Technical description

- Bruker 300 7,2 T wide bore
1H frequency: 300.13 MHz
- Avance III
- 2-channel digital
- Gradient: GRASP IIP
- Amplifiers of low (100W and 300W) and high (1000W) power for liquids and solids;
- Gradient amplifier of high power (60A – 1500G/cm) for diffusion and microimaging;
- Temperature control BVT 3000.
- Software: Topspin 3.2 (for spectroscopy) and Paravision 5.1 (for microimaging).
- Liquid state 13C/1H/2H 5mm dual probe (VT);
- Liquid state BB/1H/2H 10mm broadband probe (VT);
- Solid State MAS/CP/HPD, 4mm/15 kHz probe (VT), with a frequency range of 40-300MHz;
- High power wide line 1H 5mm probe;
- High power wide line 1H 10mm probe;
- Diffusion probe Diff30 (60A/1500 G/cm) for 1H and 7Li;
- Microimaging probe PH Micro 2.5 with 1H and 2H inserts.