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Rodriguez, L, Lima JC, Pina F, Cacciapaglia R, Di Stefano S, Ruggi A.  2011.  Photophysical Study of Naphthalenophanes: Evidence of Adduct Formation with Molecular Oxygen. Journal of Physical Chemistry a. 115:123-127., Number 2 Abstract
Bras, JLA, Correia MAS, Romao MJ, Prates JAM, Fontes CMGA, Najmudin S.  2011.  Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of the pentamodular arabinoxylanase CtXyl5A from Clostridium thermocellum. Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 67:833-836. AbstractWebsite
Palma, LB, Coito FV, Gil PS.  2011.  Real-time detection of oscillations in control loops. Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), 2011 International Conference on. :1–6.: IEEE Abstract


Pereira, P, Helena Fino M, Coito F, Ventim-Neves M.  2011.  RF integrated inductor modeling and its application to optimization-based design. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. :1–9.: Springer Abstract


Almeida, R, Ortigueira MD, Batista AG, Ktonas P.  2011.  Sleep Spindles: Decomposition, Parameterization and Applications. 19th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. Abstract
Bras, JLA, Cartmell A, Carvalho ALM, Verze G, Bayer EA, Vazana Y, Correia MAS, Prates JAM, Ratnaparkhe S, Boraston AB, Romao MJ, Fontes CMGA, Gilbert HJ.  2011.  Structural insights into a unique cellulase fold and mechanism of cellulose hydrolysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108:5237-5242., Number 13 AbstractWebsite
Corvo, M, de Menezes SC, Magalhães TO, Seferin M, Einloft S, Casimiro T, Cabrita EJ.  2011.  Studying the Solubility of CO2 in Ionic Liquids Using High Pressure NMR. Abstract
Costa, F, Coito F, Palma L.  2011.  Switched Unfalsified Multicontroller. Technological Innovation for Sustainability. :393–401.: Springer Abstract


Neves, P, Gago S, Balula SS, Lopes AD, Valente AA, Cunha-Silva L, Almeida Paz FA, Pillinger M, Rocha J, Silva CM, Goncalves IS.  2011.  Synthesis and Catalytic Properties of Molybdenum(VI) Complexes with Tris(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)methane. Inorganic Chemistry. 50:3490-3500., Number 8 AbstractWebsite
Gawande, MB, Branco PS, Parghi K, Shrikhande JJ, Pandey RK, Ghumman CAA, Bundaleski N, Teodoro OMND, Jayaram RV.  2011.  Synthesis and characterization of versatile MgO-ZrO2 mixed metal oxide nanoparticles and their applications. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 1:1653-1664., Number 9 Abstract
Santos-Silva, T, Mukhopadhyay A, Seixas JD, Bernardes GJL, Romao CC, Romao MJ.  2011.  Towards Improved Therapeutic CORMs: Understanding the Reactivity of CORM-3 with Proteins. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 18:3361-3366., Number 22 AbstractWebsite
Palma, LB, Coito FV.  2011.  Tuning PCA controllers based on manual control data. Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), 2011 IEEE 16th Conference on. :1–4.: IEEE Abstract


Baltazar, P, Vasconcelos VT, Vieira HT.  2011.  Typing Dynamic Roles in Multiparty Interaction. Simpósio de Informática (INForum). Abstract
Coito, F, Palma LB.  2011.  Unfalsification based Fault Tolerant Controller. Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), 2011 IEEE 16th Conference on. :1–4.: IEEE Abstract


Martins, R, Brás B, Ferreira I, Pereira L, Barquinha P, Correia N, Costa R, Busani T, Gonçalves A, Pimentel A, Fortunato E.  2011.  {Away from silicon era: the paper electronics}. 7940(Teherani, Ferechteh H., Look, David C., Rogers, David J., Eds.).:79400P\{$\backslash$textendash\}79400P\{$\backslash$textendash\}10. Abstract


Martins, R, Brás B, Ferreira I, Pereira L, Barquinha P, Correia N, Costa R, Busani T, Gonçalves A, Pimentel A, Fortunato E.  2011.  {Away from silicon era: the paper electronics}. Proc. SPIE. 7940(Teherani, Ferechteh H., Look, David C., Rogers, David J., Eds.).:79400P–79400P–10. Abstract

Today there is a strong interest in the scientific and industrial community concerning the use of biopolymers for electronic applications, mainly driven by low-cost and disposable applications. Adding to this interest, we must recognize the importance of the wireless auto sustained and low energy consumption electronics dream. This dream can be fulfilled by cellulose paper, the lightest and the cheapest known substrate material, as well as the Earth's major biopolymer and of tremendous global economic importance. The recent developments of oxide thin film transistors and in particular the production of paper transistors at room temperature had contributed, as a first step, for the development of disposable, low cost and flexible electronic devices. To fulfil the wireless demand, it is necessary to prove the concept of self powered devices. In the case of paper electronics, this implies demonstrating the idea of self regenerated thin film paper batteries and its integration with other electronic components. Here we demonstrate this possibility by actuating the gate of paper transistors by paper batteries. We found that when a sheet of cellulose paper is covered in both faces with thin layers of opposite electrochemical potential materials, a voltage appears between both electrodes -paper battery, which is also self-regenerated. The value of the potential depends upon the materials used for anode and cathode. An open circuit voltage of 0.5V and a short-circuit current density of 1$μ$A/cm2 were obtained in the simplest structure produced (Cu/paper/Al). For actuating the gate of the paper transistor, seven paper batteries were integrated in the same substrate in series, supplying a voltage of 3.4V. This allows proper ON/OFF control of the paper transistor. Apart from that transparent conductive oxides can be also used as cathode/anode materials allowing so the production of thin film batteries with transparent electrodes compatible with flexible, invisible, self powered and wireless electronics.

Maia, MJ, Moniz AB.  2011.  {Competências para a Tomada de Decisão na Radiologia: Uma abordagem de Avaliação de Tecnologia [Competences for decision taking in Radiology: A Technology Assessment approach]}. , Number 02/2011: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

We are facing an era, where pressures on health costs are extremely high, and the reforms in health system are almost constant. But over time, one factor remains unchanged – Technology continues being the sustenance of health care. Manufacturers, clinicians, patients, diagnostic and therapeutic technicians, hospital managers, government leaders, among others, either in public or private sector, are increasingly demanding in the sustained seek for information that support its decisions. Those decisions are about different types of issues: if, or how the technology can be developed, whether a technology should or should not enter the market, whether to acquire and use certain technology, and so forth. Such demand is well implied in the growth and development of Health Technology Assessment (HTA). This specialised field is commonly understood according to the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA, 2003) as an multidisciplinary analysis and decisional field, which studies the implications of clinical, social, ethical and economic development, dissemination and use of health technologies, without neglecting its political analysis (Goodman, 2004). The political decisions made based on HTA reports should be based on scientific evidence, linking efforts between the technical, economic and political dimensions, resourcing to a participatory vision, so that we can translate the best possible decision (Novaes 2006). On the other hand, the success of these decisions depends critically on the skills of the researcher to convey wisdom and confidence in applying rules of argumentation (Grunwald, 2007). In this paper we analyse the technical and methodological aspects of HTA, seen as a tool for evaluating health procedures and techniques. And we analyse the needs for skills and qualifications development of the actors involved in this process.

Martins, R, Nathan A, Barros R, Pereira L\'ıs, Barquinha P, Correia N, Costa R, Ahnood A, Ferreira I, Fortunato E.  2011.  {Complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology with and on paper.}. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.). 23:4491–6., Number 39 AbstractWebsite
Boavida, N, Moretto SM.  2011.  {Innovation assessment in a local branch of a rail transport manufacture industry - A case study}. , Number 04/2011: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

In the context of the revitalization of the Portuguese railway sector with the construction of the high-speed railway network, the working paper proposes an analysis of the results found from the application of an innovation scoring to the Portuguese branch of a global multinational in the railway business. The aim of this exercise is to learn on the innovation management flow between the global corporation and the local branch in Portugal. It also aims to assess the degree of local innovation multinationals generate in view of such type of mega public investments. The working paper is structured in five chapters. In chapter one introduces the innovation scoring tool, instrument of work; chapter two covers the methodology used; the chapter tree presents the case study, subject of research; chapter four presents the findings; and chapter 5 closes with concluding remarks.

Maia, MJ.  2011.  {Innovation scoring no sector de serviços de saúde: um estudo de caso [Innovation scoring in the sector health services: a case study]}. , Number 08/2011: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

Nowadays, innovation has been understood as an overall strategy for a company. Thus, it should remain adapted, flexible and responsive to the market changes, where the company operates. For a company to succeed in the innovation process, it should be clear about their position on this issue. There are several dynamic systems of control and management innovation. One of these systems is the Innovation Scoring, developed by COTEC Portugal, a Corporate Association for Innovation supported by the Portuguese government. The Innovation Scoring is a support tool to encourage national companies to develop innovation in a more systematic, efficient and effective way, contributing to the strategic thinking of the company, about their innovation processes. It allows a more indepth knowledge about the different dimensions that sustain innovation processes. It allows also the identification of areas with potential improvement. In order to analyse and diagnose the innovative capabilities of a real organization, have applied the Innovation Scoring survey. One of the Central Hospital in the Greater Lisbon area (Public Business Entity), and more specifically, its Imaging Department was the case studied. Innovation Scoring System is a self-diagnosis survey and therefore self-fulfilled. However, to make the results more reliable and free from bias, it was decided to adapt the application method. Thus, interviews were conducted and the responses were used to complete the questionnaire later on. In the next step, we proceed to result analysis from the point of view of the innovation at the case studied. As a final result, the Hospital Imaging Department received a weighting of 224 in 1000, for the Innovation Index, which means that the Department has much to develop and work, regarding these issues. The results should serve as a basis of motivation and strategic thinking for the Imaging Department, in relation to their innovation processes. This working paper is structured into seven ch

Cândido, AC.  2011.  {Inovação Disruptiva: Reflexões sobre as suas características e implicações no mercado [Disruptive innovation: Reflexions about features and market implications]}. , Number 05/2011: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

The study aims at discussing the challenges companies face a highly competitive market, emphasizing the implications of disruptive innovations mainly for companies established in the market. In order to understand the origin of the concept of disruptive innovation, the study also presents the results of network analysis carried out considering the following information: journals in which articles were published, the country of affiliation of the authors, keywords and year of publication. The reflections presented in the study lead us to various conclusions, among them the perception that organizations need more attention to the anticipation of new trends and scenarios in order to fend off the effects of a disruptive innovation introduced.

Moniz, AB.  2010.  Designing a Technology Assessment post-graduation programme: experiences, limits and needs, Sep. , Number 09/2010: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET-Research on Enterprise and Work Innovation, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

The post-graduation in the field of Technology Assessment (TA) is recent and that are several and different ways to be organised. Most experiences are related with the Masters diplom level (2nd cycle of graduation in high education). Just one in PhD level is explicit in the field of TA, and some other PhD courses include also TA topics in their programme structure. In this chapter we will analyse the problems related with the design of a post-graduation (MA, MSc or PhD) programme in the field of TA using as reference some international experiences. Hereby, the main conclusion seems to address labour market needs in the specialised knowledge of TA, of technology management or technology innovation. In this sense TA should be included as “minor” into post-graduation courses which may range from engineering disciplines to social sciences. As a graduation programme it can fill an expertise gap between technicians,engineers, scientists and the strategic decision makers or policy makers.

Veigas, B, Machado D, Perdigão J, Portugal I, Couto I, Viveiros M, Baptista {PV}.  2010.  Au-nanoprobes for detection of SNPs associated with antibiotic resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, oct. Nanotechnology. 21, Number 41: IOP Publishing Abstract

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading causes of infection in humans, causing high morbility and mortality all over the world. The rate of new cases of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) continues to increase, and since these infections are very difficult to manage, they constitute a serious health problem. In most cases, drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been related to mutations in several loci within the pathogen's genome. The development of fast, cheap and simple screening methodologies would be of paramount relevance for the early detection of these mutations, essential for the timely and effective diagnosis and management of MDRTB patients. The use of gold nanoparticles derivatized with thiol-modified oligonucleotides (Au-nanoprobes) has led to new approaches in molecular diagnostics. Based on the differential non-cross-linking aggregation of Au-nanoprobes, we were able to develop a colorimetric method for the detection of specific sequences and to apply this approach to pathogen identification and single base mutations/single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) discrimination. Here we report on the development of Au-nanoprobes for the specific identification of SNPs within the beta subunit of the RNA polymerase (rpoB locus), responsible for resistance to rifampicin in over 95% of rifampicin resistant M. tuberculosis strains.

Raimundo, J, Costa PM, Vale C, Costa MH, Moura I.  2010.  DNA damage and metal accumulation in four tissues of feral Octopus vulgaris from two coastal areas in Portugal, Oct. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 73:1543-1547., Number 7 AbstractWebsite

The alkaline comet assay has been employed for the first time to estimate the basal DNA damage in the digestive gland, gills, kidney and gonads of Octopus vulgaris. Octopuses were captured in two coastal areas adjacent to the cities of Matosinhos (N) and Olhao (S), Portugal. The area of Matosinhos is influenced by discharges of the Douro River, city of Porto, industries and intensive agriculture, while Olhao is an important fisheries port. Previous works point to contrasting metal availability in the two coastal areas. Among the analysed tissues digestive gland presented the highest levels of Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb. Tissues of specimens from Matosinhos exhibited high levels of Cd and from Olhao enhanced Pb concentrations. The DNA damages in digestive gland, gills and kidney were more accentuated in specimens from Matosinhos than from Olhao, suggesting a stronger effect of contaminants. Elevated strand breakages were registered in digestive gland, recognised for its ability to store and detoxify accumulated metals. The DNA damages in kidney, gills and gonads were lower, reflecting reduced metal accumulation or efficient detoxification. The broad variability of damages in the three tissues may also mirror tissue function, specific defences to genotoxicants and cell-cycle turnover. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Batalha, IL, Hussain A, Roque ACA.  2010.  Gum Arabic coated magnetic nanoparticles with affinity ligands specific for antibodies, oct. Journal of Molecular Recognition. 23:462–471., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

A novel magnetic support based on gum Arabic {(GA)} coated iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles {(MNP)} has been endowed with affinity properties towards immunoglobulin G {(IgG)} molecules. The success of the in situ triazine ligand synthesis was confirmed by fluorescence assays. Two synthetic ligands previously developed for binding to {IgG}, named as ligand 22/8 (artificial Protein A) and ligand 8/7 (artificial Protein L) were immobilized on to {MNPs} coated with {GA} {(MNP\_GA).} The dimension of the particles core was not affected by the surface functionalization with {GA} and triazine ligands. The hydrodynamic diameters of the magnetic supports indicate that the coupling of {GA} leads to the formation of larger agglomerates of particles with about 1 microm, but the introduction of the triazine ligands leads to a decrease on {MNPs} size. The non-functionalized {MNP\_GA} bound 28 mg {IgG/g}, two times less than bare {MNP} (60 mg {IgG/g).} {MNP\_GA} modified with ligand 22/8 bound 133 mg {IgG/g} support, twice higher than the value obtained for ligand 8/7 magnetic adsorbents (65 mg/g). Supports modified with ligand 22/8 were selected to study the adsorption and the elution of {IgG.} The adsorption of human {IgG} on this support followed a Langmuir behavior with a Q(máx) of 344 mg {IgG/g} support and K(a) of 1.5 x 10(5) M. The studies on different elution conditions indicated that although the 0.05 M citrate buffer {(pH} 3) presented good recovery yields (elution 64% of bound protein), there was occurrence of iron leaching at this acidic {pH.} Therefore, a potential alternative would be to elute bound protein with a 0.05 M {glycine-NaOH} {(pH} 11) buffer.