Luz Fernandes

Senior Technician

  • p: (+351) 212947805 Ext: 11 408

Short bio:

Luz Fernandes completed her PhD in Sustainable Chemistry in 2016 at NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA FCT), her Master's degree in Food Technology/Quality in 2003 at NOVA FCT and her degree in Chemistry - branch of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Aveiro. Luz Fernandes (13 manuscripts, H index 11, in Web of Science) is an integrated member of the Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry (LAQV), with more than 20 years of practical experience with mass spectrometry-based analysis. Has solid knowledge of GC-FID; GC/MS (EI, CI, FI and FD ion sources, Q and TOF mass analysers); MALDI-TOF; MALDI-TOF-TOF and LC/MS. Since 2003 she has worked at the analytical laboratory.