The 2nd Workshop of the “NANOGUARD2AR” 696809 project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 is a valuable and motivating forum for the researchers in physics, materials science, chemistry, and engineering from both academy and industry to discuss the latest advances and issues in the design and application of nanomaterials-based air-curtain engineering solution to ensure sustainable green building concept and also to establish their own networks and hence creating the sense of shared European values.
Workshop Organizer:
Prof. Eng. João Godinho Viegas LNEC, E-mail:
Prof. Dr. Svitlana Lyubchyk NOVA id FCT and REQUIMTE, FCT/UNL E-mail:
Av. do Brasil 101, 1700-066 Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Phone: +351 21 844 3533
Phone: +351 96 384 1668
There were 30 Participants, including team leaders, team’s staff and invited persons/staff from other divisions/departments from 8 academic organizations from Portugal, France, Ukraine and Belarus and 5 non-academic organization from Spain, Portugal, France and Ukraine.
There were 5 Lectures/Key Notes, including 3 Invited talks of the invited Profs and Eng., 14 project Speakers [18 presentation on WPs progress delivered], including 3 young team’s members presentation during 2 days of Workshop meeting.