T. Medici, "O Vidro Tardomedieval em Portugal"; in Seminário Internacional 'A História e Cultura do Vidro no Desenvolvimento e na Identidade de um Povo', Oliveira de Azeméis 28 May.
M. Bandiera, P. Lehuédé, M. Verità, M. Vilarigues, "The nano-technology in Roman opaque red glass from the 2nd century AD. Archaeometric investigation in red sectilia from decoration of the Lucius Verus Villa"; in Spring Meeting of European Material Research Society (E-MRS) Nice 27-31 of May, in the Symposium "Cultural Heritage- science, material and technolgies".
M. Bandiera, M. Verità, S. Zecchin, M. Vilarigues, "Il vetro rosso opaco Veneziano attraverso ricettari e analisi", in XX giornate nazionali di studio del Vetro (Comitato Nazionale Italiano AIHV), la multidiciplinarietà nella ricerca sul vetro, Ravenna 18-19 maggio 2019.
I. Coutinho, M. Vilarigues, L. Pequito “Uma História Engarrafada: O Vidro Utilitário do séc.XVIII em Almada (A Bottled Story: Utilitarian Glass dated to the 18th century and found in Almada).” 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, within the theme ‘6. Museums and the challenges of archaeological heritage in 21st century’, Barcelona, 5-8 September 2018.
C. R. Santos, T. Palomar, P. Dabas, M. Vilarigues, I. Coutinho*, (2018) "Studying and decoding the secrets hidden in the 18-20TH centuries Portuguese GLASS ARCANA “, 6th YOCOCU Conference - Dialogues in Cultural Heritage, Matera: YOCOCU & CNR-IBAM (Istituto per I Beni Archeologici e Monumental), 151-154.
M. R. Varela, F. Pulido Valente, T. Medici, B. Gratuze, I. Coutinho*, M. Vilarigues, (2018) “Provenance studies of a set of filigree glass unearthed in Portugal and dated to the 16 th and 17th centuries: preliminary results”, 6th YOCOCU Conference - Dialogues in Cultural Heritage, Matera: YOCOCU & CNR-IBAM (Istituto per I Beni Archeologici e Monumental), 163-166.
M.Bandiera, M. Vilarigues, M. Verita' "Technological study and chemical-archaeometric characterization of Roman opaque red glass fo 2nd century AD in Gorga Collection", in V Congreso Hispano-Luso de Ceramica y Vidrio, LVI Congreso Nacional de la SECV, Barcelona (Spain) October 8-10, 2018.
F. P. Valente, I. Coutinho, T. Medici and M. Vilarigues "Reconstituição da historia do vidro a partir dos seus fragmentos". 24° PubhD 26th February, 2018 Lisbon.
I.Coutinho, F. Pulido Valente L. C. Alves and T. Medici “Glass bracelets in medieval Portugal: insights on production and circulation” 4th International Conference, Medieval Europe In Motion, The Middle Ages: A Global Context?, 13-15 December, 2017, Lisbon.
F. Pulido Valente, I. Coutinho, T. Medici and M. Vilarigues. "16th – 17thcentury filigrana glass found in Portugal: some preliminary observations". ATTI, Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. Study days on Venetian glass, Venetian filigrana glass through the Centuries. Istituto Veneto Di Scienze, Lettere Ed Arti, Venezia 11th - 13thSeptember, 2017, Venice, Italy
I. Coutinho, & M. Vilarigues, "The use of glass in medieval pigment making" in 5th International Conference on Glass Science in Art and Conservation (GLASSAC), 6-9 June 2017, Caparica, Portugal.
I. Coutinho, T. Medici, L.C. Alves & Vilarigues, M. "Potassium-rich glass in Lisbon in the 18th century" in 5th International Conference on Glass Science in Art and Conservation (GLASSAC), Special Day on the Post-Roman Glass in the Iberian Peninsula, 6-9 June 2017, Caparica, Portugal.
S. Rocha, L. C. Alves, I. Coutinho, “Wine Glass Bottles: an 18th century set discovered in Almada”, Materiais 2019 - XIX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and X International Symposium on Materials, 14-17 April 2019.
M.Bandiera, M. Verità, S. Zecchin, M. Vilarigues, "Riproduzioni in laboratorio di vetro rosso opaco"; XX giornate Nazione di Studio sul vetro (Comitato Nazionale Italiano AIHV), La multidisciplinarietà nella ricerca sul vetro, Ravenna 18-19 maggio 2019
M. Bandiera, M. Vilarigues, M. Verita' "Roman opaque red glass from Lucius Verus villa, 2nd cetury AD. The secrets of colours", X congresso nazionale AIAR, 14-17 February 2018, Torino (Italy).
F. P. Valente, I. Coutinho, T. Medici and M. Vilarigues "New insights about glass ith pick-up decoration from the 16th and 17th century found in Portugal". Encontro com a Ciêmcia e Tecnologia em Portugal, Lisbon, 2018.
Medici T., 16th- and 17th- century opaque red glass from Portugal. Updating the distribution map. Poster, 21st International Congress of the Association Internationale pour I'Histoire du Verre, Istanbul, Turkey (Istanbul University, 2-7 September 2018).
I. Coutinho, T. Medici, R. Wiley, L. C. Alves, B. Gratuze, M. Vilarigues "The Gourd-Shaped Vessel: A Portuguese Product?" Poster, GLASSAC 2017 - 5th International Conference on Glass Science in Art and Conservation 2017, Caparica e Lisboa, 6-9 June.
Medici T. "O vidro tardomedieval e moderno em Portugal (séc. XIV-XVII): proposta de crono-tipologia" Poster, GLASSAC 2017 - 5th International Conference on Glass Science in Art and Conservation 2017, Caparica e Lisboa, 6-9 June.
F. Pulido Valente, I. Coutinho, T. Medici and M. Vilarigues. "16th – 17th century Pick-up Decoration glass found in Portugal: Technology and context". GLASSAC 2017 - Glass Science in Art and Conservationconference in June 6th, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.