Valence change ReRAMs (VCM) - Experiments and modelling: General discussion
- Citation:
- Aono, M, Baeumer C, Bartlett P, Brivio S, Burr G, Burriel M, Carlos E, Deswal S, Deuermeier J, Dittmann R, Du H, Gale E, Hambsch S, Hilgenkamp H, Ielmini D, Kenyon AJ, Kiazadeh A, Kindsmüller A, Kissling G, Köymen I, Menzel S, Pla Asesio D, Prodromakis T, Santamaria M, Shluger A, Thompson D, Valov I, Wang W, Waser R, Williams RS, Wrana D, Wouters D, Yang Y, Zaffora A.
2019. Valence change ReRAMs (VCM) - Experiments and modelling: General discussion. Faraday Discussions. 213:259-286.
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