Safety and Regulation of the Engineering Nanomaterials is Workshop of the “NANOGUARD2AR” 696809 project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016. The aim of the NANOGUARD2AR project 3rd Workshop is to discuss current the state-of-the-art on Safety of the Nanomaterials Application to the Indoor Air Quality Control, including green building concept and overall progress with Engineering Nanomaterials Regulation in EU and worldwide.
Workshop Organizer:
Prof. Dr. José Oliveira Santos ULHT, E-mail:
Prof. Dr. Svitlana Lyubchyk NOVA id FCT and REQUIMTE, FCT/UNL E-mail:
Address: Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT)
Campo Grande 376, 1749-024 Lisboa, PORTUGAL , ULHT sala N 2.1 da Biblioteca
Phone: +351 21 751 5500
Phone: +351 96 384 1668
There were 25 Participants, including team leaders, team’s staff and invited persons/staff from other divisions/departments from 10 academic organizations from Portugal, France, Ukraine and Belarus and 5 non-academic organization from Spain, Portugal, France and Ukraine.
There were 5 Lecture/Key Notes, of the invited Profs and Eng. From others then project partner’s EU organizations from Portugal, 7 project Speakers, during 2 days of Workshop meeting.