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Moniz, A, c}as JMC{\c.  2010.  Editorial Note, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 6:7-8., Number 6 AbstractWebsite

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Moniz, A, Cabeças JM.  2010.  {Editorial Note}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 6:7-8., Number 6 AbstractWebsite

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Carvalho, LC, Estevao MS, Ferreira LM, Fernandes E, Marques MMB.  2010.  A new insight on the hypochlorous acid scavenging mechanism of tryptamine and tryptophan derivatives, NOV 15. BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS. 20:6475-6478., Number 22 Abstract
Estevao, MS, Carvalho LC, Ribeiro D, Couto D, Freitas M, Gomes A, Ferreira LM, Fernandes E, Marques MMB.  2010.  Antioxidant activity of unexplored indole derivatives: Synthesis and screening, NOV. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. 45:4869-4878., Number 11 Abstract
Raimundo, J, Vale C, Duarte R, Moura I.  2010.  Association of Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb with protein fractions and sub-cellular partitioning in the digestive gland of Octopus vulgaris living in habitats with different metal levels, Nov. Chemosphere. 81:1314-1319., Number 10 AbstractWebsite

Zinc Cu Cd and Pb concentrations were determined in protein fractions of digestive gland and in the whole digestive gland of Octopus vulgaris collected from two areas of the Portuguese coast Approximately 95% of Zn 99% of Cu 85-96% of Cd and 77-86% of Pb were stored in the cytosol suggesting the predominance of cytosolic proteins in the trapping these elements Gel filtration chromatography evidenced the presence of two major groups of proteins with high molecular weight (HMW 144 000-130 000 Da) and low molecular weight (LMW 11 000-6000 Da) The following metal-protein associations were found Zn was distributed between HMW and LMW Cu and Cd in LMW proteins with a minor association with HMW and Pb in HMW proteins The strong positive correlations between Cd Zn and Cu and LMW proteins point to the presence of metalloproteins with high affinity to these elements A shift was registered between the maximum of the ratio 254 280 nm and metal concentrations in the chromatographic profiles This shift may result from metallothioneins having a small participation in the metal binding or protein purification was insufficient and various LMW proteins may be interfering (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved

Silveira, CM, Gomes SP, Araujo AN, Montenegro MC, Todorovic S, Viana AS, Silva RJ, Moura JJ, Almeida MG.  2010.  An efficient non-mediated amperometric biosensor for nitrite determination, May 15. Biosens Bioelectron. 25:2026-32., Number 9 AbstractWebsite

In this paper we propose the construction of a new non-mediated electrochemical biosensor for nitrite determination in complex samples. The device is based on the stable and selective cytochrome c nitrite reductase (ccNiR) from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, which has both high turnover and heterogeneous electron transfer rates. In opposition to previous efforts making use of several redox mediators, in this work we exploited the capacity of ccNiR to display a direct electrochemical response when interacting with pyrolytic graphite (PG) surfaces. To enable the analytical application of such bioelectrode the protein was successfully incorporated within a porous silica glass made by the sol-gel process. In the presence of nitrite, the ccNiR/sol-gel/PG electrode promptly displays catalytic currents indicating that the entrapped ccNiR molecules are reduced via direct electron transfer. This result is noteworthy since the protein molecules are caged inside a non-conductive silica network, in the absence of any mediator species or electron relay. At optimal conditions, the minimum detectable concentration is 120 nM. The biosensor sensitivity is 430 mA M(-1) cm(-2) within a linear range of 0.25-50 microM, keeping a stable response up to two weeks. The analysis of nitrites in freshwaters using the method of standard addition was highly accurated.

Larguinho, M, Santos {HM }, c}alo Doria G{\c, Scholz H, Baptista {PV}, Capelo {JL }.  2010.  Development of a fast and efficient ultrasonic-based strategy for DNA fragmentation, may. Talanta. 81:881–886., Number 3: Elsevier Abstract

Several ultrasound-based platforms for DNA sample preparation were evaluated in terms of effective fragmentation of DNA (plasmid and genomic DNA)-ultrasonic probe, sonoreactor, ultrasonic bath and the newest Vialtweeter device. The sonoreactor showed the best efficiency of DNA fragmentation while simultaneously assuring no cross-contamination of samples, and was considered the best ultrasonic tool to achieve effective fragmentation of DNA at high-throughput and avoid sample overheating. Several operation variables were studied-ultrasonication time and amplitude, DNA concentration, sample volume and sample pre-treatment-that allowed optimisation of a sonoreactor-based strategy for effective DNA fragmentation. Optimal operating conditions to achieve DNA fragmentation were set to 100% ultrasonic amplitude, 100 μL sample volume, 8 min ultrasonic treatment (2 min/sample) for a DNA concentration of 100 μg mL-1. The proposed ultrasonication strategy can be easily implemented in any laboratory setup, providing fast, simple and reliable means for effective DNA sample preparation when fragmentation is critical for downstream molecular detection and diagnostics protocols.

Santos, A, Duarte AG, Fedorov A, Martinho JMG, Moura I.  2010.  Rubredoxin mutant A51C unfolding dynamics: A Forster Resonance Energy Transfer study, May. Biophysical Chemistry. 148:131-137., Number 1-3 AbstractWebsite

The unfolding dynamics of the rubredoxin mutant A51C (RdA51C) from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (DvRd) was studied on the temperature range from 25 degrees C to 90 degrees C and by incubation at 90 degrees C. By Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) the donor (D; Trp37) to acceptor (A; 1,5-IAEDANS) distance distribution was probed at several temperatures between 25 degrees C and 90 degrees C, and incubation times at 90 degrees C. From 25 degrees C to 50 degrees C the half-width distributions values (hw) are small and the presence of a discrete D-A distance was considered. At temperatures higher than 60 degrees C broader hw values were observed reflecting the existence of a distance distribution. The protein denaturation was only achieved by heating the solution for 2 h at 90 degrees C, as probed by the increase of the D-A mean distance. From Trp fluorescence it was shown that its vicinity was maintained until similar to 70 degrees C, being the protein hydrodynamic radius invariant until 50 degrees C. However, at similar to 70 degrees C a change in the partial unfolding kinetics indicates the disruption of specific H-bonds occurring in the hydrophobic core. The red shift of 13 nm, observed on the Trp37 emission, confirms the exposition of Trp to solvent after protein incubation at 90 degrees C for 2.5 h. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Cardoso, E.  2010.  Classificação automática do sono: contribuição utilizando distância de itakura-saito e wavelets, March. (Arnaldo Batista, Manuel Ortigueira, Rui Rodrigues, Eds.).: FCT-UNL Abstract
da Silva, DG, de Pinho PG, Pontes H, Ferreira L, Branco P, Remiao F, Carvalho F, Bastos LM, Carmo H.  2010.  Gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous measurement of MDMA (ecstasy) and its metabolites, MDA, HMA, and HMMA in plasma and urine, MAR 15. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY B-ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE BIOMEDICAL AND LIFE SCIENCES. 878:815-822., Number 9-10 Abstract

The investigation of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA: ecstasy) abuse requires very robust methods with high sensitivity and wide linearity ranges for the quantification of this drug of abuse and its main metabolites in body fluids. An optimized gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry (GC-IT/MS) methodology with electron impact ionization addressing these issues is presented. The sample preparation involves an enzymatic hydrolysis of urine and plasma for conjugate cleavage, a SPE extraction, and a derivatization process. The method was fully validated in rat plasma and urine. Linearity for a wide concentration range was achieved for MDMA, and the metabolites 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyamphetamine (HMA) and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymethamphetamine (HMMA). Limits of quantification were 2 ng/mL in plasma and 3.5 ng/mL in urine using a Selected Ion Monitoring detection mode. Selectivity, accuracy, precision, and recovery met the required criteria for the method validation. This GC-IT/MS method provides high sensitivity and adequate performance characteristics for the simultaneous quantification of MDMA, MDA, HMA and HMMA in the studied matrices. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Tavares, {JRRF}, Baptista {PMRV}, Doria {GMRPDF}, de Flores {AOL}.  2010.  Colorimetric method and kit for the detection of specific nucleic acid sequences using metal nanoparticles functionalized with modified oligonucleotides, mar. Abstract

The present invention relates to a colorimetric method for the detection of specific nucleic acids sequences, including mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms within nucleic acid sequences, through the aggregation of nanoparticles functionalized with modified oligonucleotides, induced by an increase of the medium's ionic strength. Another aspect of the present invention relates with the development of a kit based on the method of the present invention, allowing for a quick and easy detection of specific nucleic acids sequences, including mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms within nucleic acid sequences.

Goodfellow, BJ, Duarte IC, Macedo AL, Volkman BF, Nunes SG, Moura I, Markley JL, Moura JJ.  2010.  An NMR structural study of nickel-substituted rubredoxin, Mar. J Biol Inorg Chem. 15:409-20., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

The Ni(II) and Zn(II) derivatives of Desulfovibrio vulgaris rubredoxin (DvRd) have been studied by NMR spectroscopy to probe the structure at the metal centre. The beta CH(2) proton pairs from the cysteines that bind the Ni(II) atom have been identified using 1D nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) difference spectra and sequence specifically assigned via NOE correlations to neighbouring protons and by comparison with the published X-ray crystal structure of a Ni(II) derivative of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin. The solution structures of DvRd(Zn) and DvRd(Ni) have been determined and the paramagnetic form refined using pseudocontact shifts. The determination of the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy tensor allowed the contact and pseudocontact contributions to the observed chemical shifts to be obtained. Analysis of the pseudocontact and contact chemical shifts of the cysteine H beta protons and backbone protons close to the metal centre allowed conclusions to be drawn as to the geometry and hydrogen-bonding pattern at the metal binding site. The importance of NH-S hydrogen bonds at the metal centre for the delocalization of electron spin density is confirmed for rubredoxins and can be extrapolated to metal centres in Cu proteins: amicyanin, plastocyanin, stellacyanin, azurin and pseudoazurin.

Najmudin, S, Pauleta SR, Moura I, Romao MJ.  2010.  The 1.4 angstrom resolution structure of Paracoccus pantotrophus pseudoazurin, Jun. Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 66:627-635. AbstractWebsite

Pseudoazurins are small type 1 copper proteins that are involved in the flow of electrons between various electron donors and acceptors in the bacterial periplasm, mostly under denitrifying conditions. The previously determined structure of Paracoccus pantotrophus pseudoazurin in the oxidized form was improved to a nominal resolution of 1.4 angstrom, with R and R(free) values of 0.188 and 0.206, respectively. This high-resolution structure makes it possible to analyze the interactions between the monomers and the solvent structure in detail. Analysis of the high-resolution structure revealed the structural regions that are responsible for monomer-monomer recognition during dimer formation and for protein-protein interaction and that are important for partner recognition. The pseudoazurin structure was compared with other structures of various type 1 copper proteins and these were grouped into families according to similarities in their secondary structure; this may be useful in the annotation of copper proteins in newly sequenced genomes and in the identification of novel copper proteins.

Ramos, S, Almeida RM, Moura JJ, Aureliano M.  2010.  Implications of oxidovanadium(IV) binding to actin, Jun. J Inorg Biochem. 105:777-83., Number 6 AbstractWebsite

Oxidovanadium(IV), a cationic species (VO(2+)) of vanadium(IV), binds to several proteins, including actin. Upon titration with oxidovanadium(IV), approximately 100% quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence of monomeric actin purified from rabbit skeletal muscle (G-actin) was observed, with a V(50) of 131 muM, whereas for the polymerized form of actin (F-actin) 75% of quenching was obtained and a V(50) value of 320 muM. Stern-Volmer plots were used to estimate an oxidovanadium(IV)-actin dissociation constant, with K(d) of 8.2 muM and 64.1 muM VOSO(4), for G-actin and F-actin, respectively. These studies reveal the presence of a high affinity binding site for oxidovanadium(IV) in actin, producing local conformational changes near the tryptophans most accessible to water in the three-dimensional structure of actin. The actin conformational changes, also confirmed by (1)H NMR, are accompanied by changes in G-actin hydrophobic surface, but not in F-actin. The (1)H NMR spectra of G-actin treated with oxidovanadium(IV) clearly indicates changes in the resonances ascribed to methyl group and aliphatic regions as well as to aromatics and peptide-bond amide region. In parallel, it was verified that oxidovanadium(IV) prevents the G-actin polymerization into F-actin. In the 0-200 muM range, VOSO(4) inhibits 40% of the extent of polymerization with an IC(50) of 15.1 muM, whereas 500 muM VOSO(4) totally suppresses actin polymerization. The data strongly suggest that oxidovanadium(IV) binds to actin at specific binding sites preventing actin polymerization. By affecting actin structure and function, oxidovanadium(IV) might be responsible for many cellular effects described for vanadium.

Raimundo, J, Vale C, Canario J, Branco V, Moura I.  2010.  Relations between mercury, methyl-mercury and selenium in tissues of Octopus vulgaris from the Portuguese Coast, Jun. Environmental Pollution. 158:2094-2100., Number 6 AbstractWebsite

Mercury, methyl-mercury (MeHg) and selenium were determined in digestive gland and mantle of Octopus vulgaris, from three areas of the Portuguese coast. To our knowledge these are the first data on MeHg in cephalopods. Concentrations were higher in the digestive gland and percentage of MeHg in mantle. Enhanced Hg and MeHg levels were obtained in digestive gland of specimens from Olhao (3.1-7.4 and 2.0-5.0 mu g g(-1) respectively). Differences between areas may be partially related to Hg availability. Relationships between concentrations in mantle and digestive gland pointed to proportional increases of Hg and MeHg in tissues of specimens from Matosinhos and Cascais, but relatively constant values in mantle of individuals from Olhao (higher contamination). Se:Hg molar ratio in digestive gland was 32 and 30 in octopus from Matosinhos and Cascais, respectively, and 5.4 from Olhao. The proximity to the unit suggests demethylation as response to elevated MeHg levels in digestive gland. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

{Vidal Pinheiro}, A, Conde J, Parola {AJ}, Lima {JC}, Baptista {PV}.  2010.  Use of cyclodextrins as scavengers of inhibitory photo-products in light controlled in vitro synthesis of RNA, jun. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 213:147–151., Number 2-3: Elsevier Abstract

We recently reported on the use of caged nucleotides to attain full control of enzymatic polymerization of RNA solely by light. In the absence of light no RNA formation was possible due to the efficient caging by the coumarin moiety; after irradiation, caged ATP was released with quantitative precision and RNA polymerization was resumed. As photolabile protecting group [7-(diethylamino) coumarin-4-yl]methyl] (DEACM) was used due to its high absorbance in the visible region of the spectrum, fast deprotection kinetics and absence of radical intermediates. However, the 7-diethylamino-4-hydroxymethylcoumarin photo-product (DEACM-OH) was shown to inhibit the transcription reaction for concentrations higher than 30 μM [5]. This inhibition has been associated with poor water solubility, which is commonly dealt with via cumbersome chemical modifications of the protecting moiety. To overcome inhibition, we evaluated the use of molecular scavengers to sequester DEACM-OH formed after irradiation. Determination of association constants of coumarin with β-cyclodextrins allowed the assessment of its capability to remove free coumarin molecules from solution. The influence of β-cyclodextrin in transcription reaction was also assessed. Results show that β-cyclodextrin can be successfully used as scavenger as it increases the DEACM-OH threshold concentration for inhibition, amplifying the efficiency of light controlled in vitro transcription.

Carmali, S, Alves VD, Coelhoso IM, Ferreira LM, Lourenco AM.  2010.  Recovery of lupanine from Lupinus albus L. leaching waters, JUL 30. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY. 74:38-43., Number 1 Abstract
Barbosa, DJ, Ferreira L, Serio Branco P, Fernandes E, Carmo H, Remiao F, Bastos ML, Oliveira J, Capela JP, Carvalho F.  2010.  Evaluation of the oxidative damage induced by MDMA and its metabolites in rat brain synaptosomes, JUL 17. TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 196:S228-S229., Number S Abstract
Moniz, AB.  2010.  Anthropocentric-based robotic and autonomous systems: assessment for new organisational options, Jul. , Number 07/2010: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET-Research on Enterprise and Work Innovation, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

Research activities at European level on the concept of new working environments offers considerable attention to the challenges of the increased competencies of people working together with automated technologies. Since the decade of 1980 the development of approaches for the humanization of work organization, and for the development of participative organizational options induced to new proposals related to the development of complex and integrated automated systems. From such parallel conceptual development emerged the concept of “anthropocentric robotic systems” and quickly it covered also other fields of automation. More recently, the debate also covers issues related to working perception of people dealing with autonomous systems (e.g. Autonomous robotics) in tasks related to production planning, to programming and to process control. In fact, today one can understand the wider use of the anthropocentrism concept of production architectures, when understanding the new quality of these systems. In this chapter the author analyses the evolution of these issues related to governance of ICT applied to manufacturing and industrial services in research programmes strengthening very much the ‘classical’ concept of anthropocentric-based systems. It is emerging a new value of the intuitive capacities and human knowledge in the optimization and flexibilization of the manufacturing processes. While this would be a pre-condition to understand the human-robot communication needs, there is also a need to take into consideration the qualitative variables in the definition and design of robotic systems, jobs and production systems.

Moniz, AB.  2010.  {Anthropocentric-based robotic and autonomous systems: assessment for new organisational options}, Jul. , Number 07/2010: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

Research activities at European level on the concept of new working environments offers considerable attention to the challenges of the increased competencies of people working together with automated technologies. Since the decade of 1980 the development of approaches for the humanization of work organization, and for the development of participative organizational options induced to new proposals related to the development of complex and integrated automated systems. From such parallel conceptual development emerged the concept of “anthropocentric robotic systems” and quickly it covered also other fields of automation. More recently, the debate also covers issues related to working perception of people dealing with autonomous systems (e.g. Autonomous robotics) in tasks related to production planning, to programming and to process control. In fact, today one can understand the wider use of the anthropocentrism concept of production architectures, when understanding the new quality of these systems. In this chapter the author analyses the evolution of these issues related to governance of ICT applied to manufacturing and industrial services in research programmes strengthening very much the ‘classical’ concept of anthropocentric-based systems. It is emerging a new value of the intuitive capacities and human knowledge in the optimization and flexibilization of the manufacturing processes. While this would be a pre-condition to understand the human-robot communication needs, there is also a need to take into consideration the qualitative variables in the definition and design of robotic systems, jobs and production systems.

Doria, G, Dias {JT }, Larguinho M, Pereira E, Franco R, Baptista P.  2010.  AuAg-alloy-nanoprobes for specific nucleic acid detection, jan. Nanotechnology 2010: Bio Sensors, Instruments, Medical, Environment and Energy - Technical Proceedings of the 2010 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2010. 3:62–65.: Nano Science and Technology Institute Abstract

The derivatization of gold-silver alloy nanoparticles with thiol-ssDNA oligonucleotides (AuAg-alloy-nanoprobes) and their use in nucleic acid detection is presented. A non-cross-linking method has been previously developed by our group using gold nanoparticles, which is based on the colorimetric comparison of solutions before and after salt-induced nanoprobe aggregation. Only the presence of a complementary target stabilizes the nanoprobe, preventing aggregation and colorimetric change after salt addition. Through this approach, the AuAg-alloy-nanoprobes allowed to specifically detect a sequence derived from the RNA polymerase β-subunit gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the etiologic agent of human tuberculosis, with a 2.5-fold enhanced sensitivity (0.3 μg of total DNA) when compared to their gold counterparts.

Tavares, {JRRF}, Baptista {PMRV}, Doria {GMRPDF}, Flores {AODL}.  2010.  Colorimetric method and kit for the detection of specific nucleic acid sequences using metal nanoparticles functionalized with modified oligonucleotides, jan. Abstract

The present invention relates to a colorimetric method for the detection of specific nucleic acids sequences, including mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms within nucleic acid sequences, through the aggregation of nanoparticles functionalized with modified oligonucleotides, induced by an increase of the medium's ionic strength. Another aspect of the present invention relates with the development of a kit based on the method of the present invention, allowing for a quick and easy detection of specific nucleic acids sequences, including mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms within nucleic acid sequences.

Baptista, {PMRV}.  2010.  Gold nanoprobe assay for the identification of mycobacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, jan. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 16:1464–1469., Number 9: European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases | Elsevier Abstract
Baptista, {PMRV}, Franco R.  2010.  Gold-silver-alloy nanoprobes for one-pot multiplex DNA detection, jan. Nanotechnology. 21:255101., Number 25: IOP Publishing Abstract
de Martins, {RFP}, Fortunato {EMC}, Baptista {PMRV}, Águas {HMB}.  2010.  Inkjet printed and {"}doctor blade{"} TiO2 photodetectors for DNA biosensors, jan. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 25:1229–1234., Number 5: Elsevier Abstract

A dye sensitized TiO2 photodetector has been integrated with a DNA detection method based on non-cross-linking hybridization of DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles, resulting in a disposable colorimetric biosensor. We present a new approach for the fabrication of dye sensitized TiO2 photodetectors by an inkjet printing technique-a non-contact digital, additive, no mask and no vacuum patterning method, ideal for cost efficient mass production. The developed biosensor was compared against a dye sensitized photodetector fabricated by the traditional {"}doctor blade{"} method. Detection of gold nanoparticle aggregation was possible for concentrations as low as 1.0 nM for the {"}doctor blade{"} system, and 1.5 nM for the inkjet printed photodetector. The demonstrated sensitivity limits of developed biosensors; are comparable to those of spectrophotometric techniques (1.0 nM). Our results show that a difference higher than 17% by traditional photodetector and 6% by inkjet printed in the photoresponses for the complementary and non-complementary gold nanoprobe assays could be attained for a specific DNA sequence from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the etiologic agent of human tuberculosis. The decrease of costs associated with molecular diagnostic provided by a platform such as the one presented here may prove of paramount importance in developing countries. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.