Ribeiro, D, Freitas M, Tomé SM, Silva AM, Porto G, Cabrita EJ, Marques MM, Fernandes E.
Inhibition of LOX by flavonoids: a structure-activity relationship study.. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 72:137-145.
AbstractThe lipoxygenase (LOX) products have been identified as mediators of a series of inflammatory diseases, namely rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, allergic rhinitis, atherosclerosis and certain types of cancer. Hence, LOX inhibitors are of interest for the modulation of these phenomena and resolution of the inflammatory processes. During LOX activity, peroxyl radical complexes are part of the reaction and may function as sources of free radicals. Thus antioxidants, such as flavonoids, capable of inhibiting lipid peroxidation and scavenging free radicals, may act as LOX inhibitors. The aim of this work was to assess the structure–activity relationship among a series of flavonoids concerning 5-LOX inhibition, through a systematic study of the inhibition of the formation of LTB4 in human neutrophils. The type of inhibition of the flavonoids was further studied using soybean LOX, type I, and Saturation Transfer Difference 1H NMR (STD-1H NMR) was used to characterize the binding epitopes of the compounds to LOX-1. The obtained results reinforce flavonoids as effective inhibitors of LTB4 production in human neutrophils. It was also possible to establish a structure/activity relationship for the inhibitory activity and the type of inhibition.
Ferreira, JP, Viveiros R, Lourenco A, da Silva MS, Rosatella A, Casimiro T, Afonso CAM.
Integrated desulfurization of diesel by combination of metal-free oxidation and product removal by molecularly imprinted polymers. RSC Adv.. 4:54948-54952.: The Royal Society of Chemistry
AbstractThe production of ultra-low-sulfur diesel is an important worldwide demand. In this work a novel integrated method for desulfurization of diesel is proposed based on the combination of Bronsted acid catalyzed oxidation and the selective removal of the oxidized products using a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) produced in supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2). The biphasic oxidation reaction of dibenzothiophene sulfone (DBT){,} as model substrate{,} and H2O2 as oxidant{,} was optimized by testing different acid catalysts{,} and also different phase transfer catalysts (PTC){,} including two different ionic liquids (ILs) trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphoniumchloride [P6{,}6{,}6{,}14]Cl and Aliquat[registered sign]. The products of the efficient oxidation of DBT{,} dibenzothiophene sulfoxide (DBTSO) and dibenzothiophene sulfone (DBTSO2){,} were then selectively removed from real diesel using the MIP.
Marrucho, IM, Branco LC, Rebelo LPN.
Ionic Liquids in Pharmaceutical Applications. Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vol 5. 5(
Prausnitz, J. M., Doherty, M. F., Segalman, R. A., Eds.).:527-546.
Sa, S, Gawande MB, Velhinho A, Veiga JP, Bundaleski N, Trigueiro J, Tolstogouzov A, Teodoro OMND, Zboril R, Varma RS, Branco PS.
Magnetically recyclable magnetite-palladium (Nanocat-Fe-Pd) nanocatalyst for the Buchwald-Hartwig reaction. GREEN CHEMISTRY. 16:3494-3500., Number 7
Pessoa, JC, Gonçalves G, Roy S, Correia I, Mehtab S, Santos MFA, Santos-Silva T.
New insights on vanadium binding to human serum transferrin. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 420:60-68.
AbstractAbstract The knowledge on the binding of vanadium ions and complexes to serum proteins and how vanadium might be transported in blood and up-taken by cells has received much attention during the last decade, particularly as far as the transport of VIVO2+ is concerned. In this work we revise and discuss some relevant aspects of previous research, namely the two main types of binding proposed for transport of VIVO(carrier)2 complexes. New results, obtained by circular dichroism (CD), \{EPR\} and gel electrophoresis, regarding the binding of vanadium to hTF in the oxidation states +5 and +3 are also presented. Namely, evidences for the binding of VV-species to diferric-transferrin, designated by (FeIII)2hTF, as well as to (AlIII)2hTF, are presented and discussed, the possibility of up-take of vanadate by cells through (FeIII)2hTF endocytosis being suggested. It is also confirmed that \{VIII\} binds strongly to hTF, forming di-vanadium(III)-transferrin, designated by (VIII)2hTF, and gel electrophoresis experiments indicate that (VIII)2hTF corresponds to a ‘closed conformation’ similar to (FeIII)2hTF.
Martins, MB, Corvo ML, Marcelino P, Marinho HS, Feio G, Carvalho A.
New long circulating magnetoliposomes as contrast agents for detection of ischemia-reperfusion injuries by MRI. Nanomedicine. 10:207-14., Number 1
AbstractNew long circulating magnetoliposomes coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), and loaded with PEG-coated 10nm superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION), were developed. The magnetoliposomes relaxivities r1, r2 measured in a magnetic field of 7 T showed a minor effect on T1, but a major effect on T2. These nanosystems were used as a negative contrast agent for MRI in a nonclinical study to visualize, in a rat model of liver ischemia, ischemia-reperfusion injuries. Magnetic resonance micro-images (MRM) at 7 T were obtained for rat liver with and without magnetoliposomes administration and analyzed in comparison with liver biomarkers and histological results. These new long circulating magnetoliposomes enhanced the detection of lesions indicating their potential use as efficient MRI negative contrast agent for the detection of liver ischemia-reperfusion injuries. FROM THE CLINICAL EDITOR: This paper describes the generation of PEGylated magnetoliposomes and demonstrates their feasibility as negative contrast agents in a liver ischemia-reperfusion rat model.
Florindo, C, Costa A, Matos C, Nunes SL, Matias AN, Duarte CMM, Rebelo LPN, Branco LC, Marrucho IM.
Novel organic salts based on fluoroquinolone drugs: Synthesis, bioavailability and toxicological profiles. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 469:179-189., Number 1
Nogueira, LS, Ribeiro S, Granadeiro CM, Pereira E, Feio G, Cunha-Silva L, Balula SS.
Novel polyoxometalate silica nano-sized spheres: efficient catalysts for olefin oxidation and the deep desulfurization process. Dalton Trans. 43:9518-28., Number 25
AbstractA novel method to prepare silica nano-sized particles incorporating polyoxometalates was developed leading to a new efficient heterogeneous oxidative catalyst. Zinc-substituted polyoxotungstate [PW11Zn(H2O)O39](5-) (PW11Zn) was encapsulated into silica nanoparticles using a cross-linked organic-inorganic core, performed through successive spontaneous reactions in water. The potassium salt of PW11Zn and the composite formed, PW11Zn-APTES@SiO2, were characterized by a myriad of solid-state methods such as FT-IR, FT-Raman, (31)P and (13)C CP/MAS solid-state NMR, elemental analysis and SEM-EDS, confirming the integrity of the PW11Zn structure immobilized in the silica nanoparticles. The new composite has shown to be a versatile catalyst for the oxidation of olefins and also to catalyze the desulfurization of a model oil using H2O2 as the oxidant and acetonitrile as the solvent. The novel composite material was capable of being recycled without significant loss of activity and maintaining its structural stability for consecutive desulfurization and olefin oxidative cycles.
Restani, {RB }, Conde J, Baptista {PV}, Cidade {MT}, Bragan{\c c}a {AM }, Morgado J, Correia {IJ }, Aguiar-Ricardo A, Bonifácio {VDB }.
Polyurea dendrimer for efficient cytosolic siRNA delivery. RSC Advances. 4:54872–54878., Number 97: RSC - Royal Society of Chemistry
AbstractThe design of small interfering RNA (siRNA) delivery materials showing efficacy in vivo is at the forefront of nanotherapeutics research. Polyurea (PURE-type) dendrimers are 'smart' biocompatible 3D polymers that unveil a dynamic and elegant back-folding mechanism involving hydrogen bonding between primary amines at the surface and tertiary amines and ureas at the core. Similarly, to a biological proton pump, they are able to automatically and reversibly transform their conformation in response to pH stimulus. Here, we show that PURE-G4 is a useful gene silencing platform showing no cellular toxicity. As a proof of concept we investigated the PURE-G4-siRNA dendriplex, which was shown to be an attractive platform with high transfection efficacy. The simplicity associated with the complexation of siRNA with polyurea dendrimers makes them a powerful tool for efficient cytosolic siRNA delivery.
Bao, C, Conde J, Polo E, {del Pino} P, Moros M, Baptista P, Grazu V, Cui D, {de la Fuente} {JM }.
A promising road with challenges: where are gold nanoparticles in translational research? Nanomedicine. 9:2353–2370., Number 15: Future Medicine Ltd.
AbstractNanoenabled technology holds great potential for health issues and biological research. Among the numerous inorganic nanoparticles that are available today, gold nanoparticles are fully developed as therapeutic and diagnostic agents both in vitro and in vivo due to their physicochemical properties. Owing to this, substantial work has been conducted in terms of developing biosensors for noninvasive and targeted tumor diagnosis and treatment. Some studies have even expanded into clinical trials. This article focuses on the fundamentals and synthesis of gold nanoparticles, as well as the latest, most promising applications in cancer research, such as molecular diagnostics, immunosensors, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and bioimaging. Challenges to their further translational development are also discussed.
Cachitas, H, Sebastiao PJ, Feio G, Chavez FV.
Proton NMR relaxation study of molecular dynamics of chromonic liquid crystal Edicol Sunset Yellow. Liquid Crystals. 41:1080-1089., Number 8
AbstractProton nuclear magnetic resonance (H-1 NMR) relaxometry, over about five decades in Larmor frequency, and pulsed field gradient NMR were used to study the molecular dynamics in the chromonic nematic and isotropic phases of stacked molecules of the binary mixture composed by Edicol Sunset Yellow (ESY) and deuterated water. Our results evidence that in both phases collective motions are responsible for the spin-lattice relaxation dispersion in the Larmor frequency range below 1 MHz. In the nematic phase, the collective motion are attributed to columnar undulations within the stacked molecules, while, in the isotropic phase, the results are explained by local order fluctuations due to the formation of the stacks. The high frequency dispersion was explained by individual molecular motions like rotations around and perpendicular to the stack axis, and also self-diffusion.
Gago, S, Gonzalez J, Blasco S, Parola JA, Albelda MT, Garcia-Espana E, Pina F.
Protonation, coordination chemistry, cyanometallate "supercomplex" formation and fluorescence chemosensing properties of a bis(2,2 '-bipyridino)cyclophane receptor. Dalton Transactions. 43:2437-2447., Number 6