The Laboratório de Análises was created in 2002 to offer analytical support to the Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde – Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry REQUIMTE – Network of Chemistry and Technology, to other higher education and research units, and companies as well as those that are interested in the available services. The main propose of the Laboratory is to support research, providing infrastructure and knowledge for science and innovation. This framework allows the development of analysis methodologies in a wide spectrum of areas. Furthermore, the Laboratory is determined in the efficiency of response in the shortest time possible.

The Department of Chemistry (DQ) is a teaching and research unit of NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA-FCT), part of NOVA University of Lisbon.

The DQ is dedicated to the quality of teaching, scientific research and the provision of specialized servic es to the community in the fundamental areas of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, and Chemistry, which give their name to the three Scientific Sections in which the DQ is organized.

Created in 1981, the DQ has recognized implementation in the teaching and work market. It asserted itself at the time through the novelty and specificity introduced by the degree in Applied Chemistry, with which the teaching of chemistry in the Faculty began, and today it has a wide educational offer both at the 1st and 2nd cycle levels, as well as at the doctoral level (3rd cycle).

In May 2022, the DQ integrated the teaching, research and non-teaching staff of the Department of Biomass Science and Technology (DCTB).

The DQ hosts members of three Research Units: the Associated Lab. for Green Chemistry - Clean Technologies and Processes (LAQV), the Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit (UCIBIO), and the Mechanical Engineering and Resource Sustainability Center (MEtRICs).

Currently the DQ has 62 professors, including 11 full professors, 18 associate professors and 31 assistant professors. It also has 2 visiting professors, 26 retired professors, 59 researchers and more than 20 science managers, administrative staff, technicians, and technical assistants.