aspects of HTA, seen as a tool for evaluating health procedures and techniques. And we analyse the needs for skills and qualifications development of the actors involved in this process.

Boavida, N.  2011.  {How composite indicators of innovation can influence technology policy decision?}, Feb , Number 03/2011: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

This working paper is based on the development of the Thesis Plan presented for the Units Project II and Project III at the 1st Winter School of PhD programme on Technology Assessment at FCT/UNL. It focuses the methodology analysis and includes empirical information elements, in order to understand how composite indicators of innovation can influence technology policy decisions. In order to test the hypotheses raised in the Thesis Plan, two separate phases were designed. On the first part, the work tests hypotheses 1 and partially 2, identifying the quality, depth and limitations of three famous complex indicator-based systems, namely the Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard, the European Innovation Scoreboard 2008 and Innovation Union Scoreboard 2010. On the second phase, the remaining hypotheses are tested adding media databases analysis, which will provide complementary information to a set of interviews to policy makers, in order to understand the role of the composite indicators on technology decisions.

Cordas, CM, Raleiras P, Auchère F, Moura I, Moura JJG.  2011.  Comparative electrochemical study of superoxide reductases, Dec 06. Eur. Biophys. J.. 41:209-215., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

... CM Cordas (&) Á P . Raleiras Á F . Auche`re Á I. Moura Á JJG Moura ... de Quımica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2859-516 Caparica, Portugal e-mail: cristina. cordas @dq.fct ... Present Address: P . Raleiras Department of Photochemistry and Molecular Science, PO Box 523, 75120 ...

Ramos, S, Moura JJ, Aureliano M.  2011.  Actin as a potential target for decavanadate, Dec. J Inorg Biochem. 104:1234-9., Number 12 AbstractWebsite

ATP prevents G-actin cysteine oxidation and vanadyl formation specifically induced by decavanadate, suggesting that the oxometalate-protein interaction is affected by the nucleotide. The ATP exchange rate is increased by 2-fold due to the presence of decavanadate when compared with control actin (3.1x10(-3) s(-1)), and an apparent dissociation constant (k(dapp)) of 227.4+/-25.7 muM and 112.3+/-8.7 muM was obtained in absence or presence of 20 muM V(10), respectively. Moreover, concentrations as low as 50 muM of decameric vanadate species (V(10)) increases the relative G-actin intrinsic fluorescence intensity by approximately 80% whereas for a 10-fold concentration of monomeric vanadate (V(1)) no effects were observed. Upon decavanadate titration, it was observed a linear increase in G-actin hydrophobic surface (2.6-fold), while no changes were detected for V(1) (0-200 muM). Taken together, three major ideas arise: i) ATP prevents decavanadate-induced G-actin cysteine oxidation and vanadate reduction; ii) decavanadate promotes actin conformational changes resulting on its inactivation, iii) decavanadate has an effect on actin ATP binding site. Once it is demonstrated that actin is a new potential target for decavanadate, being the ATP binding site a suitable site for decavanadate binding, it is proposed that some of the biological effects of vanadate can be, at least in part, explained by decavanadate interactions with actin.

Dell'Acqua, S, Moura I, Moura JJ, Pauleta SR.  2011.  The electron transfer complex between nitrous oxide reductase and its electron donors, Dec. J Biol Inorg Chem. 16:1241-54., Number 8 AbstractWebsite

Identifying redox partners and the interaction surfaces is crucial for fully understanding electron flow in a respiratory chain. In this study, we focused on the interaction of nitrous oxide reductase (N(2)OR), which catalyzes the final step in bacterial denitrification, with its physiological electron donor, either a c-type cytochrome or a type 1 copper protein. The comparison between the interaction of N(2)OR from three different microorganisms, Pseudomonas nautica, Paracoccus denitrificans, and Achromobacter cycloclastes, with their physiological electron donors was performed through the analysis of the primary sequence alignment, electrostatic surface, and molecular docking simulations, using the bimolecular complex generation with global evaluation and ranking algorithm. The docking results were analyzed taking into account the experimental data, since the interaction is suggested to have either a hydrophobic nature, in the case of P. nautica N(2)OR, or an electrostatic nature, in the case of P. denitrificans N(2)OR and A. cycloclastes N(2)OR. A set of well-conserved residues on the N(2)OR surface were identified as being part of the electron transfer pathway from the redox partner to N(2)OR (Ala495, Asp519, Val524, His566 and Leu568 numbered according to the P. nautica N(2)OR sequence). Moreover, we built a model for Wolinella succinogenes N(2)OR, an enzyme that has an additional c-type-heme-containing domain. The structures of the N(2)OR domain and the c-type-heme-containing domain were modeled and the full-length structure was obtained by molecular docking simulation of these two domains. The orientation of the c-type-heme-containing domain relative to the N(2)OR domain is similar to that found in the other electron transfer complexes.

Mota, CS, Rivas MG, Brondino CD, Moura I, Moura JJ, Gonzalez PJ, Cerqueira NM.  2011.  The mechanism of formate oxidation by metal-dependent formate dehydrogenases, Dec. J Biol Inorg Chem. 16:1255-68., Number 8 AbstractWebsite

Metal-dependent formate dehydrogenases (Fdh) from prokaryotic organisms are members of the dimethyl sulfoxide reductase family of mononuclear molybdenum-containing and tungsten-containing enzymes. Fdhs catalyze the oxidation of the formate anion to carbon dioxide in a redox reaction that involves the transfer of two electrons from the substrate to the active site. The active site in the oxidized state comprises a hexacoordinated molybdenum or tungsten ion in a distorted trigonal prismatic geometry. Using this structural model, we calculated the catalytic mechanism of Fdh through density functional theory tools. The simulated mechanism was correlated with the experimental kinetic properties of three different Fdhs isolated from three different Desulfovibrio species. Our studies indicate that the C-H bond break is an event involved in the rate-limiting step of the catalytic cycle. The role in catalysis of conserved amino acid residues involved in metal coordination and near the metal active site is discussed on the basis of experimental and theoretical results.

Vilas-Boas, V, Silva R, Vieira C, Martins I, Ferreira L, Branco P, Remiao F.  2011.  P-glycoprotein activity assessment in rat brain endothelial cells-A search for new rifampicin-derived p-glycoprotein inducers, AUG 28. TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 205:S94-S95., Number 1: European Soc Toxicol Abstract
Barbosa, DJ, Capela JP, Oliveira JMA, Ferreira L, Branco P, Fernandes E, Bastos ML, Carvalho F.  2011.  Pro-oxidant effects of ``ecstasy{''} and its metabolites in mouse brain synaptosomes, AUG 28. TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 205:S113., Number 1: European Soc Toxicol Abstract
da Silva, MS, Nobrega FL, Aguiar-Ricardo A, Cabrita EJ, Casimiro T.  2011.  Development of molecularly imprinted co-polymeric devices for controlled delivery of flufenamic acid using supercritical fluid technology, AUG 2011. Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 58:150-157., Number 1 Abstract


Cruz, C, Cabrita EJ, Queiroz JA.  2011.  Screening nucleotide binding to amino acid-coated supports by surface plasmon resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance, AUG 2011. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 401:983-993., Number 3 Abstract


Paes de Sousa, PM, Rodrigues D, Timoteo CG, Simoes Goncalves ML, Pettigrew GW, Moura I, Moura JJ, Correia dos Santos MM.  2011.  Analysis of the activation mechanism of Pseudomonas stutzeri cytochrome c peroxidase through an electron transfer chain, Aug. J Biol Inorg Chem. 16:881-8., Number 6 AbstractWebsite

The activation mechanism of Pseudomonas stutzeri cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) was probed through the mediated electrochemical catalysis by its physiological electron donor, P. stutzeri cytochrome c-551. A comparative study was carried out, by performing assays with the enzyme in the resting oxidized state as well as in the mixed-valence activated form, using cyclic voltammetry and a pyrolytic graphite membrane electrode. In the presence of both the enzyme and hydrogen peroxide, the peak-like signal of cytochrome c-551 is converted into a sigmoidal wave form characteristic of an E(r)C'(i) catalytic mechanism. An intermolecular electron transfer rate constant of (4 +/- 1) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1) was estimated for both forms of the enzyme, as well as a similar Michaelis-Menten constant. These results show that neither the intermolecular electron transfer nor the catalytic activity is kinetically controlled by the activation mechanism of CCP in the case of the P. stutzeri enzyme. Direct enzyme catalysis using protein film voltammetry was unsuccessful for the analysis of the activation mechanism, since P. stutzeri CCP undergoes an undesirable interaction with the pyrolytic graphite surface. This interaction, previously reported for the Paracoccus pantotrophus CCP, induces the formation of a non-native conformation state of the electron-transferring haem, which has a redox potential 200 mV lower than that of the native state and maintains peroxidatic activity.

Cordas, CM, Wilton J, Cardoso T, Folgosa F, Pereira AS, Tavares P.  2011.  Electrochemical behaviour of Dps-a mini-ferritin, Aug. EUROPEAN BIOPHYSICS JOURNAL WITH BIOPHYSICS LETTERS. {40}:{181}., Number {1} Abstract
Grazina, R, de Sousa PM, Brondino CD, Carepo MS, Moura I, Moura JJ.  2011.  Structural redox control in a 7Fe ferredoxin isolated from Desulfovibrio alaskensis, Aug. Bioelectrochemistry. 82:22-8., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

The redox behaviour of a ferredoxin (Fd) from Desulfovibrio alaskensis was characterized by electrochemistry. The protein was isolated and purified, and showed to be a tetramer containing one [3Fe-4S] and one [4Fe-4S] centre. This ferredoxin has high homology with FdI from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki and Hildenborough and FdIII from Desulfovibrio africanus. From differential pulse voltammetry the following signals were identified: [3Fe-4S](+1/0) (E(0')=-158+/-5mV); [4Fe-4S](+2/+1) (E(0')=-474+/-5mV) and [3Fe-4S](0/-2) (E(0')=-660+/-5mV). The effect of pH on these signals showed that the reduced [3Fe-4S](0) cluster has a pK'(red)(')=5.1+/-0.1, the [4Fe-4S](+2/+1) centre is pH independent, and the [3Fe-4S](0/-2) reduction is accompanied by the binding of two protons. The ability of the [3Fe-4S](0) cluster to be converted into a new [4Fe-4S] cluster was proven. The redox potential of the original [4Fe-4S] centre showed to be dependent on the formation of the new [4Fe-4S] centre, which results in a positive shift (ca. 70mV) of the redox potential of the original centre. Being most [Fe-S] proteins involved in electron transport processes, the electrochemical characterization of their clusters is essential to understand their biological function. Complementary EPR studies were performed.

Simões, S, Seixas J, Fortes P, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Mauricio B.  2011.  The medium-term role of renewable energy sources in climate change mitigation in Portugal, 9-13 May. WREC 2011 - World Renewable Energy Congress 2011. , Linkoping, Sweded
Seixas, J, Simões S, Kanudia A, Gargiulo M, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Fortes P.  2011.  Electric Vehicles in the European Union: Conditions for Success, Impacts on the Power System and on CO2 Emissions, 6-8 July. IEW - International Energy Workshop 2011,. , Standford, USA.
Amado, M, Poggi F.  2011.  Oeiras Masterplan: A Methodology to Approach Urban Design to Sustainable, 4 Sept. CISBAT. , Lausanne Abstract

This paper describes a new methodology for the conception of urban plans in order for them to fit the principles of Sustainable Development. The methodology herein presented makes use of different software for designing, calculations and dynamic modelling of buildings and urban spaces. The results from these assessments are then interpreted and incorporated in the urban design solutions.
This methodology was applied in a case study in Oeiras, Portugal, in the conception phases of the Oeiras Master Plan. The overall objective of the implementation of this process in this case study was to be able to foresee the area’s final makeover and predict the impacts of the plan on the context through the integrated use of environmental analysis (ArcGIS), simulations of future scenarios (3dsMax) and 3d modelling studies (Revit, Ecotect).
Factors such as geomorphology, solar exposure, prevailing winds and rail and road traffic noise provided information on how to capitalize all favourable conditions of the site, which is a fundamental base for an appropriate land use transformation.
This methodology contributes to the control of urban design solutions and outcomes, and promotes the creation of an interface between urban planning, landscape and architecture projects. The development of a “City Information Modelling”, similar to BIM, which has been successfully applied to Architecture and Engineering projects, is therefore seen as an answer to the new challenges presented by the present and future cities.
This strategy delivers the maximum benefits at all spatial scales by embracing the logic of sustainability so that urban design can be the first tool to optimize future building and infrastructure projects.

Santos, TG, Vilaça P, Quintino L, dos Santos J, Miranda RM.  2011.  Application of Eddy Current techniques to inspect friction spot welds in aluminium alloy AA2024 and a composite material, 2011. Welding in the World. 55(9-10):12-18. AbstractWebsite
Oliveira, J, Petrov V, Parola AJ, Pina F, Azevedo J, Teixeira N, Bras NF, Fernandes PA, Mateus N, Ramos MJ, de Freitas V.  2011.  Chemical Behavior of Methylpyranomalvidin-3-O-glucoside in Aqueous Solution Studied by NMR and UV-Visible Spectroscopy, 2011. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 115:1538-1545. AbstractWebsite

In the present work, the proton-transfer reactions of the methylpyranomalvidin-3-O-glucoside pigment in water with different pH values was studied by NMR and UV-visible spectroscopies. The results showed four equilibrium forms: the methylpyranomalvidin-3-O-glucoside cation, the neutral quinoidal base, the respective anionic quinoidal base, and a dianionic base unprotonated at the methyl group. According to the NMR data, it seems that for methylpyranomalvidin-3-O-glucoside besides the acid base equilibrium between the pyranoflavylium cation and the neutral quinoidal base, a new species is formed at pD 4.88-6.10. This is corroborated by the appearance of a new set of signals in the NMR spectrum that may be assigned to the formation of hemiketal/cis-chalcone species to a small extent. The two ionization constants (pK(a1) and pK(a2)) obtained by both methods (NMR and UV-visible) for methylpyranomalvidin-3-O-glucoside are in agreement (pK(a1) = 5.17 +/- 0.03; pK(a2) = 8.85 +/- 0.08; and pK(a1) = 4.57 +/- 0.07; pK(a2) = 8.23 +/- 0.04 obtained by NMR and UV-visible spectroscopies, respectively). Moreover, the fully dianionic unprotonated form (at the methyl group) of the methylpyranomalvidin-3-O-glucoside is converted slowly into a new structure that displays a yellow color at basic pH. On the basis of the results obtained through LC-MS and NMR, the proposed structure was found to correspond to the flavonol syringetin-3-glucoside.

Santos, TG, Vilaa P, Miranda RM.  2011.  Electrical conductivity field analysis for evaluation of FSW joints in AA6013 and AA7075 alloys, 2011. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 211(2):174-180. AbstractWebsite