

Medici, Teresa, 2018. Vidro arqueológico do século XVI no Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro (Coimbra): abordagem ao vidro quinhentista em Portugal / Archaeological glass at the Museu Nacional de Machado de castro (Coimbra): an approach to the study of 16th century glass in Portugal. ConimbrigaLVII, p. 217-264.

F. P. Valente, I. Coutinho, T. Medici and M.Vilarigues, "16th-17th century filigrana glass found in Portugal: some preliminary observations". In: Atti, Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. Study days on Venetian glass, Venetian filigrana glass through the centuries; R. M. Barovier and C. Tonini, edizioni. Istituo Veneto di Scienze, Lettere e Arti, Venezia, 2018.

C. R. Santos, T. Palomar, P. Dabas, M. Vilarigues, I. Coutinho, "Studying and decoding the secrets hidden in the 18-20TH centuries Portuguese GLASS ARCANA “, In: A. Macchia, N. Masina, M. F. La Russa, F. Prestileo (eds.), Short paper of the 6th YOCOCU Conference - Dialogues in Cultural Heritage, Matera: YOCOCU & CNR-IBAM (Istituto per I Beni Archeologici e Monumental), 151-154.

M. R. Varela, F. Pulido Valente, T. Medici, B. Gratuze, I. Coutinho, M. Vilarigues, “Provenance studies of a set of filigree glass unearthed in Portugal and dated to the 16 th and 17th centuries: preliminary results”, In: A. Macchia, N. Masina, M. F. La Russa, F. Prestileo (eds.), Short paper of the 6th YOCOCU Conference - Dialogues in Cultural Heritage, Matera: YOCOCU & CNR-IBAM (Istituto per I Beni Archeologici e Monumental), 163-166.

T. Palomar, R. J. D. Hidalgo, M. Vilarigues, “Pigments, vinegar, and blood: Interpretation and reproduction of glassy materials from the medieval manuscript H-490”, International Journal of Applied Glass Science, DOI: 10.11 11/ijag.12354.

T. Medici, I. Coutinho, L. C. Alves, B. Gratuze, M. Vilarigues, “Looking through Late Medieval and Early Modern glass in Portugal”, In: S. Wolf, A. Pury-Gysel (eds.) Annales du 20e Congrès de l’Association International pour l’Histoire du Verre, Fribourg/Romont, 7-11 Septembre 2015. Romont: AIHV - Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, 412-420.

Boavida, Carlos; Medici, Teresa, 2018. Os vidros do Largo do Coreto de Carnide (Lisboa). In: Meios, Vias e Trajetos: Entrar e sair de Lisboa. Actas do 2º seminário "Fragmentos de Arqueologia de Lisboa", Lisboa 30 e 31 de Maio de 2017(Fragmentos de Arqueologia de Lisboa, 2). Câmara Municipal de Lisboa/ Direção Municipal de Cultura/ Departamento de Património Cultural/ Centro de Arqueologia de Lisboa; Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa / Secção de Arqueologia, Lisboa, p. 179-196.


Medici, T., Coutinho, I., Alves, L.C., Gratuze, B., Vilarigues, M., 2017. Looking through Late Medieval and Early Modern glass in Portugal, in: Wolf, S., de Pury-Gysel, A. (Eds.), Annales du 20e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (Fribourg / Romont 7-11 septembre 2015), AIHV - Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, Romont, pp. 412-420.

Arzone, Antonella; Medici, Teresa; Napione, Ettore, 2017. Frammenti dell’arte di corte dal palazzo di Cansignorio Della Scala: il bicchiere decorato a smalto con la scala araldica. Verona Illustrata30, p. 5-27.

Medici, Teresa, 2017. Cabaças. Bottiglie a forma di zucca tra Venezia, Spagna e Portogallo. In: CIAPPI, S.; DIANI, M. G.; UBOLDI, M. (eds.), Vetro e Alimentazione. XVIII Giornate Nazionali di Studio sul Vetro del Comitato Nazionale Italiano dell'AIHV (Pavia, 16-17 maggio 2015). Comitato Nazionale Italiano dell'AIHV, Cremona, p. 115-123.

I. Coutinho, M. Vilarigues, “The use of glass in medieval pigment making”, In: I. Coutinho, T. Palomar, S. Coentro, A. Machado, M. Vilarigues (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th GLASSAC International Conference, Caparica: NOVA FCT Editorial, 19-21.

I. Coutinho, T. Medici, L. C. Alves, M. Vilarigues, “Potassium-rich glass in Lisbon in the 18th century”, In: I. Coutinho, T. Palomar, S. Coentro, A. Machado, M. Vilarigues (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th GLASSAC International Conference, Caparica: NOVA FCT Editorial, 129-131.

I. Coutinho, T. Medici, L. C. Alves, Š. Perović, “Colourless Roman glass from the Zadar necropolis: An exploratory approach”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 15, 194-202.

I. Coutinho, T. Medici, L. C. Alves, B. Gratuze, M. Vilarigues, “Provenance studies of 18th century potassium-rich archaeological glass from Portugal”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 13, 185-198.

I. Coutinho, B. Gratuze, L. C. Alves, T. Medici, M. Vilarigues, “Wine Bottles From Lisbon: Archaeometric Studies Of Two Archaeological Sites Dated From The 17th To The 19th Century”, Archaeometry, 59, 852-873.

I. Coutinho, T. Medici, R. Wiley, L. C. Alves, B. Gratuze, M. Vilarigues, “The Gourd-Shaped Vessel: A Portuguese Product?”, Journal of Glass Studies, 59, 215-234.

I. Coutinho, T. Medici, L. C. Alves, L. Fernandes, B. Gratuze, M. Vilarigues, “Glass finds from the Museu de Lisboa - Teatro Romano (Lisbon): historical and chemical approach of an archaeological set from the Modern Period”, Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 20, 157-166.


A. Rodrigues, M. Almeida, M. Vilarigues, “The Extra Piece of the Puzzle: A Combined Stylistic and Analytical Study for the Reconstruction of Two Fragmented Glass Goblets from the Collection of Ferdinand II of Portugal”, Recent Advances in Glass, Stained Glass and Ceramics Conservation, ICOM-CC Working Group Glass and Ceramics Interim Meeting.

F. P. Valente, I. Coutinho, T. Medici, C. Brain, M. Vilarigues, "A Group of Early English Lead Crystal Glass Goblets Found in Lisbon", Journal of Glass Studies, 58, 211-225.

I. Coutinho, T. Medici, S. Coentro, L. C. Alves, M. Vilarigues, "First archaeometric study on medieval glass found in Beja (Southern Portugal)”, Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 8, 148-175.

I. Coutinho, T. Medici, L. C. Alves, B. Gratuze, M. Vilarigues, “Provenance studies on façon-de-Venise glass excavated in Portugal”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 7, 437-448.

I. Coutinho, T. Medici, R. J. C. Silva, B. Gratuze, H. Catarino, A. Lima, “Gilding on glass: New evidence from a 17th century flask found in Portugal”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 6, 293-301.

A. Rodrigues, B. Martinho, F. Berger, A. Franco, M. Vilarigues, “The glass room of the National Palace of Necessidades in Lisbon)", In. S. Wolf, A. Pury-Gysel, (eds.) Annales du 20e Congrès de l’Association International pour l’Histoire du Verre, Fribourg/Romont, 7-11 Septembre 2015. Romont: AIHV - Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, 612-616.

A. Rodrigues, B. A. Martinho, “The Assemblage of a Distinct Glass Collection. The creation and display of the glass and stained‑glass collection of Ferdinand II of Portugal”, Revista de História da Arte – Série W, 3, 76-93.


Medici, Teresa; Radić Rossi, Irena, 2015. Glass finds from the shipwreck of Cape Ratac (Island of Koločep, Croatia). In: LAZAR, I. (ed.), Annales du 19e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre(Piran 2012), Piran, p. 479-489.


T. Medici, A. Lima, A. P. Matos, M. Vilarigues, “O papel dos materiais geológicos no estudo de proveniência de vidros”, In: P. Dinis, A. Gomes, S. Monteiro-Rodrigues (coord.) Proveniência de materiais geológicos: abordagens sobre o Quaternário de Portugal, APEQ - Associação Portuguesa para o Estudo do Quaternário, 243-268.