Thesis and Alumni
- André Nunes - Applied Chemistry project- FCT- UNL - "Development of hydrogels for artwork cleaning"
- Pedro Santos - Applied Chemistry project- FCT- UNL - "Gel polymer electrolyte study"
- Raquel Barrulas - Master in Bioorganic Chemistry - FCT- UNL - Thesis title - "Treatment of paper biodeterioration by fungi: An NMR approach to the preservation of human history"
- Sara Inocêncio - Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering - "Physical-Chemical study of drug impregnated silicas: from matrix to drug delivery"
- Gabriel Marcelino - Master in Material Science Engineering - FCT-UNL - Thesis title - "Study on Ionic liquids for energy storage"
- Coro Echeverria Zabala - Postdoctoral Researcher - FCT-UNL
- Miguel Baptista - Master in Biomedical Engineering - FCT-UNL - Thesis title: "Development of new magnetic nanoparticles for theranostics"
- Fernan Berride - Visiting scientist from Vigo, Spain
- Inês Rosete - Master in Bioorganic Chemistry - FCT- UNL - Thesis title: "Gelation of Cellulose Derivatives: Searching for ionic liquid paper"
- Gabriela Pereira - Master in Biomedical Engineering - FCT-UNL - Thesis title: "Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles as contrast agents for MRI"